Star Army

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RP: UOC Government [Accepting the Lorath] Constitutional Ammendments


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
Proposed Amendments:

Addition to Article 13 said:
The Semi-autonomous regions of the United Outer Colonies include:
  • The territories of the Lorath Matriarchy.

Addition to Article 16 said:
The territories of the Lorath Matriarchy will:

  • Have their own regional government.
  • Have a representative on the UOC assembly, in that the same right is granted, that the UOC will have a representative within the Matriarchy.
  • Be able to maintain their Self-Defense Force.
  • Be in accordance with the basic rights granted to the citizens of the United Outer Colonies as outlined in Section II. Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Contribute to the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces, in which their people are granted the ability to become Peacekeepers.
  • Be benefited and will assist with the defense of United Outer Colonies territories.
  • Conduct non-tariffed trade within the Colonies.
  • Be considered UOC citizens and subjects of the Lorath Matriarchy.

"I submit these changes to the constitution, to accept the Lorath into out midst." Tio presented the proposed changes to their national document.
Mamami read the modifications over carefully. The additions seemed plausible enough to prevent loopholes, but hesitation still weighted on her mind as she ran it through her head.

"I see no real problem with this addition." She said after a moment, "however for the sake of consistency, I motion that the Lorath are also required to operate under the Harbor Master bill."
Mr. Iga didn't view the Lorath as an economic threat, so he let the no-tariff idea slide by him, although he couldn't help but sigh at the lost opportunity for income.

"I approve of this idea."
Fritz scratched his head as he read over the amendments. "Should we impose at least some tariff on their incoming goods? The Lorath have shown that they love taking over markets before. I'm also somewhat worried about the Helashio.

While I'm rather shaky on their current status in Lorath society, I know that they are still exported en masse to other nations by Lorath corporations to serve as low-cost workers. Should we seek to address this? As a nation built on freedom, we'd look rather silly to allow a nation that sells its second-class citizens around the sector for massive profit to breath easy under our protection."

Arnold began scribbling down some thoughts on a piece of scrap paper. "This also leads me to think of my next point, although it has rather broader implications than just the Lorath. I'll bring it up soon."
Alexander was looking over the amendments in silence as he listened to the assembly. After a few moments longer of looking things over he looked up.

"I also approve of this, however." He took a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. "Mr Fritz brings up a valid point. On one hand the action of slavery is not tolerated within the UOC, in a way it is for the Lorath. So, this presents a slight moral and cultural dilemma. I am somewhat familiar with Lorath history, and if we were to interfere, we could be presented with multiple outcomes. Not to mention we would be playing with hundreds of years of history and cultural development of another species."

He brushed away an invisible wrinkle on his crisp suit before continuing. "While the obvious economical impacts are quite obvious, I believe this matter should be held with a delicate touch. We go too fast, things may get out of hand, too slow... I am sure we are we are all well aware what it could mean. A balance, a compromise must be established."
Tio pointed out to Alexander, "And thus the point of making them semi-autonomous, I have no desire for us to be intrusive on their way of life. We have been through life and death together...Honestly, I stand behind this amendment; and personally will ensure its' success."

He said, "If the Prime Minister has nothing to add, I would like us to vote on this measure now..."
"Having been someone's possession at one time, I cannot take a moral high ground when it comes to the Lorath's possession and sale of the Helashio as slaves. It isn't our place as a neutral nation to try to impose any restrictions on how the Lorath live their lives. I would like to suggest that the Helashio get a chance to work off their servitude at some point in the future but that wouldn't be a condition of their sovereignty," the Prime Minister commented softly with a thoughtful smile.

"I don't think that trade tariffs should be included into our constitution and should, instead be handled in a separate bill entirely. Fluctuations in a growing economy can mean that there would be a need to change the tariffs to suit the needs of the market for any incoming goods and not just one nation," Ayana added. "With these things in mind, I second the motion to bring this to a vote."
"If we are not to include trade tariffs in this bill, then I would like to motion to strike the non-tariff clause from the original document. I think that's rather logical."
Andrew said:
Proposed Amendments:
Addition to Article 13 said:
The Semi-autonomous regions of the United Outer Colonies include:
  • The territories of the Lorath Matriarchy.

Addition to Article 16 said:
The territories of the Lorath Matriarchy will:

  • Have their own regional government.
  • Have a representative on the UOC assembly, in that the same right is granted, that the UOC will have a representative within the Matriarchy.
  • Be able to maintain their Self-Defense Force.
  • Be in accordance with the basic rights granted to the citizens of the United Outer Colonies as outlined in Section II. Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Contribute to the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces, in which their people are granted the ability to become Peacekeepers.
  • Be benefited and will assist with the defense of United Outer Colonies territories.
  • Be considered UOC citizens and subjects of the Lorath Matriarchy.
"Well then, commence your voting..." Tio had no vote, so he just began looking over the other pieces of legislation.
Shinichi looked at the amended version of the proposal. "I am in agreement with the Prime Minister, tarifs can and should be introduced seperately. While I agree with the proposed document on almost all parts there is, however, a part that troubles me." Shinichi said as he highligted part of the document.

  • Be in accordance with the basic rights granted to the citizens of the United Outer Colonies as outlined in Section II. Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"As Mr.Fritz and Mr.Romani have pointed out, the Helashio are currently property of their owners. As it has been indicated, changing something so deeply intwined into Lorath culture could cause some issues. But, in this document are we not demanding just that? The document clearly states that the Lorath must abide by the Charter of Rights. This leads us to an interesting situation: In order to exclude the Helashio from this we would need to include a seperate clause. By making that clause are we violating our own laws that stand against this? I do not wish to force change upon the Lorath, however I do not wish to return to the system that previously existed.

Due to the conflicting nature of the above clause, Region 4 abstains from voting.
"I must agree with Mr. Deguchi. Region five votes no. We cannot impose ourselves on them, but neither can we reward them for the same acts with the rights of all abiding members of this nation by giving them a representitive and citizenship. It is an endorsement, simply put and I would be remiss to approve this." Ayumi nodded to the assembled, then motioned with her hand.

"We strive to show we are accepting of many causes, cultures, and yet if we do this we wholly endorse something that is against the nature of this country. If I arrive here tomorrow toting a slave behind me, would you approve of that because it is deemed acceptable enough by this vote? Our voters would not. I'm afraid this proposal would have to be rewritten heavily with a different purpose in mind first before I could sign off on this without feeling entirely hypocritical. With all due respect to the Matriarchy, of course."

With that she leaned back, and smiled in an entirely friendly way to the others, hoping their concerns were seen in the right light.
"Would you rather we impose upon them in another way?"

Mr. Iga spoke out, crossing his arms.

"It's apples and oranges, really, with the way things are. Either the Lorath are part of the UOC or they are not. Where they are placed in our nation's eyes really has no bearing on their culture at all. They will continue to follow their cultural beliefs, slaves and all, despite what others may think. So why despise it? Let's not make enemies of our next door neighbors, thank you.

... besides, the document only states the following: "be in accordance with the basic rights granted to the citizens of the United Outer Colonies as outlined in Section II. Charter of Rights and Freedoms."

The document takes into account that the Lorath are to have their own regional government. It is an easy matter for them to simply consider Helashio non-citizens within their government..."

He rubbed his chin and tilted his head in thought.

"... hm... in fact, I think they probably do so already. See, my associates, it's quite easy to find a loophole for the Matriarchy to exploit... unless, that is, we'd like to further impos our own moral system upon them, which could very well be 'unjust' in their eyes."

He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk.

"Really, I think it's important to put aside our petty 'moral superiority' for the sake of avoiding any diplomatic problems."

Shuji looked over the vote tally with a nod.

"Is that all of us, then? Are we able to close this vote and move onto the next order of business?"
Ayumi stood up slowly, smiling at the man.

"You're missing the point entirely, sir. Perhaps deliberately? We do not have to impose our beliefs upon them. However, we should not be rewarding it either. They can continue to believe that, but because we have not made the law clear enough is not a reason to pass legislation to cement something that would benifit certain business interests among other things." She steadied her gaze at Iga, then scanned her eyes across everyone else.

"Even moving to silence this debate is against what we are. If we're creating a loophole, then we should fix the loophole rather than forward something that makes us instant hypocrits. Can we force them to change? No. But it cannot be endorsed either because it benifits us no matter how much."

Mochizuki looked at everyone else with sincere passion in her eyes, wondering what they would have to say about it. Hoping, somehow even if for worse to what concerns the minority represented were to be scorned that at least it would not be swept under the rug.
"What you call silencing debate is what I call moving things along when we have so, so much more to attend to. Once again, apples and oranges."

Shuji returned Ayumi's smile.

"How would you change this document then? Please present something that we can review."
"I think that taking a moral high ground here is a little uncalled for. Who are we to impose our beliefs upon the Lorath? Our own national history started in slavery and being traded as property, through hard work, many of us were able to work off the ownership. To spit in Lorath's face over their slaves would make me a hypocrite. But I feel that while many disagree with slavery, it is not our place to cast them out because some do not agree with it. Granting them sovereignty is not rewarding them for practicing something that we disagree with." Ayana said rather coolly.

"But we still have more seat that has yet to vote. At the moment we are 3 for, 1 abstain and 1 nay. If we wish to create legislation that promotes ethical treatment of slaves or something to that nature- we can always work with the Lorath. We could run an adoption program to help Helashio get a chance at life outside of slavery."
Tio had been quiet, he underestimated the Assembly representative from Yuukan. Shinichi's point was good enough for him. Tio said humbly, "I fear I may have been in error here, on second glance I would like the chance for us to suspend voting on this to work with the Lorath on this issue." He sighed adding, "As comfortable as it would be for us to put this under the carpet, I feel it would be an injustice."
"I vote a conditional Yes to this proposal. For region 5 to accept this legislation, I would like to be assured we'll be seeing legislation against slavery of Helashio in the Matriarchy within one month. Saying that we're being hypocritical for opposing a practice used by the government we rebelled against doesn't make much sense to me. Isn't that part of the reason we left in the first place?"

Fritz finished. He wasn't very amused at the Assembly's refusal to stand up to flagrant violations of the rights they claimed to stand for.