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A Place for Wanted Characters

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I was thinking it would help our roleplayers if we had a single place they could visit (which could be a wiki page or a thread) where all "open positions" and "wanted characters" were posted. This would save players that were thinking about making a new character from the slog of going through 21+ plot pages/crew rosters to find out who needs a medic character, etc. Maybe the page could be divided by factions.

What do you guys think?
Not a bad idea, though I think dividing it by factions, but keeping it all on one page, would be absolutely necessary.
Reactions: Wes
Alright, I'm think I'm going to go with this.
  • GMs: Put a link on your plot page that says something like "For a list of openings see [[guide:Wanted Characters]]."
  • GMs and thread OPs: List your wanted characters on the page.
  • You can list wanted characters by job OR give a description of the character you'd like someone to play.
  • Adoptable characters can potentially be wanted characters.
While I support the concept of this Wanted Characters page. I also see no problem with posting on the plot page. After all, if a person takes the time to check out the plot page. Why send them somewhere else to get the information.
While I support the concept of this Wanted Characters page. I also see no problem with posting on the plot page. After all, if a person takes the time to check out the plot page. Why send them somewhere else to get the information.
While that's true, sometimes it feels like an uphill battle to get GMs to update their information in one place, let alone two.
Every time I read the name of this thread and the associated page, my brain automatically assumes that it is about criminal characters, rather than a listing of characters that are wanted in a plot.

As such it might be worth considering changing the name to "Desired Characters" or "Plot Openings" or "Plot Slots" or something. (That last is intended as a joke.)

This might just be my mental bias though, so feel free to disregard this suggestion.
Actually Eistheid, when I first saw the thread title. That was my thought too. That it was to be a place where criminals or bounties would be posted.

I understand Wes. But since I don't have an issue with updating it more than one. I will keep it on both.
I was just trying to go with a common term among forum RPers. I see that some terms that are also highly used are "Character Wanted Ads" and "Want Ads."

Maybe it would look less like a "Wanted: Dead or alive!" if I reversed the order to "Characters Wanted."

Update: I went ahead and moved the page to https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:characters_wanted
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