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Approved Submission Application of Star Army Occupation Template: Ranger

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Can you please be sure to retain OOC notes when you create new occupations in the template? They have been added.
I think there needs to be some work done on the "playing" section. Right now it sounds like an advertisement for the role, that section is supposed to focus on giving a player the needed information to roleplay a character filling this role. It should be somewhat concise and able to convey the knowledge they and their character need, as well as tips on how to get better at playing the role, or tackling common problems a player might face when trying to play the role. (Like where to go for the military phonetic alphabet or something)

Okay strike that, we'll handle that later.
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The Playing section of the template is described as:

How would you recommend this occupation is played in the roleplay? What are some things the player can do to make the most of their character with this occupation and to seem believable and helpful to other players? What are their expected duties? Where are people in this occupation usually found?

The Playing section of the proposed template application describes the role of the ranger. It doesn't sound at all like an ad for the role, which I would write thusly: "Do you want to show everyone what you're made of? Are you comfortable being a badass and operating independently? Are you ready to be first into battle and the last to lay down your weapon at the end of the day? Do you want to lead the way? Join the ranger corps today!"

That aside, I agree that it's not concise.
Yeah just got the heads up that we'll take care of this at a later date and we're just putting it into template now.