Star Army

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Interest Check Aegis Squad


The Gunman
Hey everyone, I wanted to pitch my new plot idea and wanted to see if anyone would be interested in it.

The plot is about the newly created Aegis squad of the IPG, a newly created commando squad. The Plot would be about Aegis becoming a name that is feared by all of Nepleslia's enemies. The things the Aegis will do include;

  • Infiltration of enemy held worlds
  • Assassination of enemy commanders and leaders
  • Sabotage
  • Intelligence gathering
  • Lightning fast raids

And much much more. All players will be brand new Commandos straight out of training.

Possible openings:

  • Assault Specialist
  • Demolitions Specialist
  • Medic (Possibly taken. Please inquire)
  • Infiltrator
  • Hacker
  • Sniper
  • Pilot/driver

If there is something else you would like to do, but don't see here then please feel free to ask and I can help to work it in.

So, are there any takers?
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Commandos aren't really elite infantry. They're elite special ops.

Commandos don't get deployed alongside military operations, but get sent to knock down the warlord's door and CHUCK NADES in the middle of the night.

If we're in the srs, tho, I could do a Demo specialist :O boom bom boombo
What will Infiltrator be in charge of doing besides just sneaking about unnoticed? Also, could already created characters be used if they went through some IPG commando retraining?
Their job will to be flank enemy positions undetected and pick off combatants without being noticed. When Intel gathering, get into position and like plant a listening device or a hidden camera and get back out again.

Things where stealth is key.

And sure! I'm sure we can work something out ^-^
That does sound pretty neat, actually. I have a character that might fit that role, but her profile is barely NPC-worthy at the moment... and she's an Independent technically, but the IPG could've recruited her for her skill set.

I also have another character that may or may not be available, depending on how/when HamnJam's space plot goes down. He'd be the Medic, though, as that was his original role in the Nepleslian Marine Corps.

Last thing: When are you planning on starting up? Starting mid-August, it is going to be a busy time for me, so it'll be hit or miss if I can join right away during that time.
I was looking to start within the next few weeks. I'll work with ya to get you in! If you can't join right away its okay. Ill still put you on the roster and you can hop in when your ready.


And I'd happily take both of them
Thanks! It will largely depend on how much internet time I will be having mid-end of August. I should be good again in September, though.

Both characters? Oh my... lol. I will talk with HamnJam about his plot schedule for the Medic, but the Infiltrator is for sure! If someone else wants the Medic position before I can get a solid answer for you, that is perfectly fine. :D
I am interested in checking out this plot.

Will try to adopt that character we talked about. Whatever position is fine with me. Driver could be coool.
I believe he means the Driver/pilot. Job is pretty self explanatory. Drive the car/fly the helo/dropship. But to make it more interesting I was going to have them hitwire or jack enemy or civilian vehicles for getaways