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As a new player, where do I start?


Inactive Member
Okay, I'm lost. :shock:

I'm not a newbie to role-playing but, I'm uber newb to this site. If anyone can help out and let me know what plots I can currently join...I'll just create a char. and hop into one. Or...just kind of shove me in the right direction and I will nod and trample off. Thanks.
A Crash Course inside a Nutshell.

1. Write a bio. Stick it on the 'New Character Biographies' forum. If you don't know how, use the CCG link at the top of the page for some info.

2. Wait for approval before continuing. If it's not approved, the GM will probably give you some suggestions on how to improve it. When it's approved, continue to step three.

3. Join a plotship. That's fancy talk for a role play group. If you want to join a Star Army plotship there is a sticky thread in the 'Star Army Communications Network' forum. There you can request an assignment, which is basically when someone sticks you in an available Star Army plotship. If you want to join a non-Star Army plotship (pirate, Nepleslian, and other factions) you should probably PM the GM of that plotship/thread.

4. Finally, roleplaying. Generally there are two types of roleplaying. The first is standard forum posts, or SP. The second is over instant messanger, called JP. That's when everyone meets in a chatroom at a certain time and roleplays for 2-4 hours via instant messanger. JPs usually take place only once every few days so things don't get too hectic.

Something to note is that certain threads may prefer one type over another, so take that into consideration before joining. You probably don't want to join a group that usually has JP sessions while you're at work, school, or sports practice.
Well, for one I would visit the Character Creation area, and maybe look over the current plotships, so you can decide what you want to do.
Then make your character based on that.

Then you wait for Approval by Wes, and get shuffled into a ship.
Right now, we're at a bit of an impasse between plots.

The Miharu right now is pretty much at the cap as far as players go. It's a mainly single-post ship, with JPs in the works. However, it's the most detailed plotship out there. If you prove yourself to be a good writer with well crafted characters, you might be able to sneak on. Maybe.

The Sakura is kind of the flag plotship here. I'm not aware of its player situation, but if you show you can craft a really good character that the GM likes, you might find yourself on there. Many of the veteran players in the SARP "graduated" from the Sakura at one point or another. It also has the most epic plot of any ship.

The Yūgumo is at a crossroads. Right now, there aren't many players active on it, but those that are there are very loyal to it. It might be a chance for you to shine in front of veteran players.

The Goban is my ship. It was slow for a while but is now picking up speed in its current mission (SP only, really). Most of the players there are new, so it might be a good place to stretch your legs and learn the setting. Don't worry, high turnover is expected.

The Alliance is a new Nepleslian plotship that's simply exploding! It's a very hot ship right now, so if you don't mind playing a male character, this might be the place to go. GM Tom can explain it better than I can.

The Yggdrasill is an oddball ship at the moment, run by MM007. It's a civilian vessel, but I think it's going to "take off" as it were pretty soon. It's going to meet the Miharu ICly soon and drop off a character so it can get rolling on its own.

For the other non-plotship boards, you'll have to look them up. There's Nepleslia, Space Pirates and General Roleplay.
You should also note that most plotships, maybe all but the Yggdrasill, have restrictions on race or gender. Keep that in mind when designing your character.

Also, there is the Space Pirate plot, but it is a bit slow at the moment.