Star Army

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RP: Setareh Wing [Aside] Energy Flash


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
VSV Arha
Simulation Bay

Naak was first to the simulation bay and was set and ready to be a part of the team building exercise Dr. Tarkus Zoren had recommended for a portion of her wing. There was a lot to be done there, but she knew that there focus would be on drilling in the moving target range, equipped with obstacles and drones to be dealt with and handled.

She sent out a message to those of her wing expected to be there.
To: Karuag Dhawa, Irfan Song, Altair Khorvash, Tarkuz Zoren:

I am waiting in the simulation bay.

-Officer Behea, Setareh Wing

She then went to the main firing range and selected her weapon at the first stall.
VSV Arha
Simulation Bay

Zoren was up bright and early and reached the simple bay only a few moments after Naak had messaged them all. "Damn boss, you are early." He said as he stretched his limbs walking into the vast simulations bay.

He moved off to one side and sat down at one of the desks and pulled out a tablet. He began reading through and writing up op reports on the surgeries he had performed the day before. He was required to describe the surgery in detail, how much blood loss there was, and what medications were used. "Hell I hate having to do these... can't they just trust I know what I'm doing..." He mummbled just loud enough for Naak to hear.
Simulation Bay

"I'm happy that's one thing I don't have to do." Putting down the laiz pistol, she remembered something.

"Oh yeah, Padme won't be joining us. I've been assigned a new, well, an old FIOMNI named Ishtar. She has decades of experience and won't get manhandled by the next enemy we encounter, all saints forbid. I am sad to see Padme leave us, but she will be better suited to staying ship-bound."
Simulation Bay

Karuah made her way into the simulation bay, it was rare but she wasn't busy when called so her arrival was fairly quick considering where she had to come from. As she entered she noticed the two already there and gave them both a salute. "Wing Commander, Doctor." The mood seemed a little casual so she chose not to maintain the posture too long, though presumptuous of her. "I overheard mention that Padme will not be operating with us anymore? Will she at least stay within the fleet?"
Simulation Bay

It was Irfan's time. Coming in nice and stealthily, she'd deliver one of her signature butt-smacks to Karuah. She'd got into a nice change of clothes to conceal the partially-tended wound, since she could enter a simulation without necessarily straining it. Of course, that also meant she knocked horns lightly as she passed with a big ol' smirk.

"I bet she will, soft tush," she said between tossing a salute toward the two higher ranking members present, "I mean... pft... why wouldn't she? She owes me big time for getting shot to help her. If I wasn't stuck in this place, oh man the things I'd be doing..."

Her attitude, however, quickly changed to a bummed or even angry one as she looked at the doctor.

"But I'm stuck here... in stupid training. Just like before I got assigned... urgh."
Simulation Bay Altair is a slave to my memes

Altair had been sleeping when the message came in, waking him up. It's the day after a mission! He thought, Why can't we be left alone. Pulling himself out of bed took a great deal of willpower, but he managed it, pulling on his workout clothes, which consisted of his grey sleeveless t-shirt, his slipper/socks and his shorts.

Swinging by the mess hall, he grabbed a piece of toast before making his way down to the gym. He gulped down the last few bites before walking in, oblivious to his extremely bad beadhead.

"Sorry I'm late Ma'am." He said sheepishly. "I was sleeping."
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Simulation Bay

Wanting to alleviate the worry etched on Karuah's face, Naak said, "She will be, don't worry."

She looked to Irfan and nodded, then to Altair, said, "You're not as late as you could be. I'm just happy you're here." To everyone, she said, "As for the task at hand, we need to build ourselves up so that we can't be taken down. It's important to stand together cohesively rather than fall apart needlessly. I want Zoren to run us all through some drills and we'll work on becoming more of a team and less of a disjointed aggregate of very skilled Astral Vanguard soldiers!"

She walked steadily to the empty room and programmed the obstacles to appear. A series of semi circular walls appeared closest to them, a few blocks further from them, another semi circular wall then moved up from the ground, and a compressed corridor appeared. She then turned on the waiting drone targets that floated up and found positions behind cover. She motioned for the grouping of her wing to find their faux weaponry and looked to Zoren after they had.

With confidence leaking out of her voice, she looked to the doctor and said, "When you're ready, Zoren."
Simulation Bay:

With a devilish smile Zoren roared with a thunderous boom. "Welcome ladies and gents, to buddy training 101!" He said moving to pace in front of all of them. "You are skilled as I said the day before, however, you will need more than your own skills to succeed on the battlefield. You! Need! Each! Other! Therefore, today's exercise will consist of a simple challenge that push your team to the core." Stopped and looked at them. "Your objective is to fight your way to the flag..." As he said this a virtual blue flag appeared off in the distance. "Once there, you will have to retrieve a fallen comrade and fight your way back to the finish." He said giving a slight wolfish like grin.

"Now this challenge will be very difficult, because I tinkered with your practice weapons. You now have limited ammo. You will have to rely on your team mates and coordinate your fire. Once you are out of ammo, you are out. The target drones have also been modified to fire back. They will now shoot stun charges at you. One shot and you are paralysed for the rest of the match. NO MAN GETS LEFT BEHIND! If your brother or sister goes down, you will carry him or her there and back, and I doubt you would like that very much. So keep your team safe. Once you reach your target, one of you will have to carry the fallen comrade aka the dummy. It will simulate a real person with full body armor so this son of a bitch will be heavy! Your movement will be limited but Saints forbid if you drop it or get it 'killed.' If you fail this exercise I am relieving your free time, and you will scrub the ship's latrines. AM I UNDERSTOOD?!" He bellowed
Simulation Bay

Karuah blushed at Irfan's actions and looked to her with a smile. "Keep this up and I might have to take you back to myu room." She whispered to Irfan as she passed by, but kept her attention focused on the task at hand. The training exercise looked like it would be some what challenging, and the punishment for failure would be strict as well, but at least she had a clear understanding on what she needed to do in this training. As a result she decided to pick up only a Laiz pistol, she only needed one hand to operate it mostly so she could keep herself armed while still carrying the dummy. "Understood."
Simulation Bay

She'd done her best to not even acknowledge Karuah, Irfan trying her darndest to not appear like a jackhole. After all, the last thing she needed was their aggressively loud latrine fanatic to dish out punishment on her. Instead, she focused on giving a small stretch and trying to make sure that when she sat down in that pod she wouldn't end up getting up and falling right down to the ground.

"Yeah, you got it, sir." A small click of the one of her joints could be heard as she went through the motions. "I don't guess you're going to be helping us. I'd bet you're on the enemy side taking shots... pft... right?"

She'd move over to one of the immersion pod within the bay, entering it with a nice sigh. If they were going to do something using the firing ranges, she'd be surprised... but she was at least trying to get comfortable since her body was going to be resting all the time Irfan spent getting into some hairy training.
Simulation bay

Altair looked toward Irfan with a grin on his face before gesturing to the flag.

"I think we're doing this one in the flesh, Marbalri Song. Everyone get over here, I think I have an idea."

After calling his fellow trainees into a huddle around the pod that Irfan was in, Altair began to explain his plan.

"Irfan, you pilot one of our long range support VANDRs right? Would you be able to stay back and shoot drones out of the sky? And Karuah, do you think that if Irfan was able to disable a drone without destroying it, that you would be able to detach its weapon? I think that if we can do that, you and I can then use the drone weapons and use the drones as a shield while advancing while Irfan covers us."
Simulation Bay

"But I'm still hurrrrrrt~... urghhh~..."

Being the center of attention, even as the others huddled to go over Altair's plan, was at least something she could enjoy. Doing it in the flesh on the moving range was just a bit silly, in comparison to them using the simulation bay to be more properly monitored and recorded than the eye could witness. Being put on sniping duty, as the plan was, was also not fun for the self-assumed ace.

"Pft... of course I could shoot down those drones. But I doubt the drone weaponry will function if we're shooting to disable them. It's likely they shut off their power source and wouldn't operate even if we were to use their weaponry. The only part of that which'll probably work is using them as shields. But like, how do you guys carry those, shoot, and carry the wounded dummy?"

Sitting up, she gave a small whip of her hair out to the side to droop beside the pod. And as she leaned forward to rest her arms on her knees, she felt only the faintest of soreness around the mostly-healed wounds. It seemed getting to rest and let it finish the sped-up healing wasn't going to be doable... but maybe she could take a nice big sit-down and be the superb shot with a carbine and rifle she always was. Even with limited ammunition, her and Lucidity did so good because she enjoyed the thrill of firing weapons next to that of flying fast.
Simulation bay
Altair took a moment to reconsider his plan
"That may be so, but I think that the plan still stands. Besides, once I get to the dummy I'll probably drop my weapon so that I can run faster with the shield. I'm pretty good at dodging things, but not that good. I'll get cut down in no time flat without support."

Altair looked at both of his wing mates for approval.
Simulation Bay

Karuah looked over the course a moment as Irfan and Altair spoke, and then turned her attention back to them after a few moments. "How easy it is to fail is a bit nerve wracking but I think the simulation is about team work and cooperation, as opposed to finding out the trick. We'll get the best results if we do this in a manner like we would in a live operation, but focus on team work."
Simulation Bay

Naak watched as the team assembled in silence, then moved to the observation deck with Zoren by her side.

The drones, which were lightweight and the shape and size of a car tire, were waiting.

"Do you think they're ready to begin?" she asked the doctor as she looked at him, before she went back to appraising their strategizing efforts.
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Zoren looked around and nodded until he heard Irfan. He turned to her and barked. "Do I look like an officer?!?! I work for living!" He called. It was the oldest traditions on the NCO handbook. He then moved, following close behind Naak.

"They had better be." He said as he stepped up to the command console, allowing Naak to step up next to him to see what he was doing. "All right! Everyone to your starting positions!" As he said this he pressed a few buttons on his console, causing the training room to take on the look of a ruined outer colony. The walls shimmered until it looked like there was a raging battle playing out around them. The sounds, the lights, the visuals. They all looked real. "You are about to fight in one of the many battles that I had to fight through in the 3rd Outer System Conflict! I preformed this mission under fire against the rebels. And now you get to see what it feels like to have been in my shoes all those years ago." He said, activating the combat drones. Each drone had a stunning cannon dangling from the underside. "Once you pass the starting line, the exercise begins." He boomed over the loud speaker. The drones began roaming the sim floor, like they were patrolling the area. The flag was soon surrounded by billowing black smoke. Just like a shuttle had crashed. It all looked so real...
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Making damn certain she had annoyed the NCO, as he sure acted like a filthy officer, Irfan could only grumble as she got up and took up her own rifle. Though the plan was far from ideal, since it meant she was more or less making herself a sitting duck for the supposed protection of the other two, it was the only plan they had come up with. While she was more than bubbly on the inside, the outside had to at least try to express how little she enjoyed the prospect of such a boring and straight forward role.

"Eugh~... I'd give a big jar of Prajna gel to whoever shoots Zoren in the butt once we've started."

The click of the magazine into the weapon was quickly followed by a shift of the firing mode into semi-automatic. Preserving ammo was just as important as protecting the pair since running out meant she was eliminated. Trying to bask in the excitement that their not-so-fun training instructor was probably trying to build was impossible with how it was so absurdly technical in comparison to real combat. There were few weapons that could fell one of the Iroma with a single shot, barring getting hit in the unprotected face. It was no different even among some of their most badly-armed of opponents. All the same, she moved to the line and raised the weapon to rest against her shoulder casually. She couldn't start without the posse, smiling a bit as she looked over her shoulder at Karuah.

"I'll try not to shoot you... but with how distracting that rear is, a girl can't promise. Just keep Mister Certain over there safe... gotta have a plan B for if you doofuses mess up."
Simulation Bay

Altair pulled two pistols off the rack of weapons, and tucked one in his belt before getting set at the starting line. He eyed the terrain ahead and spotted some cover for himself and Karuah to use. He also spotted what seemed to him like a pretty good sniping spot, but he wasn't the marksman, so he decided to leave it up to Irfan to decide.
After pointing out his observations, he began to think. The drones were light enough for them to carry as shields, but that would leave whoever carried the dummy either unarmed and holding a shield, or unprotected but carrying a gun and the dummy.

"Karuah, do you want to carry the dummy or provide cover fire. I'm fine with either, but I'm pretty fast so I'd prefer to carry."
Simulation Bay

As the scenery of the training room changed, Karuah quickly took in the new landscape, rather than taking the time to note every single enemy, she began to trace out several different paths that they could take, knowing the enemies would follow. After she was comfortable with the layout in her head she stepped towards the staring line, checking the Laiz Pistol she was carrying. Since it wasn't her own she was a little worried about her shot deviation but she'd just have to figure that out on the way. Irfan's comments made her chuckle however.

"If you shoot me, I'll be too sore to touch for a while." She then gave her an affirmative nod before looking at Alrair. "Try to stay low and in cover. The safest way to do this would be slow and steady once we get the dummy."
Simulation Bay

Doors opened and the portion of the wing were presented with the ruined colony spectacle in front of them. Some of the structures were ruined, demolished, and were now haphazard low obstacles while others still stood. They had three choices, namely, to go to their left towards a long, low obstacle or to go to the right towards a series of tall and low ones, or straight ahead towards a tall X-shaped obstacle. Three drones were patrolling near the dummy, not yet fanning out towards them.