Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Elysia A more benevolent God


Inactive Member
“There has been some question on what our role is in this world, if by world I am understood to mean universe – indeed some who should have known better have questioned are very position in the great plan of God. I admit that this issue has become complicated as of late, over the last three decades in particular, because of what war has done to us. Perhaps we have forgotten what our true universal vocation is.

Never forget that our God loves all creation, and the death of any of his creatures granted through the divine process of evolution of sentience and thus a soul grieves him. He sheds a tear for each of the heathen – who do not accept him and reject his love. He sheds a tear for each of those who die in our cause – but love is cruel, as is true kindness. God created us to be caretakers of this universe, to care for it, sustain it and to bring its peoples to know love in him – and within our divinely ordain empire. On the surface it might appear to be kinder to leave the heathen alone, to allow him to wallow in his lack of faith since to do otherwise will merely cause suffering – but temporary suffering is nothing as to the eternal paradise that being one with God entails. Of our existence only the briefest glimmer is on this plane – and yet it is here we must make the decisions that shape the rest of eternity. It does not seem so kind now to leave them – we must bring them to our cause for their own good. And through doing so it may be necessary to be cruel, to be kind.

Let us look at the sins which got us cast out of our Heavens – for with God on our side we could not have failed and thus it must have been a message from the divine. We raised ourselves above our subjects. Do not misinterpret my meaning – we are, as part of Gods plan, superior spiritually – while they contain the immortal essence ours is purer and reserved for the highest eternal bliss and purest understanding. Yet we not treat them with benevolence, we did not work to bring them to God through kindness and yes – Love. We, who have been made Lords of Creation by God found it necessary to make ourselves Lords on the material plane and only of the material plane! Our regime became corrupt, we moved away from the Father! We even treated our brethren, the poor accursed Plebeians who share the same divine spark even if their forms are crippled by their mixed blood, not as the carriers of our culture, but as slaves. Our class system was crafted by God, and yet it was not designed to be an object of oppression but of division of labour to those most naturally able. In order to continue a war which was not about the Lords plan but about Our plan we let them suffer and starve. I thank God every day that the new regime is more benevolent than that.

There is much hatred amongst some areas of our culture against the Yamatians – but hatred is not something that God wants. They have committed great sins, slaughtered millions of our people, created a biological weapon which has spread beyond its purpose as a pure mimicry of life – they exiled us from our planet. Yet we must not allow these to blind us – we know what they are capable of and must base our decisions on that, and yet we must deal with the present not the past. If they ask for it we must forgive, if they do not we will leave it to God to decide their fate. Know that if we truly follow God we can not fail and the truth will out.

Because of these wars, these acts of slaughter on both sides we are hated throughout the universe. It has recently been revealed to the universe that we, as we so long claimed, are indeed innocent of the heinous accusation that we spread the Great Plague which slaughtered billions and led to our own exile. While this may have helped our image somewhat, we are still reviled – how are we meant to spread our faith with this? Through slaughter? I think that that has failed – we must stop thinking of the immediate and instead put our minds in the state of the infinite. God is not in a rush, he would rather secure more people come to him overall than more temporarily in the present – we must prosper, we must expand and regain some element of our prior glory unsullied by the corruption of the past. Others must look at us and see our purity – they must see that in us that that they wish to replicate in themselves. Then we can expand, through one medium or another, then more can come to see God and be encompassed in our benevolent empire.

We must change ourselves so that we might change the universe – it is in our hands.”

Senator Jarhem Kaile moved from the front of the sitting room to one of the couches that were laid out in this, a pleasant Patrician homes - having exercised one of the more characteristic of Elysian cultural exercises – the Speech. He thought it sad that the views he espoused were not accepted by all Elysians, and yet glorified silently in the fact that God had provided so many different opinions so that in the end his could – through didactic supremacy – triumph. He lay down on the couch and took a bunch of grapes before engaging in another art form – small talk.