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A Dog Pissed On Your Bread


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I was looking at Reddit and I saw this post from workers of a grocery store and one commenter posted this:

What the hell. What are you guys thoughts on people bringing dogs into food stores? I know with most restaurants the health regulations say they can't be in food prep or dining areas (because of allergies presumably?). So should dogs be in the places where you get your food? Do you think people are abusing vague laws intended for service animals to bring in barely-trained random pets?
The store where I work has a strict support-dogs only rule, which as i understand it is pretty much the norm here in England.

In the interest of full disclosure though, pretty sure kids and teenagers cause more damage to the foodstuffs in our store than pets ever have!
At least in the USA we have laws on service animals that people take advantage of and abuse.

You can ask if it is a service animal, and what tasks it is trained to perform. But that's mostly it! You cant ask them to prove it or disprove it. So if some woman brings a rat-dog in her purse and she throws a fit you can get sued if on the off chance it is correct!

So you cant really ban an animal on those grounds but as a private business you can deny that person entry into your facility. So at least most people with actual service animals have a vest on them and documents and cards to prove it (and few people who need service animals will throw a fit when you ask them if it's a service animal and will often just pull out a card or papers to prove it while anyone faking it will have a meltdown.)

As to an animal peeing tho? They don't have the same mental faculties as us. Some can tell you when they need to go but in an environment outside their home everything is a bathroom to them and they cant really differentiate if its okay to pee in a Walmart or on the grass. Service Animals however if properly trained from a puppy can be trained to do their business on cue and most people with service animals will have them do their business before entering somewhere for that reason.

So pretty much it sucks but you cant tell someone they cant have a minpin in their purse or they can sue you, but you can tell the person themselves they cant be there to avoid a possible situation. While anyone who has an actual service animal usually can be identified pretty easy by the demenor of the animal and how most people have a vest decalring them as such on the animal and wont too often cause a scene.
Reactions: Wes
I had to read the title twice before I actually clicked on the thread. Service animals are fine, but someone just bringing their pet into a shop and pulling this crap? No.
Reactions: Wes
Most dogs brought into public spaces are better behaved than most children that parents believe they have the right to take anywhere. Some canine breeds have the intelligence capabilities of 3 year olds and can be trained much easier than a small human, too.

But the biggest issue with dogs is other dogs. Even the best trained dog can be set off by the presence of another dog. If it werenโ€™t for that, Iโ€™d think that well trained dogs should be allowed in more places.

As for the example in the opening post: thatโ€™s gross. Sounds like it was taken care of, though, just as any human-caused mess in a store would be.
Reactions: Wes
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