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A few questions

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A Lego ship is a MODEL of a ship. So no it's not a sea worthy craft.

Powered armor suits are humanoid shaped suits of armor ment for combat on land or in air/space, they may have ship level power (which this RP does) But they are not ships in the sense that they are a suit of metalic clothing.

Shuttle craft are not ships in the sense they are craft, crafts are the tricky ambigious name for a vessal that can logicaly be anything. BUT, they are called Shuttle Crafts not Shuttle Ships for a very simple reason, aside from the even simplier reason is that they are planes, and not ships.

By your reasoning a KITE is a ship!

And I repeat the Waffle, with blueberry and Strawberry, though it lack whipped cream and syurp, is an automated attack drone, a highly mobile, self guiding weapon. It is not a ship in the sense it is an unmanned fighter craft and not a warship or Battle ship or a Gunship, or a frigate, or a Sloop or a Cruiser.
I am going by the dictionary. You are just making stuff up.

Go ahead and cite a source.
As a matter of principle I'm bringing Wikipedia in to it:

Or for our situation:

The Muffin does not carry any smaller vessels, and as such can not be a ship. It must therefore be a Starboat.
I would have used Wikipedia, but Uso Tasuki ignores most refrences there, due to it's Open sourse nature. So Logicistically I would be in the exact same place as I am now even if I used it.
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