Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.

RP Aquila Flight: Operation Phoenix

Charles checked his instruments with the help of Ghost, who scoffed at the systems of the antique craft.

"Honestly, this is so outdated its just sad." Ghost grumbled.

Ignoring Ghost's jabs, Charles checked in with the tower, which raised him into his tube.

"Aquila 4, launching."

The thrusters of his craft rumbled, and he rocketed out of the launch tube. Charles flew in a helix before falling into place with the wing.

He let out a whoop. This was so much better than the simulations.

"There isn't much time," Olivia Winroe said to her AI, the last to set up to launch. "What are you going to be called?"

"I can be anything you like!" Came the chime of the AI. "Anything at all."

Olivia thought on it for half a moment and said, "I'd like to call you Ein."

"I'd like to be called that," the ACE said. "I don't know where you got that name from, but I like it."

Moving forward through the launch tube, Aquila 2 was on the way out and soon was shooting through and away from Starbase Hayes. Having taken longer than the rest, it took her a bit longer to form up, but was soon on Crux's starboard side, ready and willing for what was to come.

Nero nodded as Miranda took up the rear position. "Just like old times Spirit. It's good to be back." He replied. "Let's hope this round goes as planned." He added. As the other two took up their formations and Cipher received their AI's information, he brought his craft around leading the formation away from the starbase when...

"Sir... It would appear we have a late addition to the flight. He is launching now." Cipher reported.

Nero raised an eyebrow. "That so?" He questioned.

"Aye sir. Aquila 5 has just launched."

Nero toggled over the squad channel. "Looks like we got another green horn. Assume arrow formation. Aquila 5! Form up on Aquila 4's wing and introduce yourself to the flight!" He ordered as Aquila 3 and for changed positions, while Aquila 2 remained in her position on Nero's starboard side.
In the hallway to the Hangar:

Paul Dyre sprinted down the hall, donning his flight suit and helmet as he turned a corner. "Nurse! You told me we had ten minutes until briefing!" He said to his ACE, nicknamed Nurse.
"Paul, I told you you had ten minutes until launch, and that briefing had begun." She replied through his headset.
"Whatever. Who's launching next?" He asked.
"That would be Commander Olivia Winroe and her ACE Ein, Aquila 2." The ACE replied. Paul didn't reply, only speeding up as he burst through a doorway, startling some Marines who patrolled the base. Only two more corners to go...

In the Hangar:

Paul burst through the hangar door to see Aquila 2's launch tube close. Soon, the deck shook as the ship took off. Paul nodded to the ground crew as he climbed into his FA4-B Dictator, nicknamed the Scalpel. He was new to Aquila, but during his fighter training in flight school he used the Dictator, finding the sleeker, faster design with a lighter payload more appealing than the FA1 which he flew in the simulators as a child. After going through medical school to become a medic, his recruiter told him his flight scores were exceptional, one of the top in his platoon. He decided to go through flight school, and became a fighter pilot in space, and his team's medic on the ground should they land in hostile territory.
"Nurse, begin pre-flight checks." He ordered.
"Already testing." The ACE said, pausing as Paul strapped in. "Checks complete, all systems go. We may begin taxiing when ready."
"Thank you. And Nurse, you remember my call-sign?"
"Yes. You told me when you first got me to call you 'Doc'. Is that still your name?" She asked. Her holographic image appeared next to Paul on his right, taking on the shape of a red cross.
"Correct." Paul said. He began taxiing the fighter to the launch tube. As the ground team guided him in, he saluted them as he passed through the entrance. The blast doors behind him began to close. "Open a line to Hayes Tower."
"One moment..." The ACE replied. Her holographic cross pulsated, and soon a comm link was connected. "Link established successfully. You may began transmission."
"Thank you Nurse." Paul said, flicking some switches which primed the engines. "Aquila 5 to Hayes Tower requesting permission to launch." The pressurization light glowed red, switching to green as the launch tube vented atmosphere and depressurized. The doors ahead split apart, sucking out the last of the oxygen and exposing the black void with twinkling stars. This was much better than sitting in the back of a shuttle or in the med-bay of a ship.
"Permission granted Aquila 5. Notifying Aquila 1 of your departure." The tower controller came back.
"Copy. Thanks for the hospitality. Aquila 5 out." Paul said, pressing a button to his left, closing the channel. He pressed a larger green button, and the engines roared the life. The sleek fighter slid on the guidance tracks, gaining velocity. The Scalpel roared out of the launch tube, fire and smoke blasting out behind. His aft camera showed the doors closing, while Nurse transferred the fastest route to his squad. They were a good distance away, but slowed down to let him catch up.

In Space:

The Scalpel speared towards the rest of the fighters. "Open transmission from Aquila 1 on the Squad Link. Patching him through." Nurse said.
"Looks like we got another green horn. Assume arrow formation. Aquila 5! Form up on Aquila 4's wing and introduce yourself to the flight!" Captain Nero said.
"Aye sir! Ensign Paul Dyre, callsign Doc or Aquila 5 reporting." Paul replied. "My ACE is Nurse. Her and I had a... complication today. It won't happen again Captain."
"It is a pleasure to meet you all. I apologize Doc and I missed briefing. He misheard me and was almost left behind. He has learned from this error." Nurse said.
"Yes, I have. Did anyone's ACE record the briefing or could someone explain what the mission is? All Nurse would tell me is that we are going to the Oracle." Paul asked the squad.
He maneuvered the Scalpel beside Aquila 4, completing the arrow formation and matching their speed.
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"Oh, another one?" Spirit blinked at the newly-declared Aquila 5's unexpected appearance, their newest member's Quattro sliding into postion at the other end of the formation. "Welcome to the Flight, I'm Miranda, Aquila 3 callsign 'Spirit'. Do remember to come on time in the future, okay?" Looking up at the window displaying the newest pilot's features, the gray-haired bombardier gave him a reassuring smile. "I suppose this will have to do for now, proper introductions will have to wait I'm afraid. As for the missio-*krrzk*"

Spirit jolted, before narrowing her eyes and slapping the dashboard with a gauntleted hand. "Blast it. Help, could you please check what's wrong with the comms this time?"

"A-hem! Sorry about that." She coughed as her AI companion got to work, her previous smile now a tad sheepish. "As I was *krrztch*ing, we'll be transferring from Starbase *zzt*ayes to the NSS Oracle. En-route, we'll be engaging a formation of OPFOR *blzzch*ers simulating an enemy force trying to take down the Oracle, our task is to take them all down *klzzt*fore they reach the carrier. Did you get all that?"

"Oh, and another thing;" The bombardier paused for a moment to shoot an aggrieved look at the Hornet's malfunctioning radio. "Switch on your *kzzt* -ameras before OPFOR arrives, wouldn't do to be firing *blzzch* warheads at them."

Ein let Olivia know, "Lieutenant Miranda Banning's comms seem to be having a hard time. Care to rephrase for Doc?"

"Thanks, Ein!" Olivia said to her ACE. Then, to Dyre she said, "We'll be engaging a simulated formation of five enemy bombers that are on their way to destroy the Oracle! Each bomber has two escorts but the bombers are the primary targets! G'Luck!"

The crackled voice came over the radio from Lieutenant Bannings, and Paul listened. Trying to piece the fragments together, it seemed like there would be trouble on the way to the Oracle. Luckily, Olivia cleared it up.

"Alright then. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope I can prove to the older members as well as new that I deserve to be on the Flight." Paul said, keeping formation. They continued to the Oracle, and Paul kept a sharp eye out for any potential enemy threats. This was friendly space, but this was a simulation using friendly ships. They could be anywhere.

Nero let out a soft chuckle, and opened a private channel. "Has it truly been that long that you forgot how to work your comms, Spirit?" He asked, having Cipher and Help link so the two AIs could fix the issue.

He then turned back and opened the squad channel, "Make sure it dosen't Doc." He said, remarking on Doc's tardiness. "You'll learn. Today is the day to show what you can do." He remarked. "Alright! Prepare for FTL transit."

Cipher in turn linked with all the other AIs and they synched to Nero's craft for seamless FTL transition.

"Handshake with the flight is complete, systems are linked." Cipher informed.

"FTL transition on my mark. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Mark!"

In a blink, the flight of fighters had disappeared...

Half an hour later:

The flight emerged from transit simultaneously, the area devoid of anything but stars. Cipher came over everyone's comms "Translation is complete, we have entered the Area of Operation. Beginning simulation."

With that, simulated bombers and their escorts appeared in their HUDs, if they deactivated it, they would see nothing there.

"Alright! Aquila flight, enemy bombers have been sighted, split up and attack your targets. Prosecute enemy bombers with extreme prejudice. Aquila 2 and I will play decoy and draw the escorts away. Aquila 3, 4, and 5 team up and take down the bombers." Nero ordered, increasing his speed slightly, pulling away from the formation, waiting for Lucky to form up on his wing.

"Execute!" With that Nero's craft rocketed away from the group, moving to draw away the escorts.

The Scalpel entered FTL with the rest of the flight, spiking his adrenaline. The forces pressing against him were uncomfortable at least, but would subside as they got deeper into FTL.

30 Minutes Later...

The Flight exited FTL at their destination, and Nero gave his orders. "Aquila 5 copies. Taking formation with Aquila 3 and Aquila 4." Doc replied over the squad radio, watching Aquila 1 and Aquila 2 split off from the formation to draw the simulation bomber's fire. So, this was a HUD sim, huh? He had figured it would be actual friendlies, but he had been wrong.

"Doc, it would appear that the best formation would be to keep the Arrowhead, or take up a Line formation with Aquilas 3 and 4. Because of your designated support role, it would also be wise to take position behind the other pilots and provide covering fire as well as point defense, which I can coordinate with 87% efficiency." Nurse informed.

Noted Nurse. Maneuver the Scalpel with Aquilas 3 and 4 and match their speeds. Keep an eye on 1 and 2's vitals and situation. If they enter an overwhelmingly dangerous situation, advise them to fall back while we take and dish out fire to the hostiles while they can recover and re-engage." Doc ordered.

"Command logged and engaged. Monitoring Aquilas 1 and 2. It would appear Lieutenant Bannings is in charge of our formation and will issue commands to fire while the Captain is away with Aquila 2.
" Nurse replied. Doc simply grunted and nodded, piecing together the sim. The bombers, or at least the sim symbols of them, kept on their course while their rear flight of escorts broke away, a portion heading for Aquila 1 and Aquila 2, the rest on an intercept course with the remaining three Flight members.

Lieutenant Bannings, what are your orders?" Doc asked, warming up his cannons and arming his missiles with Nurse targeting the closest enemies.
"Simulation has begun, Pilot Bannings. Enemy bombers detected on approach to the NSS Oracle, analyzing radar signatures." Help intoned as Crux boosted off, burning hard towards the simulated formation. "Analysis complete. Enemy forces consist of a mixture of Immolator Strategic Bombers escorted by Type 33 Battlepods, retrieving NMX/SMX identification charts for comparison."

"Mishhu vessels...?" Spirit frowned as she speed-read the documents appearing in a corner of her HUD, the strange curving hulls and organic colors of the wholly unfamiliar craft downright alien to her sensibilities. The sheer number of guns on each vessel, even the supposed "drone" Battlepods, worried her. "That's a rather hardy nut to crack, I see."

No matter, she thought with a small "hmph". She'd make do.

"Doc, Four? On me!" Spirit called, her voice clipped with irritation as the Hornet's radio continued to stutter. "Bomber *klzzk*ation's too risky to attack piecemeal, we'll have to scatter them and take them down one-b*zzzt*ne."

"Hang on a moment, please." Cutting the connection, she turned to her digital copilot. "Help, is there any signalling equipment onboard we can use?"

"Not specifically, Pilot Bannings. The Monoeye Sensor System can theoretically be repurposed for ad-hoc laser communications, but be advised that signal range will be dramatically shortened with a sharp decrease in transmission quality over longer distances. Furthermore, transmitting via this method will be impossible if the rear turrets are in operation, and vice-versa." Help intoned, orb-shaped avatar flickering as large amounts of code passed through the AI's virtual perspective. "Is that acceptable?"

"Please do, Help. I'll inform the others of the change."

"Affirmative, sensors are ready for transmission."



"Now that's done with, let's begin!" Spirit gunned the throttle and pitched the Hornet into a steep "dive", the fighter-bomber shuddering as it overtook the formation. On-screen, the distant specks of the Immolator bombers flashed past her cockpit as she accelerated towards them, her skillful hands pitching the ungainly craft into a high-speed intercept course right into the middle of the formation. "Help, encore on the maneuver we pulled in the Fort Sentinel mission!" she ordered as she flipped the various firing studs linked to the Hornet's current payload, the bomber's systems beeping in compliance as they readied virtual Pufferfish missiles for launch. "We'll close in and hit them all with a Pufferfish barrage, that'll ought to scatter them and knock out a few of their systems at the very least. I'll be leaving the fuse timings to you, try to catch as many of them as possible in the blast!"

Within seconds, the Hornet had overshot the dogfight brewing the resident fightercraft and closed in on the bombers. The sharp-nosed delta-wing forms of the strategic bombers loomed large in the enhanced view of her HUD, engines steadily vomiting amber contrails as the heavier ships streamed towards the distant carrier. "Aquila 3, firing three!" Spirit cried and depressed the trigger, her cockpit overlay dutifully depicting a trio of whitish comet-trails streaking out from under her craft and rocketing towards the cluster of enemy vessels.
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"Aquila four copies that Spirit." Charles said over the makeshift transmission system.

"Ghost, I want you to translate my verbal speech to the monoeye comms system for this mission." He said to the AI.

"Roger that." Ghost said in response, doing so.

Charles rocketed ahead of Spirit, breaking up the formation of 'enemy' fighters with bursts of fire in order to make it harder for them to cooperate.

With one of his bursts of fire clipping one of the enemy, he shot through the hole in the middle of their formation.

"Nugget is engaging enemies on your flank," Ein told Olivia. "Spirit still having poor comm operation. Doc is awaiting orders from Spirit."

"Thanks!" Olivia shouted. "Continuing to follow in formation with Crux!"

"Locked on his position as we speak!" Ein replied.

Aquila 1 and 2 soared ahead of the rest of the flight. Nero got a target lock. "Crux, fox 2" He reported as he loosed a salvo of pufferfish missiles towards the targets.

The Battlepods, spun around and began providing CIWS for the bombers as the pufferfish missiles broke into countless mini missiles. "Well I think we got there attention!" Crux called to Lucky.

"Correct Captain, one escort from each bomber is turning to pursue you and Aquila 2." Cipher reported.

"Alright Lucky. Let the competition begin, whoever shoots down 3 escorts wins." Nero said smirking as he began moving to begin dog fighting.

They all came at Nero, who fired the shot that had stirred up the hornet's nest. However, Winroe had 2 of her own battle pods to deal with.

Spirit's cluster missiles had their intended effect, the bombers scattered and the remaining battle pods began firing at the incoming missiles. A few of her mini missiles made it through and stuck 1 of the 5 bombers. "Spirit, target has lost an engine. They are rerouting power to shields. That one will be a tougher nut to crack now." Cipher advised.

As Charles flew ahead of Spirit and clipped one of the battle pods, 2 of the 5 remaining battle pods moved to intercept him. they closed in.

"Aquila 4, you have a bandit on your 6 o'clock." Cipher warned him. "Advise evasive maneuvers." It was at that moment virtual rounds flew past his cockpit and he heard the tone of a weapons lock...

Doc would see that everyone's vital signs were in stable condition as the battle began. A window in his HUD showing each member's vitals. "Aquila 5, assist Aquila 3 and 4 with their engagements. Battle pods are on Aquila 4's tail." Cipher noted for the newest member.

"Not good!" Winroe said to herself as she released two JAM. She veered off to the left, then plunged her nose downwards before getting back on track to deal with the escort by antagonizing it with her laser array.

"Three escorts!" Olivia Winroe gawked jokingly. "I can't imagine you getting three escorts, Crux! But you can always try!"
"Wonderful!" Spirit cheered as one of the heavy bombers began to veer out of formation, engines bleeding plasma as the stricken craft tried and failed to match with the energetic movements of its healthier kin. Hanging back from pursuing for a moment, she fired up the Hornet's makeshift transmission system again. <DAMAGED BOMBER PRIORITY TARGET, DOC ATTACK WITH HEAVY MISSILES AND OR CANNON, STANDOFF RANGE. FOCUS ON DISABLE OVER DESTROY, CONSERVE AMMO. MISSION PRIORITY PROTECTION OF NSS ORACLE.>

"Alright. Help, man the guns! I'm bringing us in for another pass!" As soon as the Monoeyes finished transmitting they were off again, Spirit bringing the Hornet into a rolling swoop that put it back into a diagonal position to the NMX ships. Carefully jockeying her approach to have the bombers block the lines of fire of each others' turrets, a quick puff of thrusters had her into a prime attack run.

"Target the rearmost one! We're going in!" Engines spitting plasma, the blocky fighter-bomber plunged back into the fray, anti-fighter shrapnel exploding all around the craft as it steadily lined up its nose-mounted vulcans with the oversized arrowhead silhouette in the distance.

Charles heard the warning tone of the weapons lock and reversed his thrust, shooting him behind the enemy pursuing him. He then reengaged the thrusters and chased the enemy down, pouring fire onto them. While his maneuver saved him from 'dying' he took a little damage to one wing, but that wouldn't be a problem in space.

He then came around for another pass on the group of bombers, his guns biting into and finishing off the damaged bomber at the lead.

"Four here, I've got your back spirit." He said simply over the radio before letting out a whoop and spiraling through the enemy formation, dodging most of the fire as he closed too quickly for them to get a bead on him. As he flew forward he cut his engines again and flipped over, now moving backwards from his perspective and facing towards the rears of the enemy bombers, at which point he opened fire into their backsides.

The space was filled with virtual fire and missiles, as the simulation NMX tried desperately to fight of the Aquilas. Spirit was able to get in close on the rear most bomber and blasted away at it with her chainguns, the craft exploding into a virtual fire ball. However, two of the battlepods had broken off to engage her.

Charles was able to lose his pursuer with the maneuver, and chased it off. He was also able to finish off the damaged lead bomber, before moving to Spirit's defense.

Nero smirked as he began the dog fight. He performed a corkscrew maneuver, before cutting back and firing his cannons into the enemy battle pods. He clipped one, causing it to slam into the other, both causing a nice imaginary light show. "Come on Lucky, better catch up fast."

Lucky's first JAM was a dud, getting caught up in the CIWS fire. However, her second one flew true and connected with her target. As she turned to engage the next one, it attempted to evade her laser fire. Yet, it wasn't enough, and it was clipped. Striking the battlepod's magazine caused the virtual ship to break apart into thousands of pieces

Now it was two on one. Loser had to buy drinks...

"Almost there pilots. There just 2 bombers left. Engage with extreme prejudice." Cipher reported to the flight.

Aquila 2 moved quickly and succinctly through space as Olivia maneuvered the fighter through the vastness of space in a trailing pattern to what Nero was doing, as well.

"Spirit, Nugget!" Olivia called out. "Designating one to each of you! Go get 'em!"

She wanted to know that Aquila Flight was up to the tasks and rigors of real combat and this was the best way to find out.

As the seconds ticked by, the bombers drew ever nearer to the NSS Oracle. "Hurry! The bombers are almost at maximum range!" Nero ordered urgently over his comms to the flight. If they didn't hurry, then this mission would 'fail.'

"Come on Lucky! I'm gonna win!" He said over comms as he began maneuvering for a target lock on the enemy battle pod, his targeting reticle inching ever closer to victory... and a free drink.
"Oh, crud." A pair of dedicated astrospace fighters was one of the worst matchups possible for an aging aerospace bomber like the Hornet. More gyroscopes, more maneuvering thrusters, not needing to compensate for G-forces on account of being drones, the list went on. Abandoning all attempts to maneuver, Spirit slammed down on the throttle and boosted her craft on a dead sprint towards the remaining bombers, to hell with the turrets. "If those Battlepods catch up with us they'll cut us apart! Help, hold them off!"

A sharp beep was the AI's only reply as a loud buzz reverberated through the Hornet's frame, twin streamers erupting from the craft as its chaingun turrets spat plasma at the approaching fighters. One of the drones spun violently as a brace of searing bolts slapped across its hull, rocking the lighter vehicle off course and ripping off one of its dual cannon turrets.

The other, somehow possessing a devious intelligence unexpected of a mere simulation, swung under the chainguns' arcs and kept pace with the bomber, its four cannons barking as they hurled fat slugs of burning energy at the Hornet's unprotected underbelly.

"No, no!"
She gasped in shock as the sim-rounds "impacted", a large swath of the fighter-bombers systems immediately turning red in mimicry of the brutal blow that would have come close to disemboweling the craft. "Shields are down and we've lost 30% of our maneuvering thrusters! We can't take much more of this!" With a large number of thrusters on the bomber's underside "disabled", she began to jink the ailing vessel in a seemingly-drunken zigzag in a desperate bid to shake off the smaller fighter and put her guns in range. "We can't even call for help while our guns are busy, what do we-"

"-I've got an idea." On-screen, the distant forms of the two bombers continued to spit out tracers like no tomorrow, filling the space around them with light and fire. "Help, reroute remaining shields to the front! Pray our frontal armor's thick enough!" Spirit ordered, pushing the bomber's engines to their very limit as they boosted towards the Immolators. "Let's see what their own weapons do to each other!"
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