• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

Annual Test of the Best 2019 - Nominate Now!

Yes, it's that time again, time for the Test of the Best!!!

Despite its name, it's less of a test than even roleplay reviews- but that doesn't mean we won't be reviewing our roleplay! This time it's a little more fun! We will be voting for the best of the best on Star Army Role Play in this event! But, before we can vote we need to know who, what, and... Well, just who and what we are voting for! So, please reply to this thread with your endorsements and elections for the following categories:


Best Submission!

Most Influential NPC!

Best Villain!

Best Plotline!

Best Individual Post!

Best New Character Art!


Please copy and past the above categories into a post and fill out who and what you think the rest of SARP should vote for in a poll. You can submit no more than one endorsement per category! Now, let me explain each in a little more detail.

Best Submission: What submission in 2019 really stands out to you as the one that was most helpful to the setting, the most interesting, or some other requisite item. Very self-explanatory, but the submission should have been posted for review in 2019!

Most Influential NPC: Due to the below villain category, let's say this NPC hails from the Kikyo Sector and its sisterly regions. NPCs are usually GM or FM controlled characters, which one seemed to really add to the setting or forums in a way that should be recognized? Fun fact: Ketsurui Yui won this award in 2011!

Best Villain: Was these someone you fought that your character wanted to just end it all for? Or maybe there was someone you noticed in a plot you weren't in that you wanted to have a go at yourself? This category is for someone that really sucks, but in the best of ways.

Most Influential Plotline: Not plot! This is for a plotline within a plot, faction, or the site that really jumped out as being something the site and setting both enjoyed and benefited from. Maybe an arc plucked your heartstrings and played a song of love and sorrow with them? Maybe a mission stands out as something you never want to forget? Was there even a JP a plot all read and ate up? All are welcome!

Best Individual Role Play Post: Wow, what a category! This is for that role play post. You know the one. I don't know the one you're thinking of, though! Be sure to link the post so I definitely know what that one is to you and so that the rest of SARP can enjoy it, too, as well as vote on it!

Best New Character Art: This can be bought, created, or simply acquired by a Star Army member of one or more characters in our setting! Please include the artwork you are nominating as a link or embedded in you post!


I know I heavily implied and outright said that this is a reoccurring event, but it's not. It's the first time I am holding it and the first of its kind since I have been around so any and all questions from any and all are welcome. There may be some kinks to iron out in the tapestry of this great event, so don't hesitate to ask where confusion and questions lay.

Reminder that this is for this year. Stuff on SARP that really stuck out to you from before the start of 2019, I welcome you to diatribe about to your friends, family, or us in discord but try to keep the nominations in this thread to this year.

If a category does not get more than one nomination, it will not receive a poll- and thus, no award.

I will make forum polls once nominations are all in, towards the end of the year for results ready by 2020!!

The categories are more concepts than people, so participants in the entries that won will receive the knowledge they did some great work and a graphic for the wiki to put wherever it makes sense! :]
Best Submission!
https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum...ve-variable-plasma-sidearms-ammunition.64793/ big thanks to skully for getting these bad boys for our fox friends, every new gun helps give players options within rp

Best Villain!
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:misha_iwan_ako Misha played by @Jabonicus because she's the villain no one wants to fight but has to anyway

Best Plotline!
The Kingdom Fall plotline of the Kingdom of Neshaten, it's still ongoing but has already changed the way the kingdom has to defend itself and has introduced several new elements to the faction and will continue to do so for the future as they expand and grow in power.

Best Individual Post!
https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/kingdom-fall-the-fight-begins.64928/post-405321 for the reaction to being hit with a gun
I already let club know, but I added a character art category due to popular demand.

It was mentioned this would be hard to judge by someone and I want to reiterate that forum-based polls [or strawpoll tbh] will be deciding the winners, not by a panel and not by me! I am merely a facilitator!
Best Submission! Have to say despite me and nepy land being on the ropes the punk buster battleship is a personal favorite. Check it out here and the epic art work for it. https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:nepleslia:starship_classes:punkbuster_battleship

Most Influential NPC! - Masuku Penny from Mission 17 she may not have a page but for me she was a awesome plot hook. She was for the mission designed as a false plant to make our enemy believe in a counter offensive and a hope to make them react to a false plan. Not only did she bring up moral questions in the discord but also a character development point for one my PCS. I know for some she might not get the win but read up on mission 17 and see the moral dilemma and the aftermath.

Best Plotline!- For me Mission 17 of the Kaiyo II was a personal favorite. Not only did this lead to some interesting rp plots but was fun to write. I know we will see it's effects in a few missions yet like our current mission. https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/mission-17-reikoku.64617/

Best Individual Post! - I wish I could vote for my self but honestly I had a hard time picking between my fellow soban's posts of War Letters home. Seriously check out this little bit of snek humanity here. https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/kuvexian-war-letters-home.64646/

Best New Character Art! - Might be biased but Sakura Sjet https://wiki.stararmy.com/lib/exe/detail.php?id=character:sakura_sjet&media=character:2019:sakura_sjet_final.png
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Well, I am still fresh around here, so I might not be able to fill out all the gaps:

Best Submission!
  • Mining Guild - Personally I have watched the thread and wiki pages from a distance, but I think that the amount of work poured into this should be recognized and has provided quite a good and detailed page that benefits SARP in its total.
Best Plotline!
  • S.E.AR.C.H. Initiative - I don't like to prompt my own plots or work, so why do it you might think? Basically this is not for me, but a recognization for the creative input of the players involved in this story. Without much push, the story gained its own pace and flavor, with frustrations and humor in it. I really look forward to seeing this develop more and more each day! This one is for the players <3
Best New Character Art!
  • Hoshi - The art that @Ametheliana makes for her characters is amazing and I can only praise it <3
I never set an exact timer, so nominations will close tomorrow t this time (in 24 hours) and we'll have some threads with polls open after that.

I'm not some kind of judge, just facilitating and just setting up polls so I am going to throw my nominations in the ring. :]

Best Submission!: Kikyล Pie Company made by @Andrew has led to a lot of new art of pizza deliverers and it's just a cute concept, I really love it!

Most Influential NPC!: Honestly? Gonna nominate my own Taiyou Hoshi. Out of character, she's a quick and fun subject. In character, she has a fun and energetic presence that helps push my plot along smoothly and is spearheading a frontline effort as we speak in the war. People generally have a good time when she's the subject of conversation and that makes me happy to see as well as hard to overlook her, despite her being my own gal.

Best Plotline!: Kuvexian Invasion of the Kikyล Sector for being something that brought many GMs, FMs, creators, and players together to write together.

Best Individual Post!: Mission 18: Nekokaburi. This JP between five players and myself made me rethink how I GM. It also inspired me for what we can do in the future as well as made me really feel better about organizing and managing players by reminding me how responsible they are. I also really liked the disguises everyone wore
Alriiiiiiight, the voting threads have been made! Voting will close Jan 2 around this time!!

Find links to the threads for voting below:
Logistically I can not believe I just did that all while my fingers are going numb from the winter cold, so hmu in discord DMs if I made a mistake somewhere that way I can fix it.

Honorary shout out to @Jabonicus and Misha for being such a "best villain" that nobody else could compete :]
Reactions: Wes
Man, I am bummed that I never got a chance to put in some submissions, but I was too busy running around with the family for Christmas vacation. Maybe next year we can do them a tad earlier! I got a couple of nice artworks that would have been great for the art one.
Have the votes now closed? Do we have our winners?

We have our winners! Give a warm round of applause to the winners!!! Below are those that won the votes along with the graphics to be put wherever appropriate!

Best submission was won by the Punkbuster!!

Most influential NPC went to Taiyou Hoshi!!

Best plotline was won by the Kuvexian Invasion!!!

For best individual post: hit with a gun in Kingdrom Fall!!!!

And the best new character art was won by Sakura Sjet's art!!!
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