Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Laz Public Network [Axis] Purchasing Deal with Origin


Inactive Member
From: Director of Axis Frame Development Javier Feyete
To: Origin Sales Representative, Sierra Merkur
Subject: Purchase and Licensing of the FATE S

Hello, Sierra. As you're no-doubt aware of by now, I am the head of Powered Frame Development here at Axis, and things have been going along swimmingly. However, we've run into something of a problem: No-one here has any idea how to develop a computer program sufficient enough to be used in a powered frame.

Hence, we're interested in purchasing a singular, stripped down FATE-s modified to use Axis's own sensors and electronic defense systems. If we like the FATE(And, given the performance of the PAWN on the M1 Series I designed, we probably will), we contact Origin again in order to work out a licensing contract for the FATE-S.

As an addendum, Given the plethora of new and exotic technologies being developed here at New Edwards, perhaps it would be best for you to supervise the integration of FATE into our technology demonstrator.

Best Wishes,
~Javier Feyete
From: Origin Junior Executive, Sierra Merkur
To: Director of Axis Frame Development Javier Feyete
Subject: Purchase and Licensing of the FATE S

Sorry it took me so long to reply, Javier, I've just been extremely busy, with my recent promotion and assignment to a new position. Sadly, I will have to decline your request that I be assigned to this project- I have prior obligations which ship out soon. However, I should be able to help you with this project from afar.

If you send me the specifications for the sensors and other equipment, I can modify a FATE fairly quickly for you and have it sent right away. As for an on-site representative, i will send one of my subordinates- He was part of the team that helped me initially develop the DESTINY AI system, and so should be quite knowledgeable and helpful.

Junior Executive Sierra Merkur.
From: Director of Axis Frame Development Javier Feyete
To: Origin Junior Executive, Sierra Merkur
Subject: Purchase and Licensing of the FATE S

That is perfectly understandable, Sierra. I'm sending the specifications for our technology demonstrator to you now, as well as payment for the FATE S. Your representative should report to Axis' corporate offices in New Dallas, on Vandenberg.

Thank You
Director of Frame Development, Senior Executive Javier Feyete

P.S: Hopefully, Sierra, when you return from your current assignment, I won't be too busy, and we can have some time to ourselves. On a purely professional basis, of course.