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OOC Aeon Discussion

Hahaha! You know that thing called posting? I suck at it! Hurrrr

But yeah. Sorry about that. Life. On the bright side, I've almost made a decision towards a college!
Arkase - SSharp
Emiko - Khas
Yoshiro - Yoshiro Tanaka
You have one person from the Science team with you, Josea. The other person Shina Kim is down in the mine with the others.

Just wanted to give you a heads up. The past few days have a been hellish to say the least. Long hours of work on the JOB.... Sadly there is no overtime pay always is the same.

I will be posting this evening.
I'm confused as to what Emiko is asking/driving at? Also, it should be noted that no matter what, any Aether is going to be cutting through walls etc. unless they're properly armored.

He's currently firing bursts of Aether down the corridor, not in Beam mode.
In the weapon article it states that the aether saber-rifle has two alternate weapons;

A) The Anti-Armor / Anti-Starship aether mode which has a sword, beam or pulse setting. Either way, it does the equivalent of ADR 5 or SDR 1 damage every ten seconds and is meant for engaging heavily armored targets such as fighter craft. In my opinion, such heavy firepower would be overkill for this situation and any missed shots would take chunks out of the walls of the cave environment they are in presently -- unless the walls have been reinforced by the enemy and I missed mention of that fact in an earlier post, they're only made out of ice and normal rock and are being subjected to the equivalent of a small nuke each time they're hit.

B) A separate Phased pulse rifle secondary weapon is also built into the gun -- this is better suited against infantry as it only has a damage rating of PDR 4 or ADR 1 in heavy mode or a stun setting. It's effectively an intergrated NSP type 30 with almost unlimited ammo.

One weapon mode is aether-based, the secondary firing mode I would assume would be scalar-based if its essentially an NSP.

Whether or not any sort of cave-in would occur is of course in the hands of Nash Though if I were gm'ing and you were firing a light starship-grade weapon indoors that hits with the force that could probably be measured in kilotons, there would be bad consequences.
Sorry for not replying sooner. Finals week is happening. It is a thing that is taking the time.
Khasidel said:
being subjected to the equivalent of a small nuke each time they're hit.

No. Just because it's listed as an equivalent doesn't make it so. One of the problems with the DR system is its vague sense of scale; an Aether shot of any kind has cutting power -- not nuclear EXPLOSION power. Firing a small nuke in any scenario is ridiculous.

Khasidel said:
In my opinion, such heavy firepower would be overkill for this situation and any missed shots would take chunks out of the walls of the cave environment they are in presently

It's an energy weapon. Your NSP will burn through the ice and rock as well, taking chunks out. Maybe not as well as an Aether pulse, but certainly anything hot enough to shoot radiation will cut through ice pretty nicely, so it becomes a moot point.

Also your opinion of "Overkill" is slightly skewed; Aether Beam Saber Rifles are very common, and even NSPs can be considered "overkill" because they literally fry peoples' nervous systems with radiation on their lowest setting.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying it doesn't matter if you're given the option between holding a grenade to your chest or a hunk of lit dynamite: both will splatter your remains all over the room, it's just that the dynamite will make you into smaller pieces.

Also, knowing how pragmatic the NMX supposedly are, they should have built their facility to stand -- not expecting fighting, but understanding that it could happen and making the necessary precautions. They're very warlike, obviously, and not far above the SMX in their tendency to murder one another to get a Klingon Promotion. It should be noted that the only SMG's available to the NMX are energy-based in the Type 28 NSP flavor.

Edit: Or the Aether SMG's they captured off of Yamatai. One of the two. Can we get a clarification from the Nashgod?

If the passage should cave in, it certainly wouldn't be solely the result of Arkase's Aether usage. It'd be because of the heat from (any sort of) weapons' fire, the sound of combat (sound alone could trigger a cave-in if it's weak enough), the NMX' deployment of some sort of artificial cave-in (demo charges, etc.), or because of some unknown surface condition... say, something heavy moving past atop the passage when it's weakened.

If you want to avoid cave-in, don't have a firefight with energy weapons. At this point, Aether doesn't matter in the scheme of things.

Moogle said:
Sorry for not replying sooner. Finals week is happening. It is a thing that is taking the time.

Hope you get some good scores. We can wait.
The Aether weapon in this case is firing small bolts of blue white hot aether plasma. Yes they will hit the wall and burn into it causing some melting. But It would take a concerted effort with the gun in pulse mode to cause a cave-in.

But also remember there are volatile frozen liquids that the Aether bolts could vaporize and detonate. So far, that hasn't happened.
@ SSharp: Alrighty then, let's move on. Divine Nashoba has spoken!

@ Nash: Ahhh!?! Potentially explosive walls. :shock: We're doomed.
back at the start of the mission you folks were warned about the nature of the ice in placed. Fortunately for your group, you are at a point where the ice gives way to stone. So any boom in the hall will be only the ice...
Folks, at Concarolinas. At least in the hotel room wifi is spotty. Will post as time and connectivity permit.
They were about five meters from the doors where the structures were seen. They opened the doors remotely to try and take out any resistance.
I'm a little fuzzy on what hallway your talking about. Are we in like an elevator shaft with a elevator in frount of us that is stuck or what exactly?

Saki said and before she could hear or react to Kim's message to Trowa she headed up the elevator shaft.

Trowa glanced at the doors where Saki had just disappeared through.

So you are both in the shaft. Might want to fix your post Cowboy...
Ohhhh, Right. Now it all makes sense. Thanks for setting me on the right path.... Or rather the right elevator shaft.
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