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Azorean Discussion


Well-Known Member
Fay said:

Yeah, I am pretty much finished with them, I think. I need to work on their history many, but I just come to a total blank... Any help with that would be appreciated. Mr. Green

For first contact, I was thinking that either a ship of a certain faction crash landed on their homeworld. Either that, or a common enemy (the Reds or Myshuu, for example) tried to attack their homeworld for plunder, raping, or whatever they do to their prey worlds. However, I haven't talked to either Wes or Uso about this yet, so I will have to discuss that with them. ^_^ I would like this to be a discussion for now, so I can perfect them from all of your input! Smile Thanks for your time! Cool

Btw, I could also use... maybe an assistant or something. I won't say co-GM, because they probably won't have their own playable faction. They'll integrate into another faction.

Fay said:
Does anyone have an opinion on this?

Le Blue Dude said:
It looks kinda.... sparse... for something that's finished.

Aside from that, let's see... Ah, yes. How can a species be a viable star traveler, and still believe in creation? What happened in their society to make this such a norm? in such a blunt spoken species how can a complex religion exist?

Why do they have 'hair' in the first place? Why not be hairless? They're water dwellers, not amphibians right? Why do they look remotely hominid? They're water dwellers. Human figures are *not* as suited to water as they are to land.

How come they're so light? How long/tall are they? Why do they have lungs?

Yamatians and neko come from the same place, sire.

Why do they even NEED clothing? what enviromental conditions caused that set of cultural expectations?

Art: please come up with a better description then 'like anime'.

If they swim so well, and live underwater, why do they have boats?

With such.... primitive... industry, how did they launch satalights?

Miss Strangelove said:
Religion: Religion and science aren't mutually exclusive. For example, the Christian Fundamentalists are fanatical about their religion, but they have no problem using M1 Abrams tanks in Iraq.

Hair: He mentioned the fact the hair actually plasters around the head as a "swimming cap". If it spread out and grasped the shoulders, it could reduce a lot of the swimming drag. As for "why", it seems he does need a viable reason, so history needs some work. Possible solutions: maybe it's an archaic evolutionary tendency if they have some ancestry from traditional mammals, jellyfish like stingers as a defense mechanism, maybe it carries a sort of plankton that produces oxygen...yeah, you need to make some viable reason for it to be there.

Lungs: Again, needs some sort of justification from an evolutionary standpoint. Like the hair thing, you may need to say they evolved (or currently are) an amphibious species as opposed to a purely aquatic one to justify these mammal-like traits.

Clothes: I imagine wetsuits might be useful in colder environments, or to better blend in with surroundings in certain parts of the ocean, or so on. I'm uncertain if he needs to explain "why" they have clothes, since all other species get away with not justifying it.

Boats: Why did every other species leave their realms and venture into space? Just 'cause they could.

Spacefight: Well, if they're mining durandium, I'm sure orbital spaceflight isn't beyond them. Though it does still need fleshing out in that regard, and technology as a whole.

My largest concern, however, is that SoldierSide has been known to disappear for days, if not weeks, at a time. His "recent post" search indicates he often has gaps of days, if not a week+ at a time in his activity. Unless he has a co-GM, or can prove to be a bit more active, I'm not sure this race should be approved.

Le Blue Dude said:
Religion: I still want to know the cultural why...

Names: What do the names sound like, in general?

Lifecycle: Explain why it evolved like this, in your mind, please. What environmental factors do you think caused this. was there deliberate self modification?

Fay said:
Alright, I will look all of this over and answer all of these questions... hopefully soon. I will be active much more after the 24th, and I apologize for my recent absences.

Andrew said:
It is after the 24th....You still here?

Apparently he's going to be having trouble with his internet for the next month or so, explaining his lack of activity on the Phoenix.

Miss Strangelove said:
I don't mean this as a personal insult again him, but if I recall correctly this is the second time Soldier Side said he'd return from inactivity and hasn't. Unless he can start showing a reliable record of activity so he can GM these guys (or finds someone else active to GM for him), I would recommend this submission be not approved.

Fay said:
I'm sorry. My brother smashed our modem with a bat in a fit of rage... However, we have a new one now, so I will be here more. I'm terribly sorry about the disappearances of late. *sigh* I'll need to work back all of your trust.. So, I'll put this aside until that date arrives.

Zakalwe said:
Although - YAY YOU'RE BACK FOR THE FLAMING BIRD. Just as I'm possible leaving! Sort of!

I decided to bring this up because I have some answers for some questions.
Hm... I always figured electromagnetic waves to be vibrations. >.>;; Well, you learn something every new day! ^_^
Anything new happening here?
Still working on the history. There are still some kinks that I need to work out. Other then that, the species is complete. Unless, of course, someone has a problem with one aspect about them. I just haven't had a good inspiration for the history that pieces their unification and current history together. I also think that I should outline what their governmental system is all about. I'm doing research on monarchies as we speak. :D
*steals Adrian's word like everyone else* Awesomesauce! :D The history is done! The Azoreans are now (finally!) ready for review as an officially acceptable species for the Star Army RolePlay! :mrgreen: Yay!
I have been told that I need to reword something about the Azorean conception.

The conception part of the mating process is essentially the same as most other humanoids. The most comfortable, and pleasurable, position for both partners is penetration from behind. After an adult male and female Azorean mate, the female then goes to a special area known as the community's “spawning grounds”. She then emits the fertilized egg sack out of her body. Once an Azorean female has emitted her egg sack, she cannot mate again for the rest of her life. Fortunately, egg sacks produce three to seven spawnlings. Attendants at the spawning grounds take care of the egg sacks and infant spawnlings.

The marked text is what will be changed. It will be changed to "give birth" to clear up some confusion.

Also, I need to delete a part of the Vaneless Ion Wind Power due to the fact that birds cannot technically exist without landmasses.