Star Army

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A few questions

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Inactive Member
The aether generators are too small,
What is the size of an Aether generator then? Right now it seems like it can be one size for a power armor and has to be another for new submissions.

CFS isn't available to Nepleslia
Wazu, who was the one who came up with the multi-pourpose CDD, would have the knowledge to build one of these. Am I wrong?

materials that don't exist in the SARP (not approved),
Smart metals have been used before and been approved before what makes them different now?

dimensions unreasonable (missiles under 8cm long?),
Size edits have been made.

the name is terrible,
Why would that stop the approval process?

and self-replicating nanotechnology has shown itself to be detrimental to the RP in many PvP military RP plots.
Because of the Nepleslian ship limit, only a certain number can exsist at any one time. ONTOP of that this is not self-replicating nanotechnology because it uses old fashioned fabrication printers.
Wes, I have a question as well, and I'm going to put it in as civil a way as I can. I know that Zack doesn't always listen to criticism (I'm not insulting you, man, just acknowledging an opposing viewpoint). But that shouldn't really matter. This is part of that "bull" which Zack described. So here's the question: don't you think that if perhaps you stopped locking Zack's threads and gave him the chance to edit his posts, then he wouldn't have to keep reposting his damn ideas? You seem to dislike it when he reposts but you don't give him any other choice.
I still don't understand why these auto-tak drone weapons are classified as ships.

They are not ships, they're mobile, automated weapon platforms that operate without human interaction. It's probably about the size bare minimum stripped down fighter craft, but nowhere near Ship level.

materials that don't exist in the SARP (not approved),

He ment the Smart metal you have created for the Waffle dubbed Blueberry. and the Smart plactic named Strawberry.

the name is terrible,

Say what you want, but naming weapons and componets after food is stupid. They get away with it in anime due to the fact the names are puns. Also, noone will take your tech seriously if you give them such dumb names.

A ship can be a spacecraft. A spacecraft is a vehicle that goes into space. A vehicle is a device or structure that transports something, in this case missiles. If you can find some flaw in this logic that would prove that it is not a ship then by all means point it out.

The only reason why the material was not approved is because it was called Blueberry. The only difference between earlyer smart metal and this is that now I decided to start naming things.

What possible reason is there that I can not name things what I want to name them? It does not make the tech any more or less valid. If anything what is a 'proper' name for something anyways? Does it have to be japan related? Must it have to deal with sex? This is a completely arbitrary basis for tech approval.
ship ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shp)

1. A vessel of considerable size for deep-water navigation.
2. A sailing vessel having three or more square-rigged masts.
2. An aircraft or spacecraft.
3. The crew of one of these vessels.
4. One's fortune: When my ship comes in, I'll move to a larger house.

ve·hi·cle ( P ) Pronunciation Key (v-kl)

1. A device or structure for transporting persons or things; a conveyance: a space vehicle.
2. A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires; a motor vehicle.
2. A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished: His novels are a vehicle for his political views.
3. The concrete or specific word or phrase that is applied to the tenor of a metaphor and gives the metaphor its figurative power, as walking shadow in "Life's but a walking shadowâ€
This will be my last responce to Cora, as to limit flaming in the tread.

A word can have two meanings. In the case that we are talking about defnition 2: an aircraft or a spacecraft, is obviously the one that applies.

For the deffinition of spacecraft, 1. A device or structure for transporting persons or things; a conveyance: a space vehicle, the ship is transporting missiles into space.

As for the Razor: entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity. Under your argument Role play should not exsist because it in itself because there is no point to role playing one thing if it already exsists elsewhere.

Neither of your arguments are good, neither of your arguments are logical, and neither of your arguments are well thought out.
Ok, that's it. I'm done.

I don't know why I try and say anything to you Uso, you just ignore it, or translate it into vauge backtalk.

So, Fine, I'm wrong, you're right, a drone roughtly two and a half times the size of an average human male is a full fledged warship and will be the main reasion the Nepeslian Star Army will crumble and fall if they're ever invaded.

Good job.

Oh, and the Razor was ment for YOU always reinventing the wheel when there are all ready enough alternatives in the market already!!
What is the size of an Aether generator then? Right now it seems like it can be one size for a power armor and has to be another for new submissions.

Aetheric generators are about as big as a dictionary at their smallest.

Uso, you are in the question thread and are barely giving any indication of prior context. While the thread is relevant with asking questions, I'm not even sure of if it's a good idea to post something like this up.

I'm moving this to setting discussion. It seems to would be the better place for this discussion to happen, since it's directly related to your tech submissions, and yet more angled toward inquiries as to feasibility of select technological applications.
If they are as big as a dictionary at their smallest why wouldn't they be able to fit into the waffle or into the missiles? There is plenty of space for it.
How much bigger could they possibly be expecally when they can back engeneer the star army stuff? Wes had given permission for Aether generators to be used by Nepleslia as well.
If they back-engineer they risk royally pissing off Yamatai, and having resources removed. Simply being able to use an aether generator doesn't instantly mean you're going to have access to the cutting edge.
Still how big could they possibly be? Even if they can't make ones dictionary size ones twice or even three times the size would still be workable.
Nepleslian aether generators, I'd say, would probably be as small as the average man's underwear drawer.

It's not a ship. Ships are large.

What possible reason is there that I can not name things what I want to name them? It does not make the tech any more or less valid. If anything what is a 'proper' name for something anyways? Does it have to be japan related? Must it have to deal with sex? This is a completely arbitrary basis for tech approval.
We're trying to run a fairly serious roleplay setting here. If you would like suggestions on a name, I'm sure others and I could come up with some.
He ment the Smart metal you have created for the Waffle dubbed Blueberry. and the Smart plactic named Strawberry.
These "materials" were never approved.
Wazu, who was the one who came up with the multi-pourpose CDD, would have the knowledge to build one of these. Am I wrong?
No, I was. Wazu would probably be able to work some Combined Field stuff out, given time.

Speaking of time, one of the other reasons I didn't approve the thing was because it's been like two IC days since NAMS was founded. That's not really enough time to produce a droid like this. O,o
Ships are large is a completely arbitrary statement not supported by the deffinitions. A ship can be of any size and if not then what size constitutes a ship? Is a shuttle not a ship? are frigates not ships? How big does it have to be to be a ship?

If I can't use a humorous name then what are acceptable names?

Why can I not use smart metal? What possible reason could there be for not approving these materials that already exsist?

Wazu was the one who came up with the conept of using the CDD for more than just movement, applying it to other areas of shipbuilding. Even considering the time it would take to design these without prior knowledge of the system and a basic familiarity of the CDD how long would it really take? especally when it has been established most of the work is done by computers.

In the same vien, a new species was designed in RP over the course of not very long because the characters were using a computer to help in the design process. Again how long could it possibly take to design something like this and if it was a reason for locking/deleting threads then why wasn't it posted earlyer?
Ships and Boats.

Boats can fit on a ship, but a ship can't fit on a boat.

Ships and Fighters

Fighters can fit on a ship, but a ship cannot fit on a fighter.

A Ship (More so a Warship or a Battleship, or Gunship or Command Ship) has a required size and tonnage before it's considered a ship. Something under 1 ton and around five meters in length/hight cannot be a ship because it does not meet the generally accepted requirements.

Also, shuttles are not ships, they are shuttles. And Frigattes are ships.

Drones are not ships. Ships can be flown by remote or automation but are still ships. Your continued acceptance of the very notion that something roughtly larger then a canoe is a ship is laughable Uso.
So a lego ship is not a ship? Power armors can not be considered spaceships? Shuttles can not be considered space ships?

Under the dictionary deffinition of ship, the drone IS a ship.
Uso, you're being deliberatingly dense! Just say your damn drone is on the level of a power armor and we'll be able to relate already. Geez! You guys can be so specific sometimes! >_<

Quit harranguing over this and find some ways to have fun. Seriously! This back and forth is repetitive and serves no purpose. Get back to the points that are important and when you get answers, quit weedling repeatedly to have them changed if you don't like them.
Under the dictionary deffinition it IS a ship. I have provided links to the deffinition, I have pointed out logically how it fits into the deffinition and yet people are still calling me wrong. This is bull.

The real issue with it being called a ship or not (which it is according to the dictionary) is the issue with self replication. would it be acceptable if I changed it so that it required outside input of resources to self replicate?
That would certainly make it less controversial. Self replicating armed 'ships' is enough to give anyone nightmares.
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