Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] Angel Investor

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Alex fired a couple of rounds into Hazel's wings before trying to catch the fighter in his hands and carry it back to the carrier that was firing on the other two.

"Hazel, I really don't want to hurt you."

He then opened a channel to the other mecha. "I'm offering all of you a chance to come with me. I'll try my best to make sure you're treated well, but I'm going to want some answers."
Lich Carrier
Seraph Corgan

The Seraph Corgan patched into the ship's comms and sent a message to the original Corgan. "Hey. This is going to sound weird but I am you. Or you are me? I don't know this is fucking confusing. This Seraph body is badass but I have no junk, man. Anyway I'm on one of the carriers with Werner and the guys from the Necromancer. Tell everyone not to shoot at us. We're the carrier that's shooting at the others."

Original Recipe Corgan

Corgan stopped running and turned to look for the carrier. It had certainly sounded like him, but how could he know they were trustworthy? He saw missiles streaking towards two of the ships. That was all the proof he needed.

"Uso! Werner's alive. My ST data was put into a Seraph. They stole one of the Lich carriers. Tell our guys not to fire at this ship." Corgan said, sending an image to Uso from his HUD.

He looked around for a target. The carriers had a lot of turrets, he noticed. With a grin he locked onto one of the enemy carrier's turrets and fired a green UMD canister at it. He was grinning up until his HUD blinked red and Wendy informed him one of the turrets was targeting him. "Fuck."

The Nepleslian started running towards the warehouse at full speed, using the suit's fusion thrusters to speed up. Then he stopped and turned back to the carrier. "I can fly! I always forget I can fly." He muttered to himself.

Corgan turned on the thrusters and launched himself off the ground. He launched a smoke particle cloud to obscure his position and flew towards the deck of the friendly Lich.

During his ascent he saw a saucer shape approaching the tower. It was getting bigger and bigger. Just before he reached the Lich a ship flew past him. It was his Sand Demon, he realized.

USO's first Sand Demon fired its twin anti-ship turrets at one of the functional Lich's missile launchers. The ship didn't have the power to stand up to a Lich, but it could maybe take out the ship's offensive capabilities.

He grinned and cheered, now on the deck of Werner's Lich. It felt pretty damn good to have his own ship.
The Pit

Uso continued to watch from nearby, stealthed, ontop of a structure but far enough back from the ledge that she wasn't sticking out like a sore thumb.

Once Werner's carrier had started to take off, there was very little left of the facility that wasn't on fire, underwater, or both.

"OK Flynn, time to use those ace smuggling skills." Uso said over the all hands channel. Uso had been keeping tabs using a police scanner, and there were certainly quite a number of reports to investigate what was going on. "We need to get out of here before the Fuzz shows up! Everyone find a ship and break for deep space."

With that, Uso would hop off the roof of the structure she was on and make a rocket-assisted leap back toward the Dove.


Meanwhile, Hazel would line up a shot on the U-1, effortless dodging Alex's shots only to get distracted by the fire from the ground that she wasn't prepared for, her shields taking a beating from Ace's team as she pulled away from Alex's reach and fired a missile, letting the projectile nose over and turn back towards the U-1... Vier would turn on the phasing again, letting it slip out from the attack and away from the other M3's.

Hazel would then shut off the communication to Alex, commanding a pair of her soldiers to attack the carrier. A jet black M-3 would land on the flight deck, holding its hands out infront of it as it tired to grab Ace's power armored fiends, "STOP SHOOTING! YOU'RE HURTING PEOPLE!" it shouted over the speakers, as the other M3 landed right by the command tower of the ship! taking aim at it with its rifle before shouting, "SURRENDER! I DON'T WANT TO SHOOT YOU!"

This would only seem to anger the Serph's shooting at Ace's team, the group backing off and heading elsewhere, disengaging for the moment now that their line of fire was blocked, their own stealth helping them stay ahead of the missiles being fired at them.

Another pair of the M3's would break off from the dog pile on the U-1, and head towards the Sand Demon, the two mecha flying in close and carefully taking aim at the exterior turrets, trying to disable it rather than kill.
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Alex used the opportunity from the phase to fly up and land on the deck of the carrier.

He skimmed across its surface before pulling out his energy blades and striking at the two black M3s, hoping to disable them.

"Its over, give up. I can try to bring you with us, its got to be better than staying with these people."
Over The Pit

Two of the Sand Demon's four Anti-Armor turrets locked onto each M3 and opened fire. Unlike Alex, they aimed to kill whoever was piloting the mechs. The six dual plasma arrays were busy focusing on keeping missiles from reaching their targets. The ship took a few hits, but the shields seemed to be holding.

A spray of bullets flew from the cannons towards the M3s. Corgan watched from the deck in awe of his new ship. Sure, it wasn't the sexiest ship or the fastest, but it was his. He assumed Vier was the one controlling it right now.

One of the Gekido mechs took a hit right in the cockpit and exploded in a spectacular burst of flames. The other was able to evade total destruction. Its head was completely gone and it was missing a leg. After a few seconds, the mech's thrusters died and it plummeted towards the surface of the planet.

The pilot somehow used the thrust vectoring ports to slow the descent. It wasn't enough, and he must have known it because he was screaming over an open channel. His screams ceased when the mech slammed into the surface of the water filling up the pit.
Warehouse--> M-A Dove

"All units, this is dispatch. Be advised: we have reports of a 246 in progress in the industrial district. All local units, please respond."

"10-4, dispatch. Unit 604 going code thre-"


Flynn chuckled and turned off the police scanner. They seriously considered this full-on assault to only be a "shooting"? Oh, how he'd missed Nepleslia! Off in the distance, over the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and a Biblical flood, he heard the wails of police sirens. That was his cue.

"Come on, Wazulie, let's bounce." said the smuggler to the little girl. He briskly walked to the Dove and headed into the cockpit. He took a moment to heft Chuck's fat ass out of the pilot's chair before starting the engines. The Issoku roared to life and rocketed from the open doors of the warehouse. Flynn pulled the nose upwards to gain an aerial view of the chaos. Whoa...

He saw the small form of Uso leap high off the roof of a structure that was still above the water. He angled his nose downwards, and opened the side door of the ship. With practiced focus, he carefully monitored his ship's speed and angle.

"It's a long drive to center field..." he announced over the comms. Uso was now at the height of her jump.

"Blackburn runs back... He's at the wall..."

Uso was beginning to fall.

"And he makes the catch! The crowd goes wild!" he cheered silently as Uso fell into the open door in a maneuver that didn't require him to slow down. He roared back into the sky and began circling the pit, looking for others that needed pickup. He saw Alex's mech, still trying to play some sort of "hero" role in all of this. But at least Vier had the right idea with the Sand Demon. He wondered how Serena felt being trapped in that mecha with a boy who thought he could use a war machine in a non-lethal fashion. He'd seen her briefly before this whole escapade. He knew she wasn't exactly enthused about being in a mecha. Personally, he'd never touch one with a ten foot pole, but if he found himself in a life-or-death situation, he wouldn't be holding back in the slightest.

Why did he care? Who knows. Maybe he still felt a little guilty for leaving her behind in that hangar on B7R.

"Uso, darling, I think when this is over you need to have a chat with the kids about the harsh realities of playing with guns." he sighed back to the heavily armed catgirl who'd literally fallen into his ship, like two parents discussing the discovery of a Yui Ketsuri pinup under their teenage son's mattress...

...Don't ask.
Carrier Flight Deck
Ace and his team wouldn't break a stride as they put some distance between themselves and the mechs. The twins would cloak while the others distracted the mechs. The twins flashed to the cockpits and broke the the glass snickering as they pulled the pilots out. "If you have a gun then use it. This is not a place for little boys and their fantasies." The twins had spoken with their open channel up. They weren't too fond of the dance the U-1 was performing.

High Rise Building
Pumping the last of the rounds he had on him into the bridges of the enemy carriers Spacecase vaulted over the railing on the balcony and onto his airbike. He sped off at high speeds. "This is Spacecase I could use a pickup."

Sarena wasn't enthused about her pilot's tactics, either, and took every opportunity she could to get a good hit in. She was half-tempted to slack off, but considering she was quite literally in the same boat, she settled for using the U-1's phase organ to passive-aggressively trip Alex up, so she could make more use of their weapons systems, and leave more hostile mechas as smoking wreckage.
The Pit

Alex's swipes would harmlessly phase through their targets as Sarena adjusted the phase settings to trip him up

"WE SAID STOP IT!" One of the Alex-clones yelled out, aiming at the U-1 and opening fire as the Lich started to head away from the combat area. The ball of M3's seemed to be staying with the pit, and Hazel seemed to think it better to leave the area rather than stay onsite. Her weapons weren't hurting the U-1 and the Nepleslian authorities were on their way. The pit was in flames, and anyone who could was making a run for it.

The Dove


Uso yelled from deep inside the ship as she made her way toward the cockpit,

"Lets get Spacecase and Candon then bail." Uso said, before tapping her datapad to put the two of them on the line, "Can you two meet up with the dove on the edge of the pit?"

Wazulie would turn around in her chair, her hands holding on as she peeked over the back of the seat, "It is done?" She asked

Uso nodded, "Speaking of..." The Neko would walk over to Julie, pulling an EMP pistol off her hip and zapping downward, careful not to hit the controls of the Dove itself. The little girl falling limp, held in place by the haphazard seatbelt that was already in place,

"The Kids ain't alright hun..." Uso replied to Flynn as she moved up next to his seat, "Lets get 'em to their rooms and we can figure out whatta do about them later....

... but seriously, you better be good at smuggling. We've got a small fleet here that we need to get out of Nepleslia... probably need to lay low a bit until the heat dies down too..."
M-A Dove

Flynn looked over at Uso, somehow remaining cool when there was a "dead" eight year old sitting at the command console. He couldn't deny that when she wanted to be, the neko could be cold. He liked it. His lips stretched into a cocky grin, and the smuggler put on his aviators and lit a cigar. He looked back to the sky and chuckled as he quickly brought the ship down on the edge of the pit, then lowered the cargo ramps.

"...Just another day at the office." he drawled.
Alex accessed the U-1's computer and manually disabled the phase organ. He sent a message to all the clones. "If any of you want to come with us, now is your last chance! The water is filling up the pit, and we don't have long."

He indicated to the ball of M3's in the pit. "I'm going to try to bring some of them with us."
The Pit, Flooded Carrier

Candon was more than surprised to see an ocean follow him into the carrier, the wave threw him to the rear of the Mecha staging area with enough force to cause his active camouflage system to shut down and recalibrate. The torrent stopped as the bay doors closed leaving himself and several dozen personnel picking themselves up out of knee high water. Candon was the last one to stand up, now surrounded by a horde of unpleased, but equally confused hostiles. A moment's hesitation passed with the mass of faceless combatant trying to decide whether they should attack the heavily modified Anthedon.

Candon, however didn't hesitate. He had no trouble identifying the creepy constructs as hostile combatants. Beams of ultra-compressed gravity stretched out from Spectre's arms as shafts of distorted, twisted light and swept across his foes. Meat and bone became projectiles, as the pure kinetic force accelerated fist-sized diameters across the bodies with tremendous velocity.
The effects transformed the opponents into paint across the now heavily scarred walls

A brave young pilot fired his pistol desperately as he dashed for his M3. Extending his left arm, Spectre created a gravity field that stopped the bullets in their tracks and left them hanging, suspended in the gravity field.

Candon thought it was interesting that of all the faceless crew this pilot had a face, a young face. No tears would be shed as he removed the cannon of a rifle from his back. The young blond-haired man leapt swiftly into the cockpit of the M3, but it would serve not protection as a uranium slug exploded through the side of the cockpit.

The armored soldier jumped down from the side of the mecha. With a top speed of Mach 4 there was no contest, Spectre had pounced on the walking tank almost instantly to stop the pilot from activating his shields, the only thing that would stop his point-blank shot through a joint.

'Next up, reactor room.'

The Dove

"Lets get Spacecase and Candon then bail." Uso said, before tapping her datapad to put the two of them on the line, "Can you two meet up with the dove on the edge of the pit?"

"Copy that," Candon replied, standing kinda sideways to account for the listing of the ship as he removed a wireless hacking tool from the hyperspace tap control room's computer, but to the eye he wasn't even there as his cloaking system was back to being good. In the background the sound of hyperspace taps whining became noticeable. If the program was successful the meltdown and explosion would make the ship irreparable, maybe even have a blast that wrecks the adjacent ship. As long as the program did it's job he wasn't concerned, he had less than a minute to be gone before he would share the ship's fate.

Moving quickly through the halls Candon gunned down enemies before they could even think to look in his direction, his R36 spitting lead into the hearts of the soft-shelled shipboard personnel as he swiftly cruised the halls until reaching the mecha staging area he'd entered.
The deck was closed off until a pair of missiles left the shoulder mounted launchers to blast the corner of the bay door open.

The Pit, Surface

Spectre emerged from the surface of the new lake explosively, but still invisibly. Water trailing off the cloaked figure betrayed only it's presence as it flew to rendezvous with The Dove. Seeing Hazel's fighter flying off wouldn't mean as much to Candon as it would the others but seeing as it was the only aerodyne the man couldn't help but take his GSR back in hand and start lighting off rounds. While many people would have a greater tendency to miss such a target Candon was just the opposite. Years of being a sniper and power armor 'jet fighter' had made him more that experienced to nail such a shot consistently. With the assistance of his GPDs to stabilize his rifle to perfection Candon began firing at will, as many times as possible until the proximity alert warning began reminding him to land on the ship he was approaching.

Decelerating into the cargo bay the experienced PA operator didn't land so much as he just put his feet down and started walking inside. But the job wasn't done until they got away. Swapping into a fresh mag, he took a position to cover the bay door.

"I'm in," he commed in, as his cloak would make it hard to tell. A little dated, but cloaking technology really hadn't changed over the years. Being completely invisible was as good to him as shielding, it always seemed to give him that split second he needed to get the first hit on a mark.

With the U-1 not responding--none of the controls except for the phase organ's seemed to have been working since the start of the mission, and Vier had shown she could take over just fine--Sarena fell back on her option of last resort, which was to take off her headset, pull out her headphones, and pull up some improvisational jazz music to wait for the mission to end while trying not to worry about being shot at.

It was that or throttle her pilot, which her mother had told her never to do until the shuttle was safely parked and they were leaving the cockpit. She listened to Alex in the meantime, with a pained expression, and said into her radio with excessive politeness, "Vier-sama, please take us out of here? I think the police are better at taking prisoners than we are..."
Neplesia Streets

Spacecase had been cruising down the road watching as police cars zoomed by still miles out from the pit. "Sure Uso I'll be there in a tick." Spacecase then turned around and gunned it back to the pit. His sudden increase in speed caused a big wind to blow behind him.

Carrier Flight Deck

Ace and his team would bring their prisoners inside to the living quarters blasting anyone who raised a gun at them. "OK kiddies who are you and where are you from? If I don't like your answer I break something."
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Mega-Annum Dove

Flynn waited until Spacecase was aboard before sealing the hatches and lifting off. To avoid being spotted by the approaching police, he kept low and flew in the opposite direction. Once he was a good distance away from the pit, where no one looking up would link him to it, he pulled up on the sticks and raced for the stars. The industrial area became smaller and smaller bellow them, until it became a city, then a continent, and then a speck of green on the planet's surface.

"All ships, you know where to meet up. Mega-Annum Dove is bugging out." he advised over the all-hands channel before performing a micro FTL jump to the outer reaches of the system. Once they were out of hyperspace, Flynn brought the ship to a halt and leaned back in his chair.

"...So, who's down for margaritas?" he asked to no one in particular.
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