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OOC Aeon Discussion

Currently one very badly wounded Ripper, and four zombies
So I did some shooting with Makoto, I'm guessing you'll get to that later?

Also, the wall that's coming down isn't a wall connected to the Customs Office, right?
True the wall that is opening is not part of the customs.

Actually because I'm trying to get things in the 4.* plots wrapped up you new folks are going to get a thread of your own for a bit.
Taken care of, at the moment all is quiet in the concourses.
Sorry I haven't posted, been buried under work recently. Expect a post sometime before tuesday.
Yoshiro, who's Kaiten?

And which direction are the hostile Mindys coming from? Our front, back, side?
Actually a careful look at the HUD would show the Mindy's are not approaching the group, they are in a passage and the HUD is showing three unknown subjects near the mindys
Sorry about that Sigma. Got mixed up with another rp I was in. I play a game called Samurai of Legend and my character's name in that game is Kaiten. I'll fix that right away.
Ok, let me refresh peoples memories.
The Away team is currently in a large T shape region the intersection of two concourses, one that runs along the outer edge of the the base, and one that comes from the inner space. The customs office was on the right hand side of the inner concourse.

The door way that opened was on the left side of the inner concourse about halfway down from the intersection and where the battle with the other ripper took place.

The Passage where the NMX in appears to be some sort of large maintenance corridor that would allow technicians to move about without interfering with people traveling.

The ship bays are at the end of the outer concourse in the opposite direction that the NMX Ripper and the parasites. If you were standing in the inner concourse looking towards the outer one. The NMX came from the right, and the passage to the ship bays is to the left.
In the future, can we get extremely crappy MSPaint drawings for this sort of thing, please? Not a snarky comment, I really do want one next time.
Well given some new software I got, I can probably take care of that in the future
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