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RP Ayenee Crossover

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Fang nodded in response to Volodya. "That is a fair bit of reasoning. I cannot say as I have previously heard of your place of origin. Beyond that, my own back story would take far too long to recall for most two-leggers to listen through."

At that, the clone Marcus smiled and rushed over to Fang, then whispered something in the big man's ear. The red glowing eyes didn't move, but he responded, just the same. "Yes, I can do that."

The angel smiled at the quick interaction, then turned to the others. "We must take our leave. The Rodia's need to get to Equilibrium to report on the events of the past few days. I believe their sister will also want a detailed account of what amount of healing her brother required."

Both Marcus' faces flushed at that. The original spoke up. "You're going to tell Katarina?"

Anon nodded. "I am fulfilling a promise. As the older sibling, and senior member of your family, it is her right."

The clone seemed to brighten slightly, and he patted his predecessor on the back, chuckling. "Sure you don't want to come with us when we go back?"

The original Marcus smiled and shook his head. "You know as well as me that it's not the first time this sort of thing has happened. Yeah, she'll be mad, but it's me. She won't be able to stay that way for long."

The clone noted Candon's silence, and the stern look on his face, and took a step toward the power-armor wearing man. "I know you want to keep an eye on me here. I'm not stupid, but Equilibrium will never let you in. They've never seen anyone from another universe before. Not even I could vouch you through. I realize you don't trust me but you're just going to have to be willing to let this one go."

That said, he nodded to the other Marcus. "Alright, let's go."

Both Rodia men walked down the street and turned a corner. Anon nodded his farewell and floated off a different direction, leaving the medieval armored giant of a man standing with the others. "You may travel with me if you so desire. Or, you may stay here. I am willing to take you to see the lands my clan calls home. And..." He took a step toward Wazu. "Mr. Rodia informed me that you were trying to tap into forgotten magic earlier. I am willing to unlock the necessary powers for you to get there easily."
"This is what I always hated about magic. It seems to only operate at the whims of someone else... they keep changing the rules on me. What is required nowdays? Mystical understandings? Pacts with dark powers? or some kind of magical juice to get things flowing?" Wazu asked, looking over at Candon for a moment,

"Besides, it looks like we've fulfilled our duty to Marcus Prime. We might as well take in the sights a bit before returning back."
"Odd." Fang responded flatly. "I have lived a very long time, and I only know of two kinds of magic that continually change how they are used based on the desires of others. Only one of those is even available to humans. Most other kinds of magic simply require the user to remain in tune with the energy flow. The majority use ley lines to tap power. Even with the necessary memories of how to wield it, being out of tune with the flow of power will render the magic useless. It is comparable to an encrypted radio frequency. You may have a device capable of transmitting or receiving on the necessary frequencies. However, if the encryption sequence is changed, somehow, all you can ever hope to get is a small hint of what is actually happening on that frequency."

Fang didn't even begin to consider that a man dressed in medieval style apparel would look strange speaking about encrypted radio frequencies. He was a native of Ayenee, and had crossed interdimensional boundaries hundreds of times. This was simply part of his life. He nodded his head, quickly, and an image that looked like a star map with highly detailed three dimensional images of varying colors in the place of the stars, appeared for all of them. Candon would find it a somewhat difficult to clearly see, as the image was being broadcast via a minor psionic field.

"This is a representation of a section of the Omniverse." He pointed to one of the lights. "This sphere of light represents the universe that is Ayenee. The black space between this and the other universes is the void. The name is not completely accurate, as there are a few things that travel and span the void, including some ley lines. For the most part, universes that are close to one another are similar in many aspects, including the type of magic used in them. Some even share ley lines. As a result, it is an easier task to stay in tune with the necessary lines of power when traveling between those worlds."

Fang pointed to one of the spheres. It was almost on the entirely opposite end of the picture from Ayenee's location. There was also a fair amount of space between it and the other points of light closest to it. "This represents your universe. Very few ley lines even connect with it, at all. Those that do have so many different connections before Ayenee is reached, that it would take extremely intentional effort on the part of a magic user to stay in tune with the flow of power here."

Fang took another step forward, and the image vanished. "While I could grant you access to new powers, or a new school of magic with which you had no experience, I thought it easier to simply bring you back in tune with the frequencies with which you were previously familiar. The choice is yours."
"Oh, humans will get into anything if you leave it out..." Wazu replied, considering the offer placed before him.

On one hand, it would be irresponsible to take on an entirely new domain of magic without any understanding.

On the other hand, it would be a great learning experience.

"... so what other schools do you have access to? I have always been interested in necromancy but normally I stick with the familiar: Geomancy, transmutation, basic animation..."
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"Yes..." Fang responded to Wazu. "this is a fact of which I am well aware. Nevertheless, the offer stands."

"Necromancy does not fall within my realm of capabilities. If you are familiar with geomancy, I believe another style of elemental control would grant you the most benefit for the purposes of reaching our destination. The Crystal Valley is most easily accessed by air. Thus, allowing you to control the density of air around you would allow you to create a style of bridge. Additionally, if you combine it with a manipulation of the direction and strength of the wind, a crude but effective form of flight becomes possible."

Candon made his objections known. Fang noted them, respectfully, and explained that it was the choice of the one to whom the powers had been offered, rather than to his companion. After that was completed, he turned back to Wazu. "I will need you to allow me to enter your mind if this is to be achieved."

That wasn't, entirely, true. Fang's level of control over mental powers was second to none. Part of his abilities in this area were acquired by nature. Most of them were acquired when he encountered the entity of dreams itself. Plus, he'd had several thousands of years to practice. Quite simply, there was mortal creature better when it came to mental powers than him. Still, he didn't like to force himself on anyone.

He turned and looked at Volodya. "And what about you, Wepkiirian? Do you possess control over energies that would allow you to travel easily via flight or teleportation?"
"Oh, humans will get into anything if you leave it out..." Wazu replied, considering the offer placed before him.

On one hand, it would be irresponsible to take on an entirely new domain of magic without any understanding.

On the other hand, it would be a great learning experience.

"... so what other schools do you have access to? I have always been interested in necromancy but normally I stick with the familiar: Geomancy, transmutation, basic animation..."

".. Going home for the festival.." Candon inserted himself into the list glumly, "honestly, Harem, why invest into magic? The second you go home it'll be useless."

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Candon made his objections known.
"You'd be surprised at how willing I am to listen to a lengthy story. Another time perhaps?" The veiled scholar suggested, laughing softly as he tried to imagine just how complicated Fang's origins were.

He found himself sitting on the very edge of his trunk when Fang began to describe why and how magic still worked in this multiverse. Some of the terms were foreign and overly complex for a man who came from a world with limited technology but he did his best to pay attention to the parts he did understand. He hadn't really seen his own use of magic from this point of view, but he could rationalize and interpret the images and words Fang was introducing. It was lucky for him that magic did work. He wasn't sure if he could function in a world that had absolutely no magic.

Volodya choked awkwardly at the mention of Necromancy. It wasn't exactly a school of magic that people spoke of openly where he was from. although he fancied himself an alchemist his primary area of expertise, for better or for worse has been the study of the dead. Even as a small boy ,once he realized that despite their long life even elves died, he found he wanted to crack the puzzle that made up the end of one's life. Perhaps if his abilities still worked in this world he could show Wazu some proper Necromancy.

"I don't have any skills that could make me fly. If I draw runes on my trunk it can levitate, but I would need to draw several more onto its base if I wanted to attain any significant height. I would not have anything to steer the thing with either." If he could teleport or fly he would not have been riding the flea bitten flightless bird that had bucked him into this world in the first place. "Do you happen to have anything that might remedy my inability to move quickly?"
"Jetpacks are cheap..." Wazu said almost instantaneously... before turning his attention back to Fang.

"Though... I suppose I will take you up on your offer."

He would then focus back on Candon,

"You are not the least bit curious how this all works? Even if you do not end up using it, it make teach you something about where to shoot."
"I guess," Candon shrugged, "Let's just make sure we don't overstay our welcome. I have a feeling there are some here that would be as happy to see us as Inferno."
"Ah." Fang said as he listened to the various responses. "So it was Inferno who caused that." His head tilted toward the plastic sign, or rather the melted remnant of it. "I had a feeling that was his energy signature. Pardon me for a moment, gentlemen." Fang exhaled a single heavy breath, and a small cyclone that looked as if it had just spun through a pile of glitter leapt from his lips toward the signage. The moment it struck, the effects of the blaze created by the Burster were undone.

Fang nodded in satisfaction. "Now that that has been repaired..." He turned his attention to Volodya. "It would take a fair amount of time to teach you to change the way you think about the use of magic. The easiest option, I believe..."

The armored man drew Sevenstars, his sword with the six large spikes on the blade, and shoved it into the ground in a very similar fashion to how Anon had done it earlier. The same light show ensued. This time, however, it ended with Fang pulling his own sword back out of the ground...and nobody else arrived.

After a few moments of silence, the glow in Fang's eye shifted, briefly, from red to yellow, and he looked back over at Volodya. "Your transportation will arrive presently."

He looked over at the two Yamataians, and responded to both of them at the same time. "So be it, then. You, Candon, as you seem to be called, can simply fly along with us, unless I am mistaken and that automated battle armor does not have a flight capability. And you, Wazu, shall have your wish granted. Please open your mind, as much as you are able."
"OK, mind: Open." Wazu replied, stretching his head to either side and popping his neck a bit, trying to get as loose as possible. "Is this going to hurt? Or we are just doing some sort of mysticism stuff?"
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Fang closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, again, the red glow was gone, replaced by a yellow one, though the eye behind the glow was still unable to be seen. Wazu would see that image for only an instant, as his vision would shift, instead, to the mental picture Fang began to show him upon entering his mind. ~"I have yet to be informed that anything I have done inside a mind has caused pain unless I intended that to be the case."~ Fang answered his question mentally.

Candon and Volodya would be completely unaware of what was happening inside Wazu's mind. They would, however, begin to hear the flapping of an obviously massive set of wings. Soon afterward, a whinny. Fang pointed to the direction of its source. "Ah, here comes the transportation I spoke of for the Wepkiirian."

If they looked, they would see a jet black alicorn descending from a height greater than even the docks of the space port. It came to a gentle landing between Fang and the others. Fang simply pointed to Volodya, and the steed stepped over and knelt down its front end. "Just, hold on tight." Fang said.

Meanwhile, inside Wazu's mind would be an image of a circular room with several doors all around it. Slowly, a mental representation of Wazu would appear, and he would begin to see through the eyes of his mental clone. Fang pointed out the room. ~"Each door represents an area of your mind. Memories, emotions, instincts, knowledge and every other major part of your mind has a door. Behind most doors will be a hallway with countless more doors.~" Fang opened the door marked "memories" to highlight his point. An eternally long hallway with countless more doors on either side was there. He closed it, again, then moved over to the door marked "emotions". ~"Other doors have only a single room behind them. Those rooms contain various things. This one, for instance, has representations of each of your emotions constantly vying for dominance."~ He opened it, a large yellow and green mass dominated what appeared to be a shoving battle between itself and other similar masses of various colors. Fang moved over to the door that was marked "knowledge".

~"This is the door where we will be working."~ The door was opened, and another eternally long hallway with countless doors was visible.

~"Thankfully, I have a great deal of experience with mental manipulation. I have no need to search out the appropriate door."~ The image would move while Fang remained still. The hallway, seemingly, flew past them until it stopped with Fang standing by a door marked "magic". ~"This is where you must remain out here. The hallways of your mind are all interconnected. From the description Anon gave me, much of your magical knowledge has been moved to the memories section of your mind. The temptation to seek these out will be very great for you. Once someone begins a journey through their own mind in that fashion, it is very easy for them to get lost. While I can retrieve you from such circumstances, people who become lost in their own mind are never the same."~

Fang opened the door and quickly moved in and shut the door. A -click- could be heard as Fang locked the door. Immediately, Wazu would forget everything he knew about magic, even what it looked or felt like. However, that would not last long. Fang soon unlocked the door and opened it, once again. ~"You now have the knowledge of manipulating the air. For the sake of maintaining peace amongst your own people, I made sure to teach you with energy that does not flow into your home universe. However, if you are ever in a universe close to Ayenee, the ability will be with you, still."~
Wazu couldn't help but wonder if this place was a construct of his own, or something that the powers Fang was using created as a way for him to visualize what was going on. He also strongly considered telling those fighting emotions to cut it out... but decided against it. After all this was an interface for his mind that he wasn't used to and running around trying to experiment with it without proper precautions in place could be problematic. He then started to wonder.....

As Fang closed the door Wazu was rapidly overcome by that feeling one gets from walking through a doorway and forgetting why they went there.

~Shit... what else am I forgetting?~ He thought to himself, quickly trying to make a mental inventory of what he remembered.

Then that sensation abruptly disappated once Fang returned. He could once again feel that magical connection, it was like lifting an arm you didn't know you had until now. Of course, someone had just been mucking about inside of his head.... which meant no major life decisions should be made in the near future.

He would then try to start compressing the air around himself, building up just a bit of air pressure.
"Yes I suppose that would take some time. There is so much I've seen already that I can't reconcile with my current understanding of magic. " He was glad at the very least that his magic seemed to be working here. He would like to avoid losing it if at all possible. That might lead to some nasty surprises.

He trusted that Fang would provide him with transport so he wasn't bothered that he wouldn't be learning to fly today.

The mage's nose wrinkled up at the appearance of the Alicorn. This beast looked a lot like something he might see back home. Animals weren't fond of him, but at least it wasn't a Pitris. Flightless birds were probably his least favorite of all animals. They were filthy, ornery and vindictive. This horned beast looked a lot more intelligent and pleasant than his former steed. He lengthened the rope that tethered his luggage to him then climbed atop the kneeling horse creature. At least if this winged creature decided to throw him from a great height he could cling to his floating trunk like it was flotsam.
The alicorn stood, then turned its head to the side, as if to glance at his passenger. Volodya would hear a peaceful, but sturdy voice in his head. ~"It would be easier to carry you if your crate was behind your back. I was a warhorse for only a couple hundred years. I have lost count of the amount of time I've been free since then. I get very few riders, and even less luggage."~

Fang carefully brought himself and Wazu back out of his mind. His eyes returned to their red glow, at the same time.

Wazu would find it to be a rather simple task to compress some of the air. The lowered temperature that air acquired when it was compressed was a telltale sign, but he would also find himself easily able to detect other factors that most people would ignore, completely. He would be able to, in a way, see the differences in air currents.

"Now," Fang said. "if we are going to be headed to the Crystal Valley, I will need to make a change." The heavily armored man looked at each of them sternly. "For your own sakes, do not move."

Fang closed his eyes and his body began to radiate light. The light grew quickly in intensity, then suddenly flashed. A sound like a clap of thunder rang out at the same time, and the tall man in medieval armor was gone. In his place stood a gargantuan black dragon. The massive beast was over 500' tall at the shoulders, and possessed the same glowing red eyes that the man had earlier. Aside from a few symbols on his scales that matched symbols that had been on the man's armor, and a large white X between his wings, his scales were every bit as black as the fur of the alicorn, who seemed entirely unaffected by the tremendous transformation.
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The reaction of the alicorn to Fang's transformation was...well to even call it a reaction would have been an overstatement. The animal didn't even seem to acknowledge that there was a different species of creature in the vicinity. The reactions of most of the other people around weren't quite as steady. A couple looked over in curiosity. Some jumped; some crossed over to the other side of a the street; a few ran away screaming. None were as steadfast in their constitution as the alicorn. True, all sections of Ayenee were known for having a wide variety of creatures within their midst, but giant dragons simply didn't appear that often in areas so close to the spaceports, and all citizens of Ayenee had varying thoughts on the mystical beings.

When everyone seemed ready to go, Fang nodded to the alicorn, who took a couple trotting steps, leapt, and was airborn. Fang looked to the others. "Brace yourselves." He said.

The reason for the warning soon became clear. With doing little more than lifting his legs off the ground at the same time, Fang gave a tremendous thrust of his wings, a force powerful enough to send his giant body into the air. He followed it up with a few more to send him higher. The resulting blasts of wind knocked several nearby pedestrians off their feet. Some rolled in the streets. More people scrambled to their feet and took off running.

"Try to keep up." Fang instructed as he climbed higher into the air, followed by the alicorn carrying Volodya. He waited only a moment before he started heading off to the west, leading the group to the valley that held the homelands of his clan.
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Wazu watched as the people nearby got knocked over, keeping himself upright by compressing the air behind himself...

"OH wow..." He thought outloud, the manipulation of the wind currents was easy. It barely took more than a thought, the energy to make the change seeming to come from somewhere else entirely. Even before the second gust of wind came down, Wazu was holding the pressure wave from the wings in a cylinder around the dragon, preventing it from spilling out into the streets and knocking more people over.

Just the thought of what he could do with this ability if he still had all of those machine bits inside of him was enough to keep him distracted while the Dragon flew off.

Though, even with just his fleshy mind, he could still feel his ability to manipulate the power quickly growing... almost like a limp waking up after having fallen asleep. Big shapes were easy to make, as were large, sweeping, gestures, the smaller more precise movements would take time. For a moment he considered not trying to fly, but he could make rather large, soft, air cushions and he figured it couldn't be that difficult.

He would start forming a large cushion of dense air behind himself, building up more and more pressure....

"Gotta risk it to get the Brisket."


Wazu released that pressure, drawing more in behind himself rapidly, launching his body up into the air after the dragon...
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As the group began taking flight Candon stood on the ground just watching as the group began leaving him.
Flapping wings and compressed air serving as propulsion?
'Why such primative methods of flight?' he thought, but there was no point asking questions during a 'launch' of sorts.

It was quiet and people began returning to their business in the streets like nothing was out of the ordinary.
In the blink of an eye Candon was airborne, his gravity drive catapulting him silently into the sky with no glamour or show until he broke the sound barrier at a thousand meters up. Leveling out he followed the group from above them granting perfect visibility of the ground.
In flight

Fang said nothing for some time as they flew. He stayed fairly close to the ground for some time, only barely soaring over a few of the taller buildings in the more industrialized area of Ayenee's megacity. He wanted to give the others a feel for just how quickly they were traveling, as structures would appear over the horizon, then zip underneath them within a matter of seconds. Still, eventually his own altitude gradually started to rise when they reached the less densely populated areas of the city, and particularly when they left the confines of the capital city, entirely. In fact, the more wild the landscape became, the higher the massive black dragon chose to climb. Eventually, he evened out, again, above the altitude chosen by Candon. He slowed his pace as they reached a large forest, then turned his head back and announced to those following him.

"We will soon be cresting the mountains that make up one of the borders to the Crystal Valley. You will need to be at least as high as me in order to avoid crashing into them."

All the while, the alicorn kept up, seemingly effortlessly, carrying the magical visitor on its back. This was old hat for the jet black steed. He was just going along with his old friend.

As they continued to fly over the forest, Fang slowed substantially, then suddenly stopped mid flight, gesturing with one hand to the ground beneath them.

"While not our destination, I feel the need to point this out to most visitors. Beneath you lies the DarkRaven forest, home to the sprite/elf halfbreed clan of DarkRaven. Should you ever find yourself back in Ayenee, again, a visit to King Dektr and Queen Fury would be very much to your benefit. Their wisdom has lead this land for many centuries, and their people flourish as a result."

He gestured, again, to the West. "You will soon see the Crystal Mountains. Those with the ability will detect a strong electrical disturbance over the mountains. It was magically put into place, but it is very much a risk to any that can be affected by electricity. That is the first line of defense over the valley. Visitors are welcome when escorted by a clansman. However, we do not take kindly to uninvited guests. The other obstacles you may detect are the plasma cannons that target anything that makes it through the electrical barrier. Both of these defensive systems are linked into the arcane matrix that surrounds our home. They will be active right up until the moment I cross the barrier. You must be behind me in order to make it through safely."
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