Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Closed Awards OOC

These suggestions have been dropped by the suggestor or rejected by staff.


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Well, I do actually have ideas, I even surprise myself...

We have seen great characters, great settings that bring out great stories. We have an award system in place for in-character personnel assigned to their ship. We currently use the spotlight to shine onto the person that has done quite the service for our community. We got the yearly best awards to shine on those that have done amazing work. But what if we go a step further, make more people feel valued because face it as a Star Army I am proud of every one of you that have created the stories, incredible art, impressive articles that contribute to our community. But let's not forget those that work behind the screens to keep everything up to date, everything in the line with their faction ideals, and try their best to help new players.

Therefore I would suggest that there is a system, a way to let people be recognized for their skills, for their contribution. People can use this system to say, this person has earned this award with a good reason as to why. The staff decides as to the proof (Like articles that the person made, ref to that) and make a judgment to support or decline the award. To hand these awards can be done in various ways, this can be done (maybe) by having forum awards connected to the user's profile? Or a new section on the wiki user profile where the award can be assigned by the staff?

What kind of awards are we talking about? Well, these are a few that I thought about:
  • Distinguished Service: awarded to a player for continued service above and beyond.
  • The Merit of RP: awarded for showing excellence in writing and development in storylines and their characters.
  • Well-oiled Machine: awarded to individuals who are deemed to have worked hard in collaboration with others and who shine on the definition of teamwork.
  • Community Star: awarded to a player who is a major part in development in their faction, story, or services to the community.
These are just some of the ideas that come to mind :) What do we gain with this kind of system? We gain positivity, morale boost to factions across our community, and people wanting to take that extra step even more.

Now go easy on me, I am a shy fox when it comes to sharing ideas ;)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This would be really cool, I like it-


I'd love to see a secondary point added to this, like an awards system or points system that awards for in-character posting. The roleplayers who are most active should be rewarded and recognized for their great contribution to the community.
This would be really cool, I like it-


I'd love to see a secondary point added to this, like an awards system or points system that awards for in-character posting. The roleplayers who are most active should be rewarded and recognized for their great contribution to the community.
That was my point with The Merit of RP, but we could enhance that by making it attached to a systematic line. Maybe in the line of ...
  • Bronze Merit of RP: can be received by anyone (Link of the story required)
  • Silver Merit of RP: can be received if the person has at least participated in 3 stories actively on quality posting to a story
  • Gold Merit of RP:/...
Well, you get the drift ;) Or do you mean something different?
I worry about judging the quality of someone's writing. I'm not sure there's a way to do it objectively, and I'm not sure that a subjection notion of "quality" should be used to judge merit. I like the idea of rewarding activity, so people feel good about contributing even if it doesn't meet some subjective measure of quality.
I worry about judging the quality of someone's writing. I'm not sure there's a way to do it objectively, and I'm not sure that a subjection notion of "quality" should be used to judge merit. I like the idea of rewarding activity, so people feel good about contributing even if it doesn't meet some subjective measure of quality.
It is a fair point you make, but with the quality I mean ....someone can be active in a story with one sentence. But if we keep ourselves in the direction that has been settled on the wiki definition of Quality writing then I think you can get far and give meaning to an award. Ofc just a thought
I've always enjoyed the IC-OOC intersection of the Star Army's Good Conduct Award, which is essentially all of the ideas here rolled into one thing. The Star Army's Recruiting Award has a similar function. What I like about these is that they put the accolade in the hands of GMs (and FMs for non-plot posts), who are best informed on how to recognize players for their above-and-beyond contribution to the site through roleplay, submissions, or their simple presence. Less labor for the Staff to read through a bunch of RP they'd otherwise ignore, too; it's a lot of work!

Maybe FMs should be encouraged to create (or have created by someone in their faction) more in-character awards for OOC behavior in their respective factions so that it's not the Star Army alone with all of the cool stuff.
I've learned that giving responsibilities with awards is a meaningful way to promote the person for their good deeds in a beneficial way. I know not everyone thinks work should come along with pointing at a person and telling everyone to pat them on the back, but I've seen that the latter can result with people getting a high horse and not much else out of the award. Saying, "You're good at this, thank you, this added responsibility is an award in and of itself" is better to me than simple words. I've added some potential responsibilities for each award, hopefully others get what I am getting at.
  • Distinguished Service: become a mentor
  • The Merit of RP: host an open rp
  • Well-oiled Machine: create a needed article for a faction you have not worked with before/guest star in an rp you have not been in
  • Community Star: host a vc game night/forum game (such as thread necromancy)
Maybe these should be treated kind of like X-Box acheivements, where we have a list of them and they're unlockable by doing various things that are awesome.
It looks like this idea is not very popular so I am closing it.