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Approved Submission B7R-604

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Inactive Member
Submission Type: Planet / setting thing
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:b7r604

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Finally getting around to adding this in, since I want to make a few articles for the locals. The USO has come across this place twice and its been difficult each time. The article contains a bit of the history of the place as well as what is actually there.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Having looked over this submission, I have multiple concerns - mostly minor ones, but a few major ones as well - regarding it.
  • Shouldn't this submission be in the wip: namespace, given that the Submission Rules require submissions to "...be on the wiki in the correct namespace..." in order "...to be approved..."?

  • Given what Wes said here, shouldn't this article have an "OOC Notes" section?
  • Where is the separate article for the star system this submission is located in?
  • What happened on/to the planet during the First and Second Mishhuvurthyar Wars?
  • What was originally the purpose of the "barren research facilities"? Who constructed/funded/manned/etc. them?
  • When did the Rixxikor colonists arrive?
  • Could you include a link to the appropriate RP thread(s), please?
  • Where is the approved wiki article for this colony ship?
  • I can assure you that the Elysians never charted the system this submission is located in, @Zack. Do not attempt to bypass my authority as a Faction Manager.
  • Where is the approved wiki article for the Rixxikor's colony ship?
Due to the fact that this submission contains unauthorized and unapproved headcanon regarding the Elysian Celestial Empire, as the Faction Manager of the Elysian Celestial Empire I hereby REJECT this submission for usage within the setting until the following bolded text is removed from the submission's article (emphasis mine):

The History section said:
The star system B7R-604 was originally charted by Elysians long ago, though modern history for the planet doesn't start until YE 10 when colonists from Nepleslia came to found a settlement. [...]
It is literally a non-issue. Frost has no authority on this nor does anything he has to say really apply
You'll find that out on the review, not your own declaration. But you're the submitter.
Okay so this Star Kingdom of Cavalon, tell me about it.
It is literally a non-issue.

False, as it is definitely an issue that you continue to ignore the Faction Rights of the Elysian Celestial Empire, Zack.

Frost has no authority on this...

False, Zack, as I am the Faction Manager of the Elysian Celestial Empire - meaning that I do have the "authority on this," Zack.

...nor does anything he has to say really apply

Please don't make personal attacks against me, Zack.

* * * * * * *

In light of the above, as the Faction Manager of the Elysian Celestial Empire I, FrostJaeger, am going to settle things once and for all by declaring the following:
  1. The Elysian Celestial Empire has explored the following star systems - and has not explored any others:
  2. The 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire is not allowed to utilize any of the Elysian Celestial Empire's technology or equipment. The only exception to this declaration is Soul Transfer technology.
  3. The Elysian Celestial Empire was not involved with the construction/retrofitting/etc. of any starships/installations/etc. utilized by the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire, including (but not limited to) the following:

Would you please make the following edits to the specified articles as soon as possible in order to comply with the above declarations, Zack?

As it violates Declaration 1, would you please make the following edit in the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire article's History section? The word that needs to be changed has been bolded.

"This small group would choose to settle in a system that was named Purgatory, and given the area designation 000-604 on their maps to signify their new starting point."
As it violates Declaration 1, would you please remove the following text from the System 000604 article's introductory section? The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"The 000604 system was discovered by Elysian scouts in YE 24 and would eventually be settled by the The 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire."
As it violates Declarations 2 and 3, would you please remove the following text from the Ordained Triumph Elysian Warship article's Ship Systems section? The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"Mostly new equipment is contained inside of the ship, as a focused effort on upgrading and replacing the old technology has removed a lot of the older gear present from the previous Elysian wars. The interior of the ship is mostly unlit equipment areas serviced by remote-operated machinery. The living areas of the ship can support a crew of up to 50, though the ship is usually crewed by a captain and up to two support officers to manage tasks while the captain is asleep."
The following text needs to be removed from the B7R-604 article's History section, as it violates Declaration 1. The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"The star system B7R-604 was originally charted by Elysians long ago, though modern history for the planet doesn't start until YE 10 when colonists from Nepleslia came to found a settlement. The planet itself had the correct amount of gravity for a comfortable life, however it lacked in atmosphere and water. Over the next three decades the colonists would re-direct comets towards the planet to provide it with life-sustaining water as well as attempt to establish various biospheres which could support life."

I truly am sorry that I have to be this blunt and demanding, Zack, but I honestly don't know another way of getting your attention. From one roleplayer to another: Please, @Zack, stop messing with the Elysian Celestial Empire, as I swear I have nothing personal against you or the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire - hell, I want to see the lattergrow and become fleshed out so that we can roleplay them encountering each other and (hopefully) becoming allies against the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia.
The SK of C is the NPC group that Uso and crew ran into in the last few plot arcs. They are another colony out in the west and the basics are already in the article: They consist of one city on a world they are terraforming, and the leadership is made up of representatives that the population puts their support behind for proportional voting. Just instead of political parties its called houses so they have a knights theme going on.

Okay the rules were solicited, so here they are.

and I quote "These rights apply to active roleplayers who have participated in the roleplay within the last 30 days or who are on an excused leave of absence."

Rule 8. I have the right to comment on any setting article being submitted for approval, since changes to the setting may affect my characters or plots. My comments should be considerate and use appropriate language. I should take care not to mislead new players into thinking I am a moderator if I am not.

This doesn't apply to frost. He hasn't RPed on the site in long time. So until he RPs he has for-fitted his right comment in the NTSE. All he seems to do is show up and heckle player's NTSE submissions which...isnt what the forum is about. Now this can be rectified if he actually RP's on the site, and I do indeed look forward to seeing what frost writes, and welcome him to do so. Several plots have been recently started and are welcoming new players.

Okay the rules were solicited, so here they are.

By who, @Ira? I certainly didn't solicit them.

...and I quote "These rights apply to active roleplayers who have participated in the roleplay within the last 30 days or who are on an excused leave of absence."

I know this might come as a surprise to you, @Ira, seeing as how you supposedly have me on ignore (despite replying to my posts as if you don't) based upon what I recall you saying in chat - but I do have an "excused leave of absence," despite your claims to the contrary - thereby meaning that the Player Rights still apply to me.

Nice attempt at silencing me, though.


This doesn't apply to frost. He hasn't RPed on the site in long time.

See above for why this statement is false.

So until he RPs he has for-fitted his right comment in the NTSE.

Please use a spellchecker, @Ira, as it's "forfeited" - and as stated before, I have done no such thing.

All he seems to do is show up and heckle player's NTSE submissions which...isnt what the forum is about.

Please refrain from making highly offensive personal attacks @Ira, as I do not "heckle" anyone - and you're heckling and harassing me by continuing to spread false rumors about me despite being told repeatedly to stop doing so.

Now this can be rectified if he actually RP's on the site and I do indeed look forward to seeing what frost writes, and welcome him to do so. Several plots have been recently started and are welcoming new players.

Please refrain from patronizing me, @Ira.
In order to do this, you will have to either produce RP showing those systems were explored and/or create a wiki submission for those systems which shows they are explored, with details of the exploration. RP is preferable to back up wiki canon, and this can be accomplishmed for FMs by way of things like making a news post that you've sent exploration ships to those systems, and such.
The 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire is not allowed to utilize any of the Elysian Celestial Empire's technology or equipment. The only exception to this declaration is Soul Transfer technology.
You can only restrict specific uses of technology such as ship classes. You can't prevent use of general technologies like hyperspace drives, generic Seraphs, etc, or things that existed before the 4th Great Elysian Empire split off and became its own faction.

@Zack I've looked over Frost's edit suggestions and I think they're pretty minor and I suggest that you make those, I don't think they'll harm your submissions to make them.

@FrostJaeger It's true, you haven't posted any RP since July. Due to this, site rules say you should be removed from all GM and FM positions for lack of participation. Even before you took a leave of absence that was 2 months without activity. So are you going to RP or what?
I also have frost on block, so I won't be reading / responding to his suggestions for edits.
Conveniently, @Zack I happen to not have @FrostJaeger blocked, so I will happily let you see the requested edits, in order:

4th Great Elysian Empire
As it violates Declaration 1, would you please make the following edit in the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire article's History section? The word that needs to be changed has been bolded.

"This small group would choose to settle in a system that was named Purgatory, and given the area designation 000-604 on their maps to signify their new starting point."

System 000604
As it violates Declaration 1, would you please make the following edit in the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire article's History section? The word that needs to be changed has been bolded.

"This small group would choose to settle in a system that was named Purgatory, and given the area designation 000-604 on their maps to signify their new starting point."

Ordained Triumph Warship
As it violates Declarations 2 and 3, would you please remove the following text from the Ordained Triumph Elysian Warship article's Ship Systems section? The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"Mostly new equipment is contained inside of the ship, as a focused effort on upgrading and replacing the old technology has removed a lot of the older gear present from the previous Elysian wars. The interior of the ship is mostly unlit equipment areas serviced by remote-operated machinery. The living areas of the ship can support a crew of up to 50, though the ship is usually crewed by a captain and up to two support officers to manage tasks while the captain is asleep."

B7R-604 History
The following text needs to be removed from the B7R-604 article's History section, as it violates Declaration 1. The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"The star system B7R-604 was originally charted by Elysians long ago, though modern history for the planet doesn't start until YE 10 when colonists from Nepleslia came to found a settlement. The planet itself had the correct amount of gravity for a comfortable life, however it lacked in atmosphere and water. Over the next three decades the colonists would re-direct comets towards the planet to provide it with life-sustaining water as well as attempt to establish various biospheres which could support life."

You brought up Zack breaking fm rights rules which the are rules, and they do tie into players rights and the right to discuss things in the Ntse. You solicited this line of discourse.

Now then. Several plots are looking for players. They would love to have you.
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Those changes aren't going to be made. We've already established ICly and on the wiki that the break away elysians came out to this area, and that it was already surveyed to some extent.

I'm not retconing previous RP for no good reason.

Edit: I mean seriously, this is all stuff that has been approved in the GM forum, approved in the NTSE and used in RP.

Having this area surveyed by the elysians prior to the Elysian wars doesn't violate any rules either.
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Reactions: Ira

@Zack has had foam blocked for months. The block function is apart of the site and we as it's patrons can use this as we see fit. You don't have to talk to somebody if you don't want to.
My immediate concern regarding the submission is why it's so important that the wording be so specific @Arbitrated . These are demands, yes, but there's no rationale behind them. At least, I'm not getting it. We need some explanations why, as they're necessary to having a proper dialog, coming to an understanding and making a compromise. From what I understand, this was supposed to be worked out between Zack and Frost in the plot planning thread, so I don't get why this is coming up now.


Quite frankly @Wes , look at all the posts Frost's made in the NTSE. They're all very lengthy, extremely detailed, and are hyperlinked like no other. Frost could have made Elysia great again by now if he just focused on them rather than other people's stuff on the NTSE, but he hasn't. He's very clearly not putting his effort where it matters, so I suggest looking at the faction will and choosing a successor that will actually do something to improve the site.

If you insist on giving him this chance though, I suggest that this be the last one. We can't afford to be as patient as you are
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For those of us that can see plot planning, can you link where these things came up, Zack?
In plot planning it would be the 5th post here where wes gives approval for the overall idea


Bits and pieces have been approved as part of the 4th Elysian empire articles, and used/hinted at in RP but I'm not going to dig through 2000+ pages to find everything. It's one of the reasons why they have such influence over the various colonies out west and sets up plot hooks for getting them involved in USO's goings on.

It's been in approved articles and used in RP so it's about as hard cannon as you can get on SARP.
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