Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Are JPs Mandatory?


Inactive Member
Quite an everyday introduction, but effective, I guess.

At any rate, hello! I'm new here, as you probably guessed already, you might also have guessed I'm going to ask something stupid, the newbie question type. Yes, I know, please be patient.

I'm quite intrigued by this setting and game, but there are a couple things I can't quite put my finger upon: First of all, JPs are not mandative, are they? From what I think I've understood, they depend on the plot and one of the ships is play-by-post based, right? Sorry, just needed to be sure.

Another thing: Assuming there isn't a suitable ship/setting for the organization I want my character to belong to, what are the other options available? I understand there is a generic forum for "freelance" ships and the sort, is that everything?

Thanks for the patience. Hope to get in game soon :D

First of all, JPs are not mandative, are they? From what I think I've understood, they depend on the plot and one of the ships is play-by-post based, right? Sorry, just needed to be sure.
You're correct on both assumptions.
Assuming there isn't a suitable ship/setting for the organization I want my character to belong to, what are the other options available? I understand there is a generic forum for "freelance" ships and the sort, is that everything?
Basically, yes. The possibility of starting a new plot is also available, too. *Chuckles* Don't want to be SA for some reason? :P
The Nozomi is JP based, the Celia is play-by-post based.

If there isn't a relevant setting or organisation for you, you could create your own organisation (it isn't unprecedented), or right stories and JPs in the general roleplaying forum, which means it doesn't have to be in any of the plots. Other than that you'd have to talk to Wes (or Yangfan, or Lenwe), their the masters of all things plot wise. I hope you do hang around, it's depressing how many people create a post asking some questions then do very little, trailing off into nothing.
I hope you do hang around, it's depressing how many people create a post asking some questions then do very little, trailing off into nothing.

Well, I joined because this site did intrigue me, and I'm always craving for roleplaying, so be assured I'll try my best to get into action ASAP. :)

Just, don't even hope I'll be available for JPs (sorry about that)

Don't want to be SA for some reason? :P

Since I had many questions and didn't want to bother everybody because of them, I sent you a private message about that (and other things) :)

By the way, thanks guys :)
A causa del vostro nome e del vostro email address, sto domandandosi se siete italiani. Ho vissuto in Italia per due anni (quando ero in 'junior high school'). Parlo soltanto un piccolo italiano, benchè, perché ho occorr dopo sei semestri dei codici categoria lingua spagnoli che e lo Spagnolo ha scritto sopra l'italiano nella mia mente.
If you want action, and very little (or non, I'm not entierly sure) jP, then what you want is the Celia. It's the action ship and is post based. However you do need to be in the SA to be in it I believe, or at least have a convincing reason for why your there.

By the way SA is the organisation Star Army rather than the site.


Firstly your talking in Spanish, possibly Italian, secondly are you reffering to that civilian plot that you considered basing on the Horizon? Haven't heard about that for quite some time.
Nairan's a terrorist organisation seeking to reform/take over/(help me out here Yuki), the SA, which they see as being too ... (Again Yuki, need your help here). Try typing in Nairan into the search option for the forums and you'll find everything you need to know if you want to go down that path. Or ask Yuki of course.
A causa del vostro nome e del vostro email address, sto domandandosi se siete italiani. Ho vissuto in Italia per due anni (quando ero in 'junior high school'). Parlo soltanto un piccolo italiano, benchè, perché ho occorr dopo sei semestri dei codici categoria lingua spagnoli che e lo Spagnolo ha scritto sopra l'italiano nella mia mente.

As a matter of fact, yes, I'm Italian, and yes I realize it might be easy to become confused when trying to learn Spanish and Italian at the same time, it's quite tricky, the words and sounds look very near, so does the grammar, but they're both full of false friends. I did a little Spanish myself, it really is full of false friends.

However, the board is english so I'd rather use this language since I happen to be moderately fluent in it, but thanks for the customized greeting :D

Nairan's a terrorist organisation seeking to reform/take over/(help me out here Yuki), the SA, which they see as being too ... (Again Yuki, need your help here). Try typing in Nairan into the search option for the forums and you'll find everything you need to know if you want to go down that path. Or ask Yuki of course.

Whoa! Easy! I still need to create a character, it's a bit early for factions :)

If you want action, and very little (or non, I'm not entierly sure) jP, then what you want is the Celia. It's the action ship and is post based. However you do need to be in the SA to be in it I believe, or at least have a convincing reason for why your there.

Thanks for the info, I'll have to think carefully since I really have troubles in joining JPs (did I already mention my timetable issues?), I could at worst do them once a week and only during a certain time period and not always, either. That's why I wanted to avoid it, it's not that I really crave for action too much.

But hey, I said I still need a character, no? I might want to complete that part before I throw myself into a plot (whichever that is)
The Celia plot is pretty slow paced, mostly because the plot GM (me) is too busy / lazy / distracted by computer games. If you don't have a lot of free time, it's a good option for you.

Welcome to the site.
Nairan is not a terrorist organization!

Although they might become one in the near future if any more unfortunate events inflicted on the people by the Star Army are conveniently blamed on them.

Nairan demands equality for all planets rather than just Yamatai, and wants complete peace, because a path of war with the wonderful planet-destroying mega-weapons currently posessed will ultimately lead to a hell of a lot of genocide.

However, Nairan is growing more and more militant in their mindset after Tanaka Chan's policy of peaceful resolution simply ended up getting their flagship assaulted by an army of civilians on Nepleslia... because the Star Army blew up a skyscraper and blamed it on them.
Ah misunderstanding ... my apologies. Instead of a terroist organisation, which needs 'terror' to impliment change, which is clearly not Nairans intention, may we instead define it as a militant political group? I did read that intresting piece on a possible asault on Yamatai, with the least possible civilian deaths ... was that Nairan?
Mizuho's musings?
No, she has pondered on joining Nairan and is torn by a single binding to the Star Army that is a little more difficult to break than her rather thin loyalty and lack of nationalism.

Tanaka Chan wants a nonviolent solution, and Ryoshi has no desire to cause any suffering to civilians. And they call the shots in Nairan.

They arent particularly militant, either, though they have started leaning more towards militarism of late.
Oh my gosh, I'd almost forgot the time that a Star Army shuttle pilot (played by Tyler) accidentally 9/11'd a building in Funky City by engaging engines too soon, and then the Star Army pinned it on so-called Terrorists because it was too embarrassed to reveal what had happened and/or concerned about the political repercussions on Nepleslia. Pretty shady stuff.