Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

RP: UOC Government [Accepting the Lorath] Constitutional Ammendments

Mamami was quiet for most of the debate, but when Ayumi spoke out about closing a loophole, she raised her gaze to her.

"You are clearly mistaken where the loophole resides." She stated neutrally. "The Lorath consider Helaisho to be non-citizens. Thus, the Matriarchy would not be breaking any part of our Charter, since their definition for a civilian and ours differers to greatly due to cultural bias."
Shinichi spent a few minutes tapping on his datapad before speaking again. "With all due respect, to all parties involved." Shinichi began "This is not some 'moral high ground' that we are standing on, it is our law. If we will not stand on it, examine it, and apply it then we will not stand for anything. It is true, to force the Lorath to make such a change is something that would be unwise of us to do. As senator Nosaka has pointed out, the issue is what we consider citizens and what the Lorath consider citizens. As a government, we do not condone slavery, by the passing of this bill, we accept the Lorath into our government. There is where our issue is.

As Mr. Iga has pointed out, they are then are allowed to form a regional government. So, by whose definition of citizen do we go by? Either way, if as Mr. Iga has reasoned, the Matriarchy considers Helashio non-citizens then our issue is still un-resolved." Shinichi paused before highlighting two different sections of the constitution.

Article 16 said:
regulation and protection of the rights and freedoms citizens and non-citizens; citizenship in the UOC , regulation and protection of the rights of national minorities;

Madame Prime Minister and my fellow senators, might I remind you of Article 16. In this article, it states it is the jurisdiction of the United Outer Colonies to regulate and protect the rights and freedoms of both citizens and non-citizens. Regardless, if the views of the Matriarchy are that the Helashio are non-citizens, and should we accept that view thereby legalizing limited form slavery, we are bound to uphold the rights of the Helashio. It does not say that the Lorath Matriachy is bound to uphold these rights, it says we are.

Article 17 said:
protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and legal non-citizens; protection of the rights of national minorities; ensuring the rule of law, law and order, public security, border zone regime;
Provisions of this Article shall be equally valid for the territories, regions, cities of federal importance, autonomous regions or autonomous areas.

The fact that the Lorath would be an autonomous government, while potentially beneficial in this situation is useless. According to Article 17, they too must protect the rights of both citizens and non-citizens. Since the rights are laid out in the Constitution it is not something that can be determined at a regional level, and wisely so.

However, the belief that by not accepting the Lorath into the UOC will make them enemies is unbased. Are we not the ones extending this offer to them? By not extending this offer to them will our political stance toward the Lorath change? By no means! They are a valuable ally, and a sympathetic nation. However I feel that we cannot, in good conscience, offer this agreement to them without first violating the very foundation of our society.

Additionally, we have another issue: The Crowned Prince, who first proposed the bill, has requested that it be withdrawn. If the bill has no sponsor it cannot go on. However, for the sake of proprietary, I motion that the bill be withdrawn for the time being.
Mr. Iga shook his head.

"I see where this logic comes into play. So, because we're just enforcing our laws, it's not a moral high ground? I feel the Matriarchy would like to have a word about that."

The small man made circles with his hands and placed them over his eyes.

"You see, morals are like a pair of glasses that constantly changes owners. And I feel our prescription may be quite damaging to our relations with our neighbors."

He returned his hands to his sides.

"If given the choice between changing the social foundation of a foreign culture and letting bygones be bygones, I'd take the latter. Besides, we can hardly call ourselves neutral if we want to enforce our laws on the Matriarchy, not that we even have the power to consider doing so."

He nodded with a smile.

"However, a great point has been raised, and I have been convinced that the best course of action is to let things alone for now. I rescind my vote and second the motion to withdraw the document."
Tio made some edits, "I then propose the following as a temporary resolution."

Protectorate said:
a state or territory partly controlled by (but not a possession of) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs

Andrew said:
Proposed Amendments:

Addition to Article 13 said:
A protectorate of the UOC will include:
  • The Lorath Matriarchy.

Addition to Article 16 said:
The territories of the Lorath Matriarchy will:

  • Have their own regional government.
  • Have a representative on the UOC assembly, in that the same right is granted, that the UOC will have a representative within the Matriarchy.
  • Be able to maintain their Self-Defense Force.
  • Contribute to the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces, in which their people are granted the ability to become Peacekeepers.
  • Be benefited and will assist with the defense of United Outer Colonies territories.
  • Be considered a protectorate until further agreements can be drawn.
Shinichi looked at the new document. "I find the temporary resolution to be satisfactory. However, I would like to ask: If we truly desire the Matriarchy to join us as a full fledged member of the UOC what incentives would exist that they wouldn't have access to as a Protectorate? I would like to see the Lorath as full members of the UOC, but what more can we offer them?" Shinichi looked at each Senator as he finished his last sentence.

"There is one other thing I would like to see on this resolution. Because it is a temporary resolution, I think it would be prudent to put a date down, a goal if you will, at which time we would re-evaluate this topic."

Shinichi looked at Tio before continuing, "Crown Prince Tio, I congratulate you for your ingenuity regarding this situation. While it is still unresolved this stopgap measure allows us to extend an olive branch to the Lorath while not violating our own ideals and laws. Additionally, I feel that this gives us additional time to think about how best to handle this situation. Forcing the Lorath to change suddenly is not only unfair to them, but questionable by our own standards. This is a topic that I look forward to tackling with your help." Shinichi said before turning to face the rest of the Senators, "As well as yours."
Andrew said:
Tio made some edits, "I have added a deadline...I suggest we move to voting on this now."

Protectorate said:
a state or territory partly controlled by (but not a possession of) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs

Andrew said:
Proposed Amendments:

Addition to Article 13 said:
A protectorate of the UOC will include:
  • The Lorath Matriarchy.

Addition to Article 16 said:
The territories of the Lorath Matriarchy will:

  • Have their own regional government.
  • Have a representative on the UOC assembly, in that the same right is granted, that the UOC will have a representative within the Matriarchy.
  • Be able to maintain their Self-Defense Force.
  • Contribute to the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces, in which their people are granted the ability to become Peacekeepers.
  • Be benefited and will assist with the defense of United Outer Colonies territories.
  • Be considered a protectorate until further agreements can be drawn within 3 YE.
"I think there might be some misconceptions about the Lorath and their internal relations with the Helashio; so, once this is resolved and voted on we can bring them to the floor to talk to them about our concerns about the living conditions of the Helashio.

I vote in favor of this new proposal about the Lorath as a temporary solution until we can talk to them further about our concerns about the slavery of the Helashio. I would like to remind the Assembly that while troubling, slavery wasn't one of the most pressing conditions that moved us to independance. The abuses of the empire towards the treatment of our people at Pisces station; neglect from the central government during the war; lack of supplies or assistance rebuilding during the war; constant disruption of any peaceful negotiations and the constant abuses of other nations were. Slavery and living beings being bought and sold as property is a concern and issue that should be addressed soon as a separate document but it wasn't at the front of my mind when we declared our independance," Ayana said patiently as she waited to hear what the others had to say.
"You are quite right Madame Prime Minister. However, this too is an issue that must be solved, be it now or in a year. Morals or not, slavery by our law is currently unconstitutional. Region 4 also votes in favor of this temporary resolution. I look forward to addressing this topic. I'll be honest, I am unfamiliar with Lorath customs or cultures, however it isn't something that I can afford remain ignorant of. We must treat this issue carefully. However, as the Prime Minister has mentioned this isn't our most pressing concern.
"Not trying to impede anything, but can we have the nature of the representative defined? If we grant protection status, and give them a voting member at the government what message does that send? Or rather, what incentive is there to enact any change when essentially all the benefits they want are already packaged in without needing to do anything for three years? By that time, who knows what our situation will be. Assuming that the representative is a non-voting adviser, such as the Crown Prince I would have no qualms approving the measure. Otherwise, it will have to remain as no." Ayumi sighed, and shifted which leg of hers was on top the other.

She felt they were trying to push an agenda that would have horrible reactions in home systems, and cheapen the government as a symbol.
Helashio Conference said:
"Either way, the real issue here isn't the slave collar. It is the matter which is your history, our cultures, and beliefs. As you indicate, according to Lorath culture, this is not slavery. According to our culture and history, this heavily resembles slavery. How can we then without heavy consideration allow something that to our own eyes resembles slavery? It isn't just us here in this room that are affected, it is our constituents. In their eyes, what will this signify? What will it signify for those who wish to re-enact slavery? This is a very tentative situation.

"Slavery is a stripping of rights and freedoms. Granted yes, before what there was was slavery. We went out and captured Helashio, we pressed them into service. But now, since we first became allied with Yamatai, we have been forced to slowly but surely give the Helashio more and more freedoms, until eight years, when we would have to completely free them. From reports I have been hearing, Helashio businesses have been opening up on our planet, as well as Yamatai and multiple other planets. There were a few businesses in Hotaru as well. The Helashio have a entire planet to themselves, to do as they wish. We no longer force them into service, we give them the option." Destiny shrugged a little to the senator now.

Ayana played back the last past of the discussion for the Assembly. "Change takes time to enact. And right now, regardless of their cultural heritage we need their help. Mr. Iga brought up a good point- we could be attacked again at any time by these unknown enemies and we need some help from anywhere... and we have some waiting for us to even temporarily allow them to join us. If they do join us, they have agreed that they will have 2 Helashio, a free range one and one of their Elders, representatives discuss with them on their issues before they submit their Assembly vote.

I open the issue up for a vote:

1. Do we allow the Lorath to join us as a Protectorate?
2. Or do we allow them to join us as a full colony;
3. Or Not at all.
"I believe that protectorate status offers the balance necessary between necessary representation and our current cultural differences. From there, we can build to a more lasting relationship. Besides, we need to work together in these suddenly dark times.

Capital Region votes for proposal 1."
"I wasn't made aware of any meeting, I'm afraid there might have been a crossed wire somewhere." Representative Mochizuki looked at a loss.

"However, I detest having fear used as motivation to cling to slavery, or rush a bill that is clearly against our ethics no matter what song and dance was given at something that seems to have fallen through the cracks with communication between offices."

"If the change has come so quickly, then I imagine it will not be long until they can meet the rest of our nation on equal footing and it won't be a problem." Ayumi sighed, "I suppose my notes won't entirely matter on the Compensation act anymore, or may incite a massive legal backup?" The lawmaker stopped, and sipped her water.

"So you're saying they'll have two of their representatives that essentially would vote as one, with the matriarchy against the word of a 'free range' - by the way an insulting term to refer to someone as farm animals where some people come from - who has only one representative among them? Give them two, if we were really, really talking about this instead of surrendering to our fear and pushing questionable legislation. It's pure demagoguery."

Ayumi stood, placing the tips of her fingers on the table, "Since we have not reasonably defined their inclusion to this region's satisfaction, nor had time to review any transcripts or recordings of the proceedings, I'm afraid I can't in any good conscious vote yes. My suggestion, however would be to decrease the protectorate period to two years, and not give voting power to their representative, but I would like to see them as advisory still, of course. Until the issues have time to be dealt with, I have no doubt they could rise to the challenge, given how they've adapted to technology so soon after first contact."

"We are quickly becoming as hypocritical in the eyes of the west as we could say Yamatai is at any given moment, and I do not like that feeling it irks the bile up. How convenient is it that when their membership in our nation is in question that we lose one of our border systems? I can't speak for the other regions, but Region Five votes yes to number three. A tragedy is not something we should use to glaze over disturbing, glaring problems with because we are frightened. I'm scared too, and so are my people. For all we know we could be next. That can happen with or without help from our esteemed Lorath colleagues. Our systems can't be a part in selling out our founding morals when we can't even tell who or what caused that attack yet."

With that, Ayumi stayed silent for several long moments, looking to the other representatives, the PM, the Prince, then to the gallery. Saying nothing more, she bowed and sat down. This is a scary turn of events I never expected... She thought, bracing herself for the worst.
"I'm fine with the idea of the free Helashio getting more representation but they still would only get 1 assembly vote. And the transcript of the discussion with the Lorath Queen and the Helashio Elder is available for everyone to access and read through.

My vote is yes on proposal 1," Ayana replied before she waited to hear the rest of the votes.
"As it stands I see no wrong with this..." Alexander said from his seat, he was after all present during the entirety of the discussion with both the Xiaah and Helashio Elders.

"Region Two also votes yes on proposal 1."
"Region Three votes for Proposal Three," Arnold spoke. "I do not believe that the slave-holding Lorath should be protected by the United Outer Colonies, a nation that has been founded on and and sworn to protect the freedoms of all living things."
Mamai watched all the infighting between allowing the Lorath in with their pets, and not letting them in with their pets to be surprisingly entertaining. The Irony the other senators latching onto the Lorath's governmental control of the helaisho population, even through proxy of the council of elders made her smile, which was more alien then anything else for Nosaka.

"So." She said as she stippled her fingers and rested her chin on her thumbs. "Are we truly ready to do this form of action?" She asked as she watched the conference between the Lorath Queen, the Helaisho elder and the Prime Minister. "Some of us here are saying that Slavery is bad, that it is the worst sin under the stars due to our unquestionable moral clarity." She said with a sarcastic smile behind her threaded fingers.

"Claiming right and wrong from our perspective is not the way to go about this." She said as she leaned back and stretched her arms out. "If we were to claim the moral high ground in this we would be nothing more then Yamatai in their attempts to squash a nation under their heel." She leaned forward again and rested both arms on her desk, one atop the other. "If we leave them alone, they would most likely fall prey to piracy."

"So, with those views being reached, proposal Three, while apparently in the best interests of those who consider us the moral crusaders that Yamatai bred with dignity, is out." She spoke straightly. "But, on the inverse, welcoming them into our nation with their legislation calling the Helaisho non-people, is also against the basic tenant this nation was founded on, the ideal that all people, are people."

Mamami sighed as she closed her eyes for a moment. "I find myself wracked with indecision about this simple question." She calmly said while keeping her eyes closed. "Yes..." She intoned quite clearly, as she opened her eyes, " or No." She took as deep breath as she mulled over it. "It's quite heady weighing the future of a people, our people helped nearly destroy."

Taking yet another moment of silence to resort her thoughts, Nosaka Mamami took a quick breath and said: "Region One votes for Provisional option One."
Ayana inwardly smiled at Mamai's ethical question as she went over the votes.

Proposal #1 - 5 Votes (Regions: Capital, 1, 2, & 4; PM Seat)
Proposal #2 - 0
Proposal #3 - 2 Votes (Regions: 3 and 5)

Proposal #1 Passes with a 5 to 2 vote. The Lorath are allowed to join the United Outer Colonies as a Protectorate.

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