Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Always hopeful, yet discontent

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date
Capital Building

Kyro turned over to the kings' escorts and told them, "Get them into the shuttle, stay safe. I'll drag them away from our location." He then slammed the hammer of the IBR and dashed down the stairs taking 2 shots to his right arm before he slid behind rubble. He then popped up and started to shoot at the DRF soldiers in their brown uniforms, along with the URR soldiers in black. After taking down a few soldiers he shouted out, "Come and get me you ignorant bastards!" As he dashed out into the courtyard.

The entire group of DRF and URR soldiers ran after him clearing the main entrance, allowing the kings' escorts to load themselves and the kings onto the shuttle. McGurie commenting, "This is a start of another planetary war Questberg... there goes our public opinion." Questberg remaining silent as he enters into the shuttle and admiring the technology.


As the fighting was drawn out, 500 DRF infantry showed up, along with 35 tanks and 20 bombers. Only around 100 URR infantry showing up behind them.

When Kyro made it into the courtyard, he was tackled down and was being beaten down on the ground by URR infantry in thick steel plated armor. Kyro firing his shots only to bounce off the steel. He took multiple hits to the chest and face, before he finally got a hold on his sword and slashes through them with his modified broad sword. Kyro shouted into his comms, "Get Uso and the VIPs out! Regroup and plan to besige the city! Shoot the ones in brown and black!" Kyro not paying attention to his clothing, wearing a similar style of black uniform. After which only to be knocked unconsious by one behind him after a short brawl with the group.
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Stratus put a hand to their chin, rubbing the cheek with their metallic fingertips. "Well... I think what I want to get my hands on first are any kind of historical records. Stuff about past events, things like that. Those would help with understanding what this place is, among other things."

Stratus looks back, the data drives in their pockets clacking against each other, "If we got time left, it might be worth finding any sort of military records, or logs of any form of military action. Could use those to understand their forces better."

They look towards the descended ramp, a slight look of worry flashing across their face, knowing that the time to head out is near.
Ty lay under the rubble feeding distress signals on his various vitals Frank on the other hand rushes to assist kyro taking multiple shots to his chest and back as he attempts to strong arm kyro away from the fight

Ty Simi conscious could swear he could hear his old drill instructor yell at him

'get your ass up you lazy dack of shit you die when I say you can die you got a job to do now hop to it'

Ty opens his eyes "even in death your still a hardass" he says to himself before firing a shot from his fresh mag to clear some site for him to shoot from
Capital Building

"Well this sucks," Uso said, having come to a stop just outside of the shuttle. Her invisibility becoming less and less effective as gunsmoke and other particulate started to cling to her body. Just a bit of steam was rising from the slits on the sides of her arms and legs. "Oh hey, new guy!"

Uso would wave at the spacer, not entirely sure if the spacer saw her or not, though perhaps that didn't matter all too much as she quickly closed the distance to where Green Bean and Stratus were.

"You guys good? The rest of the group is scattered... so. You're it as far as keeping everything together. I'mma go play sheep-dog."

Uso didn't wait for a response, she just took off down a hallway towards the Courtyard.


"Alright. Well." Green Bean said, "That is the boss." His statement was neutral. Like that of a teacher who was used to dealing with a room of dozens of hyperactive kids. He remained factual and to the point, with an appropriate pause to gather his thoughts. "If she needs our help. I am sure she would ask."

He would look around. There were large tapestry's on the wall, showing historical battles and people that had no real meaning to those not from the planet. Along with the sprawling hallways there were also grand staircases leading both up and down from their current floor.

"Paper records are usually heavy right? Lets try checking the building from bottom to top." Green Bean suggested, waving their shuttle off and letting it pull away from the building with the VIPs inside while sending two man-sized blob-like drones to go down the nearest starcase. Below the wooden upper floors that they were on, were the stone lower floors that seemed to hold the weight of the structures above. There was no basement but the ground floor did contain several rooms with very heavy locked doors...

"Consider this hazard pay," Green Bean laughed, "I'll have the drones make sure our path is clear. So just stay near me so I can make sure you aren't harmed."



The drones were still having a hard time picking targets.

Another would move over to Kyro and Ty, digging its front legs down into the ground to create a chest high wall of metal to protect against incoming rounds. The large autocannon on top just scanning around as it waited for something it could shoot at... ignoring approaching soldiers, or individuals shooting at one another. Only when a stray bullet plinked off the armor plates in front did the cannon retaliate, firing a salvo of air-bursting rounds back at the unfortunite soon-to-be pink mist that shot at it first.

Similarly, Ty was also still being protected by one of the drone tanks. For the time being it seemed that the locals were avoiding going near it but even so, the drone could only cover so much space. The occational bullet flying by and the still crumbling tower proved to be constant threats.

The attacking forces now had to deal with troops on both sides, local security forces starting to form up behind them as the government building itself continued to be a swirling mess of soldiers firing at one another from whatever cover they could find. The attackers would all have to pull back inside of the Government building's walls now, as without their own armor they were helpless against the oncoming tanks at long range.

"Kyro!" Uso would shout, her body coming to a stop nearby, still mostly invisibible, "We got most of our people out of here. We could just leave and blow all these guys up?"

She'd then turn her attention to Frank,

"Where's the other one of you?"
Kyro got up battered and slightly concussed. Picking back up his IBR and firing a few more shots. “Best take it now before more come. They have heavier equipment on their way.”

The sound of the bombers could be heard from overhead as they flew by. When suddenly, they were all shot out of the sky. After a few seconds, Gold painted Power Armor came flying in. Landing next to Kyro, Uso, and Frank. One of them approached them. “I’m Specialist Ussif Ghost. I’m Head if the Sky Tanks from the Kingdom of Thullo. We’re here to help.”

The power armor was light and only stood at 7 feet tall. It’s playing seemed to be capable of taking most infantry rounds. There were 15 of them standing before them all wielding laser based weapons.
Stratus nodded, "Paper documents are usually rather heavy, recording whatever we find will be much easier than trying to bring anything back." The Freespacer watched the two blobs disappear down the stairs, taking a few steps towards it in order to peek down slightly.

"Alright, I had no intention of splitting off" they added, nodding again and walking back to Green Bean. "I'm ready whenever its safe."

Uso slapped Kyro across the face, "What the fuck? You said they didn't have this kind of tech?"

She'd then turn her attention to Ussif, "How many of you are there anyways? Its not going to be just shit-tons of power armors all of a sudden for some reason... you know our bots probably nearly shot you guys down when you approached suddenly like that.... "

Uso would then get on the all hands channel,

"We need to pack up get out of here so we can regroup. The situation on the ground has changed. Make sure we get Ty and Frank back in one piece this time."


"You know, you're taking this really well for someone who just joined up..." Green Bean said as he moved forward into one of the large stone rooms underground. The heavy metal door had already been opened up by the goo drones which in turn had already swept the area infront of them.

The room they found themselves was massive, with sections branching off in all directions under the main-structure. There was a desk nearby that appeared to be abandoned once the shooting had started as well as a few tables with large paper maps and a single large globe that was in the center junction where the other parts of the room split off. Past that were rows upon rows of scrolls, books, folders, and boxes that contained lots of local writings.... all of which was in the local language which they didn't have a translation for.

"... aaand it looks like the cat wants to leave. I don't suppose you can figure out how to take all this with us?" He asked Stratus.
Kyro wasn’t fazed by the slap and turned to Ussif, “Yeah, I’m guessing you lads kept your armaments hidden within the mountains and set up some sort of cloak over head.”

While some of the Sky Tank operators moved out one of them open fired on a tank, completely blasting its red laser straight through it melting the steel plating. Ussif turned to Kyro, “That’s a spot on observation sir. However, I think we should be going now, more URR and DRF forces will be on their way, our armor may protect us from one heavy shot but we’re toast after that.”

Kyro turned to Uso, “Let’s regroup in Thullo, there we can set up an HQ and get a full feel of everything laid out for us.” He shot off a couple of rounds at some stray soldiers charging at him. Though getting clipped a few times in the leg.
Stratus' eyes lit up at the sight of it. They had never seen something so glorious, and wanted to examine it all. Upon hearing that they had to leave, the expression faded somewhat.

"Wait... already?" They scruffed up their hair in frustration, thinking hard before speaking, "Eeeeerrgh... not that I can think of. Only way would have been for me to read it, but..." they take another look at it, sighing before turning around, "...we better go then. There's a chance we can try once more, right?"

They walk back towards Green Bean, shrugging a bit. They look a bit disappointed, but seem to not care too much.

"Lets regroup in Thullo," Uso mocked, "Like I know where that is. How much other fancy-shit have you been hiding? Is it just these power armors or is there more gear that you've been keeping under wraps? I'm going to need to adjust my order of battle of everyone has some kinda secret superweapon stashed about....

... not by much though...

... I mean, I could blow up your planet. Lets not let that get lost in translation here." Uso would quickly jump behind some of the rubble as a barrage of bullets started coming down on the area. Apparently a group of flying power armors were priority targets for anyone with a rifle who could watch them as they descended... which was a good portion of the attacking force.


"Uh, yeah, Guys I have a bit of a situation here. I can handle it but it will take some time. Go focus on the cat for now,"

Green Bean then turned his attention back to Stratus, "That will buy us some time... We will likely be back but we're already here... there has to be something you can do... you have a scanner or something right? Just like...."

Green Bean held his hand out and slowly waved it back and forth making a 'woowooowoowoo' noise to try and indicate scanning as best he could.
Kyro got behind the same rubble as Uso as the Sky Tanks started dealing with enemy armor and infantry. "Listen, the only mountainous place on the planet. Northern peninsula its on the far western tip." He looks up then cracking a few shots before ducking down again. "They don't have anything else from what I know. Other than the URR having artillery that can level an entire city in seconds." Turning to her, "Which also means our armor will be destroyed. So we shall take our leave now or be overwhelmed by a vastly larger force." He had a few bullet holes in him from getting shot but was unfazed by the damage due to his extremely high tolerance to pain.
Stratus watched, his eyes widening, looking down in shame, "A... ah. No, I do not, unfortunately." The spacer shuffles a bit, making clacking noises as they do, "I was built more towards hacking through interfaces, so I never really... got a physical scanner installed."

They look towards one of the bookshelves, up and down, "Although, I record everything that I see and process... so if I just skimmed through this stuff, I'd have it all backed up." They tap on their arm, the bulky prosthesis making a partially hollow "clunk" as the metallic hand smacks it.

"So... look at stuff then," Green Bean said, a thoughtful determination about him as he looked over their surroundings. "I guess... we should take a quick peak at the most valuable things in this room?"

There were rows upon rows of books on shelves. Similarly there was an area behind locked bars with several desks in it... sheets of paper spread out on them. There was an area with glass cases off towards one end, handbound books inside of them. There was also an area behind the front desk filled with smaller cards... another area near the globe with lots of scrolls... and even an area with paintings hung up on the walls.

The solder naturally singled out the area behind the locked bars,

"What about that?" He asked, pointing to the strongest security the library had to offer, "Getting that door open shouldn't be hard."


"Ok, then we're almost done here," Uso said. The tank over Frank's body would move to the side slightly, and one of the cargo-carrying versions of the Mini-tank would land nearby. Its four 'arms' lowering and spreading out to leave the flat top surface exposed. "Lets get Ty pulled out from the ruble and loaded up. We can ride out on the mini-tanks from there...."
Kyro nodded to Uso, "Alright then. Let's grab our troopers and newer Xunok soldiers. Then we need to take our leave, on your word. " He then popped up then started opening fire again then ducking down to reload. "Final clip. I'd ought to keep my aim better."
Stratus looked in the direction of the door, heading over and inspecting it carefully.

"Yeah, I think it'd be reasonably easy to open up. Lemme just..."

The spacer began to feel and look around it, trying to find a lock of some kind. Meanwhile, after checking all of their pockets, they pull out a few lockpicks, just in case.

The door did have a simple lock to it, but Green Bean wasn't ready to spend time trying to pick it. Instead he took the butt of his rifle and just smashed it inward, causing the door to swing backward.

"No one will know it was us... probably..." He said, letting himself into the locked area.

There were more locked items here as well, locked desks, a locked safe, and numerous papers, maps, and spreadsheets strewn about. However as it was all in local writing it would be hard to tell exactly what was what.


It wouldn't take long for Uso to drag Ty out from the rubble, and load him up one one of the transports. Their shuttle would then descend into the courtyard, the mini-tanks forming a circle around it and starting to pick off anyone firing in their direction,

"Come on, time to go!" Uso called out.
Stratus picks up the maps, studying them for a short while before moving on to the other documents. They spend a dozen seconds or so analyzing each one, the storage drives embedded in their limbs whirring furiously as they copied the data.

They take a few peeks at the locked containers in between papers, looking the safe up and down. "I could probably get these open, but it would take some time. These... might be fine for now." they said, as they continued with scanning the papers.

"Yeah... " Green Bean said, looking around a bit before turning his attention back to the safe. So far there was no one else around, "Pretty sure my rifle will cut through that metal. Not sure how to do it without destroying what is inside though.... "Take what you can and lets go."

The safe itself was thick, two feet tall, not at all bolted down, and made of some heavy metal that looked like Iron. Not the most well made safe by spacer standards... but it was certainly solid. There was a rotating mechanism on the front along with a space for a key, but Stratus wouldn't be able to read the symbols on it.

The locked containers were far simpler, often made of either a thin metal or wood. One had a plain outer appearance, the rest had some level of engraving on them ranging from ornate pictures of people doing things to far more straightforward images of local buildings.

Though he may be able to upload his data for review, he would likely need some linguistic help before he started to understand what was on the maps he was scanning in.
Stratus finished recording the last of the spreadsheet, trying their best to put them back as inconspicuously as possible, yet in a messy fashion, before bringing their attention to the safe. Or, more specifically, the rotary mechanism and the symbols surrounding it.

"Sure, I've almost got what I need..." they observe the lock for a few more seconds before straightening up, turning to Green Bean, "I think... I'm good. Yeah, I'm totally good. Lets go."