Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Baby tonight~!

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ping ping. Bang Bang. It was another day in Kenewess, some gang had suddenly moved into Egwene's scrapyard and tried to muscle her gear out of her, which devolved into fireworks as she refused and they started shooting. Egwene had a basic laser emitter that she had made. It was hardly mil-spec but put holes in people well enough. So she was crouched behind some car waiting for her armour to get here so she could kill the look of them. Right now she was just taking pot shots which didn't amount to much given TONY was flying the suit here and couldn't aim for her.
"One of these days I am going to learn how to aim myself so I don't have to rely on him" Egwene muttered, popping up from cover and sending the gangers running with a trio of shots.
Sanssinia heard gunfire, it was a common sound in her profession as a mercenary bounty-hunter and medic. What wasn't common was that none of it seemed directed at her at the moment. She was on her way back from a successful hunt, so she was already geared up for it. She slid over a fence and into cover where she could see both sides. One of them seemed like a gang of some sort, and someone who was stupid enough to stand up to them. Separa'Shan were good about being able to low slither behind obstacles so it didn't take her long to get close enough to Egwene to talk. "You could buy some aim." Sacre suggested from nearby cover.
"Right, because now is the time to make teasing quips?" She'd reply. The fact that a snake girl had appeared and was making commentary about the situation was secondary to keeping her head down. And not knowing the woman was a bounty hunter, Egwene didn't really make the connection that it was a strange offer of her services. "Besides..." Egwene started, popping up to blast a few rounds in their direction, blow one of the guy's arms off with flashboiling, and then toss the laser aside and leap into the air.

It was quite the spectacular show, and the Gangers took advantage of her being out in the open after they had finished ducking for cover to pull their guns on her. Only, they were caught off guard when it was not Egwene but a seven foot unpainted android that they saw.
"What the fu-" one of the Gangers was cut off when, with a whirr, Egwene blasted them to pieces with her Neutron Repulsors. The few that tried to flee got the same treatment.
#Generally, I don't need to aim# she'd speak through the modulation before sliding the face plate up and looking at her.

"So do you often run towards firefights?"
"Yea, my sister's a horrid shot. I'm glad I learned how to do things on my own. I only run towards gunfights I think I can get paid for it or get paid for patching up the aftermath." Sanssinia replied, staying behind cover. There was a stray bullet that accidentally whizzed over her cover. She ducked out for the moment it took to nail the one that had shot at her with her own pistol in the leg. "See? Now that guy needs a medic, and if they pay me enough, I'll patch him back up."
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"Sorry to burst your bubble then" Egwene commented, exploding his head with her Neutron Repulsor. "And if I get wounded, I'd need an engineer rather than a Medic. But still, I appreciate you coming to get a paycheck if nothing else. I'm Doctor Egwene Tai, Kenweness University. These gits rolled in on my claim and started demanding payment. We disagreed. I stalled for a moment for my Power Armour to arrive, and the rest is history"

She'd scan the battlefield for life forms and come up negative. They were low grade pistols, so their scavenge would not be worth the effort. And then she'd head over to the thing she had been fighting to protect. An old, worn down APC. It wasn't going anywhere, it was beyond even the most gifted of repairs, but it was a lot of metal. She'd pull it out of the half-sunken state in the ground then slap a skyhook for her flyboy.

"If you want to stick around and help me defend the next lot who are coming in about twenty minutes or so, I can make you something nice. Not, much on actual money though. I had some stuff a few years back, put me in big debt"
Sanssinia sighed, exploding the head made it harder to get the bounties. "What'cha got?" She asked, now that the initial fight was over she mosied over to the bodies and started to id them with a device she had. After scanning a couple, she looked around for the missing arm of one of them, and finding it, took some fingerprints. She seemed totally unphased by the gore left behind by the exploded gang members.
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"A Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering and General Sciences. Anything that isn't too far fetched I can make. Weaponry and bionics mostly. I made this suit of power armour, though you'd have to be my sexy snake slave for life for me to make you one of these on credit" Egwene replied. The guys they had just splattered were grunts of a small gang, so the bounty was probably not worth the bullet they took to kill if there was one at all.

Scanning the metallic compositions of the area, she would then start digging out a bit of the ground in search of something.
"Unless being my sexy snake slave is something that appeals to you. Then I'll do it for free~"
Sanssinia paused what she was doing at Egwane's suggestion, the rage flaring back up inside of her. Egwene paused as the snake woman's pistol started moving towards the ready. She looked at Egwane with a burning hatred in her eyes. "I. WILL. NEVER. BE. A. SLAVE. AGAIN." She hissed angrily at the suit of powered armor.

The long, lanky woman took a breath and shoved her pistol back into her holster. Her voice forced back to normal, "Your worth a couple thousand to Blackie, so it better be worth more than that. I'm a Separa'Shan and Kennewes wasn't made for us."
The Power Armour's faceplate closed in response to the gun threat, though she didn't actually fire it, which was good.
#TONY, access the local network, I need to know if there are anymore landmines around her# Egwene told her MI through the DNI.
#Is this a normal scan or a subtle scan# it replied. Egwene thought for a moment...if there were any firewalls she had too....temporarily navigate around then a subtle scan would be better.
#Subtle# She finally replied.
#At once, Ma'am# he would then start on number crunching as the suit slid away and let Egwene leave, walking over to - if allowed - put a warm hand on her cheek.

"Hey, hey. It was just a flirt. And it was the fun kinky kind not the horrible sad kind" She'd say, a soft and soothing voice. The bounty thing would come later, right now she needed the girl mentally stable.
Sanssinia moved away from her touch, "Yhea, well I was the horrible sad kind. I got a lot of scars from it, so I'm not really interested in repeating the performance. I don't know how my sister does it." There was a lot of anger in her words, anger that Sanssinia was trying to tamp down on. "I'm Sanssinia, by the way."
"How your sister does what, exactly?" Egwene asked, slightly curiously. TONY finished his work and gave her a stream of data. THe sister - or someone sharing her name - seemed to have some excellent military track record. That was something to broach later on...
"She has a girlfriend and does things with her. I hate even being touched, much less that sort of mushy stuff." Sanssinia seemed slightly disgusted which didn't fit the completely unfazed by gore persona she had revealed moments earlier. She finished getting the bounties from the gang members, not a lot but she hadn't been expecting much.
"Ahh. Well, that's just how physical trauma goes. I had was born with abnormal brain activity, it made me exceptionally smart and made it exceptionally difficult to keep track of things that didn't interest me. Like personal hygiene and keeping my body from falling apart. Which it did. I got very ill, constantly, slowly died. It wasn't pretty. So I understand looking at other people and wondering how they do it.

But you have a choice, in your life. You can be ruled by your trauma, or you can rule it. Taking steps to solve your problems, whatever they are, is the way to succeed in life"
Sanssinia nodded. "If they're going to be back and we don't want to give up the location, then we should make ready. If we put those containers perpendicular to the entrance, then we can create a fatal funnel for them to come in." She was back to being a professional now, looking at the situation and the time they had to give them the best chances.
"Avoiding the topic is not helpful for anyone, Sanssinia" She tell her, shaking her head softly. "Besides, now TONY is here, they don't stand a chance. Pulling out Anti Armour weaponry is a big thing for any but the large gangs. And these guys are small time crooks looking to muscle in a the weakest points. Hitting my claim only because they saw me alone here and thought it'd be easy"
"It's not your business. My business is helping stupid robotic people who can compensate me for shooting people that don't like them. After all, if you know you are going up against armor, don't take heavy enough weaponry to deal with it. Because that's how the world works. If you got this, I'm happy to take your money but I don't have to if you don't want me to." Sanssinia offered.
"Well, I am outside your perview because I am an intelligent robotic person. So clearly am superior. Plus a Doctor, which if you ask half the people in the world means I am qualified to do everything from psychology to surgery to telling them why the TV looks funny" Egwene replied with a soft laugh, getting back into her suit of armour and activating the long range thermographic vision scanners. A dozen guys were moving up to their position, it seemed.

#I don't have money but I will offer support and hugs# the modulated voice came from inside the suit as she started to put the containers perpendicular to the entrance. #And also a fulldive VR system to help overcome a hate of being touched#
Sanssinia was pretty sure that Egwene was trying to get herself killed. She was pretty sure that her stupid sense of honor was going to get her killed someday. Just hopefully not today. Sanssinia dived into her backpack for her armor and weapons. It was good quality, not a suit of powered armor though. She checked her rifle and looked over their position. "If they do manage to scrape together enough pennies to shoot your armor, you'll want to fall behind the containers. If we put some low walls of junk here, then I can scramble behind them to flank while they are focused on you." Sacre offered, starting to move some of the scrap herself with her long muscular tail.
#If they have heavy anti-armour, then that makes this exercise nice because then I will have heavy anti-armour when they are dead# Egwene commented. Clearly, robotic life had made her less worried about being shot than the average fleshling would be. Dragging up some low walls of junk for Sanssinia, she'd make sure it was sufficient for the woman and then hunker in with her, scanning them as they came within a closer range. She might seem humerous and whimsical but she wasn't an idiot.

#Designating twelve hostiles. Infantry rifles, singular heavy machine gun, chemical propellant. Priority target# She'd read off to her friendly new bounty hunter.
Sanssinia nodded and slid into a position where she could watch them approach. The metal of the scrap gave good cover. "Priority target confirmed. This is your dance princess." She said with a hint of sarcasm.
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