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OOC Aeon Discussion

In these instances when I have my characters turn to Kyoka and don't receive a timely response for direction, who should I turn to next? Everyone else on the infantry squad is a Santo Hei, iirc.
Tanaka Yoshiro said:
I wonder when our squad leader is going to get here
Scarface-kun, we're all wondering that.

So rather than continue waiting, I'm just going to go ahead and post what my two characters are going to equip themselves with.

Nash, please let me know if there are GM issues with the equipment Takamori or Makoto has taken/will take.
Last time I make apologies, I swear!

I am really sorry about the delay, but I've got deadlines and stuffs to submit for colleges. Those applications take FOREVER.

EDIT: Does Kyoka have to pick a setup for the science team too? Or are they mindyless?
NP, just send me a PM next time>

The Science team is under my control, the Soldiers will be using Mindies, and the Civilian has the modified Daisy.
*pokes Eternity for an answer to Makoto's questions*

Also, from what I read, the knife went in through the back but there's no exit wound in Zeta? Can't find mention of it going all the way through.
Just to clarify the Mindy 2-2a and 2-3a both have

Ke-M2-W2902 Forearm Weapons / Forearm Shield Projectors

So they have shields by default.
The forearm things provide a shield similar to the Barrier Shield Module? The way they worked, from what I understood, was that they provided a small shield over each arm but did not create a bubble over the entire armor.

If it created a bubble shield, one would not need to use an arm-block.
Yes, but it is still a shield, may not be a full body shield. But better than nothing.
I was laboring under the impression that Mindies had built in shielding. Derp. Now I gotta reformat her instructions.

I'll have a post up tomorrow-ish.
Is this planet's atmosphere the life-sustaining oxygen mixture we know and love? Or something less hospitable?

Also, what's the terrain like? Flat plains? Hills and trees? Man-eating forests filled with lions and tigers and bears? (oh my!)
I'm going to be out of town next week. I should have computer access, but not the time to accually post. I'll see what I can do.
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