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Interest Check A Campaign of Shock and Awe (Yamatai Political RP)


Active Member
What is this: a plot centered around the Yamatai election.

What’s the tone: It will sit mostly on the Cynical/Absurd side of the spectrum. This is politics so expect over-the-top narcissistic characters trying to turn everyone around them into a step ladder to the top. Serious issues in the setting will get boiled down to talking points and spin opportunities.

Who are the characters: All the players will be members of the Yamatai Political Society (YiPS), a rising political party in the Yamatai senate with hopes of claiming the Senate and the Premiership. The YiPS do not have a ruling ideology or even a coherent party platform, so any and all beliefs and goals are encouraged for player characters.

What do they do: the players would be called in to manage the crises that arise during a campaign. They will have to put their morals, standards, and even their own well being aside to make sure their candidates make it to Election Day! They’ll be held in check by the 4 party heads of the YiPS and will have to deal with the internal factionalism of said party chiefs and their often contradictory ideas of what the party should be.

Language: 3 politicians curse a lot!

Sex: 2.5 it will be discussed and there’s a chance of certain things being described but the player characters will not be expected to participate nor will any graphic or extremely explicit acts be described.

Violence: 2 Can’t say people won’t get office supplies thrown at their heads and crime bosses won’t show up to twist a few fingers around but no one should be wading through oceans of blood and gore.

I’m open to any and all suggestions to make the plot more interesting. If you want to have a character run as a candidate, you can! If you want to play a spin doctor crisis manager you can do that too!

Feel free to ask any questions you’d like.
It'll be so nice to have some action in the political side of Yamatai (as opposed to just the usual military side).
@demibear @Soban @Wes and @ anyone else who's interested this plot has been posted over in the yamatai forum check it out:

Awesome, I'm not sure how Anslen is going to enter the scene, as he's a senator.
Awesome, I'm not sure how Anslen is going to enter the scene, as he's a senator.
He could be visiting the office to hear an offer from the YPPS switching parties or if you’d rather he maintain an upper hand he can call in and to try to grab a deal from them in return for giving them an out.
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