Star Army

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RP: 188604 [B7R604] Mission Planning

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


Uso School for the Killing Arts, Nath Tower,

"OK, Wow. Lots of new faces." Uso said, looking out into the crowd.

Nath Tower's auditorium had a podium in the center, with stadium seating arranged fanning out from there. The massive room able to seat quite a few people.

"No idea who you are.... or you.... I think that's a robot back there..." She said, more to herself than to the crowd. Uso had her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, her bodysuit tightly hugging her body, a belt with a datapad and a pistol hung off the hip helped accentuate the 'I'm here to work' look. "But I suppose that is beside the point."

Uso straightened up a bit, and pressed a button on the Podium. The display behind her light up, showing a planet that was mostly barren except for one continent in the center.

"This is B7R...

... There is some history here, but the important stuff is that the locals don't really like us AND we're stuck having to save them. If you want the full story then come see me after class because we're not getting into that right now.

What we will get into is the basic outline for the upcoming operation. We've already done a fly over of the place so we mostly know what we're dealing with. B7R is a human colony that has managed to terraform one continent. Most of the surface of the planet has breathable air and it actually doesn't look like that bad a place.

Rixxikor have shown up, and entrenched themselves along one of the coast lines. They have landed ships, and it looks like those ships have been taken apart to form some kinda industrial base because they are pumping out anti-ship weapons and shield generators like crazy. They'll eventually overrun the whole planet if we leave them along so we have to go in there and remove them.

I know what you're thinking, 'Why don't we just explode them from orbit?'. Well if we just drop enough firepower on them to wipe them out the blast is going to be big enough to ruin that side of the planet. If we move in close and zap them with lasers then they are going to be able to shoot back at our ships and degrade our capabilities in space. We don't know what they have on the surface exactly... so we can't pull off some commando mission which means we have to do this the old fashion way: Slowly move in and degrade their capabilities.

Luckily, the Elysians destroyed any ship that tried to use this area. They pulled back but I don't think the Rixx know that... either way it means that we're going to be the only side with starships in the fight.

... Right, and the locals hate us. So we'll be keeping our distance from them. They are just as likely to shoot at us as they are to shoot at the Rixx."

Uso tapped her fingers on the Podium a bit, trying to remember if there was any other minor details that needed to be explained.

"So the plan is this: We come in on the opposite side of the planet, and then fly in as close as we can get to the Rixx's defenses while still hiding behind the curve of the planet. We'll let Vier's drones go in first, and once we have targets our ships will pop up from behind the curve of the planet, take some shots, and then hide again. Ragnarok, The SkyGuard, ect, will provide support. This involves checking the areas we pass through to make sure we didn't miss anything as well as spreading out to prevent counter-attacks AND working on countering whatever the Rixx have in store."

Uso would turn her attention to Alex,

"I know this is going to be hard for you, but you'll need to keep your altitude low for this. If you pop up where they can see you, you're going to get shot down very quickly."

She then turned her attention to the rest of the group,

"WE'll break out and discuss exacltly where everyone is landing later but right now remember the basics of this operation. Get on the planet without being shot down, move forward slowly, and if you spot something call Vier and let her zap it from space. Let her worry about her starships.

We'll also be landing the Pumpkin Eater just off the shoreline. It's filled with drones, ammo, medical supplies, ect so if you need something just call out for it and the Skyguard will be able to get it there fast.

This operation is finished once we have degraded their ability to defend against our starships. Once we've knocked out enough of their big guns its just a matter of letting Vier clean up. We want to let the locals handle the clean up because that's going to be a nightmare that will entangle us for years.

Araxie spoke up from the side, the elysian's wings still a rather discomforting patchwork of growing feathers over greyish skin. There was a reason she kept mostly out of sight for this.

"Don't we have something that shoots in a parabolic arc? Artillery, kinetic ship cannons, stuff like that? We still need to see the targets but we could whittle them down by shelling them from where they can't shoot back." She remembered that scouting mission-at least they were deorbiting on the correct side of the planet this time.
Tacticus had found himself in a odd position. He didn't know if he really should be in here but he had seen Jack come this way; though the Taurtron had lost sight of the human, so he merely took a seat in the back. He was still very noticeable despite his spot and sitting like a canine would. Their uncertainty grew with each detail of this plan. This...didn't seem like he should be in here.

At the near shout of any questions, Tacticus cringed. Well she was a little scary now all of a sudden. One voice spoke up and gave their question, as if they weren't phased by the other's volume. Slowly, the robot raised his metallic exposed hand in the air.

"I....I'm not so sure...I can do anything for this." Tacticus admitted nervously. "I'm not built for combat, I"

Lowering his hand as he spoke, he leaned against the wall a bit harder. It was clear the robot was nervous as he sat there, his big bushy tail wrapped around his paws and front legs. Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken?
"Yeah... I mean, we could lower the velocity of the shots from the Skyguard's starships but I think they were all nuclear-tipped." Uso said, looking over at the fluffy robot.

"I'm sure farmer here can tell you why we should avoid using those weapons on a planet that is trying to be terraformed. Though maybe farmbot could be better put to use examining local plants?"

Uso's attention squarely on Tacticus at the moment.

"I'm not sure if anyone gave you the rundown on how this works. We aren't exactly an official military or anything, more like a collection of people that work well together. Right now this is the current task on our plate. We need to take care of it. You find a way to help us and we work on helping you. I mean, it already looks like you could use some new parts... maybe get that rug covering your body fixed up and such... plus we do need a farm here. You owned by someone or are you your own robot?"
Alex looked to the sky guard captains and pilots before pulling up a holographic map.

"The sky guard will be using our broadsword class ships to jump into the system and approach the planet. We will have our broadsword class ships drop off our U-1 fighters, which we will use to help transport infantry down to the planet."

He pointed, and little ship icons moved towards the planet labeled B7R.

"After our pilots assist in the deployment of ground troops we will be providing air support to them, as well as using our fighters in mecha mode to strike behind the enemy's lines on the ground and quickly withdraw."

He looked to Araxie, Jay, Jack and Yinsar.

"We'll be helping with that, but we might be called off to help out in other areas if need be."
"Mmmmmkay so uh, I have a couple things to say real quick about this... First, I'm surprised we haven't invested in nonnuclear heavy weapons production... Like at all." Serai stood up, stepping forward a couple steps before she continued, "And, Alex... I'm not going to take part in this mission as a pilot on account of my... injury."
"Okay. That seems fair enough, but in that case I'd like you to stay in orbit or come along in my fighter as tactical support. You seem to have a better grasp on it than I do." Alex said. "Everyone else, remember, we aren't doing this to take land, or to gain resources, we're doing this because those people need help."
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"The soil and water could get contaminated by certain weapons." Tacticus said; though more to himself out of nervousness.

Truthfully, he didn't expect his question to be heard let alone answered. Relaxing slightly as he sat there, he listened to the words that were being said as well as the new questions being added into the fray. Examining plants didn't seem like a hard thing. He knew of various plants that weren't just crops of some kind, however this extra knowledge mainly extended to the kinds of plants that could kill a harvest. Weeds pretty much. Though his eyes went a bit wide at Uso's questioning of a owner.

"Eh...I...I don't know. My former owner isn't here...I woke up a couple days ago after being offline for seventeen years. Apparently the ship got caught in a meteor shower and damaged." Tacticus explained. "A human called Jack Pine opened my container. But I don't know if I really have a owner anymore."

The friend of the Gail Family never found him, had they ever come looking for him? Hard to say, Tacticus didn't know much of his new owner when he was sold to em. So there as not much to go off of. Seventeen years spent floating in space till now, doubtful that his owner was still wanting em or even around.

"I can farm...granted, the soil here is more sand based which can make it tricky to make a harvest. But not impossible..." Tacticus added.
Jay suddenly spoke from the back of the room.

"Quick surgical strikes. Prioritize targets. If you hit their communications first, they'll be knocked off their feet long enough for a follow up attack to destroy their anti-orbital assets. Do that, and there's no need for nukes."

He then looked over to Tacticus.

"Does that answer your question?"
Two newcomers arrived to the party, Raphael and Cyrus. The pair scanned the group as they walked up to the map. "Hell, sorry we're late..." Cyrus said as he took his place by the map.

Raphael was silent and took his place by the map as well.

Cyrus reviewed the plans in his HUD provided by his cybernetic eye. "Plan seems fine, one tweak though." He said spinning the map to show the Area of Operation. "My personal company of Ragnarok soldiers have been training for orbital insertions for awhile now... I believe we could use this to our advantage. My soldiers and I drop from orbit and neutralize their AA assets. Once that's done, I will bring in our armored company to help flush out the Rixor."

Raphael nodded to Cyrus. "Those AA would have trouble targeting falling soldiers as opposed to dropships. I'll accompany the stike force with my own operators if we want to pursue this option." The Elysian replied
Yinsar Kine had been sitting in the far back corner of the room, shying away from the others that were present. He sat with his knees up, his arms curled about them, listening carefully to the back and forth between the boss lady and everyone else.

Yinsar wasn't certain how he felt about Uso, but he knew better than to question her authority. Obviously she had reached her current position with nothing less than skill and tactfulness, as far as Yin could tell.

His eyes drifted across the room until they settled on Vier, curiosity blooming in his mind. He had heard only a few things about Vier, but what he'd heard had fascinated him greatly. A rather roguish plan was coming to mind, but he needed more information.

Yin was momentarily distracted by his commander - Alex Tasuki - as he looked over to Yin. He had not been paying any attention to what'd been happening, and so he stared back blankly and hesitantly mumbled, "Uh... yes? Yes, o-of course."

The Mouse's eyes snapped back towards Vier, and he scratched his chin absently in thought.
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Jack looked to Alex, "Will my unit be ready for this op?"

He had directed this question to him shortly before noticing Uso's mention of the bot that he had found. Jack got up and made his way back to where Tacicus was at the back of the room trying to make himself small and less noticeable against the back wall.

"Tact, what are you doing here?", Jack said calmly as he was surprised that the nervous bot would be near so many people he didn't know.
"Attempting to drop ontop of the Rixxikor weapon emplacements will lead to a high attrition rate for your forces. Even if you are able to bypass their shields and destroy their long range weapon systems the concentration of Rixxikor assets would inflict substantial additional casualties before my drones could degrade their assets from orbit."

Vier said in a calm, measured tone. One of her four bodies was speaking, each a seemingly exact duplicate of the other, black pants, a grey top, and similarly muted skin tone along with grey eyes and black hair. Her hair was pulled back tight, not a thing out of place.

"Yeah, No commando shananagins will work on this one," Uso said, not nearly as all together as Vier was, "This isn't an operation that is going to reward speed. The Rixx are already dug in but they don't have any starships. They don't really have any way of stopping us if we do this right, all they can do is delay the inevitable.

They will get nervous, and then they'll get desperate."

"At which point we will offer them the opportunity to surrender and be relocated," Vier added, Uso's face wincing a bit, not liking that statement... but clearly not willing to challenge it.

"So we will drop where it is safe and conduct ourselves methodically. If you're outmatched just retreat and call for help..." Uso then shifted her attention to the robot in the back,

"SOUNDS LIKE YOU'RE A FREE MA...ROBOT..." She shouted, "You know, we have a spacer in the area that might do you some good to talk to. You should go check out the Garden Domes... and also sit in with us on this operation. You might be useful."
"Eh?" Tacticus responded, tilting his head toward Jay.

What did that have to do with his question? Or did he already lose track of what he asked? The robots thoughts ended when he heard Jack, which made him a bit relieved as he looked at em.

"I didn't want to sit in a room like I did in that container...alone.." Tacticus replied in a low voice.

When Uso's voice was raised, Tacticus jerked due to being startled and he leaned against the wall harder. Free robot? How could he be that? Could robots be free?

"O..okay.." Tacticus replied, just loud enough for Uso to hear.
"I mean, I respect Finders Keepers, but it looks like Jack is a bit slow on the draw with taking ownership." Uso added.
Corgan sat in the front row silently. He had nothing to add so far. It sounded like a good plan. He was having trouble staying awake throughout the briefing. Being High Sheriff was pretty damn cool, but he hadn't had much sleep.

The Brigadiers had been resistant to most of the reforms he wanted to introduce. Also, there was the headache of finding someone reputable to place in the position he had created to handle most of the paperwork and monotonous day-to-day work while he was away.

Until then, he was stuck dealing with all the crap work that came with advancing police work hundreds of years in a matter of months.

He sat up straight when Vier mentioned relocation. "Hold on, we're relocating them? Could you tell me why the hell we're not going to just kill them all? They aren't going to accept it. Not to mention they breed at an insanely fast rate. They'll just be a problem again in a few years if we let them go."
Yinsar needed more information about Vier. He bit on his nails, thinking to himself for a small while before coming up with an idea.

Yin hated speaking in front of a crowd, but this was in the name of science! He hesitantly raised a hand from towards the back of the seating area.

"Uh...uh... erm... so... like..." Yin cleared his throat. "What is... Tell us about Vier!" He paused a few moments, before realizing how strange that might sound out of context, and quickly speaking up again.

"I mean, what are her capabilities? Maybe if we know a bit more, we can come up with improvements to the ... to the strategy!" Yinsar avoided eye contact with Vier at all costs.

After another few moments, Yin would speak again, while he had everyone's attention. "Also, what are these 'rixxikor'... things?"
Alex turned to address Jack. "No, you'll be coming with me, Yinsar, and Jay. In the last operation you and he tried to pull some crazy stunts, and I can respect that, but you need more experience before you're skilled enough for that kind of thing."

"And Jack, you're a sniper, that means you don't rush into the fight. Leave that to people better suited to the task." He then turned to Yinsar before saying, "I don't know much about Vier, but your job for this mission is going to be providing the flight with fire to suppress enemies."

He then looked at Jay. "You'll be helping to protect Jack, since he's not equipped to handle himself in close combat. And my job will be to distract stronger enemies and take them out before they can disrupt us or the other forces."

Alex looked over his shoulder at Araxie. "Whether you choose to be in the cockpit with me, or up in orbit, I'd like you to help by identifying threats and giving all of us instructions on how to deal with them. I might be the flight leader, but you'll be giving the instructions."
Jack said raising his voice so Uso could hear, "The only reason I haven't put a claim on him, is that don't know what i would do with a farming robot."

"I'm a soldier not a farmer, hell Yinsar can have him, he seemed genuinely interested and i don't have a problem with it if that's what Tact wants.", He said to clarify as he looked towards Yinsar.
Jack's words were poorly taken by the robot. The taurtron's eyes went wide for a moment as he sat there, then a sad look came to his face. He was..unwanted again. The Taurtron seemed to wikt as it sat there, only to slump down before just toppling over onto the ground. A clank sound could be heard as he did this.

Tacticus may be a robot but he had many feelings. The robot had clinged a little to Jack these past few days and he was only in here due to seeing Jack walk in here. For a moment, he debated shutting himself off vis tge switch on his back. Alrhough he didnt do it; not yet at least.