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RP (non-canon) [ARCHIVE: Horizon's Key Non-cannon posts]

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Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

"A presidential suite...?" Eliot scratched his head in confusion, looking about the bar as if he was searching for something. Inside his head, he expected a Nepleslian video crew to leap out from behind one of the myriad desks in the room, shouting "we gotcha!" in their best "you're a fucking fool" voices. None of those crews came out; however, so he merely stepped back and savored the moment.

Savoring the moment, of course, only lasted a few seconds before Eliot's head, which had been blasted into space, came back down onto his shoulders with a firm "clunk". He turned back towards Eclipse and asked, "You want me to run back and get the crew? Or do you want me to just leave them there?"
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

With another wry smile, Eclipse shrugged his shoulders and turned totally to the woman behind the counter, saying something in the native language to which she nodded and started working with old and crude looking bottles.

"That's up to you. If you don't get them, you have a suite all to yourself, as well as most of the commoners thinking you're a step below royalty, and believe me, that goes a long way to, how do you say, getting some tail? And here," He motioned around them, not a single human in sight. "That is meant literally."

Chuckling to himself, the panther took up a medium sized glass filled half way with a radiantly deep purple liquid and started heading for a seat by a stage, where a pair of what looked like identical sister mink were dancing quite provacatively. The scarf around the lower side of the panther's face began to be unraveled so that he could sip at his beverage, hissing slightly at the burn of the alcohol.

"Then again, if you do that, you will get chewed out when your captain finds out about I would recommend going and getting them."

And then he fell silent, losing himself to the burn of the liquor, and the gyrations of the females' hips.
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

"Well on the one hand," Eliot said, crossing his hands over his chest and scratching his chin, "I've never really been in the lap of luxury." He looked up at the door and wondered. "On the other hand, the cap'n controls my paycheck; and she's one of my few friends on this world..."

The situation wasn't hard to make out for Eliot, but he continued pondering for a little while longer before shrugging and heading out the door and back up the road. He dodged through the crowds gathering and was soon in the free and clear, marching up the street to where the Key's crew, plus two or three, were stopped. "Hey, guys." The cargo hauler announced as he arrived near the group. "It's time to go on into the city; we've got ourselves a room."
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

Time:Just after Eliot and Eclipse left.

Wearily stepping up into the cart, Gem settled in on top of a small crate and leaned back against a pile of bags. She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and looking over at the motionless Voidwalker suit, silently hoping that the Freespacer inside was alright while wondering what happened.

"'ey, Sliver, do ya know if there's a spaceport 'round 'ere?"

The fox thought a moment, then nodded. "There is the space elevator at the city center. It is one of the few links from the planet to the Imhotep. Why do you ask?"

The Key's commander glanced at the still suit before looking back at Sliver. "We need tah get tha' to th' 'port, an' I need t' talk w' th' some'ne on th' station. It migh' be important."

Sliver looked at the Voidwalker suit a moment. "I have refrained from inquiring, and I shall continue to do so out of trust that this does not harm my student or his friend. We can make it there quickly enough lose only a few hours if your business there is brief. But we must leave if we are to make it before the heat of the day."

He smiled at Gem and then spoke to Winter, who turned and tapped the cart-pulling construct. Gem sat up and hopped out of the cart. Though she was still tired, the brief stop had done her good.

Time: While Eclipse and Eliot find lodging...

Gem sighed. It'd be morning before a Nepleslian doctor would be able to arrive to pick up Kassiopea. The doc was with a cargo ship that was at the Imhotep dropping off some import goods, it was only luck that a proper doctor was there at all. The Freespacer was still unresponsive and Gem didn't feel good about opening the suit to check. But the Kohanian in charge of the planetside elevator assured her they would watch over Kassi until the doctor arrived, and she left them with instructions to contact her if anything happened.

We really need to find a doc for the Key, Keira mused, heading back to check on where the Freespacer was roomed before heading back to the others and leave for the Colosseum. She returned to find it gone, along with the two youngest Kohanians, and only Sliver and Nicholai were waiting for her.

"Where'd our stuff go?"

The grey fox-morph looked over at the commander from a conversation he was having and smiled. "There would be no place to store it at the Colosseum, so Winter and Echo have gone to search for Master Eliot and our friend Eclipse. They will take your things to whatever housing your man and our guide have found for us, and remain to keep it safe until we return."

Something troubled Gem, but she couldn't quite put a finger on what it was. Any other time she would never have allowed her things to be taken without permission, even if given word that they would be returned. But something about how the reynard spoke calmed her initial outrage, though she didn't hide her frown. Still, she said nothing more on the subject, only nodding once, slowly. "Le's go, then. Sooner'll get late'r if we don'."


Time: While Gem was making arrangements for Kassiopia...

Winter was on edge. His tail-tip twitched rapidly, but his ears remained at a neutral position as he fought to keep his composure. The crowd that had gathered for the celebration flowed through the Holy City like water through irrigation ditches and it was only because of the massive stone construct behind him that he was able to move through it. But it was also because of the construct that people were watching him. Some were irritated at having to make way for the boy and his creation, but others were curious. Not because of the construct, those were common for heavy tasks such as construction or hauling, but because Winter's was of a distinct build, certainly not of the local schools of design.

The other problem was that, with so many scents in the city, it was nigh impossible to find those of either Eliot or Eclipse.

The puma forced his mind to focus on his task and pushed forward, heading toward the main gate. Maybe the guards there would remember the strange Furless One and a darkly-cloaked panther, especially when most of the population was somewhat more festively garbed.

In the meantime Echo was again seated among the cargo in the cart, all smiles, her eyes looking around and her hands busy with some wire she'd found in Winter's bag (she knew it was his by smell). Earlier, as the group had arrived in Anetheronn, she had been silent as she remembered the tragedy that had struck the last time the kitten had visited this city, but the festival had eased her mood considerably. Now she was impatient to find their friends so she could join the fun! Bored with the wire, she stuck it back in the bag and climbed the construct, carefully avoiding the etching in its stony surface.

As it turned out, the construct was just as good as a lookout point as it was at pulling carts. They had just cleared the gates and were beyond the crowd when the Siamese girl smiled and waved as she spotted Eliot, who was also outside and searching.

"Dah-yaa narei! Daay-ha narei!"

"<Get down!>" Winter hissed at Echo, then noticed Eliot heading their direction. "<He doesn't understand you, so quiet down already!>"

The kitten stuck her tongue at her friend. "<I was getting his attention, now he knows were we are! So, nyaa!>" She got down anyway and sat on the headboard of the cart, her tail waving happily.

Cipher said:
He dodged through the crowds gathering and was soon in the free and clear, marching up the street to where the Key's crew, plus two or three, were stopped.
Or so he was difficult to discern who was there with the crowds but, as he drew near, he noticed that it was only the puma and kitten.
"Hey, guys." The cargo hauler announced as he arrived near the group. "It's time to go on into the city; we've got ourselves a room."
Winter's eyes narrowed but he managed a smile as the Nepleslian drew near. The smile turned to a mildly confused expression as Eliot spoke, and Winter finally held up his hands in a "Hold on" gesture. "Uhh...enTeru'tra cann'ay..." He made a motion like he wanted Eliot to lead the way. "Tra cann'Ay."
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

Eliot cocked his head to the side in his best "country boy don't understand" gesture before shrugging and placing his hands in his pockets. Turning back towards the entrance to the city, he started slowly making his way through the crowd, leading Echo, Winter and Duke McManmountain (his name for the golem) through the large, awkward clumps of Kohanians and others. However, he picked a really awkward time to notice something extremely important.

He was crossing over a road, still making his way to the tavern where board, broads and beer awaited, when he finally discovered the footnote that it was only the Three Stooges from before, and Gem & co. were nowhere to be found. Scratching his chin as he stood in front of a golem being guided by an irate To'Yaree (and seeming not to notice), he suddenly said, "Where're Gem and the others?"

The language gap seemed to kick in at that point, as the Kohanian began rambling in that unfathomably complicated language Eliot couldn't pick up by ear no matter how hard he tried. "No," he said after a particularly long string of Kohanian, "Gem. Nicholai. Key. Where?"
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

Cipher said:
Scratching his chin as he stood in front of a golem being guided by an irate To'Yaree (and seeming not to notice), he suddenly said, "Where're Gem and the others?"
Winter started to tell Eliot that he couldn't understand him any more than the Cargo Specialist could understand him...and he was aware of the futility, but he was tired from walking all night and didn't care. Besides, Eliot inturrupted him before Winter could finish.

The language gap seemed to kick in at that point, as the Kohanian began rambling in that unfathomably complicated language Eliot couldn't pick up by ear no matter how hard he tried. "No," he said after a particularly long string of Kohanian, "Gem. Nicholai. Key. Where?"
Winter gave Eliot a dour look, didn't the man know that speaking slower wasn't going to help? But, judging by how the human was looking around, he could guess what was being asked. At least both races used the same intonation for questions...

The puma pulled a slip of paper from his belt and handed it to Eliot.

Note said:
Master Eliot, we are going ahead to the Colosseum. Please take Winter to the lodging you and Eclipse have for us and then go to the main entryway to the Colosseum. I will meet you there.
It had some strange markings where a signature would normally be, but the tone seemed like Sliver's.
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

"Ah." Eliot nodded in Winter's direction. He then proceeded to turn away and facepalm himself silently. 'You idiot!' he thought to himself, 'What the hell were you thinking?' He continued the self-deprivating thoughts up until he had started leading Winter and Echo again, he would need to concentrate to find his way back through this maze.
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

The trio got the cart and construct to the designated inn/tavern/rooming facility in due time, stowed the cart in a stable, and hauled the stuff in the cart up to the suite that was offered. Winter was able to re-shape the construct Eliot had designated "Manmountain" into several smaller constructs that helped with the luggage lugging.

Once everything was settled in, the Siamese Kohanian, Echo, sent Eliot on his way to the Colosseum with shoves and rapid chatter, ignoring the fact that he couldn't understand her anyway. He had someone to meet, and with the Colosseum at around a twenty minute walk away from the city, it would probably be best to get started.


Meanwhile, in another part of town...

Gem and the others finally arrived at the arena's outer entrance. Sliver was alert, his ears moving and eyes searching the crowd. A good portion of the city seemed to be there but the building seemed almost large enough to hold everyone. Not that everyone cared, they still packed in anyway.

The gray fox led Gem and Nicholai to a door that looked like a service entrance, guarded by two large buffalo. The guards waved Sliver through and he led them to a waiting room, where they stood.

And waited.

Gem looked around, then leaned over to Sliver. "I though' this was Eclipse's idea."

Sliver glanced at the commander. "It was. But when you speak of the Godfather of Kohana, you speak of someone who is very, very well-informed. He knew we were coming."

"Mm." Gem paused, looking around the sparsely, but still surprisingly well-furnished room. "Suppose tha's a good thing since we're looking for information, then?" She looked over at Nicholai. The Id-SOL had been quite silent ever since Echo was found. She wasn't sure whether that was normal yet, but it seemed that the large Nepleslian wasn't one to speak much.

Sliver didn't answer her question, though, but just nodded. Finally he turned to stand in front of the two crewmembers. "I'm afraid I must leave you to make the meeting yourselves. I left Master Eliot with instructions to meet me at the main entrance, and I think it would be best if I made that meeting. I will return when he arrives." With that, the fox left the way they had arrived.
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

It would not be long after Sliver left that two large canines walked into the room with Gem and her crew. Both were very muscled, probably synthetically enhanced to be so, and growled at those gathered to let them know that right now they were in control and it would be best to follow what they wanted.

"Please stand against the wall and surrender any and all weaponry you may have on your person into this bin..." The first, some sort of black, brown, and tan speckled dog stated, setting a large metal box onto a nearby table.

"Once that is done, go stand next to him and don't say a word." With a motion of his thumb, the first canine indicated his partner, standing in front of the closed wooden doors ornately carved with a wilderness scene looking that made it seem like the observer was looking out over a meadow.

"If you are to meet with The Don, you will need to follow a few basic rules. One, you don't ask questions of the Don, you just answer his questions. Two, you do not speak to ANYONE on what is discussed today, outside of the meeting room. The Don has ways of knowing if you betray his trust, and I guarantee it will not be pleasent by any stretch of your imaginiations. Next, if the Godfather asks you a question, answer as concisely as possible. His time is valuable, and you are not the only one seeking audience with him. Also, what you see behind these doors is to remain behind these doors. If you wish to partake, you may at the Godfather's allowance, but what goes on here, stays here." The second one, a black fox, stated in a voice like he gargled that morning with a fresh batch of gravel. Reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket, he pulled out a thick Kohanian cigar. After clipping the end, he put it into his mouth and bit down, not lighting it just yet.

"Are there any questions or comments?" He asked through clenched jaws.
Re: [Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 2)

Eliot got going. Finally.

After having a drink (or two or five) down at the communal bar on the ground floor, a slightly tipsy, rosy-cheeked Eliot made his way out onto the street. Rubbing his bleary eyes as he fused with the marching crowd again, the cargo hauler threw himself forward with impunity, bowling over several smaller Kohanians to get to the Colosseum faster. The heavy backpack did nothing to help his balance, though, and one unlucky forward jab rolled him forward and downward, onto the ground.

The head-to-sidewalk meeting sobered Eliot greatly as he fought to avoid being trampled, eventually working his way back to his feet and avoiding several sets of claws, paws, etc. headed for his face in the process. After about twenty-five minutes, give or take a few, Eliot had punched through the crowd and reached the main entrance to the Colosseum, where (amazingly) he picked Sliver out of the group of Kohanians nearby.

"H-hey, there you are!" Eliot said, slurring just a little bit as he stumbled forward towards Sliver.
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