Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] Angel Investor

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


Nepleslia, ~ 16 hours after B7R

Flynn had managed to sneak the Dove back to Nepleslia. The crew had precious little time to prepare for the attack... They had managed to sneak their equipment up to a warehouse a few hundred meters away from the facility itself along with their gear, tanks, and special weapons.

The facility itself was made up of a single tower overlook a large, excavated, pit. In the pit were several starships under construction, and that pit continued downward where more assembling and construction facilities were housed, putting together starship hulls as they were slowly lifted up from the depths.

"Alright, we've got about an hour or so before the first of their ships are ready to take off. That means we need to blow shit up and get off this world before then. Needless to say once we start shooting it won't be long before the Nepleslian Authorities arrive to shut things down.

Ace, is your team in position? We will need them to blow their EMP devices to take down the shields around the facility.

Corgan, We're going to send your ST copy in shortly after. Hopefully you'll get control of a few of the Serpah's guarding the facility.

I will follow up with the White Rabbit. We'll send that ship right into the center of their facility and blow it up. The resulting blast will hopefully be enough to break things open.

Alex, Sarena, you two will take the U-1 in, try and get as deep into the facility as you can and blow up anything that looks valuable.

Ace, Spacecase, Corgan, everyone else really... we'll focus our attack on the top of the facility. We will have a few minutes to do as much damage as possible. When I give the signal, we all need to escape. Flynn, you better be ready to pick us up and get us out of here." Uso said. She was quite kitted out for battle this time, wearing a Zesu chainmail shirt made from old KS coins with a smaller black shirt over it to hide the glistening golden shimmer of the money. Her belt was full of grenades, knives, a single shot pistol, and a rocket-launcher strapped to her back.

"And Corgan... I have one Super-Spacer-Bullet in this gun. You're a pistol marksman right? If I blow a hole in the side of the facility, you think you can get that bullet inside?"
Nepleslia, Compund Interior

"We're running a bit behind schedule, ran into some guards, they're dealt with and we should be in position here in a few moments. Awaiting your signal." Ace and his team had brought some PAs with them for the mission which were being stored in the truck along with the EMPs. They planned to jump into them after blowing their load. The Arsenal they had brought with them consisted of 2 NIGHT2s, an Agressor, a Hostile, a NOZH, and a VOID for Ace.

Nepleslia, High Rise Building
Spacecase was situated on the highest floor of the best building he could find that overlooked the compound. He was fully equipped in his usual gear and had his airbike parked outside. "Tell me where you need me to shoot and I'll hit it. I can carry one extra person with me on the bike so I'll pick up those who get too deep in shit, all you need to do is call and I'll come if I'm not already busy with something else."
Into The Lion's Den

Alex turned to Sarena. "We'd better mount up. The Unicorn has gotten some upgrades, like something called a 'Phase organ' and a bit of chainmail made out of a metal called Zesu put around the cockpit, but I haven't had the chance to try them out yet. I also might need you to help aim the weapons while I work on piloting and dodging."

Alex signaled the cockpit open and walked over to the now upgraded U-1. He hoped that Sarena being in the same fighter as him would help because she wouldn't have to worry about piloting.

Alex had mounted the U-1 with a gatling laser rifle, ten energy missile pods and the booster module.
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18K Nexus Station

Errowyn departed from the M-A Dove when she learned of their destination into Nepleslia. Whether she was still Star Army or not. Her Kawarime was and to bring such item into Nepleslia controlled space would be an act war by Yamatia on Nepleslia. It may be shoved under the carpet for keeping intergalactic peace, but it would bring undue attention upon herself.

It was better for her to be out on the fringes of both Star Empires and making covert runs to bring in necessary supplies to the Ragnoraks stuck on planet battling for survival. Even with the limited space she could carry, she brought what was needed and even flew a few missions against the invaders of 188604.
Nepleslia - Staging Area

Within the warehouse, Flynn leaned against the hull of his ship, smoking.

"Roger that." He replied quietly to Uso. He felt kind of useless by not joining in on the fun, but he reminded himself that he wasn't a trained fighter, and that their getaway would be fucked if he were to get shot in the attack.

In the meantime, he pondered the possibility of acquiring a navigator/sensor operator for the Dove. He could handle it himself, but sneaking onto heavily militarized, heavily populated planets like Nepleslia would be easier with an extra set of hands. Plus, talking to Chuck got boring sometimes.

Corgan had opted to leave his lieutenant in charge of the tank. He wore his usual red Impulse armor and carried his HPAR with UMD launcher. The bandolier strapped to his armor carried five red and five green canisters. He was prepared for causing as much damage to the structure as possible. "I can get it in there." He answered, looking at Uso and then the gun. Uso looks incredibly sexy with all those weapons strapped to her, he thought. "What does it do?"

If this didn't go well, he knew Ragnarok and USO would be over. He had considered going off to join the Freespacers, maybe try to see where Arccos went. Not that she would enjoy him chasing after her. She would contact him if she cared to, and if she didn't he would never see her again. At first, her sudden departure had felt like she abandoned him, but he knew better. There had never been a chance for what he hoped to have with her. Freespacers were just too different.

Those kinds of thoughts would get him killed in a battle. He had injected himself with a capsule of Prime before putting on his armor. Right now he was feeling more focused than ever. Another effect was that despite the odds against them, he was grinning.
Sarena seethed. At that moment, there was nothing she wanted more than flee from USO and never look back... but that was thinking small.

In the bigger picture, it wasn't about who she was working with or what she was working for. It was about what she was doing. Her mother hadn't been one for words of wisdom, but there were rumours she felt the same way.

"FINE," she said, much louder than her usual voice, before continuing quietly. "But I'm not doing this for Uso. I'm doing this to kill something!"

Still tense, and still annoyed that the U-1 had no ladder, she stepped forward and climbed onto one of the mecha's hands, then sat down and crossed her arms, her hands still balled into fists.
Alex shook his head as he climbed onto the hand, raised it and climbed into the cockpit. "I'm sorry about whatever I did to upset you, but right now we don't have time to talk. And we aren't doing this for Uso."

Alex turned to look at Sarena. "We're doing this because everyone around you has worked hard to build something here, and someone else is trying to take that away from them. From us. Everyone around you is also fighting for their own reasons. For some, they fight for money. Some fight for glory. For me, its that I fight because its the first place I had ever called home. The first place where I had friends and someplace to look forward to going. And I won't let anyone take that away from me."

Alex stood slightly and reached out his hand to help Sarena up into the cockpit.

"What are you fighting for?"
Sarena wasn't much good at growling--she probably didn't hit two decibels--but she made the effort, anyway, while sitting through Alex's speech. "I'm not 'fighting for' anything," she said resentfully afterward. "I just told you! Let's just go, before I change my mind." She stood and jumped into the cockpit, to show that she wasn't interested in fooling around.

Certainly, there was nothing in the list she'd just been given that rung true for her. She might have mentioned the 'chimera', but given that there was no assurance that she'd get to take a shot at it, it seemed better to let it go. Though her state of anger didn't help her strap herself into her seat any more efficiently than before, at least she got to it without any more tripping or fumbling.
Neplslia, Enroute to Facility

Candon's recent purchase of an Onset shuttle was a new low considering the beautiful new Na-T4B he had just purchased. At least Javier Williams, his newly acquired Mimic Computer pilot, would be cruising in style.

Flying this particular Onset did NOT feel safe. It had been in a runway collision a week earlier and was practically being given away. As cheap as they were a damaged Onset really had no future.
This ship was perfect for the job at hand.

As he closed in he sent a message to Uso:
'If you had one AGM missile, where would you put it?'

"Thanks guys..." Wazulie said, knowing full well that this attack would end up killing quite a few ST-Clones of himself... and then he'd probably need to die as well so that Julie could live... but hey, there were plenty of other Wazu's to carry on out there.

"SARENA!" he called out, "You have some smoke grenade launchers setup on the U-1 that you can activate using that console. Just tell them where to go and they'll hit the target. The uh... Phase thing controls are there too. Just turn it on if you are about to get hit! Vier will help as much as she can too." Uso would tap on Wazulie's shoulder, and then point over to Flynn, the small girl climbing down from her chair and heading over to Flynn's ship.

"Corgan!" Uso would toss the pistol over to him, taking the launcher off of her back and readying it. "Honestly? I don't fucking know!... I mean, there is a whole story behind it... like, crazy compitition level professional shooters looking to make a bullet that could kill anything. I... I mean, you wouldn't beleive me if I told you... but the guy who gave it to me can't be 100% full of shit right? Calls the thing 'Swift as the coursing river'... hold on one moment."

"Alex. Great speech, just remember why you're here this time." Uso said, "We don't just have to blow up the surface facility... there's gonna be some shielded computer room deep inside somewhere. I have no idea what it looks like... so if you see some shielded hard to break area... break it."

"Candon, I just want you to know this is totally not how things normally go. You really caught us at a bad time and I hope that this rush job doesn't color your opinion of my ability to break things properly.... I'll call shots for your missile as soon as we get started."

Wazulie would make her way over to Flynn's ship, tugging on his shirt sleeve to bring him along, "Flynn, Vier is going to bring the Wild Rabit in... have to keep the ship far enough away to not get knocked out by the EMP. But once the bombs go off and the shield is down, we will need someone to remote pilot it into the facility. The whole thing is rigged to explode... so... be careful ok?"

"ACE!" Uso shouted on the all hands channel, "BLOW IT! WE'RE ALL ON THE CLOCK NOW!"
Neplesia, Compuond Interior

The EMP would go off. Ace's team would then quickly suit up and begin the long fight to get out.

Neplesia, High Rise Building

Watching the compound go down Spacecase began to pick off the enemies that he could see.
Nepleslia - Warehouse

"Alright, seems easy enough." Flynn muttered, biting his cigar between his teeth and sitting at the controls. "Just like a training simulator."

He wasn't going to say it.

Okay, he might say it.

He was going to say it.

"So," Flynn began as he took control of the Wild Rabbit and pointed the nose down, sending the small freighter screaming down into the what looked like the largest, most important piece of the compound, keeping at full throttle to avoid anti-ship defenses. "You're a grown man... In the body of a little girl... co-inhabiting the body with that little girl?"
Nepleslia, Enroute to facility

"Copy that," Candon replied, the armor giving his voice an odd 'radio-ish' type of grainy distortion, "I'll be on hand. 30 seconds out." Candon had wracked his brain trying to fix it but quit trying when even his android accepted defeat.
The armor clad hand of the rogue soldier's armor gripped his brand new, yet completely untraceable GSR. Ten in the mag and one in the chamber with four spare magazines. As if 51 uses of the anti-tank rifle wasn't enough a loaded M'cel 40mm grenade launcher clung to the universal rails under the rifle's barrel, with two more of the L-Mark-Two grenades held to his armored thigh in webbing. He slung the rifle over his shoulder onto a purpose built mount between his wings to carry the artillery piece.

The collapsed wings of his formerly Elysian power armor moved about as the operator began a preflight check, another chance to ensure that the Silenced carbine hadn't moved from it's bracket on the right wing and that the saya of Kokū Ken was snug to the left wing. Those weapons along with the suppressed RKP-10 on his right thigh would become especially helpful should the mission need a more stealthy touch.

A quick systems check of the twin shoulder mounted missile launchers and wrist mounted GPDs showed that the suit was ready for action.
Specter was online.

All that was needed was a direction.
"Spectre online and awaiting a target."
Nepleslia - Warehouse

Wazulie sighed, "Look, I did not mean to take over this body. The virus responsible will eventually completely overwrite Julie with the Wazu personality package. Just like how they intend to overwite vulnerable species with their own soldier-personalities... a little EMP and some modern medicine and Julie will be back in control..."

Nepleslia - The Pit

The massive amounts of EMP detonations would bring the protective shields down.

This left the facility inside exposed.

The facility itself was a large excavated area that seemed to continue downward forever, like a giant hole in the planet that never quite seemed to stop. At the top of this hole was dock space for starships, and it seemed that three carriers were already in place. Anti-gravity devices built into the walls were helping hold them up as machines lifted missiles up out of the center of the facility, taking them up towards the carriers for loading. There were also tanks of chemicals, storage piles of exotic materials... and a single large tower overlooking the whole assembly area.

The three carriers all had a pair of point defense cannons on top, as well as multiple missile launch tubes that were all open and receiving new ammunuition so they were not quite ready to fire.

The carriers also had plenty on their launch decks... including numerous M3 Gekido mecha without pilots. Many of them seemed to be blue and orange, but were receiving a black paint job. Almost as soon as the EMP went off, Spacecase's shots were hitting thier targets, landing in the exposed cockpits of the M3's or the crew trying to service the mecha on the decks of the carriers.

The Wild Rabbit was comming in right after the EMP. Flynn would only have a moment to decide if he wanted to ram it into one of the docked ships, or if he wanted to try and fly it down the center of the facility where unfinished ship hulls and munitions were bring brought up!

At nearly the same moment, Uso would charge out from the warehouse, taking aim at the tower and then turning on her missile launcher... sending four rockets flying towards the side and blowing small holes in the structure. Uso was already rocket-jumping up to the top of one of the buildings overlooking the facility, dropping the empty launcher as she pulled out her optics, getting ready to help co-ordinate the fight. "Anything that looks explosive Candon... we need to level this place!"

White Room - Inside the Pit

"Brother..." Hazel said, plenty of dissapointment in her voice. One wall of Werner's small, white, room turning transparent to show a deep grey-blue hallway... Hazel standing just outside.

Ulysses awoke in the white room and groaned. His face hurt... a lot. He reached up and felt a bandage covering his face. He remembered the battle going on... and then they took a hit. A panel exploded and shrapnel it his his face. "Shit..." He said grogily. He opened his eyes, luckily they were both still intact, but he had one hell of a battle scar adorning his face.

"Sister..." Werner replied back, standing slowly and walking to the glass.

"Why did you go and do something stupid like that." She replied.

"I told you. I was doing what I believed was right..." He answered simply. "Where are we?"

"Nepleslia." She said, "Though there is a lot of talk about what to do with you. We didn't think we'd need a prison long-term. I had to cash in a lot of chips to keep them from killing you."

"Thanks Sis..." He said genuinely.

"... you'll never captain a ship again."

"I know..." He replied, resiged to that fact.

"You just had to tow the fucking line and we would have had everything we wanted."

"At what cost!" He yelled. "Tell me that?" He said angrily.

"What cost? Working for someone who pays us very well as opposed to someone who pays us less well. Don't act like this is some grand moral debate." She snapped, "You knew this was mercinary work. Mercinaries need pilots, captains, soldiers... Us."

"I could not fire on them... the people I once called friend. Hazel I could not do that." He said placing a hand on his bald head. "So... what are they going to do with me now? Let me rot in here till the end of days? Or what?" He asked changing the subject.

"Fuck if I know. I put a lot on the line to get you in charge of that one ship. Now my own future here is uncertain. I have to save myself... again... before I can save you." She replied.

The facilities' lights flickered and went out, followed by the entire area shaking....

When the emergency lights flooded the area in a dim glow, Hazel was looking at Werner with new resolve, and a strong sense of distaste. "Brother . . . Don't go anywhere. . ." The pilot would head out of the prison area, picking up the datapad off her hip and opening a channel,

"Hound Squadron, Launch Immediately..."

Sarena cursed the stupidity of the situation she'd put herself in. She was stuck in a war machine piloted by someone she didn't trust, in front of an unfamiliar control interface for weapons and defenses she didn't know how to use, preparing to fight a battle that she didn't care about. She didn't even have her rifle... She was probably going to die, and the only comfort was that if she did, her last ST backup was long enough ago that she wasn't going to remember any of this, assuming her mother ever revived her.

And if she survived... what then? It almost seemed like the worse of the two possibilities. She didn't want anyone to thank her for being here, but she didn't want them to take her presence for granted, either. It seemed like a no-win situation no matter how she turned it about in her head. At least the frustration was enough motivation to mess with the controls, trying to work out what did what. If she got the hang of it, maybe she could even hit something. She waited tensely for Alex, teeth grinding as she resisted the urge to start ordering him around.
Attack of the clones?

Alex aligned the fighter to the cargo bay entrance and warmed up the thrusters.

"Alex in the Unicorn, launching."

Alex and Sarena soared out into the blue air. The hornets nest had been well and truly stirred.

Some of the mecha from the decks of the carriers began to take off. Something about them disturbed Alex. All of them were painted in the same colors as Alex's old mecha. What was going on? He decided that he would try to disable as many of the mecha as he could, not destroy them outright.

He opened up a menu and switched all the missile pods to target arms and legs on the enemy mecha before bringing all ten pods to bear. 100 energy missiles tore across the sky, tracking their targets in a light show that's beauty belied its destructiveness.

Alex spent the next five seconds while the pods recharged dodging as many attacks as he could, doing his best to fire his laser gatling rifle at the enemy.
Neplesia, The Pit

"Yet another great hunt you've brought us on." The twins would say as they snapped the necks of 2 men loading one of the missile launchers. "Never had to break something this big. I like the challenge." Another member would throw in.

"Don't you have people held here?" The member piloting the NOZH. "Shit! I totally forget. Hey Uso I'm going to take my team and head for our caged birds. Do you know where they are?" Ace's team would come to a stop before the Aggressor would punch a hole through the floor and the team jumped down to a lower floor.

Flynn ultimately decided to fly down into the pit. Wherever those munitions were coming from, they probably didn't mix well with an explosive-filled freighter. He thought it best to find the source... and, well, you know the rest.

"Not judging! Just thought it strange... Like something my friend Jax would come up with..."
ON> The Pit, prison area.

"OK Corgan, listen to me very carefully," Corgan was having a hard time remembering everything... while his mind felt clear, he couldn't quite remember how he got here or what he was doing. When he tried to think back, he'd find huge gaps in his memory. Each time he encountered something he didn't know, it was like a sharp ledge into nothing, a sharp, distinct, area of nothingness.

He could, however, see Wazulie's face as it talked to him.

"I am going to try and upload your ST data into one of the Serph's at the base. I can not say for sure how much of your data will make it so I will be pairing down your memories and some base functions. So when you wake up, just start causing as much damage as you can. I mean, make sure you are in an Elysian body... the original you is free to ignore this Ok?"

The very next moment, Corgan was standing in a hallway. On either side of the hallway were single cells, each with bright white walls containing one or two people each.

There was a pistol in a holster on his hip, and knife on the other side, a rifle of some kind in his hand, and some robe-thing around his body.

He also had a very distinct lack of eyes. His new 8 foot tall body had short, smooth, wings on the back folded flat against him. He had some level of inate gravity control, and his vision... was certainly something different. He could see far into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums. Despite not having eyes, he could see colors that his original body couldn't. He could even see through walls just a little bit, easily able to tell that there were about 50 people all locked up here.

Corgan was more alarmed that he couldn't feel his junk than anything. He wondered what would happen to this body. Now that he was in it, he didn't want to die. He had a job to do first, though, then he would try to figure out what to do about that,

He walked along the hallway trying to locate a computer that might unlock the doors. Maybe if he was lucky he would find a way to turn off the power permanently. That would surely cause some damage.

He would come to an Elysian that looked just like him, standing at the end of the hallway near an interface tucked into the wall. He had on the same loose robe, his weapons tucked away. The creature's featureless, smooth, white marble head turning towards him. It would hold up its hand, and rapidly flash a series of QR codes at him.

Corgan himself wouldn't get to look long enough to really 'see' the codes, but in a fraction of a second he instinctively understood what had happened. The Seraph had requested they share their latest sensory data, his body rejected the request. Identification was requested... he didn't have that either.

Then the entire facility shook... as the Wild Rabit impacted the very core of the facility.

The Seraph was already reaching for its pistol, the knife at its side flying up from the holster and turning towards Corgan!

He could sense the knife flying towards him in slow motion. The knife at his side deflected the attack. Corgan aimed his rifle at the thing's face and unloaded on it. He didn't know what it would take to put it down so he kept firing until it stopped moving.

The rifle would fire a series of fast moving metal slivers. Each small spear piercing right through the creature's head until it looked like a pin cushion, the other Seraph only able to lunge forward a few feet before falling to the ground, its knife pausing in mid air... before going to his side along with the rifle on the creature's back.

He could sense a control panel built into the wall, but it wasn't something physical he could interact with. He could feel it almost tugging at his mind, waiting for a command.

The feeling reminded him of using Mindware to control systems in the Lament. He couldn't recall exactly what the Lament was, though. He shook off the memory and tried to command the system to open all the prison doors.

There would be a dull 'click' as the shields around the cells were shut off, and the physical doors slid open... causing numerous people to poke their heads out nervously...

"What's going on?"

"Should we rush him?"

"I think this place is under attack...."

The former crew of the necromancer certainly had some questions

One of them stepped forward. "What do you want with us? Leave my men alone..." Kovac said stepping foward and blocking the path towards the rest of the crew. "They did nothing wrong, leave them out of this!"

Corgan remembered they wouldn't be able to recognize him. He tried to talk to them, and at first it sounded like a dying cat. He got the hang of it quickly though. "It's Corgan with Ragnarok. Wazulie put my ST data in this ugly damn body. I guess I'm here to cause some damage, so I might as well rescue you guys too. More people more damage anyway."

He looked around for more guards. Everyone seemed to be busy dealing with the attack for now, but they would be coming soon. "You guys see anything important looking on the way down here that I can blow up?"

There certainly didn't seem to be anyone else nearby, nor had anyone been let out of their cells long enough to have a look around. The only area that the crew of the Necromancer would be familiar with was the lift that took them from the enemy ship down to this cell.

"No we didn't, but we sure as shit aren't leaving without casuing some damage first." Kovac turned to the men in the room and began to bark out orders. "Everyone that can fight, follow me! The rest of you help get the wounded ready to move!" He turned to Corgan. "Let's tear shit up, sir."

Corgan nodded. He felt like a big wet fish with wings, and he was ready to get into a human body again. The eight foot tall Seraph body he was riding in walked down the hallway looking for things to smash or shoot.

As Corgan walked, another figure emerged from a seperate holding cell, his face had a big bandage over it, but Kovac and the crew sprinted past Corgan's Seraph body and towards him.


"Captain Werner!"

Werner turned and smiled. "Hey guys... ya miss me?" He said, his hand pressed against the bandage. "How did you guys get one of the big, tall and uglies on your side?" Werner asked looking up at 'Corgan.'

"The Osman princess with Wazu in her head put my ST in this thing. Not much time to explain, but I'm here to blow shit up. I don't think Uso knew you guys were here." Corgan explained. He was getting tired of explaining already. "It's Corgan." He could vaguely remember meeting Werner a couple times.

"I'll try to get you guys out of here safely. I think Uso is attacking this place. We should get out of here before she kills us all trying to turn the building into a crater."

Werner nodded and looked up at Corgan. "Thanks for the save Corgan. We owe you one." He then looked back at the others. "Let's go! We are getting out of here."

The lift itself was designed for handling heavy cargo, and was easily able to fit all of the Necromancer's crew. It would take them up to one of the docked ships in the pit, opening out into the main loading area. M3 mecha were busy heading towards the fight deck to take off... and the security crew of the ship seemed quite distracted. There were no more seraph's around and the only defense were a handful of technitions armed with tools.

As the crew reached the docked ships, Werner looked around and saw a Lich carrier dry docked. "I think we found a ride." He turned to Corgan. "Wanna help us steal a new carrier Mr. Corgan?" He asked as his crew rallied behind them.

Corgan could only think of the mission. Every time he thought of something else his mind started to wander back to the mission. "I'm sure we can cause lots of damage with one of those. Let's do it." He answered.

An overwhelming urge to kill the technicians in a myriad of terrible ways struck him. He thought it would be wrong, but he felt like it would be fun. Instead he managed to shoot at them with his rifle and miss on purpose. "Get out of here!" He growled at them, baring his shark-like teeth.

Werner and his crew charged down the boarding tube. "Take the bridge and engineering." He ordered as the crew began spilling onto the ship. "Kovac take engineering. I will take the bridge." He turned to Corgan. "Let's go big guy."

Corgan followed right behind Werner. "Stay behind me, this body can take a lot of punishment." He said, walking past him and onto the ship with his rifle held forward. So far he didn't think he had actually accomplished his mission.

When Corgan and Werner reached they bridge, they found.... that it was empty. The raised control room looking out onto the fight deck of the carrier and providing them a great view of the battle going on outside. The center of the pit was in flames, and Alex's U-1 was flying overhead. Though this ship's guns weren't moving, there were two other carriers docked at the pit, their point defense weapons starting to come online and fire back!

"Shit, get the weapons online! Helm fire up the engines!" He ordered as he ran around to get the ship moving...