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RP: Second Draconian War Act II - The Road to Draconis

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Qel'noran Fleets started to mass in earnest for an assault into the sentinel's various vectors of attack. In high orbit above Ayenee prime a single specter class battleship and a squadron of Wazu-J class frigates made their appearance. They had arrived to pick up weapon bundles put into orbit by ground units planeside and to help consolidate efforts planeside as well.

The PNUgen complex on Ayenee prime was the target of the first strike, as a series of incredibly dense rod bundles were dropped from orbit, each acted like a sabot round as it was guided into the complex by the ships above to destroy every square inch exactly. Before the rounds hit a second tactic was used. The ships in orbit used a massive teleportation attack to simply remove the ground below and around the complex outside of any teleportation inhibitors it might have. The ground, as well as other chunks of matter, were then deposited on top of the facility once the rod bundles had hit their target, burying the entire complex.

Neko-killer torpedo's were then launched at Ayenee prime. They detonated in the upper atmosphere releasing a powerful scanning ‘ping' which would trigger the anti-tamper systems on any neko in the city. As the only nekos in the city belonged to star army and they currently had declared genocide against the Qel'noran, it was little matter to return the favor.

Qel'noran ships then started preliminary bombardments against Sentinel and Yamati targets around known space. Torpedo's were launched from various staging areas and then warped to the sentinel battlefields. The primary target was the smaller sentinel craft inside of the swirling vortex of Aether but the Yamatai ships were also a pleasant bonus. The torpedo's entered the vortex at above C velocities and did not seem to be hampered by the swirling energies at all except for the inevitable spin ward velocity. As hundreds of thousands of torpedoes started to pour in, various war machines and fleets were preparing for their own offensives.
Zerinthes IV

While the Koqui Imperial Forces had been largely silent following the assault on Tau Ceti, the fleets gathered around Zerinthes IV suddenly sprung to life. While the build-up of KIF forces had been minimal since the start of the war with the Jaaq'Taah, many thousands of the overly large vessels and fleets of the KIF still lingered in the system. Unfortunately, for the NDI those many vessels were in disposed. Leaving a rather crucial decision in the hands of the Commander-in-Chief of Koqui's Forces. Had the massive battle over Draconis Prime come at a different time, they might not have been able to respond at all.

Within the Ivory Citadel of Bervenia, the capital of Zerinthes and KIF forces in Draconian Space sat the upper ranked members of the KIF in Zerinthes. Commander Alexandre Card sat at the head of a long table, surrounded by Admirals, Generals and their various aide-de-camps. Caught in the middle of a long-winded speech by the Strategic Diretor, Card could hardly disguise his heart-felt sentiments of pure boredom as the man drolled on; "...And according to the findings recovered in the wake of the battle at Tau Ceti, our Tyberion Cruisers have been found la..."

The director was cut off as a young, abrasive and clearly out of breath Captain burst into the room. Without even asking to be excused the young man called out immediately; "Draconis Prime is under attack, the ninth fleet has been completely wiped out! Unknown forces are laying siege to the planet!" The man fell silent before his many superiors, many of which seemed oddly calm.

The young Card was the first to break the silence; "Matthias, what have we got available for immediate deployment?"

The Military Director paused, considering the current makeup of KIF forces. "Just the Twentieth, on such short notice. Anything more would require more time and we'd open ourselves up for an attack, here. If the ninth was destroyed so quickly, we must assume they'll attack elsewhere and swiftly."

Card grunted, shoving himself from his chair. "Gentlemen, I'm sorry to say this meeting is adjourned. Return to your ships and be on full alert, hold a defensive perimeter. Arashi, ready the 20th fleet. I'll detach my fleet, with 4th and we'll jump into Draconis together. Matthias is in command in my absense." Immediately, there were protests among the Admiralty about the Commander himself taking his personal fleet into -- stupid circumstances such as this. A raised hand however, silenced them all, showing that the topic was not up for debate, finally, before turning and leaving the table Commander Alexandre Card remarked rather half-heartedly; "Oh, and boys... Do try to bring some reinforcements when you can." With that, the room emptied and moments later all across Zerinthes warning lights and sirens went up, moving everyone to full alert.

While the KIF forces were always ready for mobilization, they were bulky and large ships, hardly capable of rapid deployment by any stretch of the mind. Despite, like all of the Draconian Allied Nations, being alerted during the initial attack, they were slower to respond. Even with Card at the helm of their forces.

Draconis Prime

Only moments after the Uriel has arrived in the system, so to did the Flag Ship of the Koqui Imperial Forces. Elements of both the 4th and 20th fleets began rapidly appearing in the system as they jumped into position around the planet itself. Though, much smaller in number than the Yamatai Forces, the KIF had managed to pull together 1,820 vessels, many of which were spread out, along the Northern horizon of the planet. The massive, hulking size of the KIF ships, while slow and cumbersome was enough to quite literally blacken the skies of Draconis. Coming to a stop, the ship's immediately began to probe the scene of battle. Identifying the Yamatai Forces immediately, they sent discreet signals to their allies, alerting them of the KIF's presence. The other forces, QIS and Neocron Ascendency were unknown, thus orders were issued to leave them be, unless directly fired upon.

Naturally, the Crimson Blade, Flagship of the KIF forces pulled into position just off the port of the N.S.S. Uriel, an escort of several cruisers taking positions around the two flagships. Immediately, Alexandre Card brought up a light-burst transmission for Xeraux, assuming he'd accept. Standing at the helm, the blue-haired, boyish looking Commander bore a wide grin, his eyes lit with excitement as he spoke; "It's been a long time, Kage. Hope you don't mind an old friend tossing in his chips. Just say where you need us." Decidedly short and to the point, Card left it at that. While awaiting a response, he offered a brief nod to his communications officer.

Moments after the discreet nod from Card, communications were relayed across the Tactical Combat Matrix and more ship movements began within the KIF 'lines'. Breaking off from the main group of combat ships were two Akari Class Carriers and two dozen Toad Personnel Carriers, escorted by a compliment of five Tyberion and Dragoon Cruisers. The immediate goal was to breech the atmosphere of Draconis Prime, both Carriers launching their combined load of 1,400 Rapier and Raptor fighters, intending to help punch a hole in the Sentinel Aerial veil of the planet. Rapidly inserting alongside the NDI dropships were the 24 Toad Personnel Carriers, intent to aid the NDI in the planetside fighting, and if possible, evacuate any V.I.P's still on the surface.

Awaiting the response of the NDI as to where KIF forces were needed most, deep scans probed the plethora of different ships, many of which were new to the KIF. Tons of data being distributed rapidly throughout the Tactical Combat Matrix and being rapidly processed and rerouted through the entirety of the KIF forces. In the wake of their arrival chaos had ensued as they tried to identify friend and foe and make sense of the scene before them. Finally, one glaring question been put to the various Captain's and Admirals in the theatre; "Just what the fuck is that, and how did it get there!?" Much like Xeraux's questions, the KIF was increasingly intrigued by the Aetheric Storm at the center of the conflict.

(OOC: Derran, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you forgot about a nigga... Shit. My ships been stalling around Zerinthes for a while, so they'd have been all up in this. Sorry I din get 'round to posting nothing 'til now. If it wasn't for Wes, I wouldn't have noticed at all. As alays, my shit can be found at

If I'm intruding after a long ass absense, just up an' say it, though.)
The almighty Uriel's entire front half was awash with a violet-white glow as the Confederate flagship's almighty main weapon, simply dubbed the "Draconian Weaponâ€
(bumped to preserve original chronological order)
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