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RP: 188604 An interesting Deal

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
Khelena had never been on Nepleslia before. Admittedly, she didn't get as many awkward looks as she expected. She was aware she was going to be speaking with someone of Nepleslia, and of fairly high status. At least, she hoped she deserved a high status. With her, stood a woman with her head covered, not a single speck of flesh visible. Clearly not a Vekimen.

"Exactly where are we..." The Alien ruler asked in her native tongue, looking about with a semblance of interest.
"Funky City Capitol Building, Sraralumee," The one beside her responded, looking around herself.

"Oh, well then I suppose we shall wait for our host here," Khelena sighed, crossing her arms a little in annoyance. "And I got all dressed up for the occassion to. I was hoping for a sudden reaction," She added.

"That would be unwise. We should go and present ourselves at his office. As well, please be careful. There are those on Nepleslia who would see a female dressed as you are curently as a working girl," The woman beside her advised, pointing out the golden metal bands that covered the Sraralumee's body, but did nothing to be called clothes. If anything, they just accented her own savage beauty, making her aproachable yet imposing.

Khelena just rolled her eyes. "Fine, let us go then. We will need to hurry, and hopefully I will not have any problems of unsolicited advances then."

Thankfully, they got through the first few levels without and issue. It wasn't until they were trying to get in touch with the actual Sy Marshal that they suffered issues.

"I am Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, and I was told to come here on this day..." The Alien growled a little, narrowing her eyes. "What more identification do I need?" She asked, knowing her guard could do nothing to assist her in this case.

"Sorry Ma'am, but I need identification to know who you are," The secretary responded, looking rather unamused by the conversation. "You also don't look like a politician. So... Yeah, I can't really help you?"

"My kind does not even use identification! I have nothing your kind would accept either, what part of this do you not understand?" The Lizard-Woman hissed, obviously agitated by the pointless beurocracy.

With a buzz at the secretary's desk, she didn't answer The Sraralumee. Instead held a hand up to her ear. "Yes sir..." She looked back to the pair. "Premier Sanders will see you now. However, you will be escorted by his private security team. It is merely for percaution."

"Escort me with the entire Nepleslian military for all I care, but my assistant remains with me" Khelena said simply, snapping her teeth at the secretary. Taking a few steps away from the desk, Khelena looked to her assistant. "I was expecting the Sky Marshal" She muttered in Vekimen, but was swiftly inturrupted by the Security force coming to escort the party of two.

Khelena looked at the ID-SOL with a smidge of hesetation. They were massive. Quite possibly the largest creatures she had seen with a humanoid form in some time. That was certainly saying something for these creatures as well. Still, she and the slightly shorter assistant followed along until they were brought to the premiers office.

As the door to the Premier's office opened. A rather imposing Gaelan Sanders stood from his desk. His blank cybernetic eyes not showing his mood, his face deadpan as his visitors entered his office. "Sraralumee Khelena, a pleasure to make your aquiantce." He said stepping out from behind his desk. He held out his hand for her to shake.

Khelena gave a slight bow of her head, tracing a hand along the golden horn, before reaching out and taking his hand. She felt small in comparison to this kind. All so large. This one not quite as large as the four outside but still rather imposing. Not that it quite showed on her face.

"And a pleasure to make yours as well, Premier Gaelan Sanders. I apologize for the display outside, it was admittedly out of character," The Lizard woman said with a softness to her voice.

"No apologies needed." Gaelan said to the Vekman. "My secretary should have hadled herself better and she will be talked to. Now please sit."

Khelena took her seat, her assistant standing several paces away where she wouldn't be a bother. "So, I would be pleased to inform you that I have dug out most of the space for the base we spoke of, and have set up the tunnels required for the rail system to keep it supplied. I hope this is too your benefit?" Khelena asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes, thank you. Very well done." He replied.

"I was however curious. I have two soldiers on one of your ships. As a race, we are attempting to create alliances with the various factions in the area. So far we have a few, but I was wondering if we could formalize an alliance, given that is the only term in your language I could think of to describe what it is we currently have. My soldiers are well trained and strong, and are capable of accomplishing tasks with an effective

Gaelan leaned back in his chair. "Is that so? What would you want out of such an alliance?" He asked, not reavling any emotion as he spoke.

"I am currently undergoing a minor population crisis, and cannot appropriately care for my people. However, I can assist a faction as a workforce. Or other such things. What particularly would you be looking for however. I am currently not in a very good position. This is difficult for me you may understand. I am unused to asking people for help," Khelena explained.

Gaelan nodded. "I see. So you are having a logestics delema." He replied. "In inchange for food and such, what other things can you provide? A labor force is one thing, but any rare materials?" He asked.

"I currently have been working to grow manufacturing currently. I don't quite have a fleet available yet to start star mining, however I am pressuring a group who slighted my kind rather terribly. I would have several tens of thousands more Vekimen were it not for what they did to us," Khelena explained, sounding a little aggrivated. "I may be able to provide you with materials should I be capable of getting them. Food however is not a problem any longer thanks to your generocity. The stipend you provide for the land you currently use allowed us to buy agricultural equipment from your markets, if you may recall" Khelena smiled. "I am quite grateful."

Galen finally let a small smile out. "Think nothing of it." "What do you have avaiable to your people right now? And what would you like out of the deal?" He asked.

"Honestly, we have been locked up in space for so long I do not have much. One Hundred thousand citizens in a trained, armed military, an arms manufacturing system, a ship design that is paltry to what your kind currently has, but as worthless as it is, we have a will to survive and are very effective at... HArassing enemies that our friends may have... I hear you are having some... Pirate troubles? Reds, I believe your kind call them?" Khelena asked.

"I would love for the opportunity to have my kind get their feet wet against an enemy you seem to have. Reports from my Vekimen on one of your ships say that-" Khelena began before stopping.

Gaelan rasied a hand. "Sorry to interupt you, but Nepleslia's war with the Reds is long over."

"Are they? Hmm... I apologize then. Quite sorry" Khelena frowned.

"It is fine, however..." Gaelan thought for a moment. He looked back up. "What I am about to say does not leave this room. Am I clear?" He said calmly but firmly.

"I would never dream of it, but..." Khelena said, turning a little. She issued orders to her assistant in a language the Sky Marshal couldn't hope to comprehind, and the woman immediately turned and left. "For assurance," Khelena simply stated.

He nodded. "Thank you. We have reports of a new enemy that is entering the cluster. We have had a few skirmishes, and they are quite skilled." He said gravely. "And I can feel that it is only the beginning. If you want an enemy you can sink your teeth into..." He said leaning back to gauge her intrest.

"I can already taste it Gaelan Sanders. My kind is used to conflict, and you easily speak our language" She chuckled, her teeth splaying nicely. The savage visage a stark contrast from how well she spoke.

Gaelan nodded. "Alright, then a formal defensive pact then?"

"Is this possibly a let me, help you, help me sort of situation? And who are these enemies? I am more than fine with a defensive pact. I assume they have a much higher technological level than my kind currently has, but we are working on changing that," Khelena stated.

"We will help arm you, and in return you can run hit and run attacks against there soft targets once we know more." He replied.

"Then I have one request of you, if you would not be opposed..." Khelena said, seeming to go into thought.


"I understand your kind has knowledge on Cloning. It would certainly help me if I could... Utilize this technology. Not to mention, it would greatly help you..." Khelena said with a kind smile. "I would have my people harrasse as it is, but I would be far more effective if I could bolster my current population" Khelena explained. "I used to command quite a bit"

Gaelan looked sternly at Khelena. "If we give you this tech, you will ahve to allow us to monitor it." he replied. "As we will have been the ones to give it to you." He added.

"Monitor it how, if I may ask?" Khelena asked. "You will not be altering my kinds genetics, will you?" She asked.

"No, I only wish to monitor how often people are cloned and the total number of clones at a given time. If things get out of hand...We will have to intervine...." He said cooly.

"That makes sense. Wouldn't want to over burden ourselves with a population crisis of the opposite teir," Khelena chuckled, but the Premire could tells she knew that wasn't quite the reason he wanted to monitor how many clones she made. It was smart. She liked that.

"Well, how will we do this? Will you generate the clones based on DNA I give you, or will you just monitor the cloning I do on Komodo in whichever way you see fit, barring some exceptions" Khelena asked.

"We will montior your cloning. All your cloning facilitaes will have software built in so that we get annual reports. If tampered with, it will fry all your equipmenmt. Does that sound fair?" He asked.

"I will have to see about finding a way to keep some of the more curious Sivaro's away from the software. They just love new stuff. Quite annoying lately actually," Khelena sighed. "Otherwise, yes, I will agree to that. Could you utilize a hub for me, so that I may have an easier time protecting the part that you do not wish to be tampered with?" She asked, "Or is that not possible?"

"I will put our best on it. Probably several warning screens and fake code that we can use to hide the real code." He therorized. "But I will see what we can do."

"I will do the best I can, but some of my brightest are like children in some ways. They like to pull things apart and put them back together. I almost lost my ship to some curious ones wanting to see how it worked. Anything you can do to make it impossible for them to mess this up would be appreciated" Khelena said, trying to convey that she was serious about respecting the Sky Marshals wishes.

He nodded. "Then it is settled." He replied.

"I hope my kind impresses you. Combat is something we were bred for. Some would say quite literally" Khelena said, placing her hands on the arms of her chair. "May I stand?" She asked simply. Silly request, but it seemed instictual.

He nodded and stood himself. "Thank you Khelena." He said offering her his hand again.

Khelena stood, taking the mans hand. "It was a pleasure as expected. I hope we can have further conversations in the future. You are a rather nice conversationalist," Khelena commented.

"As are you." He replied with a smile, walking her to the door. "Until we meet again."

"Until we meet again, Gaelan," Khelena responded, giving another slight bow before leaving.