Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward Action, Adventure, and Identity crisis (Ep. 2.1)

The group of men who kept their eyes on the kid and Matthew began following Matthew not so secretly. They were laughing among themselves and pretty obviously looking for trouble. It did not look like things would go by easily either.
Of course they’re following me, this job has been way too easy so far. Matt looked around in the alleyway, searching for any convenient nook to hide in or a fire escape to gain some height advantage over the gang, something to set an ambush for them.
Finding an alley way was easy enough, there were many things to climb on and of course a fire escape as well. However the alley was a dead end, and the thugs were not too far behind him he would have to make his decision quickly.
High ground for the win, Matt thought as he scrambled up the ladder of the fire escape as quietly as he could. Let's see if these gangsters are smart or not. Pressing himself against the building and into the shadows, he pulled out his pistol and watched the thugs, trying to figure out which one of them was in charge of the group.
The thugs were quick to follow Matt into the alley, just missing him climb up the fire escape. With a quick glance around they noticed wasn't in plain sight and two of them pulled out guns in reply. "We gotta find him no matter what!" One of them shouted to the rest and the group of four fanned out in the alley, beginning to look behind everything they could see.
Hmm…are the gunmen more important or the guy in charge? Matt tilted his head and shrugged. I’ll kill the leader first. Even if he hasn’t shown a weapon yet, he probably has one. Hopefully the other two are idiots. The ex-Marine took a few precious seconds to take the safety off his HHG, set it to MD Only mode (Cause it’s quieter and I might get a few more seconds of confusion out of it than I would with a large bang and flash), and quietly get into a better position to shoot.

The Nepleslian calmed his breathing and slowly raise the pistol to aim at the apparent leader’s head. Finally, he took a deep breath, let half of it out, and pulled the trigger. FWP, went the mass driver of the pistol, bucking Matt’s hand. Reflexively, he quickly re-aimed his pistol and fired the pistol again, this time at the leader’s chest. With those two shots fired, he pulled back from his firing position and waited to see if his position was discovered. Six bullets left…
Unarmored and unaware, the seemingly leader of the thugs had no way of preparing himself for the bullets, and they both connected with ease, throwing him to the ground. He lay there unmoving, blood starting to pool around. However it did not take long for the others to notice a thud and turn back to the man, seeing his condition. They all quickly moved into cover, expecting a shoot out. Though they saw no one they did not just jump right back out and instead kept themselves behind dumpsters and boxes and the like, trying to find whoever shot at them.
Well, they’re not too stupid. Not as stupid as I am for not having reloads… Matt shook his head slowly as he took stock of the situation. If I don’t get in a messy gunfight, I should get out of this alright. Slowly making his way back to where he could easily see his targets, the ex-Marine surveyed the alley and looked at where the thugs were taking cover. He paid particular attention to see if anyone was under him and within reach of the ladder he had used to get up to his current position. If anyone is, then they’ll be difficult to fire at and know immediately if I fire at anyone else… and they’re in knife range.
Whether fortunate or unfortunate there was no one withing close range of the fire escape, however this meant most could rather easily see it. Which is exactly what happened. "He's above!" one shouted pulling out a gun and taking a few random shots at the top of the escape near the roof. Fortunately Matt had not gone up that far so the shots were no where on target, but they had all turned to his direction and pulled out their guns. Shots began to ring out all over the metal structure as they fired randomly trying to flush out any threats.

All but one was behind decent cover, allowing them to take a few shots and hide. The only one what wasn't was in a corner between a dumpster and a wall, if the attacker was at the entrance of the alley it'd have been good, but it exposed him directly to the fire escape, so he got up and tried to make a run for better cover.
Oh no you don’t, Matt thought as he raised his pistol, ignoring the errant shots of the gangsters for the time being. He switched the HHG to standard mode, might as well save the battery, since they know where I am, aimed at the running thug’s chest, leading the target a little bit and fired twice. BANG, BANG. The shots echoed in the alleyway, making the ringing in the Nepleslian’s ears worse.

He jumped back from his shooting position before his opponents could get a better shot at him, now that he had clearly given his position away. Really don’t want to get pinned down on this thing… Gritting his teeth, Matt got to his feet and quickly jumped off of the fire escape. Hitting the ground, he tried to roll with the impact, but his left leg took more of a beating than he would have liked. Oww, son of a…, he mentally cursed as he ran as fast as his battered leg would allow to the closest piece of cover.

He sat still for a moment, pistol raised, trying to figure out where the goons were by their gun shots and the other noises they were making. Four bullets left, hopefully only two gangsters to go.
The thugs were ready for a battle, but they were not expecting their flurry of shots to be useless since they were aimed at the wrong spot. The guy running for cover was caught unprepared and dropped as easily as he got up, and with a fortunately well timed escape, Matt found himself jumping down the fire escape while the remaining thugs were reloading. The landing was indeed painful however and it caused quite a bit of strain on Matt's leg, but it wasn't enough to stop him from getting around behind two trashcans, nothing major but it would have to do as protection for now.
Great, now what, idiot? the Nepleslian thought as he waited for the gangsters to start firing again. You have maybe one good sprint left in you, before your knee gives out and you’re left to limping your way home. Matt tried to figure out where he was in relation to the two remaining thugs and where the two corpses were as well. I really hate sitting here, but rushing headlong into gunfire without a plan is worse than nothing. The ex-Marine snorted. Thank goodness Basic taught me that much.
Matt could peek between the two trash cans to look at the remaining gangsters without having to lift his head. He could see both their locations ahead of him and one of them began firing in Matt's direction. Thankfully due to the frequent shoot outs trashcans had long since been made more durable and the bullets did not penetrate right through. With the one providing cover fire however the other stood up and began to make his way over, it looked like they planned on ending this seriously.
Dang it, they aren’t being stupid. Matt pressed himself against the back of the garbage can, wrinkling his nose as the smell of the refuse got through to his adrenaline-driven senses. What I wouldn’t do for a grenade right now…hmm. The Nepleslian dug in his trenchcoat pocket and pulled out his Ulti-Tool. Let’s see if they fall for this. Matt scooted a couple of feet back from the garbage cans, keeping his head down while he put his HHG in his left hand and his Ulti-Tool in his right. I only have one shot at this and if they don’t take the bait, I’m dead. The ex-Marine shrugged. Oh well, it’s not like I’ve been living on borrowed time for a while anyway.

With that, he flicked the pliers attachment on the Ulti-Tool open with a hopefully audible click, drew back his right arm and threw the ‘grenade’ over the garbage cans in the direction of the gangster providing the cover fire. Once the distraction had cleared his cover, the Nepleslian dove out to the side of the garbage cans and quickly fired twice at the thug that was getting close to him, hopefully before the gangster could react to the ex-Marine’s appearance. Once he had fired, he rolled back into cover and started plotting his next move. Only two more bullets left! Argh!
The sound was not audible over the gun fire but the one making his approach was the first to see the motion and he turned shouting to his buddy. "Grenade!" was the word he shouted, and the man behind cover did not wait to see what it was to make sure. This left both of them vulnerable and exposed, much too distracted to react in time wot Matthew's dive and initial shots. The man approaching took two shots to the chest and collapsed. The other man heard the gunshots and quickly got himself behind sturdy cover, it was now just the two of them in a face off.
Ok, Matt, the ex-Marine thought, one gangster, two bullets and your wit. You think you can do this with only that? He shrugged. If not, that’s what my knife is for. Checking that said knife was in its pocket, the Nepleslian yelled, “You are one of the worst gangsters the Funky City has ever seen! I’m sure your girlfriend will agree when I’m shagging her tonight.” As Matt prepared for the thug’s fusillade, hoping the idiot would leave the ex-Marine an opening he could use, he had two thoughts: I can’t believe I’m insulting with a street gangster while he’s shooting at me and I really hope he’s not gay…
"You can't do anything once you're dead!" Shouted the thug as he fired a string of bullets, he was pissed off but he didn't seem dumb enough to leave his cover, not after seeing his buddies go down so quickly. "What's the matter? All you're doing is hiding!" He kept firing two or 3 shots at a time, aiming for Matt's cover. It was also hard to grasp when he was reloading because he was pausing between strings of bullets. Either this guy was trained pretty well or he was accidentally a decent gunman.