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RP A New Dawn


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RP Date
YE 46.8
RP Location
Vaalor Palace, UNI Capital
Grand Admiral Caelorn Islerius stood with military precision as he finished being scanned at the checkpoint. His imposing presence alone was enough to command respect, but his immaculate uniform, adorned with an array of medals and decorations, reinforced the authority he carried. The soldier handed him back his g-pad and briefcase. “You are clear to go up, Sir,” the soldier said, pointing to the lift. Islerius gave a curt nod, striding confidently toward the lift. The palace bustled with activity as banners of the former regime were being removed, replaced by the Lunari Ysi’s regal motifs. Outside, a sea of reporters and media drones crowded the courtyard, eager to capture any glimpse of the momentous transition in power. Inside the lift, a quick biosignature scan confirmed his identity.

"Authorized. Grand Admiral Caelorn Islerius, Director of the United Norian Navy. Please proceed," the mindhive announced as the lift ascended toward the Imperial Chambers. Islerius adjusted his uniform with sharp, deliberate motions, ensuring each medal gleamed perfectly and every embellishment was aligned. His demeanor was that of a seasoned military commander, calculated and composed. Recently appointed by Jol’Aester Sylix Lunari to lead her fleets, he had the reputation of a man who had seen it all. He had served loyally under Sylix’s father during both the Void Wars and the Craethel War, making his current role a natural progression in his career. His loyalty to the Lunari Ysi had never been in question.

As the lift doors slid open, he stepped out into a hallway adorned with opulent decorations—statues, relics, and artifacts that radiated power and history. Soldiers and specialists were already hard at work, removing traces of the previous regime’s Eitan decor, replacing it with the Lunari colors of dark purple and gold. Caelorn’s sharp eyes took it all in, but his expression remained unmoved. His jet-black hair, trimmed to the perfect regulation style of the old Minatu code, further enhanced his disciplined look. He was a soldier through and through, the epitome of military elegance.

Approaching a set of grand wooden doors adorned with intricate niranium castings, Caelorn waited as one of the Ortheiad Order sentries broke his formal stance to open the doors for him. The other sentry, equally poised, spoke with the same precision that defined their order. “The Jol’Aester, her majesty Sylix Lunari, will be with you in a few moments. Please make yourself comfortable.”

With a nod of acknowledgment, Caelorn stepped inside the chamber. The room exuded quiet authority, its opulent design centered around a grand conference table, with an unmistakable throne-like chair at its head. Dark purple and gold colors now dominated the room, signaling the Lunari’s rise to power. Another set of doors, likely leading to the inner sanctum of the ruling Ysi, stood closed on the far side of the room—off-limits to all but the most privileged.

Caelorn set his briefcase down beside him and retrieved his g-pad. Two volumetric images appeared above the device, depicting stellar cartography maps of the Yirune Arm and the Kosuke Sector in the Kagami Galaxy. He swept his hand through the images, expanding them to display detailed scans and information about the regions. The projections hovered above the table as he slid the g-pad under the surface, securing the data. Taking his seat, he rested his hands on the armrests of the chair, exuding calm control.
Jol’Aester Sylix Lunari sat with poise and dignity within her personal chambers, dark hair neatly pinned up, her face stoic without an expression. A black body suit adorned her frame with lavish deep purple and golden robes that told exactly who she was. Standing from her chair she would meticulously run her hands over the robes smoothing them out. She stepped out of her chambers it was time.

Calculated steps could be heard in the corridors as vibrant blue eyes watched as the last remnants of the Eitan family was being removed from the capital. It was the least that she could do as per one of the wishes of Tetsuya is that this would be done. It was time that another Ysi would reign. History was being made within these walls, it was the first time a Eitan has not sat on the throne. Her husbands body was not even cold yet as the changes had already begun. The Jol'Aester was not wasting time, history would be made. She was certain there was many questions that would be answered in all due time. The Capital was on lock down except for those who have been sanctioned to be there. It was to ensure everything went according to plan and the media outside where they could not twist or pry.

Once she had reached the conference room she stopped outside of the grand wooden doors as her fingers traced the intricate niranium castings before she would step inside. "Grand Admiral, it is a pleasure to have you here." Her soft yet firm voice would ring out into the room as she made her way over towards her rightful place as she would give a slight nod of her head towards him.
Admiral Islerius stood at attention as soon as the Jol'Aester entered the room, his posture rigid and respectful. The weight of his military service and the deep reverence he held for her presence were evident in his every movement. He bowed deeply, waiting for her to sit before carefully taking his own seat. "Thank you for seeing me, Your Majesty, especially in such a critical time. I understand the transition has you occupied." His voice was measured, respectful, carrying the gravity of the moment. As an attendant poured water into glasses, Islerius patiently waited, ensuring the room was settled before proceeding. "I’ve brought all relevant materials to ensure you're thoroughly briefed on the state of your Navy," he added, his tone serious yet deferential.

The lights dimmed, casting a faint glow over the room, making the projected maps more visible. Islerius expanded the map of the Yuirune Arm, its capital worlds and fleet positions highlighted in soft blue and green hues. He paused, glancing at the Jol'Aester before continuing. "This may not have been relayed to you yet, but there’s a concerning development. An unknown enemy has been appearing at the fringes of our space." His voice grew graver. "They've been attacking our colonies, and troublingly, Craethel vessels have been sighted among their convoys. We still haven’t identified this new enemy, but we suspect they're the force behind the Craethel themselves."

He let that sink in, allowing the weight of his words to linger for a moment before continuing. "Meanwhile, we’ve been recalling our ships to the citadels, preparing them for operations in the Kagami Galaxy. It’s been a slow process, particularly with the transition from Asune-based weaponry to Aether systems. Many of our engineers are also tied up preparing for the monumental task of moving our planets to the Kosuke Sector." He paused again, his eyes never leaving the Jol'Aester as he gauged her reaction. "Do you have any questions, or is there anything you’d like to address before I proceed with the next part of the briefing, Your Majesty?" His voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of urgency as he awaited her response.
The Admiral with his movements conveyed the respect that he held for the Jol'Aester and that is one of the reasons she had appointed him to lead her fleets, besides his reputation alone was impressive. "It does but, it is something that was needed to be done." She replied curtly to him her face still remaining stoic. She knew with his serious tone that this was not going to be a meeting of pleasantries.

As the lights dimmed her hues would look at the projected maps taking in every detail, every piece of information. "No, I was not informed." Her voice unwavering though she was displeased to be learning this information a little later. "I would say you are correct that they are behind the Craethel." She would nod softly as her hues would look up at the Admiral. "Do what you think is best in this situation. I am trusting that you will put the Imperium first." She said leaving the matter completely to his discretion. She appointed him to his position for a reason and she was sure that he would not disappoint.

Every word weighted with the seriousness of this meeting ensured the rise of the Lunari. "The move to the Kosuke Sector will be for the best, we wont have to worry about the Caethel any longer. I expect reports and updates of what is happening. I will not fail our people."
The Admiral studied the Jol'Aester intently, noting her reactions with precision. It became clear to him that Tetsuya had kept her in the dark on matters of state and military affairs, leaving her only with the mantle of power but little experience to guide it. Her trust in him, however, was reassuring. With a measured nod, he responded, "I'll confer with the rest of the admiralty to devise specific strategies for addressing the threats on the frontier. I’ll brief you once we have a plan."

Switching gears, he continued, "The move to the Kosuke Sector may free us from the Craethel, but it will bring us face to face with the Mishhuvurthyar. Our alliance with the Yamatai Star Empire will be crucial for our survival—they are our equals in terms of technology. Tetsuya made several commitments to this alliance before recent events. My recommendation is that we honor those promises."

His tone softened as he broached a more delicate topic. "There’s also the matter of Adrin Eitan, your father-in-law. It seems you’ve withheld the ship his son designed, despite an agreement. This could cause further friction with the Eitans. My sources indicate they've already breached the ship on Noria Citadel and may be ready to depart regardless. Perhaps it’s worth considering letting them go, as originally promised."
Though she maintained a calm and collected demeanor, she knew Tetsuya had kept her in the dark about many things. There was so much she needed to learn in a short time, adding yet another reason for her growing bitterness. She nodded and said, "Thank you."

"I plan to uphold the alliances and honor the promises that were made. We will face the Mishhuvurthyar when the time comes." She reached for the glass of water, lifted it to her lips, and took a sip before setting it back down.

"Let Adrin go. I’d rather avoid any further complications. A promise is a promise." She nodded again. "Give him what is owed. Besides, he may be useful later, especially with the events unfolding." The last thing she wanted was to create an enemy of the Eitans as well.
Admiral Islerius carried himself with a formal presence, his posture a mirror of the discipline instilled by decades of service. He knew that the rest of the admiralty would be on edge with the sudden shift in the dynasty. It was the first time since before the unification of Noria under Caecyan that a non-Eitan ruler would take the throne. Tradition had dictated that the three royal families intermarry to produce rulers, but Tetsuya shattered that order when he married the Minatu Empress Sinith. While the people would eventually adapt to this new reality, he understood that such a change would not come easily.

After the Jol'Aester gave her order, he nodded sharply. "I’ll contact the Citadel and ensure the ship is release~assuming they haven't already blown a hole through it in their attempt to escape," he remarked dryly. The shift in her decision was something he took note of. It appeared that Vaelaris wasn’t the only political strategist in the capital, though that didn’t concern him much. As far as the admiral was concerned, his business remained the same~focused on the UNN's operations rather than palace intrigue.

He sighed with relieve and celebrated internally as the call to the Citadel was in time. He would be able to breathe easier once they were out of UNI controlled space.

Reaching out through his vespers, Islerius linked with the palace mindhive and made the necessary arrangements to release the Tirion-Class Cruiser. "Has Chancellor Vaelaris returned from his errand?" he asked, a trace of curiosity in his voice. It seemed unlike Vaelaris not to be in the capital, overseeing every detail in person.
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The Jol'Aester nodded softly in acknowledgment. "Thank you," she said. She moved her hands to her temples, rubbing in slow, methodical circles as she thought quietly to herself. Anger simmered within her at Vaelaris for trying to keep the ship away from Adrin, and she wondered what his motives could be. She recognized that she would need to keep a close watch on her dear Chancellor.

“Let’s hope not,” she murmured, wishing for everything to go off without a hitch. She closed her eyes, aware that the coronation would take place soon. Already, she felt the sting of betrayal from Vaelaris; she had appointed him in hopes that he would not seek the throne for himself. Though he was arrogant, she believed he could serve a purpose in the end.

She had intended to fulfill the promises made by Tetsuya, though she felt bitterness toward his cunning nature. He was far from ignorant and knew how to wield his knowledge and power effectively. Vaelaris's actions were making it seem as if she wouldn’t live up to her commitments, and he was now skating on thin ice with her.

She made a mental note to host a cocktail party later for the senators and other political leaders, hoping to gain an advantage over Vaelaris.
Donned in attire similar to that of Sylix, Xithra quietly slipped out of the shadows to stand next to her sister. Her violet hues casted a brief, yet analytic glance at Admiral Islerius as she tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear. Since her sister Sylix had been thrust into the limelight after Tetsuya's death she had become especially protective and suspicious. Protective of her sister over the troubles that were surely to come, suspicious of absolutely everyone other than the woman she stood next to. From the shadows she had seen the entire brief and overheard just about every word that had been said between the Jol'Aester and the Admiral. It gave her much to think about, but she was hopeful for this new path they now found themselves on.

Xithra's ears picked up Islerius' sigh, her mind contemplating all the possibilities of what it could mean while hoping for the best. She stood silently next to her sister as an immovable support system against whatever came next. She could tell things were about to get very interesting, more so than they had already. Through vesper to Sylix she shared feelings of heartfelt loyal support, but otherwise remained silent.
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Admiral Islerius stood at attention as Xithra entered, viewing it as an opportune moment to conclude the meeting. He had no ill will toward her, but the demands of his schedule pressed on. As always, the palace buzzed with activity. Grabbing his g-pad and briefcase, he greeted her with formality, "Good morning, Kithra," while crossing his right arm over his chest, his fist lightly touching his left shoulder in a traditional salute. "I hope your day is a pleasant one, Jol'Aester. May the rest of your imperial business proceed smoothly. I will return the day after tomorrow for another briefing," he added, offering a respectful bow before lowering his arm.

Though he could have shared more, he restrained himself. His priority was ensuring the safety and progress of those he cared about, and only then would he invest fully in helping to guide their new ruler. "I'm headed to the Citadel to inspect one of the dreadnoughts that has been converted for the crossover," he informed, standing patiently at attention, waiting for dismissal with due respect.
She felt the presence of her sister standing beside her, but remained stoic, not allowing her emotions to show on her face. This was something she had learned well from her late husband—how to be cold and controlled. Her mind raced as she juggled many concerns and responsibilities. One lesson had become clear over the years: in her position, it was wise to keep her enemies close, for she knew betrayal could come at any moment.

Her sister, however, was different. She knew her sibling would always be lurking in the shadows, ready to support her at every turn. Grateful for this unwavering loyalty, she had appointed her sister as the Imperial Advisor. Their bond was unbreakable, and she trusted that her sister would be an invaluable asset in these trying times.

She nodded softly and turned her gaze toward the Admiral. "Be safe in your travels. I will see you soon. You are dismissed," she said politely. Leaning back in her chair, she glanced at her sister, who had been silently helping her maintain calm throughout the tense moment. She watched the Admiral leave, her eyes lingering on him until the doors closed behind him. "It seems we need to keep an eye on Vaelaris," she murmured quietly to her sister.

Sylix, connected to the mindhive through her symbiote, sent the following message to Adrin: //"Please excuse the mistake. A promise made is a promise kept. If further issues arise, please contact me personally. I do not wish for any bad blood between us."//