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Approved Submission About the ITC

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Inactive Member
Hi everyone,

I have just finished making a new corporation, check it out here. I don't know if it will fit in the setting though, so I need help with that. I have finished several details about it, and am awaiting approval form the administrators.

anyway, check it out here: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=intergalactic_transport_corporation

Leave your thoughts about it, and maybe give some suggestions?

Oh and can someone please help me with the bracket thing. the links in the other articles don't seem to work.
for example, I redirected on this page: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:ushobrakflug
But the link is in red and all wrong and everything. I did do the right thing though: Copying the ID and paste in between brackets. It doesn't seem to work however. Can someone help with that? I'd be grateful.


Ps. Don't hesitate with questions or suggestions. I'm new here, but I will do my best answering them.
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Hello, I am Nashoba one of the Site Admins.

First off, Welcome to SARP. While enthusiasm is a good thing, there is such a thing as too much.

All Submissions like characters, corporations and items must have a disclaimer at the top of the page. Last night I went through the pages you had made and put on on them.

Do not touch another organizations page and add things to it without talking to the owner. Especially faction specific pages. You created a new section in the Star Army which was not needed, because transportation is part of the Logistics.

We normally recommend that new folks spend some time roleplaying before they start creating companies and such. To get a feel for the site, and to find a good niche for their submission. Also to learn the standards that the site enforces.

Your ITC is filled with with typos. Also do not try to retcon your submission into the past in ways that matter. You claim that ITC was Kenichi-Odaka Enterprises, and responsible for a number of construction efforts. When you make a company it should start with the submission. Now you could claim that its founders and such were involved in such construction efforts, but not a company that never existed.

A shipping company is not a bad idea, but adding another company that manufactures starships and wants to sell them.. that niche is rather full. In Yamatai alone there are six civilian starship manufacturers:

  • Origin Industries
  • Tamahagane Corporation
    • Geshrinari Shipyards
    • NovaCorp
  • Nayacesen Industrials
  • Motoyoshi Hanei Kaisha
  • Murasaki Orbital Shipyards
As for being a Game Master kindly check out the Apply to Become a Game Master. You need at least three months of roleplay on the site until you can provide elsewhere on other sites.

However, if you really want to dive into running something, I suggest you look a the Open Roleplaying forums. There you can freely start up a thread and invite others to join you. That would give you a chance to prove your ability as a gm and give you time to learn about the site and work on your corporation.

Although to truly get to understand Star Army, I recommend that you see about joining on or more of our canon plots.
Hi Nashoba,

I understand what you say, and I will do my best to improve those. As for one point, I am not really trying to set up a starship company but a company that can handle infrastructure and build new ones. Can I do that?

and how what do you mean by a disclaimer? What do I have to do to get my articles approved?
When you create a new page a disclaimer is automatically put in.

| :!: **WIP:** This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP. |

To get them approved you have to submit them into the NTSE for formal review if you want them to be Canon.

You need to clarify what it is you are wanting. build new ones implies building new ships but you said you aren't wanting to setup a starship company. Who would their target customer be, and what ships would they be building?
To get article approved, you just have to submit them in this forum so you are already doing it right. What Nashoba means is that, before they're approved, it's customary to put a notice at the top of them warning other players that the article is not approved yet. This helps prevent confusion.
Hi Nashoba,

I see your questions. I can answer them.

1. You asked what my target group was. Well, I can tell you: honestly, I don't know. I mean, who doesn't need infrastructure, am I right?
seriously though, I guess there are many groups who want infrastructure. traders, governments, even individual companies. All I saw at first thought was: why isn't there anyone building infrastructure outside of the governments. It's really about privatising the means of transport, so we don't need the government to build all roads and monorails.

2. the thing with the new spaceship, as seen here: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:ushobrakflugproject_dokuritsu-sei
is merely a means to give the civilian a new way to travel. I mean it's sci-fi, shouldn't we be flying through space lanes in flying cars and all, like in Star Wars or almost all Sci-fi games?
Why do we still travel by road? that's a thing I'm trying to change.

Now, I hope to have shed a little light on the ITC intentions. And trust me, these are not advertisement talks. All I'm doing is explaining you what I have in mind.
I've added much to the ITC page and the characters, so check it out. I hope it can be approved. Tell me what I need to do if I missed something.

Congratulations, you have a canon corporation now. That means it's officially part of the Star Army universe.
Yay me! Thank you so much! But what now? What should I do with my plot?
With the corporation, you want to keep improving it and make it more useful to the setting. With the plot, you can do an interest check and see if there are players who want to join it. The Apply To Become A GM guide (posted by Nashoba) above has some guidance on this.
@Wes, @Nashoba
I would like to point out a little issue I have with this article.

The creator, @yoerik17, at no time during the weekend private messaged me via the forums or via IRC for permission to use the Abwehran Star Empire as an associated faction. I probably would have agreed to the request, if he had asked me, but at the moment I cannot agree to the Intergalactic Transport Corporation listing the Abwehran Star Empire as an Associated Faction. In fact, I find it quite rude that he would put that in his article without even so much as talking to me.

I would request in the future that such a thing be important to the development process of a non-faction aligned corporation and that such an article not be hand-waved through the approval process in such a manner.
Two things, just right off the bat. One, are we no longer requiring players to actually take part in the setting for a time before they're allowed to make wiki edits and submissions? Because I remember a lot of arguing on the part of Sham over that exact rule, and it wasn't very pleasant. I'd like to see that rule consistently enforced.

Second, how is the planet approved as is without the station that's been edited into existing over the planet being approved, and is nowhere near ready for approval? Since the company apparently utilizes the station heavily, I don't see how the company can be approved without the station either. The engine can kinda be put aside, but the station at least blocks out both the company (since one of the major branches is headquartered there) and the planet's approval (since it's currently written in as a satellite of the planet) as they're written at the moment.

It also seems kinda silly to set up a major company so far from any major civilian populations, on a planet with only minimal defenses and no presence outside of the the Fifth Legion. There's nothing there to justify moving there, so why would the company want to be there? The fighting has only just ended, and this planet was one of the last to be taken back, so it's pretty battle-scarred and desolate at the moment, I would assume. None of that sounds like good conditions for a young company to try and work with.
the ITC is mostly civilian and neutral, so battling over the planet should't be a problem. with the station: I'm editing right now.
Objection sustained. @Abwehran Commander you may edit the article to remove the association.

@yoerik17 - you can (and should) gain associations by having your company contact other companies in the RP.

@Aendri - I rechecked the rules and the rules require some experience in the RP to make a new species or to be a GM of a non-Open RP plot, but not to make a company. I think it's great that Ushobrakfug is finally getting some detail instead of just being a stub. The company is likely there because the land is cheap, it's defended by the SAOY, and it's actually a pretty nice planet environmentally.
Thank you, @Wes.

However, I'm a firm believer that an article creator must be responsible for the editing of his or her article and not someone unrelated to it, it seems more polite in that regard that just taking the reigns from his own work and butchering it (even if it's just the mere mention of my creation). I will leave the editing up to @yoerik17.
I'd like responses from the creator, not you, Wes, no offense. The point of this is that he might not have even KNOWN what you just said.

Also, another note, but has he obtained Nashoba's permission to utilize the Mucoya article? I think working off of someone else's tech without their permission is just as bad as involving the Abwehrans without talking to Matt. Also, has he talked to Doc regarding the Lorath or Kampfer regarding the Nepleslians involvement?

@yoerik17, You do realize there is no such thing as innocent bystanders in war, right? Having a shop in a warzone is rather hazardous, regardless of if you're a civilian or a military building. The fighting isn't going on though, I was referring to the aftermath and lack of an existing civilian population.
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