Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!

About the Wiki


Founder & Admin
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Discord Booster
🎨 Media Gallery
Always H1 title your pages! The first header determines your page title and should generally match the page URL.

Don't create pages that are not linked to from other wiki pages. Create the link first, then follow it and create the page. Stray pages will be deleted!

About name spaces: Start using them when it makes sense.

Some name spaces:

Nepleslia: (Namespace for Nepleslian concepts and equipment)
StarArmy: (Space for Star Army of Yamatai stuff)

Planets, star systems, and nebulae go in the planet: system: and nebula: namespaces.​

I see a lot of pages being moved lately. If you move a page, first use the backlink link (at the bottom of every wiki page) to see what pages are linking to it. ALL OF THOSE PAGES SHOULD BE UPDATED! If not, you are creating broken links. Do not move a page unless you're willing to do the work of updating all those pages.

6/9/14: For moving pages, please contact @Wes or @Nashoba and he will use the admin move plug to move the page and update all the backlinks.

When you create a page, the URL should generally be the same as the title (or a short form), including spaces. Don't create pages with URLs that are all a big blob.


stararmy:standard_issue (GOOD)
stararmy:standardissueitems (BAD!)​

On starship classes:

The format is Classname-class Shiptype (Eikan-class Heavy Cruiser), always with a hypen OR Classname Shiptype (Barricuda Dropship). This should be the case in both URL and in article content.


Nozomi-class Scout (GOOD)
Plumeria Gunship (GOOD)
Nozomi class Scout (BAD!)​
Last edited:
I see a lot of pages being moved lately. If you move a page, first use the backlink link (at the bottom of every wiki page) to see what pages are linking to it. ALL OF THOSE PAGES SHOULD BE UPDATED! If not, you are creating broken links. Do not move a page unless you're willing to do the work of updating all those pages.

The Lorath pages are a disaster area. You didn't update the backlinks! Now there's an enormous number of broken links in the wiki. Please fix them.
Update: Still working on the 5ths new wiki sections, most of the old pages are going to be replaced. As I continue to work on it the old and broken stuff will disappear ;) .
Just a reminder to everyone: Pictures uploaded to StarChan are only temporary. They will eventually scroll off and be deleted automatically. So, if you're using starchan to host your image files, you really should move them to the wiki (it has its own uploader you can use when logged in).
HTML use in the wiki: I'm strongly considering disabling it for security reasons. Please try to remove HTML for your articles if you use it.

Also, what are your thoughts with making people log in to use the wiki?
What Jake said.

Would it be feasible to enforce the part about having a forum account before having a wiki account though?
Not that I know of.
I just wanted to thank Zakalwe for all his hard work in revamping and rearranging the pages for Elysia.
I just found something that really irritated me. Not one GM has added any events from their plots to the RP's timeline. What the hell? Surely SOMETHING happened in your plots that was at least mildly significant. In fact, the wiki still listed YE 29 as the current year (I've fixed this now).

Please fill in the timeline as best you can. New players, especially, are gonig to need this for writing bio histories.
Hey, if you added your character to the bottom of the list of notable characters instead of putting the link in alphabetical order like everyone else, you're wrong.

Also, there are three new "official" name spaces we should start using:

user: OOC Bios and info for SARPers
character: Bios for PCs and NPCs
starship: Pages for individual starships (some ships can alternatively be stuck in their faction's namespace, like stararmy:YSS Asuka for example).

Please start using these name spaces. Putting things into the crowded root folder makes the wiki slower.
All images not in a namespace were removed.

Only images hosted on Star Army should be used on Star Army wiki pages. Images hosted on third-party sites such as imageshack and photobucket will be edited out of articles.
Why does Star Army have to host the images? The offending images seem to be things created by SARP-affiliated artists.
Well, for one, Imageshack just got hacked and Photobucket has been hacked multiple times--having things on the site instead of on a third-party server makes them less vulnerable to downtime/replacement (since if Star Army is down, there's bigger problems than the pictures anyway).

Secondly, having them uploaded to our site means they're under our TOS, meaning that if the player goes away, we can still use them to illustrate the SARPiverse instead of having to worry about them being taken down.

Finally, when players are looking for an image to add to their article, they can only browse the wiki media manager for images actually on the wiki...For example, say a new GM is making a new starship and he needs a picture of an STV for his vehicle inventory. He hits the image button and browse to the StarArmy folder...but f I'd hosted the STV pic on some other site, it wouldn't be there.
Say, is it bad of me to use an image site like Photobucket to display more general uses images?

For example, the ship sketches of my Miharu overhaul thread are hosted on it. Or, maybe I'd need to provide my player with the image of a map of a particular area they are venturing in, or a damage readout, or even a position readout to help Yukari and Nyton situate themselves in a battle.
For short-term images like "here's where the power armor team members are" it's fine to use third party sites. Anything you want to keep around, though, should be uploaded to Star Army.