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Approved Submission B7R-604

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Inactive Member
Submission Type: Planet / setting thing
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:b7r604

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Finally getting around to adding this in, since I want to make a few articles for the locals. The USO has come across this place twice and its been difficult each time. The article contains a bit of the history of the place as well as what is actually there.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't see how that could be a problem. I setup my NPC faction, started using it, and got my approvals before Frost jumped in and took on Yatamai's Elysian Subfaction.

At no point was Frost ever involved in what was going on here so his input isn't needed.
This conversation needs to be limited to the article.
Well, reading the article over, do you really want your stuff accidentally mistaken for his, or vice versa? If you're ok with it, I'll drop the issue.
Added the OOC notes,

Looks like the rest of the necessary info is already in there.
Would you please make the following edits to the specified articles as soon as possible, Zack?

As it violates Declaration 1, would you please make the following edit in the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire article's History section? The word that needs to be changed has been bolded.

"This small group would choose to settle in a system that was named Purgatory, and given the area designation 000-604 on their maps to signify their new starting point."
As it violates Declaration 1, would you please remove the following text from the System 000604 article's introductory section? The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"The 000604 system was discovered by Elysian scouts in YE 24 and would eventually be settled by the The 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire."
The following text needs to be removed from the B7R-604 article's History section, as it violates Declaration 1. The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"The star system B7R-604 was originally charted by Elysians long ago, though modern history for the planet doesn't start until YE 10 when colonists from Nepleslia came to found a settlement. The planet itself had the correct amount of gravity for a comfortable life, however it lacked in atmosphere and water. Over the next three decades the colonists would re-direct comets towards the planet to provide it with life-sustaining water as well as attempt to establish various biospheres which could support life."
I'm not going to be changing already approved articles, history that has been mentioned/used in RP, and retcon 4000+ posts of RP.

Its kinda ridiculous to say anything there violates Declaration 1.
Can you link to the articles that back this?

Look, I hear you on these issues and didn't immediately think they qualified for change since it's in the GM/FM forum, but Wes asked you nicely, Frost asked in his own way, and I'm asking.

Don't retcon the RP, just don't include these things in the article.

There already exists multiple wiki submissions that were approved a long time ago, @Wes:

Fair enough, Wes - but @Zack personally said he wouldn't be using any Elysian technology.

As I stated here, Wes, I'll begin roleplaying again in two (probably three) weeks once I have access to a functional computer again. Nevermind, fixed. Thanks @Ametheliana!


Right in the first paragraph we have approved cannon for the Elysians exploring the western area of the starmap.

As I told @Ira, Zack, please use a spellchecker - it's spelled "canon" - and you and I both know that @Aendri, the Faction Manager of Elysia at the time - never approved of the planet (or your headcanon regarding the Elysians) in the first place. Thanks for reminding me, though - similar to before, would you mind making the following edit as soon as possible, please? I apologize for not including it in my previous post.

As it violates Declaration 1, would you please remove the following text from the Planet 188-604 article's History section, please? The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

Around YE 20, an Elysian patrol would stumble across the planet, make a brief survey, and continue on after determining the world was of no real value.

By YE 36 the planet had regressed to a barely industrial society with many settlements scattered around the surface, usually near sources of water.

In YE 38 Uso Tasuki heard of the planet through her Elysian contacts. Having spent nearly all her money from her last job she decided to have a little fun and try her hand at world domination."[/quote]

I also have frost on block, so I won't be reading / responding to his suggestions for edits.

Having someone on ignore does not make them - or their concerns/suggestions/etc. - simply "disappear," Zack.


You brought up Zack breaking fm rights rules which the are rules, and they do tie into players rights and the right to discuss things in the Ntse. You solicited this line of discourse.

I did not "ask for or try to obtain (a discussion regarding the Player's Rights) from someone," Ira.

Now then. Several plots are looking for players. They would love to have you.

Please refrain from continuing to patronize me, Ira, as it is a form of harassment and thus violates Star Army's Code of Conduct. (Code #1e: "Harassment will not be tolerated.")

Those changes aren't going to be made.

Wes has suggested otherwise, Zack.

We've already established ICly and on the wiki that the break away elysians came out to this area...

Correct, and I'm not suggesting that this be changed...

...and that it was already surveyed to some extent.

...however I am asking that you change this, as said survey never occurred.

I'm not retconing previous RP for no good reason.

The Faction Rights aren't good enough of a reason? Besides, what RP are you referring to? As far as I'm aware, there exists no RP detailing the Elysian Celestial Empire's exploration of the western regions.

Edit: I mean seriously, this is all stuff that has been approved in the GM forum...

Wes did not approve of anything involving the Elysian Celestial Empire, Zack.

...approved in the NTSE...

False, due to the reasons mentioned above.

Having this area surveyed by the elysians prior to the Elysian wars doesn't violate any rules either.

False, Zack, as it violates the Faction Rights guaranteed to the Elysian Celestial Empire by:
  • Back-writing events that were not discussed in advance. (Right #1b: "Diplomatic, military, and other important events should be discussed in advance.")
  • Making changes that were not approved by its Faction Manager. (Right #2a: "Additions and changes to a faction must be approved by its faction manager."
  • Involving its military units. (Right #2cIV: "Other factions may not, without permission, involve or destroy a faction's military units.")


@Zack has had foam blocked for months. The block function is apart of the site and we as it's patrons can use this as we see fit. You don't have to talk to somebody if you don't want to.

Who's "foam," Ira?

Anyways, as I told Zack earlier: having someone on ignore does not make them - or their concerns/suggestions/etc. - simply "disappear."

My immediate concern regarding the submission is why it's so important that the wording be so specific @Arbitrated . These are demands, yes, but there's no rationale behind them.

Did you not read my previous post, @CadetNewb?

[...] We need some explanations why...

The "explanations" you request can be found here, CadetNewb.

...as they're necessary to having a proper dialog, coming to an understanding and making a compromise.

It's hard to make "a compromise" or have a "proper dialog" when one party has the other on ignore, CadetNewb.

From what I understand, this was supposed to be worked out between Zack and Frost in the plot planning thread, so I don't get why this is coming up now.

Uh...what? Not to be rude - I'm genuinely curious - but where (or what) are you basing this on, Cadet? As far as I'm aware, Zack never consulted with Aendri when working on Planet 188-604 or 188604.

I demand that you, CadetNewb, immediately make two apologies to me, firstly for the nasty, petty, and spiteful personal attack you just made against me and secondly for having the sheer audacity to liken me to a mass-murderer such as Osama Bin Laden. I would also like to request that CadetNewb's position as an NTSE reviewer and a staff member be re-evaluated, seeing as how he has violated Star Army's Code of Conduct (Code #1e: "Harassment will not be tolerated") at least four times in order to make vicious and mean-spirited personal attacks - which in my opinion is four times too many for someone who is supposed to be a "neutral" and "non-biased" member of Star Army's staff.

If you insist on giving him this chance though, I suggest that this be the last one. We can't afford to be as patient as you are - he's already been banned once for causing trouble.

Whom are you referring to by "we," CadetNewb? Asteria?

I ask this because of the fact that, well, no other staff member appears to have liked your post, thereby implying (to me, at least) that you're not speaking on their behalf.

Well, it looks like a bunch of small, tiny changes that are ultimately irrelevant. [...]

Since when were the actions taken (and not taken) by the Elysian Celestial Empire "ultimately irrelevant," CadetNewb?

'mainstream elysia'

I think my NPC faction has seen more in RP use than Frost's NPC faction.

That, Zack, is where you are mistaken - because the Elysia isn't just "Frost's NPC faction."

Oh, no.

The Elysian Celestial Empire isn't just an NPC faction created to serve as an enemy for a plot like, say, "[your] NPC faction." It started out as that, yes - but in the final days of 2006 it became something more when @Zakalwe launched the first-ever (that I know of, anyways) Elysian plot.

It wasn't successful, of course, but it was the first step on the long and winding path to becoming a fully-fledged faction like Yamatai, Nepleslia, and the Iromakuahe. It hasn't been the smoothest of journeys, either; over the past decade there had been numerous stumbles and periods of idle inactivity - but, as that one song goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...and stronger we (not I, we) have become.

I say "we," Zack, because that is where you are truly mistaken. Elysia isn't just any one individual's private faction - it's a living, breathing, organism governed by the many individuals who willingly choose to participate in it with their characters. As its Faction Manager, I may be the one who (attempts) to help navigate it down that aforementioned path - but even with my "veto" ability, at the end of the day it is the people and their characters who ultimately decide how the Elysian Celestial Empire will grow and evolve.

So yes, Zack - right now, "[your] NPC faction" may indeed have more RP then ours.

In my eyes, though, there's no contest - nor was there even one to begin with.

I don't see how that could be a problem.

The "problem" has been exhaustively discussed earlier in this post, Zack.

I setup my NPC faction, started using it, and got my approvals...

The bolded statement is false, Zack, due to the reasons mentioned above.

...before Frost jumped in and took on Yatamai's Elysian Subfaction.

False, Zack, as the Elysian Celestial Empire is - OOCly, though I hope for this to one day also be true ICly - nobody's "subfaction." It's a faction unto itself.

At no point was Frost ever involved in what was going on here so his input isn't needed.

Wes and Ametheliana have both suggested otherwise, Zack.

I'm not going to be changing already approved articles, history that has been mentioned/used in RP...

Again, Wes and Ametheliana have both suggested otherwise, Zack.

Its kinda ridiculous to say anything there violates Declaration 1.

Then can you provide canon RP from that time period that supports this claim, please?

The former was never actually approved due to the reasons mentioned earlier in this post; as for the latter, I addressed it here. As for "RP backing it up," well, allow me to use an analogy: even if a house is constructed to the highest building standards, it will still collapse if built upon an unstable foundation.

It isn't going to be changed.

Wes and Am-ah, heck. Twice is enough.

The time to have asked about this was nearly 7 months ago.

As far as I'm aware, Zack, that has no relevancy whatsoever in this matter - because it's being discussed now.
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Just take out that it was originally charted by Elysians. That's it, right? Is that too big of a change?
Frost, I am truly glad that you have started to RP again. However, you are in no position to play the "rules lawyer" when you knowingly violated the rules for 2-3 months by posting in the NTSE without participating in any roleplay, whatsoever.

I read through the Player's Rights article two nights ago and informed Gallant (who in turn informed Ira) that you were not following the rules by posting in the NTSE. You only made an effort to get back into RP when Ira called attention to the violation and Wes called you out on it publicly.

The argument that you couldn't RP because of your lack of a laptop is flimsy at best, self-destructive at worst. As @CadetNewb said, your posts are, "all very lengthy, extremely detailed, and are hyperlinked like no other." I don't think I could produce posts like this, this, or this on a laptop without pulling my hair out. Let alone on a phone, so help me God.
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Yes, that's huge. We had an Elysian who was out west because of those charts, we've established that the 4th is out here and has previous knowledge of this place. It's already baked into the RP.

Beyond that, it was already approved before Frost asked to become head of the Elysian subfaction.

You don't get to ask people to change stuff that is already happened, nor do you get to ask people to change stuff that doesn't involve your characters. Frost's got no legs to stand on here.

This guy lurks in my plot's chat rooms, follows the plots I'm in, and only asked to be an Elysian FM after I started using them. I'd prefer he stop creeping on me...
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That change would require a huge retcon of the whole plot, as it has been mentioned in the plot many times early on. It's also been on the history for a long time and you nor anyone involved with Elysia cared about it until now. You're overreaching with that one. It seems like you just keep throwing out more and more demands. By the way, I think the Elysian contact in question is a character belonging to @Gunhand4171. He was also heavily involved with the creation of the 188604 plot as it was a JP between them for Love Day that started the whole thing.
I'm at work right now, I won't be able to voice chat until tomorrow.

But the problem here is really just frost's objections to something that doesn't involve him in any way. If we don't talk about frost then there doesn't seem to be anything holding up approval.
Okay well I'll just tell you now that the references to mainstream Elysia need to go for this article. I don't know anything about 188604 and looking over the thread it looks like the FM was called in and never showed up.
Why do they need to go? They reference stuff that's already been approved. Even wes was in those threads.

Frost can't raise an objection to an article approved 7 months ago while he wasn't even a part of the faction.
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