Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [Asteria/Section 6] Jack, the Sales Pitch



Lorani Province, Asura III

4 Days after the Battle of Kirikuu Ranch

The still morning air was crisp beneath a brightening purple and gold sky. The growing dawn had not burned away the evening chill, over the open blue-green grassy plain that was a few miles outside the Azalea Company camp. Lukina stood at the edge of the tree line and the field as she waited for the USO ship to arrive. The half-elf was dressed simply in a light jacket and a skirt so that the refitting of her cybernetic leg will be simpler. She toyed with her gauntlet beneath her jacket's sleeve as it broadcasted her location to the USO ship. A small bag sat on the ground beside her with her regular kit.

A broadsword cruiser, its hull painted black with red markings, and the emblem of Section 6/Saber present near the brow descended through the clouds and stopped at medium altitude. A U-1 with a similar black and red paint scheme broke away from the cruiser and made its approach to the pick-up point. It stopped as it fired its directional jets to descend and land nearby the woman. A man appeared as the cockpit opened and dropped to the ground dressed in the form-fitting, black base suite of R1-SPA.

The air displacement from the U-1 tossed Lukina’s ruby hair and the hem of her skirt around, she self-consciously placed a hand to keep her skirt from flying up.

"Miss Petrora, your transportation awaits," the figure stated as he closed the distance between them, gesturing to the U-1.

She smiled at the man, smoothing her red hair from her face, "Thank you! I haven't gotten off this planet in months." Lukina stared at the large metal ship. "I've never this before, what is it?" She let out a low whistle as she stood beside the U-1. "Do I just climb in?"

"This is a U-1 variable mech, and is currently in fighter mode. Yes ma’am, and you can have the front seat. Please let me know if you need assistance," the figure responded as steps popped out of the side of the ship and extended downwards.

She made her way up the steps easily enough, though the cybernetic was not the right size for the woman, she seemed to have gotten used to walking with it. She carefully made her way into the cockpit and sat down. "I'm good thank you. What should I call you?"

The figure did not use the steps but instead, latched to the edge of the open cockpit and easily hoisted himself inside and into the secondary seat, thanks to his suit. "Jack Pine, at your service ma’am," Jack said as he synched to the U-1, closing the canopy and lifting off without touching the controls as his GEIST took possession of the craft.

[from the cockpit audio system] "Yeah sorry, I'm just used to being formal nowadays. I honestly don't get out of the office enough, with missions being so few and all. I actually never knew my mother," Jack spoke without moving his lips as he flew the craft up to the frigate.

Onboard the Broadsword Cruiser
The U-1 ascended to the Broadsword Cruiser and eased up into the waiting hangar before it turned 180 degrees. The hangar doors closed doors closed behind the ship and U-1's the canopy opened.

Lukina waited for the go ahead before trying to leave her seat. She felt a little out of her depth, having spent the last few months walking around Asura and riding on a weird large alien bird. "I'm sorry to hear that, about your mother. The office thing, I understand. My office just happens to be a battlefield so, maybe less stuffy than an actual office?"

"Well, I command Saber, but I find myself in my office most of the time, and the Skyguard haven't really been active lately, and the last big op I was on was Vice. Ask Creature how I pulled him out of there if you get the chance," Jack said hopping down from the cockpit as he directed Lukina towards the bridge.

She climbed out of the cockpit and started in the direction of the bridge. "I will. He tends to get things jumbled up or at least I think he does. I think he's done some serious brain damage to himself with how he runs into every fight. Skyguard?" Lukina paused and looked back at Jack, waiting for him to see if he was going to walk with her.

"Sorry, one sec," Jack said as he pulled a USO dress uniform out of one of the U-1's compartments, which he quickly slipped on over the suit then slipped a pair of boots on over his suited feet. He removed his helmet to reveal his still glowing irises as he switched out the helm for the uniform cap. "The SkyGuard is the USO's air force created and lead by Alex Tasuki. I started out there before as a sniper before I started Section 6 and Saber," he answered as he finally began walking towards the bridge.

"Ah I see. It's hard to get a coherent organizational structure from Creature. I think he talks more about women at USO more than the company itself." She shifted her weight between her legs again and continued walking alongside Jack. Air force sniper? So, you'd use the mech to snipe?"

"Yes, with a sniper canon rifle pod, and that reminds me I need to call my wife later about some things in our engineering department. But yeah, Creature has never really been coherent about most things. And USO is a government, FSC, or Frontier Service Corporation is our economical entity, which acted as mediary for our communications. They also sell some of our products like the DR1 motorcycle." Jack explained as they walked down the corridor, occasionally receiving salutes as they went by men and women in various work uniforms.

"Oh! That makes a lot more sense. Uso is also a person too, right?" Lukina's bright eyes flitted about the ship and people as they walked.

"I've gotten a wide range of government leaders in the past 10 years, I don't know what to expect any more. Knights, lords, Empress, Mikado... sky marshalls, prime ministers... this sector has a little bit of everything going on. I'm sure, Uso is a welcome change," Lukina continued to smile. "Now that I think about it, she was also with the Nepleslian Marine Corps for a while, wasn't she? I heard stories about her during Kennewes when I was in the Corps."

"That was before my time in the USO. I was in the NSMC five years prior to this year, with the last two leading a squad. I never heard of her until I got to 188604. I haven't even been here a year," Jack said taking the captain’s chair while gesturing to an extra chair next to it.

"Admiral Pine, sir, ready for departure on your order," one of the bridge crew notified.

"Clear for departure, raise prow angle 45 degrees, on horizontal heading of right 60 degrees. Plot HFD course to 188604 after atmo clearance and the 2 mike spool," Jack ordered.

Lukina sat down in the chair, adjusting her skirt carefully into place. She was visibly impressed by the whole endeavor and they hadn't left the Asura system yet. She was excited to see what the actual product pitch was. She tucked her organic leg behind the cybernetic one. "How long is the jump to 188604?"

"About 5 hours. Quarters have been made up for you. If you wish I can have someone direct you there now if you wish, or later. We'll have to stop twice to refuel" Jack said as the data from the ships telemetry and systems scrawled across his vision.

"Later is fine. I have a while, it seems," she watched Jack curiously, leaning towards him. "You're plugged in with 'netics? Or is it something else?"

"A neural implant called the Geist, it allows me to interface with technology on a deeper level, to even the extent that you witnessed earlier. I can use most vehicles as a host, even this starship I can. With one flicker of my will I can command anything within fifty feet if I have access without a boost to my signal. I can control forces of drones, observe teraquads of data, activate a door without touching the panel, and use equipment like the U-1 as a host body." Jack explained even as his glowing Irises shifted their focus rapidly by millimeters on seemingly nothing as data continued scrawling across his vision as he moved through windows and examined a three-dimensional model and map of the ship that gave him a simplified version of the data he was seeing.

"You're a technological ghost, in a sense. Does the implant give you the physical sensations, or just control of the technology?" She stared at his eyes from the seat beside him, fascinated by this information. "So, this would essentially let you mentally brute force a computer network infrastructure with a strength of will?"

"Let me put it this way when I have taken control of something and it gets shot it hurts. And I don't brute it. More like I reach out without touching it and it does what I want. I'm not really a scientist or I could explain it better. I have most of the advantages of a cyber mind without the photo memory, and some extra features like what a Freespacer would have." Jack said with a gesture towards each of the bridge's displays in turn and caused them to project the emblem for Section 6 and Saber.

"So, it is full integration then? You essentially become a MEGAMI or rather the soul of the technology?" Lukina settled in the chair, still watching the glowing of Jack's eyes, moving from them to look at the various emblems. "I could imagine that daydreaming could end up pretty embarrassing if you are interfaced."

"Try your darkest memories being replayed in your head with everyone able to see. And if I am removed from the ship, or vehicle my connection is broken. So not full, but still somewhat close. The process for having the implant installed was extremely painful to a degree I won't soon forget, and is why anyone implanted now has it done to a body before we ST them into it," Jack said as he broke his connection to the ship for a moment and the glow of his eyes lessened.

"I actually have a HUD over my vision which is the reason my Irises glow," Jack added finally noticing her attention.

"Ah I see. I wasn't sure if was because you had cybernetics in your eyes too. It's odd having been living among Nepleslians for so long then... going to a place without heavily augmented people. I'd already have a better kit already if we were on Prime, but, there is some charm to being on that beautiful bioluminescent planet. Everything is alive, just about, the corporations haven't built it up too much yet." Lukina smiled again, still watching his eyes, still fascinated by the process.

"It sounds nice compared to 604, which is a desert planet. Though I'm actually not auged. My optical nerves from my neck where the implant is, to my eyes have been taken apart and put back together for use by the implant. So, my eyes are still my eyes, but enhanced. We have only one corporation at home which is FSC, though S6 has contacts with IIS, a Yamataian ship construction corporation. Life is modest on 188604, and I would like to improve that so I leave a better planet then when I arrived for my family. Though changing 604 may not actually be needed anymore." Jack switched off his HUD removing the glow becoming slightly uncomfortable to Lukina’s attention on his eyes as he gave more details about their destination.

"What do you mean?" The half-elf settled back into her chair once the glow was gone. "What caused the change? Terraforming is pretty common for colonization endeavors these days, I figured that there are few planets that aren't changed for the people living there."

"Yes, but terraforming takes time. Years even in some cases, but we've recently come up with a design for a completely custom artificially made world. It's something we've been working on with the Union, and I'ee." Jack said activating an image of the design on one of the displays showing concept renders of high end residential areas on the inside of a hollow sphere, with military and industrial structures on the outside.

They continued their discussion on the differences between 188604 and Asura III for quite some time.
----//188604 local star system//5 mikes prior to fold exit//----

Jack sat on the bridge this morning observing with a cup of coffee, but was dressed casually in his usual black short sleeve shirt, and black and red camouflage patterned cargo pants.

Lukina had always been an early riser and the lack of an actual sunrise had thrown her internal clock for a loop as they crossed galactic timezones. She had taken to wandering the ship but usually found her way back to the bridge. The servos in the cybernetic leg was still far too loud in her sensitive ears. "Morning, I think?" She settled in the chair beside Jack. She had borrowed someone's dress uniform at some point but it was still far too big on her slender frame, it was like she raided her big sister's closet.

Jack was thankful he wasn't in the middle of sipping his coffee or he would have choked laughing at the odd sight.

"Um, I'm flattered you wanted to wear one of our uniforms, so I'm sure if you want one we can get you one that fits," Jack said placing the mug on a side tray its magnetic bottom sticking to the tray's metal surface.

Lukina grinned and adjusted the black skirt a bit. The jacket sleeves she had to roll back a little bit. "Someone felt bad for me and let me borrow this. I should have brought my bag with me but it's mostly ammunition these days so I don't think it would've been much help. I also don't think I need to be running around the ship in a shroud suit." The over-sized uniform made her look all of 14 with the braids in her hair and her youthful face. "It's an understated design, I like it."

"I'm glad you approve, I designed it." Jack said with a nod.

"Sir one mike to fold exit." the helmsman said as one of the few bridge crew working this early.

"Understood, plot course to Howard station in geosync of 188604, adjust course appropriately on fold exit." Jack responded.

"I'm amazed you have time for your wife with all the things you do," Lukina commented as she settled into the chair again. "Unless, you designed her too?" She suggested with a playful smile. "Lots of customization options?"

"I always make time for my family because I hire people I know can do what's need and don't need supervision, freeing my time for them. And no, my wife isn't a neko, she's Elysian. She pregnant right now with twins, I have an adopted son named Amit, and an adopted daughter named Neera. They're the reason for everything I do, and I probably wouldn't have been able to get this far without them." Jack said avoiding that last bit.

"Fold exit in 5.....4.......3.......2.......exit," the watchmen announced as the universe was shunted back into existence around the ship, bringing a yellowish orange planet into view. Howard station was in view as well with 10 ships of the same paint-job as the Broadsword they were aboard. It consisted of 5 broadswords and 5 Indigo class guided missile frigates.

"That's great. My mother is always working so I don't see her much these days. I really only saw her when we worked together," Her attention was pulled to the planet and the ships in the screen. "I guess, my co-workers are what I have instead of a family."

"I can understand that, I was an orphan for most of my life with my friend Zeke, and my squad from the military feeling like my only family. Sadly, on Zeke is still alive and I haven't seen him in almost a year now. But at least now I actually have a family of my own." Jack stated reminiscing slightly.

"USV-Pathfinder to Howard station, notification of approach vector. Please prepare for docking."

"Understood Pathfinder, welcome home."

"Things happen to make it harder to keep in touch but it's good to drop lines every so often to let your friends know that you are still thinking about them," Lukina commented, tracing the shape of a wyvern that was hidden by the sleeve of the black and crimson uniform jacket she had borrowed. "But it's great to have a family that sounds like it got big really fast! When is your wife due?"

"Not for several more months, and it's twins. As for Zeke I know he stayed on Nepleslia to start up a bar." Jack said as the ship drew near the dock.

The ship would thumb slightly as it was anchored to the station and the umbilicals attached.

"Wow, twins! We have a harder time having children so there aren't many of us still running around. Elves, I mean. But you're going to have 4 children when the twins are born? You'll be super busy between that and work, I hope you’ll be able to find time to sleep." She continued to smile as she watched the displays around her.

Jack got up and gestured for Lukina to follow as he grabbed his leather jacket off the back of the captain’s chair. "This way to the umbilical, where we'll cross to the station then head to the lower shuttle bay to hitch a ride to Section 6." Jack said as he headed towards the bridges exit.

Lukina nodded and rose to her feet, shifting her weight between her legs before following Jack. "Great!" The time on the ship had allowed her to get more accustomed to walking on the ship deck plates so that her cybernetic leg didn't make as much noise from the difference between her legs. But it was a minor inconvenience until they could replace it, which was to be soon. She continued to smile as she walked alongside Jack towards the umbilical.

They entered the umbilical and traverses several corridors that passed through a couple of crowded public areas before taking a lift down to the lower hangars and boarded a shuttle.

"So Lukina, you said you were a sniper? What's you rifle of choice?" Jack asked as they took their seats.

She settled down in the shuttle chair. "I've been using a Showstopper, of all things, the past few months. But otherwise, an Origin Scissor." She ran a hand through her hair, fussing with it for a moment. "Most of what we've been fighting has been fairly low tech light infantry but things have escalated."

"I can modify that for you if you wish? I'm not familiar with its use, so what ammo type is this rifle?" Jack asked as the shuttle departed the station and began its descent to the surface.

"The Showstopper uses Origin 12.7x50mm Electromagnetic rounds, the Scissor is an energy rifle, so it doesn't use conventional ammunition. If you felt inclined to play with it, then sure. I'm in the market for a whole new kit as well. I was reminded that I needed to change up my game once another sniper took out my knee with a round while I was using a shroud so... I need a better way of doing business. I only need that reminder once." Lukina frowned, she still had no idea how exactly the sniper had even seen her to make such a precise shot. He may have just been lucky but she doubted it.

"Well, I can see what I can for the rifles, as for staying hidden, our R1-SPA power armor, also known as Revenant armor, has active camouflage systems. The suit I was wearing when I first picked you up was the base suit without the armor sections. They won't be able to see you without special sensors, and if they happen to get lucky you have the mobility to run laps around them." Jack said as the shuttle landed with a slight thump outside the Section 6 facility. Several Revenant PA suited figures waited outside lined up to either side.

"Alright, who arranged this, it was Sarah wasn't it?" Jack said holding a hand to his forehead as the embarrassment showed, "I'm gonna knock some sense into my sister. Dismissed."

"Actually sir, it was Lt. Nagato," the closest said as the group disbanded with a shrug.

Lukina nodded in approval as she looked at the Revenant Power Armors that were along the way. They looked different from any power armor she had ever seen in her time in the United Outer Colonies and Nepleslia. "Are those what you're talking about? The base suit is just a bodysuit then?"

"It's two layers of kinetic, heat, ballistic, and energy resistant gel with a layer of synthetic muscle in the middle. Nano-weaved Usonium is layered throughout making a suit that fits under clothes, augments strength, has body armor level protection, and is sealed with a helmet for vacuums." Jack explained as they entered the building., "The ECS active camo, shields, thrust, and medical systems are integrated into the armor sections which just mag onto the suite."

Lukina let out a low whistle. "Definitely interested. How refined are the medical systems? I'm assuming it's mostly for sealing punctures or maintaining structural integrity of the body if fractures occur?" She followed along, looking at everything as they passed by.

"Combat meds mostly with a defib unit in the chest plate, and the suite has a sealant for filling suite punctures that seals wounds as well, but the suite seals itself as the Usonium regens with the sealant filling the gaps." Jack explained as they walked through various labs and workshops.

"That is incredibly helpful. You are expecting it to see a lot of battlefield use then?" It was a slightly redundant question but she asked it anyway. Lukina's intention was to use it on a battlefield with less refined and armored enemies, or at least, so she hoped.

"I designed it originally for extremely high-risk ops in extreme conditions, and we have yet to test its full potential. You would be the first person outside of Saber to receive one, if you wish to have one. I myself use it, though slightly modified with a larger left pauldron and twin heat blades integrated into the gauntlets. The visor has three armored plates that move into place over the visor to add additional head protection and an armored plate at the back of the neck. It offers maximum mobility, flexibility, modularity, and the most protection that can be offered without sacrificing these traits." Jack said as they entered his office.

Lukina would find that the walls, floor, and the desk to be decorative polished wood. Displays were mounted on the wall, a coat and hat rack in the corner, a liquor cabinet in the other, some framed photos of what appeared to be family, friends, Skyguard, Section 6's opening, and Saber boot camp. The desk was slightly cluttered with data pads and papers, which Jack straightened slight before taking a seat in his chair as he gestured to the two chairs before the desk.

Lukina took a seat in front of the desk and crossed her legs at the ankles, tucking her organic leg over the cybernetic one. Her bright eyes scanned the photos with a smile. "If you are willing to part with a suit, I will definitely make good use of it. I can even send you back performance notes if you'd like."

"I had planned to offer you one and the data would be great. Now let's talk about the full list of what you want." Jack said pulling up rosters of stock and materials in his vision causing his eyes to glow once more as he picked out materials for modifications, a full Revenant and a list of component for a new leg.

Lukina rolled the sleeve of the borrowed Section 6 uniform jacket back to uncover her gauntlet and tapped the wyvern's eye to bring up a volumeric screen. "You can send the options to my gauntlet to make it easier to share the information?" The gauntlet was a heavily customized multi-function bracelet, of the Peacekeeper personal communicator variety. "I am willing to hear any and all suggestions though."

"Sending. For the leg you initially requested, we can do a complex leg which features shock absorption and sound suppression, and thanks to our local full conversion cyborg Doctor Beaumont. As for guns the showstopper can be converted to bulpup, given a stabilization ring system, starfire shells, and a powerful scope with as well as an extended barrel. The energy weapon however is out of my field and would take more research. Then there is the Revenant armor, and we offer several other items." Jack listed as the composition of lists and manifests would appear on Lukina's device.

Lukina examined the lists and nodded. She wasn't worried about the price tag so it freed up many of her options. "Those starfire shells.. that's a massive F-U to whomever gets shot with it and then the people around them. Sweet Anisa. That would've been great for that tank last week, your designers have a great deal of imagination." She watched the demo reel for the starfire in amusement.

The camera was shaky, obviously held by someone with little or no experience as a vested woman held up a large sabot round with the distinctive tail hook of a railgun shell. Her green eyes flashed as she swept her brown hair back, several screens behind her flaring to life. They showed basic composition of the round alongside the image of a cannon prepping for a live test.

"The starfire shell is one of the simpler designs coming from Section Six's research and development teams. It is a hypersonic railgun round with a potent explosive secondary feature. Let's cut now to the live fire test."

The camera cut away, and focused in on the cannon, before panning across to a derelict starship hull further down the line. Several technicians stood around it, typing on the computers to gather the information needed for further deployment.

"Target acquired. Range six kilometers."

"Muzzle velocity set. Eight kilometers per second."

"Fifty millimeter shell loaded. Starfire live fire demonstration test is go."

"Firing in three." Another technician passed a control stick to a black haired woman with blue eyes.

"Two." The air seemed to tense as charges built. "One."

A loud boom filled the microphone, followed by a blinding flash from the target. The heat threw a mushroom cloud of debris and a shockwave blew lab coats and hair about. When the dust cleared, the hull was simply gone.

"Test complete. Target eliminated."

"Yield estimate... One point seven five kiloton."

The green eyed woman came back onto the screen. "The Starfire shell is a potent weapon, used for mining of resources and for the defense of our home. The results speak for themselves. May it bring peace to your home, by any means necessary."}

In Jack's Office
"Thank you, though that's our resident head of advanced R&D, Rose. We develop new tech all the time and even accept ideas from outside sources. Basically, send us your ideas and we'll try and put them together. It helps them and us, bringing us one step closer to a nicer world. Maybe one day we can even make it like Asura. Of course, we always have Saber who doesn't see enough action as they should. So, if you need backup, just some extra guys. My men are yours no charge as they need to stretch their legs." Jack said slightly feeling like a corporate billboard. He was not used to this yet, having clients instead of CO's, or orders.

"Oh, I will definitely pass that along. I don't run my own free company but I will forward the information along to my boss. The battles we keep running into are spur of the moment lately, but I'm sure if we have more time to mobilize assistance, we'd appreciate the help," Lukina smiled. "If I need back-up with Starfire rounds I'll be in an extremely bad way. What options would you recommend for the Revenant?"

"Well the armor is still fairly new and new mods and armor sets are still under development so really on armor adjustments custom to the user are available. If there are any particular features or cosmetic affects you want, we'll see what we can do. The armor comes in a standard black paint job with red markings, while the commander has a bigger left pauldron for additional face protection when standing at an angle and the heat blades. I'm sure we can do custom work for you though if you wish. ECS, thrust, Medical and the other systems are standard in the kit." Jack answered as he had a model of the two variants projected with data on each system displayed.

"It's about 7 feet tall, is there a way to make it a little bit smaller? Cosmetically, the standard black with red should be fine, I don't intend to walk around in it without the camouflage engaged. I think the commander configuration would be fine for my needs." Lukina scrolled through her list.

"For you it would be between 5 feet eight, 5 feet nine as it custom fitted to every user," Jack explained.

"That's perfect then. I was just concerned with the height listed on the spec sheet. What other gear were you suggesting?" Lukina asked, looking up from her own screen to watch the glow of Jack's eyes for a moment.

"Well, we have side arms as well designed for those moments when you need to clear out and unload ammo at the same time. Also with starfires as well. We actually have Edjia battle rifles in stock as well, Sheska machetes, DR1 motorcycles, U-1s, and other products we can order from FSC." Jack listed off as he looked through the list of products the USO offered, "I don't suppose you’re interested in property are you," he added with a chuckle.

"I've got to deal with the land I was offered on Asura first, I think," She chuckled. "But I think I can pick up a couple more rifles and motorcycles. We've been riding these weird 9 feet Kishargal bird creatures called Kirikuu recently, so it's a weird planet I am living on right now. It's like a bad novel but it's certainly interesting. Once we resolve this issue in the province, I might come back to talk about property."

"The DR1 is designed for rough terrain, has thrust, and is fusion powered so fuel is not a worry. As for weapons, how about an Edjia, USO-P1, and a Sheska?" Jack asked compiling a list of her chosen items.

"Sounds good, that should give me plenty of options to play with," Lukina nodded again as she flipped through the specs for the suggested weapons. "How long do you project for my order to be completed?" Her attention returned to the man behind the desk again.

"The armor needs to be fitted for you which one of our lab techs can do in a few minutes, and the leg needs to be assembled, but the rest we have in stock here. Then the modifications total it up to a day," Jack said calculating in his head.

Lukina pressed the eye of her gauntlet again and dismissed the screen. "Very good. I'm hoping with a better designed and properly sized cybernetic, my adjustment time will be better. My friends did a good job on the surgery with what they had but... yeah, it was a stop gap that saved my life."

"Our cybernetics are more synched to the user, being connected to the nerves as well as whatever muscles need to be connected as well. It even has an outer gel layer to give it a more natural look. Now I don't mean it will look like normal skin, but it won't be as noticeable, and you'll be able to wear gear like normal unlike with less sleek prosthetics which have protruding components. It will take time to adjust, but if your injury was recent, it will be comparative to just removing a caste." Jack explained projecting the design Beaumont had worked up and was waiting for the measurements that will be given with the Revenant fitting process.

She nodded. "I'm pretty sure this thing was hacked off someone else we were fighting so it definitely wasn't designed for me."

"So, I would say a couple weeks at the most. As our first major client, and since to be honest we've been trying to clear out extra stock for a while, everything comes at a discount. Even though we sell our tech, we don't do this for profit. We do it make allies, friends, and help change this planet for the better." Jack said leaning back, "The armor will be three thousand, the weapons together, six thousand. The leg two thousand, and the DR1 I'll just through in for free. Finally, the mods will be one thousand, bringing the total to 12000 in your currency of choice." Jack said rubbing his goateed chin.

"That's not that bad," Lukina transferred the funds with a snap of her fingers. "I'm surprised not more people aren't buying. You guys have a lot to offer." She nodded appreciatively. "We have similar motivations for what we are doing, so I look forward to deepening our relationship. I will forward your information and catalogs along to the Shield of Asteria, I know there are modernization efforts underway from the old Jiyuuian Peacekeeper stocks."

"Well, we are still relatively new and not well known which is why, but clients like you help spread our existence to those we can form connections with," Jack gave with a nod sending the order off to commence preparations.

She leaned forward in her chair, "Since I have some time on my hands, what should I do while I wait? I'm sure that you want to go see your family after that trek."

"Hmm, well we have restaurants, bars, parks, and other public attractions in the city. If you wish I can have someone show you around until your order is ready tomorrow. Granted I wish I could see my family right now, but we recently gained a connection with a very large company and I need to make preparations. My daughter Neera would be happy to show you around." Jack added messaging Neera at the same time.

"That'd be lovely. I won't cause any trouble being dressed like this?" Lukina asked with a smile, indicating the uniform.

"I don't see why it would." Jack said
A curvy white haired anthro woman entered the room, her red eyes noticing Lukina instantly, "Ah, you must be Miss Lukina. My name is Neera, I will be your guide to the local area."

Lukina rose from her chair and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Neera. I'm starving so I guess, I'm up for sightseeing a good place to eat. Thank you, Jack." She leaned over the desk and offered him her hand for a proper Nepleslian handshake.

Jack accepted the handshake and returned it.

"There's a place called Akemi's I've been dying to try, how about there?" Neera asked before leading the way out in her usual t-shirt and tennis shoes, but she wore a skirt today instead of shorts as she was trying to be more formal. Even if she wasn't quite getting there still.

"Sure. Between what's been available in the camp on Asura and the Broadsword, I'm up for a change," Lukina followed Neera. She stretched her arms as they walked, it felt strange to be back on planetary gravity again. "What type of food do they serve or will it be a pleasant surprise?"

"Well, we have everything from fast food, to even a few places that vend foods from other cultures, and there's a fancy restaurant in Nath tower that serves more expensive dishes." Neera said as they walked back towards the entrance.

"I have a few days, so I have time to try a little bit of everything. I'm sure it'll be step up from bird eggs and tree mushrooms," Lukina smiled. "Where are you from? Jack said he had adopted you and another?"

"Woo, that's a complicated one. I used to be a wolf that was genetically enhanced, but I decided to get a humanoid body as I was unable to protect someone I cared for. And the other is my brother, Amit, who's ten," Neera tried to explain and not sound crazy.

"Eh, it has been a weird few months for me... I just ran into someone that can change back and forth from wolf and human form, I guess it's more common than I thought? I would think that a wolf form would have more speed for protection?" Lukina pushed her hair back over her shoulder as they walked.

Neera stopped in her tracks before turning back towards Lukina, "I can't change back, but a shapeshifter? That's what Amit does, but he turns into a husky. Dad found him on a planet named Vice, where he escaped to after getting away from a group that had experimented on him."

"At least I think he can control it. He doesn't speak Yamataigo or Trade but I had to chase him off from eating a giant bird thing," Lukina chuckled awkwardly. "What is it with people and experimenting on little kids? Jack seems like a pretty good guy."

Neera looked horrified, "How can you treat this so lightly? He's stuck wearing a collar to stay human, and fears anyone with a syringe. This is not a joke, or some super power. They put him through pain and misery to do that to him, and on a ten-year-old!"

"No, you misunderstand me. It's an awful thing to do to a child. People exploiting the innocent lives to full their own vanity or sense of god hood. I don't know how my friend, the Wolf guy that speaks some weird language I don't understand, changes his form. I don't know if he was born that way or if someone changed him. All I know is that I was tracking him and keeping him from eating our bird mounts... and the Kirikuu can be mean... feathers and fur everywhere. But you and your brother have suffered and I feel for you," Lukina's tone was apologetic as she turned to Neera with a sigh. "I'm guessing that this group is still running around? I haven't had a mission outside of the province in years."

Neera wasn't sure where to continue with this, so she turned back to the exit and began walking again.

Lukina followed Neera, scratching her head. She was scattered in her thoughts. "Sorry. I guess I'm scatter brained right now, I'm not fighting for my life or planning the next strategy so I don't know what to do with myself. I haven't had much downtime in months."

"Maybe you should take a vacation., Neera said idly having calmed herself now.

"Sadly, the trip here was the longest vacation I've been able to take but only because I need the gear. Winter is coming on Asura, which means the fighting and the battlefield conditions are only going to get worse. The people we're fighting are taking people and forcing them into their army or... doing horrible things to them. I don't think I could take a regular vacation knowing that people need help on Asura... the sooner I get home, the better. My commander is keeping me updated, so I can coordinate from here but I don't want to leave him to his own devices for too long... Creature wanders off is someone isn't minding him." Lukina sighed again. The memory of Creature wandering off to a wrecked ship that led into a brutal firefight was still fresh. She made a face. "But... I guess, since I am here... what do you guys do for fun?"

"Usually we go to the oasis camp. The city has the usual public attractions. And if your people need help then my father would surely help. He might seem like a man of business, but he won't stand for evil being done to innocent people," Neera said with a serious tone.

Lukina nodded, "He offered Saber's assistance. I must see how we stand. We got more troops before I left and they are training them. We're also getting more equipment so they can fare better. It's up to my bosses if we take the offer but I am passing it along."

"Figures he would. And I hope they let us help. It doesn't seem like there's enough of people just helping each other. "One man cannot change a world, but a nation can," Neera said with sad nod.

"It only takes one person to follow someone else's ideal to form a movement that can change the world, we're all fighting our hardest. This last battle took a lot out of us but I think we'll be all right, in the end. I would hate to take away people that could be defending this planet. But the offer was made with those sorts of things in mind, I'm sure," Lukina smiled despite the nature of their conversation. "I'll see what Lady Blackspear says."

"The SkyGuard are our defense force, which Jack is a Skyknight with still, but Saber is its own thing. This planet is well protected, so if we can help others than we will," Neera said tapping her chin as she tried to remember if he was.

Lukina smiled, "It's a tricky situation but I will let her know. Ultimately, it is her decision. If I ask for forgiveness rather than permission, things might get worse. I doubt it but, it won't hurt me to ask," she added with a nod. It occurred to her that she had forgotten to ask Jack something but it could wait until later. "Saber is a secondary self-defense force then?"

"Let's see..." Beaumont grumbled with his back to the outer wall of the Section 6 building. After some complaints from his patients about the smell of his office, he had been left with little choice but to begin smoking strictly outside. It was not half bad if it weren't for the fact that he was outside of his lab. Should an emergency arise, he'd have to expend the energy just to get back to his work space. What a pain. At least he had managed to route his messages to his HUD at will. He was busy reading through the leg order that Jack had just run through him. "Easy peasy. But boring." Think she would mind if I threw in some extra doohickeys just to make it a bit more fun - and piss off the R&D folks who fabricate my prosthetic designs? The latter part was a smidge more appealing.

He looked over to see the women leaving the building, he recognized the one woman but not the newer - more diminutive individual tagging along. Hope they have room for a cleric in their party. "Yo!" The full-conversion cyborg surgeon hooted, tossing his cigarette to the side and letting his mask slip back into place. "Where are you lot headed to?"

The half-elf turned as the cyborg approached, her green eyes appraised him with growing curiosity. "Hello. Neera was just showing me around, I think she said we were going to a place called, Akemi's?" Her eyes moved from the cyborg back to Neera again. She smoothed out the wrinkles of the S6 uniform skirt as she watched them. The cybernetic leg that she used for her left leg was crude and not meant for a female, let alone one of her height. It looked out of place.

"Oh, sounds good. Care if I tag along?" His gaze shifted around towards each woman. "Haven't eaten in a few hours. I might keel over at this rate and nobody wants to drag around their tin can doctor." He paused for a second before extending a hand to the half-elf. "I doubt we've met before. Judging by my scans, you're the woman I'll be making the leg for. Well, designing. I have R&D do all the fabrication. Lukina, correct?" His head tipped forward a little. "Beaumont, but some people call me 'doc.' Though a lot of folks just refer to me as 'asshole' or some variation thereof."

Lukina accepted the hand and gave it a strong hand shake, "Yes, I'm Lukina and the leg is definitely for me. But I don’t mind if you join us if Neera doesn't?" Her eyes moved from the man back to Neera. She smiled brightly. "Which do you prefer, Beaumont, Doc or Asshole?"

For the first time in a while, he braced his arm for the force a single handshake from a proud Nepleslian could send through it. It gave him flashbacks to growing up in Funky City, and it plastered a smile to his artificial maw. "Whichever one you feel more inclined to call me. I'm sure it'll change according to your mood. I know it does for everybody else working in Section 6."

Neera had been oddly quiet when she heard Beaumont's voice, and mustered the will to speak after he had finished, "Oh well, I don't see why not......Um, hey Beaumont."

"Beaumont then until we have to deal with my leg, then Doc. I have to know you better for the Asshole bit," Lukina released the handshake and looked between the two locals. She gave Neera a questioning look for a moment. "Neera was just telling me all about the different things to do on this planet and all the food to eat."

"Fine by me." He dropped his hand and stuffed it in his pocket. Even someone as dense as him could recognize a strange change in behavior from Neera. His gaze locked onto her for a moment, he tilted his head to try and get a read only for his scans to come up with nothing of use for him. Maybe an increase in temperature, but not much besides that. Perhaps she's coming down with something? Keep a note: Get some medicine in Neera's hands when they get back - if the fever persists.

"I'm curious to see what you'll come up with for my leg. I didn't realize that the person designing it would be heavily augmented himself. It definitely means I came to the right place," Lukina commented brightly, trying to keep what was probably more normal small talk going as her fluffy guide seemed to have shut down for a moment.

He paused for a second, looking at Neera in concern before reverting his gaze to face Lukina. "I'll try to not overwhelm R&D with it. It will at least have the bells and whistles standard for something like one of my legs. Hell, it'll pretty much be a scaled down version of that." He glanced around, humming before clapping his hands together. "Well, why are we waiting here. We're heading to get food, aren't we?" Something about the situation just reeks of awkwardness, leaving the cyborg unsure of what he to do.

"We are. I just don't know where this place is, perhaps, you know where it is? Neera said it was a new place?" Lukina smiled. "I've been off the Broadsword for only about a half hour."

Neera finally broke from her lock up, but with a still slightly awkward manner of behavior, "Um, yeah, I'll get the jeep......Which is over there," she said beginning to walk towards the jeep Jack had taught her to drive.

Lukina followed Neera. She was amused by her guide's change in behavior. But not everyone was brave enough to confess their emotions and she wasn't the type to meddle in these sorts of affairs. "Is this a regular jeep or does it change shape like the U-1?" She looked at the jeep curiously, unsure of what to expect Jack's daughter to drive.

Lukina's gauntlet pinged as she a received a text message from Creature.
Creature said:
"Hay. Can u C about getting some U-1 fighters? That shit is kewl af."

The cyborg followed the two, his lips pursed as he attempted to try and figure out what was travelling through the anthropomorphic wolf's head. As far as he could tell, she'd been acting this way since he first stepped up to the two. "As far as I can tell, the U-1 is the only thing that can go from one vehicle to another. Then again, I'm the medic. What would I know? For all I can tell, these jeeps could fly this entire time and I've had no idea about it."

"Oh no, it's just a jeep from Origin. Just a jeep. That I drive," Neera said trying to hold back nervousness as she wasn't sure how to act considering her feelings. He was right there, and she had been planning to talk to him about it later... Just as she had the last twelve times she had planned to, but chickened each time. She had faced gun fire before, but she couldn't tell one man how she felt?

Lukina tapped the jeweled eye of the wyvern on her gauntlet, pulling back the sleeve of the uniform jacket to read the text message. She wrinkled her nose.

Lukina said:
"How many did you want? I can send the request."
She texted back. "Ah I see," her attention returned to to Neera again as she nodded.

Lukina's gauntlet lit up once again.
Creature said:
"Uh. I dunno 21? 14? With maybe additional in the future? We need a fucking air force."

"Ah. Well guess that answers that question." He chuckled. As peculiar her behavior is, the best option would be to ensure that the newcomer remained comfortable. One oddball is okay, but being surrounded by two for an entire meal might be a touch much. "So, Jack stated that you're a part of Asteria," he inquired. "Sent here as an ambassador or something? Or are you just here for a leg and a look around this crap hole?" His mask slid back up, revealing his jaw and the toothy beam just above them, like he had a cheshire cat hidden underneath his mask. He drew a cigarette from his pocket and props it between those chompers before fumbling about another pocket for a light.

"Dad seem to think it was a good starter, and something about building a new car. Something more… sporty I think he said. Anyways, everyone take a seat, it sits four so plenty of options," Neera said getting into the driver’s seat with a more slightly calm demeanor.

Lukina climbed up into the jeep and took a seat in the back behind Neera. "A little of both. I was asked to see what was available and see how willing your group would be to work with me. I can only do so much though. I can't make any sort of official agreements without talking to them first. I'm also slightly sub-contracted right now," she replied casually.

Lukina's gauntlet lit up once again.
Creature said:
"So apparently, I can fucking make u an official representative. So uh. Ambassador Sir Lukina. U have official Asterian foreign authority. Yea, you don't technically work for me, but it's whatever, I can grant authority 2 knights as well. Talk to Jack, he has teh deets."

He took a second to ponder which seat to take before hopping into shotgun. As tall as he was, it's probably for the better, considering he could slide the seat back to get more leg room. "Ah." He nodded. "And what can you do?" He chimed, tipping his seat back a little to allow him to look back to her without craning his neck too far.

Neera stiffened slightly as Beaumont sat so close, she eased out of the parking lot trying to not make eye contact as she turned on to the main road (the only road) heading back to the city.

"Akemi's, as I understand, has been around for a long time, and I don't know much other than that. It's apparently pretty popular though," Neera said nervous all over again.

Lukina rolled her eyes at the gauntlet like Creature could see it. She dismissed the message without replying. "It sounds interesting, Neera, I look forward to seeing what they have." She replied to her guide first. "Well, apparently, someone wants me to be here officially now. But I guess we'll see what comes up. I'm mostly just ordering equipment right now, I meant to just get personal gear but I guess, I should probably order some things for the company as well," she addressed Beaumont.

"I see," He hummed. He turned to face the road before shifting to get comfortable in his seat. "Wonder what kind of food Akemi's has got." He brought his arms up to the back of his head and crossed his legs - the usual posture when he was seen having when in he was in his laboratory. "I can go for just about anything right now. What say you, Neera?" He turns to face the wolf girl.

"I'm good with just about anything! Yeah, just hungry you know," Neera said awkwardly trying to just get there.

Lukina adjusted the knot she had tied with the excess fabric of the oversize uniform skirt to keep it from falling off her smaller frame. She was amused by the situation because for once she wasn't involved with the drama of the possible state of un-relationship or whatever it was that she was seeing. It was refreshing to be a bystander for once. Her eyes moved back up to the Doctor and the guide, curious. "Do you work with Neera often, Beaumont?"

"In a sense," He looked over his shoulder. "In a way, you can say I made this version of her. She wasn't always the cutie you see. She used to be a lot more... canine per se." He crossed his arms before looking forward. "She came to me wanting a humanoid body, so I used her DNA crossed with some compatible strains I had on hand of various humanoid species in an attempt to create a successful bipedal wolf girl. It isn't uncommon for me to check up on her to see if the body is still functioning properly. She's my first attempt at doing something like that, and Jack would kill me if she keels over because I fucked something up in her cellular programming."

"I explained about being a wolf. And yes, I owe you a lot. Wait.......cutie?" Neera blushed red feeling her face heat up with the realization of what he had said.

Lukina smiled. "It's fascinating. She's more than cute, she's gorgeous. How are you at biochemistry, Doc?" She stretched out her legs before crossing her legs at the ankle, the organic leg over top of the cybernetic one.

He hummed and scratched his chin. "Average, I'd say. I let the computer fill in all the gaps and hope for the best, really. I'm better with things I can actually see as opposed to all of the macromolecules and everything." He brought a hand up and spun it in the air. He had deliberately avoided addressing Neera's concerns just to see her response to his comment. Nor would he admit that he had intentionally made her build appealing to him. No harm in having a little eye candy around the office.

Neera only turned redder and blinked a couple times, but remained silent as she drove thankful for being the driver meaning she didn't have to make eye contact.

"There are some interesting species on Asura that are quite venomous. I was hoping to find better antivenom or at least, develop something that reacted faster. Some spider bit and killed an infant in camp a few months ago and... I'd like to help avoid that tragedy again if you here at S6 were able to work on such a thing," Lukina suggested softly. She shivered at the memory of the mother's screaming and crying.

He paused for a moment at the sudden gloom and doom. What a peculiar woman, mentioning such a situation as though it were a common occurrence... though it probably is if it was a topic mentioned as mundanely as it had been. "Well, I've never developed an antivenom, but if you can get me a sample of the species in question, I'd be more than happy to try my hand at making some."

Neera actually calmed as she became saddened by this story, "I'm sure Beaumont can come up with something. It's S6's job to create solutions, and I have faith in Beaumont. Jack hired you for a reason, and he wouldn't have if he didn't believe you had the potential to make things better for others." she said as they approached the restaurant, Neera parking the jeep in the parking lot.

Lukina's expression brightened. "I'll see if we can catch one and get it brought here, the next chance I get. I would appreciate it." She waited for the vehicle to come to a complete stop and for the other occupants to disembark before trying to climb out of the jeep.

The I'ee a good while ago had built the lot they stood on today and this Akemi’s near their location was a more than modern establishment. Unlike many on 188604 that was built into the pre-existing wooden structures that were prevalent, this one was sleekly made of what looked as if it was smoky transparent Zesu around the corners and had large, easy to peruse windows along the front of the restaurant.

A large cursive scroll menu was outside of the door and a hostess in a tight Akemi's uniform stood nearby it, smiling at those getting out of the Jeep and another group of customers coming from the lot.

Before they even arrived, they could see that this Akemi’s lacked the usual dancers but had the busty and flatties, Elysian and average Neko, the irregulars and regulars that you might expect at an Akemi's, only they were only serving the roles of waitresses. Was it because they were so close to the University that this location seemed so toned down for what it was known for being?

A large cursive scroll menu was outside of the door and a hostess in a tight Akemi's uniform stood nearby it, smiling at those getting out of the Jeep and another group of customers coming from the lot.

The cyborg had heard of Akemi's before, but never visited it. A degenerate restaurant built to appeal to the most primal of desire-based instincts - food and sex "Huh. Didn't expect a fast food place." He hummed. "Oh well. Not like I'm gaining any weight from poor diet." In all honesty though, the stories of what the restaurant is like come across to him as ludicrous exaggeration - then again, this is his first time at one. "A cheap, greasy burger with fries sounds better than nothing. Plus, nothing wrong with having this kind of stuff on occasion."

Lukina raised an eyebrow at the flesh on parade. She had never heard of this chain but it seemed so distinctly... Nepleslian. Girls, booze and burgers. But to be fair, she had on what was probably considered a fairly backwater planet for a few years. She grinned. "Oh wow. I actually wasn't expecting this sort of thing with a Yamataian name like Akemi, but interesting choice." She glanced to Neera and then to Beaumont, curious to see how the shy guide would react to her crush being surrounded by an onslaught of attractive women.

"Not gonna lie, not what I was expecting. I guess this ok," Neera said with slight unease. She glanced at Beaumont for a moment to gauge his reaction, his face plate revealing nothing. "I guess we should head in?" she asked somewhat shyly.

The advantages of a mask: Nobody can see you ogling all the glorious specimens before you. Indeed, all the staff that he could see already had caught his eye, their lack of clothing enough to bring slight heat to his face. There's something that Beaumont would never admit - and that he was not comfortable with dealing with sexual situations. Sure, he was more than happy to joke about it, but something that could suggest full-on sexual activity left him at a loss. Perhaps it was due to his sister. Her prostitution and her willingness to even experiment with him, left him unsure about how to approach sexuality. His only resort was to outright avoid it. "W-well" He squeaked, followed by a clearing of his throat. "Well, if you two want to go here, we can. If you want to go somewhere else due to discomfort, I won't say no so long as I can get myself a bite."

"We're here. I'm game, it's kinda like going back to Nepleslia?" Lukina smiled and took the first few steps toward the entrance, pausing to look at her companions.

Neera began to follow Lukina entering the restaurant, her eyes finding much of the same as outside.

Beaumont placed his hands in his pockets, being the last one to walk into the building. In all fairness, as nice as it was to look, his desire to do much more than that is... minimal at best. One side of him wanted to scream "Run from this job. Run from it, and never look back." While the other just made him wish to just go with whatever happened. He took a seat in one of the booths before looking up to Neera and Lukina. "Yea, a little. It all reminds me of Funky City."

Lukina slid into the booth across from Beaumont and moved to the corner so the Neera had more options for where to sit. "It does have that feel to it." She nodded.

Neera sat down and looked around at the various scantly women around and instinctively looked down at her own breasts with furrowed eyebrows as she thought about why they garnered such attention from men. She quickly looked away realizing she still had company, "Um. So, what are we getting?"

"No idea." He shrugged, looking around for a waitress to approach them. He had noticed her attention on her bust, but would pay it no mind. If she's feeling insecure about some part of her body, she would have told him by now. "I've heard the burgers here are great, but that's about it." He takes a moment to look up to Neera once more before scooting towards the corner of the booth. "Care to sit down and join us? No need to stand up."

"Burgers sound incredibly fattening and delicious," Lukina nodded. She noticed that Neera was staring at busts. Her eyes took in the offerings of the wait staff and then she looked down at her own breasts and shrugged. "I guess more body fat can't be all that bad?"

A waitress with a cat keyhole bikini had been eyeing their table and waiting for the right moment to approach before coming over to sweep their gazes towards her shining, bright smile and then down, to where she held a bunch of menus for the group.

"You seem like a friendly bunch, well, let me tell you what we have on specials today as well as some of what you might expect if you order off the menu..." She began pointing to a small list she was holding that none of them could see and said, "Papa's Pouty Poutine and Lovey Dovey Lorath eggs are two things you'll see on our specials today along with a list of who is working and what they offer," she pointed to a list on a window they had yet to walk past with names ranging from low key to blatantly sexual. "And I am Beloi. A native of the planet. I hope you all enjoy your time here. Anything I can get to drink while I'm here?"

The plump-chested and tone tummied waitress set the specials menu down and held her hands in front of her groin, which was outfitted in a pair of string bikini with little cat ears between the hips.

Lukina returned the waitress's smile. She accepted the menu and considered what to drink. "Eh, I guess a beer, whatever is on tap and a water would be good for me, please," She looked over the menu to figure out what she wanted.

After a moment studying Lukina, Beloi nodded and turned her head to look around the rest of the table.

"I'll have sweet tea thank you," Neera said answering the waitress.

"Got it!" chirped the waitress as she bounced on her heels and the crease of her chest in the cat face window of her bikini top swayed up and down for a moment before she closed her eyes and tilted her head, asking, "Anything else?"

Neera glanced nervously at Beaumont for a split second before replying to Lukina, "Well no, it's not that. To be honest I'm enjoying being able to eat real food, but.......I feel outclassed if that makes sense," she whispered to Lukina.

"If you got any lagers on tap, I'll take one of those." Beaumont tried to keep his gaze averted from the waitress, only for it to slowly oscillate back towards that glorious window into her cleavage. He could hear each whisper from the wolf despite them not being for him, but he would choose to avoid a response. For once, he's choosing to be mature - and for once, he sits with his back straight. It was as though he was trying to establish a state of being disinterested in the waitress and her coworkers. He sets his hands on the table with fingers laced.

Lukina nodded and leaned closer to Neera to whisper to her. "They are also on the menu so... if you want to... you should say something. Some are kind of dense so if you don't spell it out they will never know."

"What are you talking about, I don't want any of these women. I more worried he'll take one. I don't think he would, but do I really have a chance?" Neera whispered pretty sure that Lukina had picked up on her awkward behavior.

Lukina smiled. Totally not what she meant but she was being vague herself. She placed a hand over Neera's and nodded. "Never know unless you try."

The waitress smiled pleasantly after taking their orders and left the table.

Beaumont kept his head in the menu. "If you're worried I'm gonna rent out one of the waitresses, I'm not going to. Personal reasons. Plus, I'd rather not pay for something I could get with a little bit of effort." He turned to face the two. "Is everything alright, Neera? You've been all wonky since I asked to get some food with you." He lifted his mask to reveal his mouth.

"Um..." Neera looked to Lukina, hoping for help, "Beaumont....I...."

Neera adjusted the way she sat as she was unsure of what to say, or how to proceed, her face growing redder as she stumbled for words.

Lukina gestured for Neera to continue, "...Like..." she coached gently.

Beaumont turned to face her. If he had eyes, they would be locked. If they had eyebrows, they would be raised in curiosity. "...Youuuu...?" The cyborg purses his lips and lowers the menu.

" you," Neera said averting her eyes.

Lukina sat quietly and tried to decide on something to eat from the menu while her companions figured out this relationship thing.

He paused a few moments before turning to the menu once more. He doesn't seem to have much of a response to this. "Guess that confirms my suspicion that's been mounting the past while." A grin curled on his lips, the skin a slightly grayish tint. "I'll admit I've had my eye on you as well. Thing is, showing interest in a wolf with the personality of a human is borderline bestiality. A nono in my book. But, your new body solves all of those problems." His gaze returned to her before turning to Lukina. "How about this. We'll discuss this stuff a little bit later, cause it's probably awkward for someone we just met to be third wheeling already."

"Don't mind me. I'm from a weird group, so this sort of thing happens a lot though this is probably the most normal thing I've third wheeled to," Lukina smiled again. "Do whatever you need to. I'll figure out what is actually food on this menu."

"Um yeah, I mean sure, that...." Neera put her forehead to the table with a slight tap, “Gods, why am I so bad at this? I can smart-ass at gunpoint, but this... I can't even speak clearly."

"Well, you know what I always think." He looked around. Perhaps those working here wouldn't mind if he lit up a smoke inside the restaurant. Unless there was a policy or something, nobody can really stop him. He pulled out his box of cigs, tamped out a single stick, and popped it between his teeth. "If you have no idea what to say, but you know what you should do, choose the latter. It'll be more effective than yammering."

Neera paused for a moment as she though after she raised he head off the table again. She wasn't sure that would be exactly, but she had an instinctual feeling that could be what he was referring to. Without hesitation, she raised herself slightly and reaching over the table grabbed Beaumont by the faceplate before bringing her lips to it.

He paused for a moment, his arms raised slightly as a reflex only for them to ease up. A small chuckle escaped him, and Neera could feel the plate against her lips slowly sliding upwards. There was a clicking noise, and she felt another pair of lips slipping forward to press onto her own. Slowly, he pulled back, those very lips curled into the widest smile he could ever muster. "So, how long have you wanted to do that?" He muttered with his head mere inches from her own. His scanner locks onto her eyes. To think that, after all the time he had spent inspecting her for issues with her new body, he had never caught how much those two ruby spots glimmered in the light.

"For a while now, and if there weren't an audience I would continue, but audience," Neera said sitting back down more redder than before as she tried to avoid the gazes of said staring people.

Lukina was dutiful to her word, she let the two of them do their thing while she examined the menu. "I'm sure you could request a room from a place like this," she suggested absently with a small smile.

The drinks were brought to the table and a pack of matches for Beaumont's cigs was procured.

"Trust me when I say I don't want my first experience like that in one of those rooms. As clean as they're advertised, I wouldn't doubt you can still feel all of the people that have banged in those rooms." He shivers. "Makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it." He returned his gaze to Neera while his mask clicked back into place. "No need to feel so shy. They're probably flabbergasted that you only did something so minor as that. Only thing that would leave them hooting and hollering in surprise is maybe handholding."

Neera's face grew even redder, "Well it's...not like I have a problem..........but.....that's not what I meant. They have places like that?"

Beaumont's gaze scanned the room where waitresses and maybe a few extremely effeminate waiters tended to the patrons of their tables. "Considering the nature of this restaurant... It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. If you're willing to put forth however much it costs." He hummed, taking a second to eye the table and positioning of each person sitting in the booth. "Say, Neera. You know you could have sat over here and made it easier for you to kiss me just now." In all fairness, he was just teasing her at this point. He couldn't help it. The ways she blushed through that cotton-white fur was just far too irresistible for the half-machine.

"Oh um, I can still move over there if you want?" Neera said still red.

"I can go get a cab or something to get back to the compound if you guys want some alone time," Lukina offered. Other things weighed on the half-elf's mind and she sent a short message to Jack. "Actually, please install a GEIST on me. I also have a few more equipment requests as well."

"No, no, no... we... we should save this sort of thing for later." Beaumont shook his head. "We came here to talk business, so having Neera and I hook up as the only result might get both of our asses chewed out by the big albino himself." He sat back in his seat in an ironically loose manner, legs spread and arms crossed. His metallic dome would meet the top of his seat as half his body was concealed under the table.

"So, I propose a segway. Tell me, that leg of yours. Who made it? I noticed you almost hobble when you walk. I'm assuming it wasn't fabricated with you in mind or something?" Beaumont continued.

"I don't know. My knee was shot out in a battle and they found this leg for me after the battle. But no, it was not made for me or for a woman for that matter. They had to cut my remaining leg down to make it fit," Lukina replied thoughtfully as her eyes moved back up from the menu to Beaumont. "It's been awkward fighting on it but it's been a quick and steep learning curve."

"Just so you know..." Beaumont hoisted the menu up so he could eye a few of the specialty dishes. "Just because the leg fits properly doesn't mean you won't need any rehab for it. You'll probably be on a crutch for a few days or even weeks while your legs and hips try and rework your gait to something more natural."

"I understand. I may not get that luxury, that border war is only going to get more brutal as winter hits. I shouldn't have left but I needed to get this resolved. I have to get home as soon as I can," Lukina pursed her lips together and sighed. She smoothed her bangs back from her face for a moment. "I'd rather be fighting at 80% than 50% but I'll do what I have to get back into the fight."

The cyborg hummed for a moment to take what she had just said to account. "You know, through all of my years of being a surgeon, I always hear about people wanting to get out to fight as fast as possible. Get out on the field as fast as possible. It's immature, but everyone always thinks that the option with the most corners cut is the fastest option. In my opinion, we need to look at the fastest way to get to the complete job than to the rough draft. We can get you operating at 100% with a little bit of time - and I doubt that your comrades would have any qualm about it. And, if they do, refer them to me directly. I'll be more than happy to break off a leg of their own and guide them through rehab if it means getting the point through their thick skulls." He crosses his legs and raises a hand. "You'd be a more valuable asset to those working with you if you can work to your greatest potential at the end of the fight, than if you were to go out there and get yourself killed early on because that new leg of yours hadn't been successfully calibrated to your movements."

"...they cut this leg from someone we were fighting," Lukina replied flatly and sighed. "But yes, I understand your point, Doc. I just never remember any of the NSMC boys getting time off from the war to adjust their ‘netics. We just saw them get a new limb slapped on and sent back out to fight. The Revenant should help with that."

He would gag if he had it in his functionality. "That..." The cyborg grunted. "Is kinda nasty. I'm surprised that you can stand with that thing let alone walk. After we eat, I'm definitely going to get on top of designing that."

"Drastic measures and all of that but thank you, Doc." Lukina settled back against the booth. "Things were simpler just fighting the squids. But I... ugh... sorry, you guys have more pleasant things to talk about."

"Grisly stuff is in my job description. I don't really care about how pleasant it is. It's the truth and that's what matters." He shrugged. "Besides, I'll admit I don't really have anything interesting to share or to talk about, myself. Mind if I ask, what kind of battle is it that's going on?"

"Skirmishes against a mix of forced conscripts and former mercenaries from the look of it. They have piece mail body armor, power armor, various small arms, artillery and melee weapons of the traditional and technological variety. The last battle involved a mounted cavalry charge on large alien birds so it's a non-conventional situation I find myself in. Teaching people how to use a sword, shield and a sniper rifle," Lukina folded her hands in front of her on top of the table and the menu. "The Kishargal are fascinating with their laser muskets, their charge was fierce."

"Muskets... swords... shields... Sounds like you guys are using pre-spaceflight technology. I'm guessing you folks aren't exactly the most technologically potent bunch on this side of the sector?" As somebody who didn't particularly enjoy current events, Beaumont's assessment was understandable regardless of whether he was correct or otherwise. "I'm guessing that's why you came to us, though? Give yourselves that higher-tier gear edge?"

"Asteria is new but we are what remains of the United Outer Colonies. We have a mix of technologies, Nepleslian and Yamataian... we still have some Jiyuuian Peacekeeper equipment as well but we have not developed anything new of our own. The Free companies have different varieties of equipment based on what they can afford and who is willing to sell to them. Azalea company doesn't have much money so they use what they can cobble together. My mother's company has less men but they are better trained so she can keep them in good modern equipment without too much worry." Lukina smiled softly, "I came to you because I am trying to think outside the box. Our enemies know about what we have because we have fought them enough. I wanted to get something new, that they haven't seen before so we can get an edge over them. I suspect they were also using old NMX equipment they scavenged from old battlefields and caches."

Beaumont crossed his arms and glanced over to Neera. Being the daughter of Jack, odds were that she understood those macropolitics better than he did. "So, two forces both with minimal equipment that is mostly scavenged from things left behind by the big boys. You're coming to Section 6 because you need something of your own that can pretty much call the stalemate to a close." He steepled his fingers, put palms together, and then pointed his hands towards her. He paused for a moment and breathed in through his teeth. Weapons are fine and dandy, but what was flowing through his mind was recovery and medical care for the parties involved. No use in having things that go boom if there's nobody alive that can operate them. "I feel like you're gonna need more than just a prosthetic leg." His gaze would turn to Neera. "Text Jack and ask if he's willing to begin a line of mass-produced prosthesis and cybernetics beyond the GEIST. There'll be a lot of men missing their walky-grabby bits who'll need replacements... Plus it may make for good business."

He returned his gaze to her and tips his head, fingers returning to their raised, steepled position. "Think, though. You're reaching out to folks that have bigger guns. Chances are, so are they. Can't be underprepared, and you can't ST every average Joe who held a grenade for one second two long. There are plenty of alternatives to ST if you have a sufficient life-support system for your troops." He shrugded for a moment. "But you're talking to a walking talking Life-Support system holding a little bit of meat inside. What would I know about this stuff?"

"What are you suggesting? I'm allowed to accept proposals on a larger scale but I cannot commit without consulting my boss. I can fund some projects on a smaller scale since I don't have too much else to spend my money on besides guns and bullets," the half-elf leaned forward, her hands were folded together under her chin. Her bright green eyes were focused to Beaumont, her curious expression made her look like she was not much older than Jack's new intern, Aster.

Neera looked at Lukina, "I'm sure dad would approve with eagerness and hopefully your lords will accept our aid. But even in the meantime, we can supply your forces," she said pulling out a pad, sending the requested message to Jack.

The half-elf smiled. "I appreciate any assistance we can get. I hope so as well; the political situation is strange. All the same, I am eager to get back home as soon as I can. People are waiting for me."

"Alright, then. it's settled," Beaumont chimed. "I'll make sure to get started on that leg so we can install it and have you out and about before you know it."

He won't say it out loud, but there was a side of him who does not wish to get involved with politics such as these. With the amount of power on both sides, the chances of a target being placed on his back for producing medicines and equipment for their military is a lot higher than outright avoiding the opportunity. As much as he hated it, though, the side of him that did not wish to see people left incapacitated due to their asinine war is egging him on just enough to stand alongside his statement. Plus, that hen had been released from the cage already. He already expressed interest in assistance.

"Great, now let's eat," Neera chimed in cheerfully.

Jack Pine said:
Yeah, we can gladly do that. Sure Neera also re-iterated the fact that were are happy to provide assistance anyway we can. Weapons, reinforcements, equipment, and anything else we might be able to provide. With your lord's permission, you have but to ask.

Neera's pad dinged with the message which she showed Lukina and Beaumont.

Lukina nodded, "Thank you. I'll route the request and see what happens. The time difference is massive, so I don't know when they will be able to respond." She tugged the sleeve back on her jacket again and pressed the jeweled eye of the wyvern, she tapped the volumeric menu that appeared and attached some files to a message that generated through her DNI to the communications device. She dismissed the projection after a moment with a wave of her hand, recovering the gauntlet again.

The half-elf looked startled as she received a short message back. "...this is unexpected. The Mikado would like a personal audience with Director Pine on Asura."

Neera couldn't hide her surprise, "That's amazing, is it about our offer?"

"Yes. The Lady Bhelith Blackspear... she wishes to discuss the matter directly." Lukina nodded, there was some tension in her voice that dissipated quickly as she smiled. "Which would be better than me acting as an intermediary."

"I'll notify dad immediately. Though he may be surprised by such a fast response." Neera said composing another message to Jack.

"As am I," Lukina took a deep breath and leaned back against the booth again. She had a strong feeling about why the Mikado had responded so quickly but she was not going to comment. "I guess the stereotype about elves might be true, we don't really sleep."

A throaty "HAH" escaped Beaumont in response to Lukina's statement. "All jokes aside, an immediate response is definitely a good sign." He glanced over his shoulder to scan the restaurant for their server. He wouldn't be surprised if one of the other tables she was assigned to ordered her off the menu or something. "Plus, you can enjoy your time on 188604 without worries of having to answer every single question we throw about you. That task can go to your boss and ours. Surely, he'll have a better idea of what info he needs as opposed to his doctor and his daughter."

He crossed his arms once more. He had begun boredly opening and closing his mask like a student clicking his pencil against a metal desk. "Good to know that all of the boring politics stuff will be left to the big boys and girls up top."

"I'll have to accompany him back. That is also part of the request, Mikado is the term we are using for our Empress, our government leader," Lukina added softly. "It's fine, I don't mind the conversation. It's just... it sounds stranger to talk about it than it is to live within it."

"Anything to eat?" asked the same waitress that had been lingering on the sidelines of the conversation nearby here and there, waiting for a good time to come. She was now leaning close to Lukina so that the top of her bust was just a few centimeters from her. "Or something else to drink?" she asked, nudging Lukina playfully with her shoulder and then looked around. "We have plenty of women to sample the flavors of…~"

Lukina appraised the waitress and her wares with quiet consideration for a moment as she deemed was polite. "I'll just be having a cheeseburger and fries with another beer, domo." She offered the woman a friendly smile. "No company for me today, I'm afraid."

"Another beer I can do," the waitress said, nodding but not leaving Lukina's side. "Burgers and fries are on the chef. I'll bring them to you, though, don't worry. Along with what everyone else is ordering...?"

"Same with another tea please," Neera said simply as she thought about how to continue things with Beaumont.

"Another beer as well' The cyborg remarked with a raised finger. "Don't really think I'll be up to anything that wild and crazy this time 'round." He crossed his arms once more. Once the waitress has left, he turned his gaze over towards Neera. "I'll save that stuff for you."

His head swiveled once more to face Lukina. "So, I just had a thought... what's food like while out deployed? I've never really spoken to any soldier or anything about that. The movies always depict it as either bland cubes in candy bar wrappers or bags full of chemicals that you pour water into to create a mush akin to actual food."

Lukina's fingers traced the rim of the beer mug as she thought of how to answer, "It depends. The Corps tried to provide tray rations, we did have the bagged rations. Right now, it's what we have on hand. I've been finding bird eggs, game and wild vegetables to get by on. The advantage of being a wood elf is being raised on how to survive in the wild, well, Marine training helped with that as well. I've been getting by on mostly small portions of real food."

"Saber uses ration bars, as they are more efficient to carry and hold the specific nutrients needed by a trooper in the field," Neera offered to at least participate in the current topic.

"I can see that being helpful. Having a stash of protein blocks would be helpful for the coming winter," Lukina commented appreciatively.

"Yea, but the downside is that even the flavored ones come across as bland as a stack of books placed between your teeth." He shook his head. "Only thing they ever do for me is make me miss having real food and not just a block of nutrients" He slipped a little way back in his seat once more, the booth seat squeaking.

"Anything is better than starving," Lukina shrugged, she sipped her beer. "Definitely grateful for any sort of thing I can eat that won't kill me."

"You do have a point there. But at the same time, dying wouldn't be half bad compared to those things." He laughed, a grin forming on his lips while his head tilted. "But what am I to say? Maybe they taste better when you've got nothing else."