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RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] 1: Nath Tower

"I know, you're adorable, and that is like... really sad. If your family... or whomever... decides that you've done enough for them then we've certainly got a spot for you here." Uso replied,

"OH, shit. Its not too late to get you an Usomas present right? I just had a great idea..."

Uso paused a moment, and pulled out her datapad, quickly keying in a few commands,

"You know what? Extend that offer to all your I'ee friends. I'm sure we can find something for them to do... Hey do your people have ST tech yet? You know, swap minds into new bodies?"
Gut-Stripe's ambient hissing noise grew slightly louder. "When I've done enough for my family, I will be dead and rotting, Uso!" she spoke in a half-yell, getting to her feet atop the counter; with its help she towered over the neko. "Lifeless and useless!" The wasp fumed awkwardly atop the counter, listening to Uso prattle on about presents or something, still hissing like an angry kettle. She seemed further incensed by the concept of soul transfers, snorting with disgust. "New bodies?! Is there nothing sacred to you aliens, Uso?!" she grumbled, swaying dangerously as she turned around to face the bartender. "I want another drink!"
"Nothing Sacred?"

Uso thought for a moment,

"You know, I've actually met my people's gods in person... wasn't impressed. Going to go with 'nothing is sacred'."

Uso would put away her datapad while the bartender brought another drink, pouring out the last of the green liquid form the mixer before starting on another batch.

Gut-stripe again had Uso's full attention,

"Forget I said anything. You're the best Gut-Stripe. You saved all your people and... well they should throw a party for you or something.

Maybe I should get a statue of you to put in the center of I'ee.... city?"
The I'ee didn't answer until she had received her drink from the bartender and drunk it all, turning back to Uso with a visible wobble to her balance. "I don't want a statue, Uso. I just want my family to love me, and to be useful." she snorted drunkenly, tossing her glass to the floor in front of the neko for effect and smashing it. "I know how you aliens are born, Uso. I've done research. You've no more family than the weapons I wield against my enemies: Manufactured like products. You don't know love or true purpose. Nothing is sacred to you because your were born to no love." If Gut-Stripe wasn't drunk already, she certainly was now. Her artificial voice had no slur to it, but there were frequent pauses and glitches sounding from her speaker.
"Well I'm already friends with Aashi but yeah, Lyco is making new friends," Akemi said to Truffleclub. "Anyway, yeah, we could all do stuff together. Lyco is interested in learning about Iroma tech. I bet she'd like all their sweets and delicacies too. She sure enjoyed some Cloudstinger Puffs."
Uso made a slicing motion with her hand, signaling the bartender to cut gut-stripe off from any more drinks.

"Well yeah but I don't let that stop me. I think I've checked off at least one or two lifetimes worth of bucket-list stuff. Now its like 'Heey what do I do now? Lets take a planet!'. But now I got that too. If anything I've got to find new sources of ambition...

We're totally getting you a statue at some point."
Errowyn had slipped into the place and had found a corner at the bar and spare Bartender. She had betted him that he couldn't produce a drink that could get her drunk. If he failed to get her drunk, she would get a lifetime free drinks when ever she visited the place and that included her associates at the time. If he succeeded, she would pay double.

The bartender assistance went to work with his knowledge of booze and eyeing her with interest. It was a worthy challenge and this would either make or break his bartending career. He went through all the very hard liquors and began to combine them with flourish. Every once in awhile on a new concoctions, puffs of smoke would appear above the drink in a miniature poof of a cloud of smoke. Then he would bring it to her for the results.

She would take a slug of the drink. Sometime grimacing at the fiery bite it had going down. Sometimes she would just nod her head, "Nice taste to this..." She could feel her body burning the alcoholic content away in a rapid fashion. She was feel the warm fuzzies for a few moments before fading away into normalcy again. "Almost there..." She would encourage him. At the amount of high proof alcohol she had consumed would've killed another that wasn't Neko-construct.
"You let nothing but the whims of chaos rule your life, Uso!" Gut-Stripe declared with disgust, wobbling atop the counter as she sank down onto all six legs and climbed down to the floor. "I do not wish to speak to you any more!" With a huff, the I'ee climbed shakily back to a bipedal stance and began tottering away from Uso, heading towards Akemi and the others. The aforementioned neko would soon find himself being pulled from his seat from behind by the drunken wasp, who snorted with the effort of man-handling him. "Akemi!" Gut-Stripe growled. "I want a hug!" Whether she managed to yank him down from his chair or not, Akemi soon found himself clung onto by Gut-Stripe, who tried to snuggle into his chest with a huff; using all six of her legs for the hug.
"Weapons-grade adorable..." Uso said, mostly to herself, as she watched Gut-Stripe toddle off.

She would keep an eye on the I'ee warrior, as she made her way over to Errowyn's spot, placing her hands on the pilot's hips.

"How's my favorite pilot?" Uso asked, eyeing the rather unique drinks that were being brought out. "... If you manage to find something that lets you enjoy alcohol the way others do please let me know."
Minding little Akemi turned and hugged back with all four of his limbs and nuzzled the space between Gut-Stripe's eyes. "Sure buddy. Any time." A smile spread across his face as an idea came to mind. "Have you decided to let me be your sister?"
"Getting free drinks lined up when I visit this place and that will include those that hang out with me." Errowyn looked up at Uso from her drink she just had consumed and much to her displeasure didn't even come close to phasing her. She scowled at the Bartender that was busy trying another concoction of high powered and content alcoholic drink. "I definitely will. In the meantime its fun to watch him," nods towards the bartender busy at work in finding that one drink to earn back the money she was drinking away for free. "practice his chemistry with drinks."

"All done with the huggy bugs?" Errowyn gave a soft quick smile as she used her free arm to wrap around Uso's waist. "You ought to move the capitol away from this dusty city."
The I'ee squeaked when Akemi returned the hug, poking and rubbing his face with her antennae as he nuzzled her face. "I thought I made it clear that the answer would always be a 'no'," Gut-Stripe snorted, nuzzling Akemi back clumsily.
"I just couldn't resist asking," Akemi said as he slowly stroked the insect's fuzzy back. "Clearly I'd make a much better one than Uso."
Gut-Stripe was quiet for a moment. "...Maybe." she admitted reluctantly, snuggling closer to Akemi and relaxing in his arms. She made soft squeaking sounds with each stroke of his palm over her fuzz, enjoying the relaxing touch.
"I don't think we'll be done with them for a while," Uso said, smiling as she watched Gut-Stripe and Akemi start hugging, "...oh come on, those things are adorable. Maybe a bit creepy... but still..."

Uso would turn her full attention towards Errowyn,

"Besides, if we move the capital away from here all we'll have is dusty... with no city... You've got your own nice little place... before long this whole planet is going to be somewhere worth visiting, in no small part thanks to your ability to fly."
Errowyn just rolled her eyes at the 'adorable'. Nodded in agreement at the creepy part. "Area around the lake where I've my base for my Kawarime isn't so dusty. There are a few small cities around the lake that are the commercial hubs for the region. Besides with the spaceport and heavy industrialization near Uso-City makes this a prime target for someone to pull the same stunt we did in the first place. Abiet a lot tougher since we have same level of tech for weapons and ships."

- Clunk! -

Bartender set another drink before Errowyn. "If this don't work. You win!" He leaned against the counter on his side of the bar watching her.

Errowyn looked at the concoction. It looked like a pale orange mush with streaks of green in it. She picked it up and looked at the Tender with a smile. "Bottoms up!" Just as she was about drink, she fidgeted. "Huh.. hold that thought." Setting the drink on the counter. "Excuse me. Ladies room."

She pushed off from the stool and walked to the restroom to have a moment of relief from the build up of drinks. After a few minutes she returned to her spot with the Bartender watching over the drink and her. Once more settled on her barstool. She grabbed the drink and drunk it. It brought a flush to her skin along with sweat. "Whoah.... Easy on the spices!," She blinked her eyes to clear them of the water build up, causing a few tears to fall down her cheeks. "I think my taste buds are dead after that drink."

Bar Tender walked off, having lost to Errowyn, whom he was sure to get smashed with all the high powered drinks she consumed.

Errowyn looked at Uso. "I'm amazed you haven't tried this to get free drinks."
Finishing her imaginary drink, Queenie called down the bar, "You could say I'm impressed. When our synths use that routine, they tend toward getting kicked out of bars. I suppose when they can see all the circuits and wires, the bar staff are less impressed to find that you're alcohol tolerant than they are to see that you're water-resistant."
Corgan stared at her for a minute, . He thought about Arccos. She seemed different than the girl he first met. Maybe it was just all the different bodies. It was disconcerting not knowing which body housed her original brain. He wasn't sure if being attracted to a Freespacer was such a great idea. A Nepleslian girl was easier to understand. Was he still even a Nepleslian himself with the mindware in him, or was he closer to a type three? He came back to the present and took another drink.

"The bunker.. doesn't have to be inside the hangar. Wait, that's backward, isn't it? The way I picture it there's a big cargo elevator leading down to the bunker, big enough for four or five vehicles. Maybe several elevators. The top is just the hangar and facilities to repair and maintain the ship. Then, the elevator leads down into the main base. Maybe a three-story structure, one at ground level and two under the ground. There's gotta be some way to get vehicles into the base from ground level too." He said, looking down into his glass thoughtfully.

A few seconds later he looked up again. "A tunnel in the side of the butte leading to the above ground level. We'll keep the vehicles, armory, engineering and control room on the bottom floor. Living quarters, bathrooms, kitchen, recreation and mess hall in the middle. Top floor will have the offices, fabrication, and maintenance. Maybe a hydroponics room to grow some food, so we don't need to get food deliveries every week?" He noticed she had spoken again, just not to him. Probably getting bored with his rambling about bases.

Looking around to see who she was talking to revealed Uso and a little farther down Errowyn, Cyrus's girl. He couldn't blame her. Those two were much more interesting than he was, even he would admit that. "Can't you kittens turn off your super kidney powers for a little bit?" Corgan called out curiously. "Why would you even want free drinks if you don't feel it?"
Queenie smiled broadly at Corgan's contribution to the drinking discussion; again, just enough to be barely visible through the mask she was wearing. It took her no time at all to refocus on her conversation with him, though she drummed her fingers and looked down at his seat for a moment before answering. "It's not easy to arrange deals like this without currency, but... what I'd like most, at the moment, is some time with a well-stocked fabricator. Would you be able to arrange that before we start building this? It takes me much less time to survey and design something than it does to build it, especially with an alien workforce."

"It sounds like you'd like a lot of conveniences, though I should probably point out that it's more expensive in the short term--like, say, a single generation--to grow your own food underground, rather than importing it. It's much the same story for using a fabricator to create replacement parts, but if access to that is part of my payment, I think you'll still come out ahead, on that side of things."
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Errowyn looked down the bar at Corgan and Queenie. She looked thoughtful as she answered Corgan. "I would have to focus to keep my ability to detox off to let the natural course of being intoxicated run it course. A momentary lapse of attention. Auto-detox kicks in." Looking thoughtful, "That is why I do this. If a drink can get me intoxicated with my natural ability to detox working. Then it is worth paying for."

She gave him a soft smile filled with friendship. She turned her attention to Uso. "You going to hang out here awhile longer? I've a my Kawarime to tend to." Even though it would be easy to persuade her to delay her leaving.