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OOC Aeon Discussion

Derp. Sorry I've been absent. Things happened Irl. Now, what exactly is going on? I'm a bit confused as to the exact details and layout of the combat.
Kyoka seeing Saki are fighting one Ripper,

Yoshiro and Arkase are supposed to engaging the other Ripper

And lastly Takamori is inside the Customs Building protecting the Civilians and prisoners from a parasite attack.
Hello all.

I was supposed to join this crew, but I have been rather preoccupied getting settled for my last semester at college. If you would, I'd like a little advice on how I could slip in quietly. Hopefully my schedule will lighten up some and I can post fairly regularly.
That's easy, Mission 4.1 is for those members on the ship, just get your character to the bridge and in one of the stations.
Sorry about the lateness. I've been out of town for a family reunion. Posting outages may continue.
How are we supposed to deal ICly with our NCO leader not doing much to lead us to victory? I know Sharp's busy with his new plot but we're kinda skipping over Arkase like he's a minor character. I'm not familiar with what to do cos the RP places I go to, if you're inactive, the character gets mortally wounded (or killed) and shunted to the side.
If we don't get a post from sharp I will either NPC Arkase, or there may be blood. Whatever is best for the plot... blood seems appropriate... we'll see.
I hope my introduction of Makoto was congenial with your plans, Nash. If not, I'll change it.
Nash, so what happened to the shots that Makoto and Saki fired at the undead driven cargo hauler?

I believe with SSharp/Arkase out of it, Moogle/Kyoka is now in command?

EDIT: Hope the two rounds of shooting is okay. Takamori hasn't shot in a while and can't shoot unless something breaks in.
The following is inspired by this.

Takamori: Honda, you'd say the Aeon is a she, not a he, right?

Makoto: Of course, Aeon's the craziest woman I've ever run into.

T: Ise-taisa's a she... Emiyu's definitely a she.

M: What are you getting at, Saito?

T: I'm just saying I feel a wee bit threatened here. A lot of female energy. And there's only four men.

M: You need help with your share of the ladies, then?

T: See? Look where your mind went! I have to watch out for myself or you'll steal all the ladies' hearts!

M: *grins at the ladies*
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