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RP Altered State

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40, 18 hours after S6 departure
RP Location
General Robotics Distribution Outpost(Decommissioned)

The small space station hung in space, the structure floating, it's purpose having becomed something twisted in nature. What was once a stopping point in a vast network of robotic products, was now an abduction point used by Hades. Grabbing unsuspecting prey for their vile experiments.

Deep in its bowels was on such victim, a man who would find his body changed by his cruel captors.

>>>Lab 2B<<<

The cloaked figure stalked forward into the lab, a limp to its step, which was accompanied by whirl of servo filled joints. It looked under the hood as if it had once been a living person, what race exactly was lost with how it too had been changed. Optics extruded from one eyesocket as wires and metal surrounded that side of the face.

The man was in grave pain, his back having a burden that is inhuman and unbearable to witness. Strapped down on a rusty table like a toy to be played with. Long and slimy tentacles slithered around, chained to his owner's back. The man groaned and whimpered in pain as the cloaked figure entered the lab. His voice had a tone of trama and sadness to it.

"W-What do you want with me?..please..I'll do anything to be free."

He shaked a bit, his restraints pinning him down from escape. He can still remember his own screams and witnessing his own body being tampered with. Thoughts of freedom was on the back of his mind, clouded by fear and regret.

The figure with its limp filled stride, approached the side of the table ignoring the man's pleas. It gave no sign of having emotions, as it's logic engine ran through formulas and equations. With skeletal like mechanical arm, the being pulled down a monitor as a control panel raised out and up from under the table. Checking data and logs, the sound of rapid key strokes by metal fingers, echoed as the figure worked.

After a moment, it paused, something on the screen prompting some sort of action. Turning its head, the optics in its eyesocket adjusted as it observed and examined its current guinea pig. It turned towards the man fully before moving the metallic hand forward.

The hand split and pulled back into the arm, before a rather large needle extended out instead. The sharp metal one centimeter in diameter. The arm pulled back, aiming to jab the tool into the side of the man's chest.

The man sees the tool going for his chest. His eyes were full of hopelessness as he desperately tries to wiggle out of his restraints while begging to the cloaked figure.

"Please! I beg of you! Don't do this to my body! I..I don't want more of those things like the ones on my back!"

The tentacles on the man's back shivered a bit as a expression of wordless fear. If this tool was going to stab his man, the creature will feel it too.

"We have company.", a woman said quickly walking into the lab. Brunette, and clearly alive compared to the figure.

The armed jerked to a stop a mere inch from the man's chest. It's only response was to turn to the woman and give a dismissive wave. The arm pulled back and the needle retracted in as the hand returned.

"Understood, all units moving to standby.", The woman said before leaving again.

Alone again with the being, it gave the man only a glance before moving off to do other tasks. Most likely to prepare as well as see this "company".

The man let out a breath of relief, alive, he pondered who was coming to this very place. He denied to himself in his mind that someone would save him. But he did hope for some way to escape this place then be someone else's plaything. He looked around the room to see if his gear was nearby. His tentacles slid down, relaxing a bit before it gave a few tugs on the man's restraints resulting in nothing but a poor escape attempt. His fate now lays in either his rescuers or his deliverance to the afterlife.

>>>S6S-Anvil: Bridge<<<

"Commander, the Eye II has sent back its recon report. Station is active, movement detected from multiple objects, four lifesigns detected."

Jack sat in the captain's chair as he listened to the report, "Any info on the area, or images of personnel through any of the stations windows?"

"Yes sir, was a distribution center for General Robotics. There's also a number of missing persons reports for this region. Mostly small passing vessels that came through. There are signs of ship parts in one of the station's hangars."

An image of a man near one of the Windows, armored and armed came into view on the monitor. "Sir that man has no lifesigns."

"Deploy a team to get in quietly. There are only two groups who use dolls, and scarecrows said nothing of this. That means Hades.", The white haired man ordered, "Have Whisper lead the team."

>>>S6S-Anvil: Hangar A<<<

Whisper stood in his all black Revenant power armor, the left arm reinforced with armored plates down its length, a sword across his back with a Harbinger carbine. The red visored helmet of the armored figure watched as the squad filed in.
One would think her a man, due to the armor she wore bein technically a male suit. but even those were skintight and revealed the more subtle curves. Her helmet was off, slung under one arm as she strode towards her current team lead, already full of bounce and cheer, no matter how shaken she was by earlier events. she wasn't willing to let that show just yet.

But her roster number had come up for a small strike team. Spark was her usual self, and the blue stripe on the hip of her armor let others know what her last unit was. "So! What's the loadout, what's the mission?"
Hangar A
There wasn't much reason David Maverock would stand out from the armoured squad more than anyone else, the 5'11" Geshrin was just another face in the crowd as he held the helmet and thoughtfully looked down into its visor - the reflection that looked back was just some tanned man with eyes as brown as his beard and the hair that had been swept back. Hell it was safe to say the only thing that made him stand out was the Kukri strapped to his back but even that wasn't anything too fancy.

Soon enough he slid the helmet down over his features and let out a small sigh as the heads up display activated, it had an interface, he could work with that at least - David shouldered the sickle he had been assigned and moved to where they had been told to assemble, his footfalls were oddly quiet for someone in power armour but that fact was covered up by the din of the hangar.

He listened, somebody else having already asked the question he was going to so there was no real point in repeating it.
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S6S-Anvil: Hangar A

The cook named Howard took a moment before joining the others to acclimate himself to the new power armor. He messed around with the interface, at one point almost sending out a distress call. Luckily he stopped it before the pulse went out. Once he felt comfortable in his new skin, the tall man clunked into the main hangar, joining the rest of the power armors gathering. His helmet was stowed just under the crook of his arm, leaving his facial features exposed. He didn't see a need to keep his helmet on as he waited for the briefing.

Once he joined the group he stood towards the back, listening intently. His Harbinger Carbine was slung across his back while his Wraith pistol hung at his right side, just below the helmet he held. He stretched a bit more to get adjusted to the weight and movement of the new armor. Once a little more comfortable and no longer fidgeting, he simply waited in the back to either be addressed, think of a question, or begin the mission.
Hangar A

While the other combat ready personnel filed in a very tired and bored looking short girl followed, she didn't know why someone told her to be here when they'd said it but after a quick scan over recent communications, something she probably shouldn't be doing, it looked like they were trying to get her to go on some raid. What a bore, guns weren't here style and neither was the outdoors, she had considered going back to the room she'd turned into a den of clothing and darkness to hide with her computers but they'd just come find her and march her down most likely.

So here she was.

Dressed in nothing but her usual jacket and shorts attire with her pink hair let down for a change, she needed to get more gel before she could go spiking it back into her favourite mohawk style. Draped over one shoulder she carried the stolen Photon suit, fully intending to use it and slip away from the group at some point if they tried to make her use a gun.
S6S-Anvil: Hangar A

Ven stood out in the group because she was Separa'Shan, a freakishly tall Separa'Shan at that. Dressed in S6's new armor for Separa'Shan, she held the helmet in her hands quietly. There was a cold look about her. In addtion to the Harbinger and Wraith, she also carried a large number of knives throwing knives, fighting knives, combat knives, and even a xiphos style short sword.
Crow 003 prepped his own gear choosing not to wear the bulky armor that 90% of the crows wear and opting for a skin tight balistic fiber body glove and a gas mask as he held a suppressed service rifle

Walking over to weight with the other units for the mission his stoic expression hidden from the reflective tinted visor of the gas mask, "you'll need a guide who knows the layout if those facilities, so I request to go with you on the mission"
"We'll be riding over to the station on the hulls of two Sparrows. Full ECS, and suppressed weapons for this mission. Trooper Goenkof, you will hang back once on site as our tech specialist. Crow, Srgt. Sparks, and Trooper Maverock will take point. This is a search and rescue, as well as target elimination. Any Hades operative are to be eliminated with extreme prejudice, and any survivors to be priority.", The augmented voice of Whisper detailed as he gestured to the two fighters behind him, then to a stack of small cases at the mention of suppressed weapons.

"Grab what your missing and board the craft. We leave now."


GRDS - approaching hull

Both the small craft crept forward in full cloak with its riders magged to their hulls. They stopped a couple meters away from the station's hull, both going to standby. Whisper was the first to leap off the Sparrow he rode over on of the two. His boots making a dull thump within his helm, as the vibrations traveled through his suit.

The man turned back to his team, seeing only highlighted outlines, and markers above where their heads should be. "Dismount, and take positions. Trooper Groenkof, find us an entry point, preferably a maintenance, or secondary hatch.", He commanded.
With a step and a breath in the radio, Spark leapt, knees tucked to minimize her spin, she reached out and hit the hull with the toe of one boot, magnetizing herself immediately. "Remember to breach and clear properly. The longer it takes for them to realize we're here, the longer it takes to eliminate whatever survivors are nearby. I need a high res MRI of the station main hull. That Eye still nearby?"
Hangar A

Trooper Goenkof huh, well she'd been called worse and it was only proper terms anyway so she didn't really worry too much, now that she knew what her job was there was no reason to pay much more attention. There is only so much they can tell you about being the intel guy, and while Haisely hadn't really worked in a group... ever, she understood her job was just to gather and feed information to the others and the ships.

Looking over the crowd she recognised... 1 person? Maybe 2, but that guy from earlier was there already here, she noticed he was dressed for war and snickered inwardly, told him he was a soldier who killed people. No way those claws would show up in just a day, usually it took her a week at least to get it all sorted to be untracked and anonymous. "Sure, can we go yet? It's boring sitting around here waiting." She said with a bored tone, not even bothering to speak up or even state who it was addressed to.
Hangar A

About the same stature, a familiar voice, coupled with the fact she had a photon suit over her shoulder? Well at least David now knew what this antisocial woman looked like without all that armour on - funnily enough it wasn't too far off from what the Geshrin had imagined, a person with that kind of past time and outlook on life tended to have some obscenely bright colour in their hair. He simply nodded at the orders, it was enough information for him to work with.

Hull - Ext

Once the order to disembark was given the Geshrin bent his knees and pushed off of the hull, timing his movements to land perfectly flat-footed against their target and transitioning smoothly into a walk, "Maverock, ready and willing," was all he said while waiting for some kind of go ahead.
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Hull - Ext

Haisely had donned her suit by this time and now sat cross legged on the hull with her laptop, while the rest of them were leaping off she had been working to try and find them a suitable entrance. So far there was a whole lot of security and very little chances for a stealthy entry, there was several maintenance and unused entrypoints but none of them would be easy to use.

Considering her usual nature was reserved anyway she didn't even bother switching on her own mic, her comms were on of course but she would only be listening, not speaking. Instead she directed the group by highlighting paths and points of interest on their HUD, and if need be she could display text to them as well but they should get the message.

The first point she marked was an old service tunnel that ran under the most part of the base, beside it was a percentage number - 40%.

The second marked spot to appear was a hatch on the roof along with several patrolling guards who's paths would even give them a slight line of sight on the hatch. It led down into the main area of the compound which was highly guarded no doubt, although her endeavors hadn't yet revealed the exact numbers or size of any defensive force. The number beside this hatch, was 30%.

The final path marked was accented with several hazard symbols along with a small portion of text "No Viable Stealth" and the number to accompany it was 45%.

Having finished marking the three most viable options Haisely packed up her laptop and grabbed the rest of her gear before peering over the edge down towards the base. "You're all crazy." She said out loud before hopping off to drop down outside the base a fair way.
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Hull - Ext

Ven stacked up behind Sparks, deciding on the silenced Wraith and the Xiphos for the entry. "Volontany ready." She said, pistol in one hand and the short sword in the other. The sword blazed with a cutting energy that could punch through almost any armor.
As crow disembarked from the ship he landed on the station hall and watched
Carefully any portholes for any sign of movement.

'inhail count to five exhail' he said to himself as he watched the fire teams back.
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Hull - Ext

The Geshrin weighed up his options as his suit's stealth systems began activating and he blinked out of existence, the machete in one hand was simply a piece of impossibly sharp metal forged into the shape of a Kukri but otherwise a simple weapon and a stark contrast to the modern, suppressed bullpup rifle in his other hand. A path was chosen, as David began making his way up to the top-most hatch, "Crazy? I hope not - Maverock, going up," is all the machete-wielding man said to announce his plans of clearing out the topmost hatch that had a few eyes on it - eliminating the guards now would save them the hassle later.

David crouched down and peeked through a small viewing port in the top of the hatch as one guard walked past, the Geshrin noted a slight limp in the guard's gait each time their left foot had weight put on it and made sure to remember that as watched for a while longer from his perch, noting the patrol patterns of each person that entered and left his view - David was feeling confident that he could act fast enough to eliminate the threat before they had time to call in any help and so began looking to see if he could pick up this access' control system with his helmet.
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Meanwhile, still stuck on a table in a lab. The man seeked to find a way to free himself from this place and escape. He thought to himself for a while before a idea popped into his head. Controlling his tentacles, he began to smear slime to loosen his restraints on his arms first as a priority and jocked his arms around. He hoped that his captives won't see him trying to escape. Because god ol mighty he did not want to have more of the very slimy creatures that stretch out of his back.
Hangar A

Howard nodded as the names were read and the roles given, following the rest to the boarding craft. He wasn't given a specific role, so he figured he would just help any way he could. As he boarded the craft he donned his helmet, ready for whatever awaited them.

Hull - Exterior

As Howard approached the hull of the station, he magnetized his suit and clunked onto the metal as his feet "stuck" to the hull. It would sound like nothing more than a small piece of debris striking the station, if that. He looked for any airlocks or emergency entrances/exits. Upon finding one, He raised his carbine to cover the door and scanned any windows that may have looked out onto the group. Stealth wouldn't be an option if they were spotted, and if they were spotted it would be nice to at the very least know where one target is to take them down, increasing the team's odds of survival. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.
Ground - Base EXT

Haisely tracked the team on her mobile command setup, aka a laptop and a tablet and shook her head at the sight in front of her. So far one man, the annoying one, had actually moved to one of her marked spots of entry which had a success rate above 15% while the weirdo who called himself a 'crow' or whatever it was had just jumped off and was checking windows? Eh whatever, then another guy had gone and found his own hatch, by himself, also with a less than 15% chance of success.

Well anyone who wanted to take their own path could, she wasn't anyone to stop them, however she didn't bother checking the paths ahead for them and instead focused on David, seeing as though he'd gone to the roof which was probably their best bet. "David, looks like the rest of the team has scattered, and don't bother asking it seems just as silly to me. From what I saw earlier they have some pretty tight patterns up there so get the timing down packed ASAP and I'll try mapping the rest of your route in." She spoke to him over comms, her fingers tapping away silently at her devices while she typed up a lovely message for Whisper.

"Team falling apart, though that's none of my business, David is following my directions from what I can tell but you might want to check in with the others cause I'm sort of ignoring them." It read, Haisely didn't have the time nor the care to deal with people who, for one hadn't listened to Whisper who clearly said she was to find them and entry, and two had then ignored her marked routes which would provide the best chance of successful entry without alerting the entire base.

"Team, fall in. Everyone group up on Trooper Maverock's position.", Whisper commanded with an underlying tone of annoyance. Not even ten minutes in and it was like herding cats, except the one person like a cat was the only organized one.

The armored man did a hop and skip to reach the maintenance hatch that had been marked as one of the higher percentile options for remaining undetected. One there, Whisper pried off a panel next to the hatch, before attaching a relay to the circuitry inside. "Goenkof, setting up an access point into the station's systems. Anything to give us an edge, or unlocking a path would help."

As they waited for the others to arrive, David alone would hear Whisper's augmented voice over the radio, "Maverock, excellent judgement. And thank you for being the only one to listen."

"To all units. Prep for immediate breach into station interior on arrival. Pointmen first. Goenkof, see if we can get some sort of data to track hostiles inside. Keep it frost people, and don't bunch up."



The figure continued to monitor the fleet that sat a ways in the distance of space from the small station. It's logic engine trying to formulate what possible reason for which they could just be sitting there. One answer had the highest percentage of possibility, and that was an attack of some kind. It relayed this to the living command units like the one from before, unaware of the escape attempt on the other side of the room.

The man would start to find his hands wiggle more in their bindings. The appendages starting to slip through one centimeter at a time.

Now that he wasn't going to be the only person using the entrance David decided to move a little to the side so that others could peek into the viewport if they wanted to, opting to send what he had gleaned from the patrol routes to the rest of the team before speaking back through his helmet, "It's going to sound cheesy as hell, sir - but I am just doing my job." There was a very faint chuckle that got cut off as David keyed back into the main channel and waited for the others to arrive, sitting there in his cloaked armour with a machete in one hand and a bullpup rifle in the other.
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