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This seems to include elements from the previous version, which was written by Ametheliana.
They all include elements of the previous version, all they are doing is applying the template to the previous version. When I move it from WIP it will have credit to her on it.

Yup, just applying. I only really added to it with skills and playing sections.
all they are doing is applying the template to the previous version.
This one actually had significant substantive additions by demib as to Rikugun updates, and was not simply a direct update of the previous version. The OOC section is still an important part of any article for the submitter to get right, so I didn’t see any harm in putting the information on record because the authorship of the previous version was unclear (you’d have to look at the previous approval thread because Wes applied the previous update and Ame only edited the page once).
Why were things like the patches and the character art removed? I made one of those patches :[
I updated the article as once I took a pass over it, I realized there was so much missing and wrongly worded. This was a major revision and maybe original authors should get notified when that happens.
I passed over this one a little quickly was mainly looking for the template being applied. Sorry about that, anyway hopefully once everything is in the template we can work on improving and building on these occupations.

I'm going back through old revisions and things now making sure that art and content weren't lost. Our volunteers were asked to just apply the template and things may of gotten missed. We thank them for their efforts.
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