Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Baby tonight~!

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#If I am the Princess, that must make you the Handmaiden. We are going shopping after this, my maids must be dressed in finery alone# Egwene replied, giving the HMG a laser designation for Sanssinia to take out. And once she nailed that guy, Egwene would burst from cover and fire her two Repulsors into the chests of the nearest before blasting off into the sky and coming down on their flank, powerful servo-driven fists turning the nearest Ganger's chest into mulch. The sudden shock of losing their heavy and several more in a short period of time was playing merry hell with their morale and the junk barricade was being sprayed with desperation fire echoed by the screams of the shooter.
Sanssinia shook her head, she wasn't exactly a finery type person. But with the heavy gunner before her, she took deadly aim with her sniper Maverick. A large orange tracer leaped out of her rifle, speeding to the chest of the gunner with deadly precision. Even as the shot was still in the air, she was lining up a second one against the person standing next to him. Delivering that blow before he could react. Egwene burst from her concealment and took down two of her own, as the Separa'shan's third bolt took another. With almost half of their force gone in mere seconds, there was wild firing from the thugs, none of which even came near Sanssinia.
Neutron blasts and chest-squashing fists turned the men into dust, and that was all she wrote. The gang was probably down to their last few members and would disband or be absorbed in a few days. The heavy machine gun was nice, though she'd need to build a microfabricator to get much use out of it. Bullets weren't great for long travel, after all.

"Well, that's that. Unless you want to stick around for a few hours of exciting archaeology while I dig up and condense scrap into a pile, I can give you my house you can meet me at later?" Egwene offered.
Sanssinia nodded, collecting a couple of bounties on the gang members. Nothing extremely high value, but enough to cover a bit more then she had spent. Not the best money she had ever made, but good enough. "Sure, just make sure whatever you make me is good."
"Whatever I make you will be the best thing you have ever been made" Egwene replied, her haughty tone creeping out. Giving Sanssinia her house key and directions, Egwene would give a cheery wave. And then, she did as she said she would and had a few hours of exciting archaeology. Digging up old scrap, slapping on beacons, and generally being a scavenger before packing it all in and setting off the beacons. Her flyboy would take it to their factory, take a cut then she'd pick up the rest to take home.
Sanssinia went back to the room she had rented for the night and cleaned her weapons and armor. Then she looked up where Egwene's house was and started making plans. Ingress, outgress, if they were suddenly attacked by a battalion of mecha. If someone tried to rob them. All fairly far fetched, but she had met Egwene in a firefight so who knew. Sacre had a plan for everything, and making the plans soothed her from the firefight that had happened earlier. At the appointed hour, she left her room and made her way to Egwene'a house. Rather loud knocks announced her presence.
Egwene was living on a plot of land adjacent to Kenweness University, in staff accommodation. Kenweness liked their university, so the grounds were secure enough she probably didn't have to worry about petty crime going on there.

Though, knocking on the door got no response, as less than a minute later Egwene jetted from the sky and landed next to her, sliding the armour off and back into it's carry form.
"I gave you the key so you could get settled in and look about the place before I arrived" She'd laugh softly, opening the door and letting Sanssinia in. The room was very strange. Like she had removed all the walls and left on the bathroom with any kind of privacy.

Most of this massive floorspace was dominated by a workshop, full of tools and cables and stands. On the largest stand sat the framework of a bear-shaped object, something that was clearly being worked on with the repossessed scrap she was picking up from scavaging.
"You want anything to eat? Drink?"
Sanssinia looked around the workshop. "I can't drink motor oil, do I look like a toaster?" She asked, getting her orientation as she slid in. The woman didn't need to eat or sleep, Sanssinia wasn't sure why the bathroom was still here, but she figured the strange robot lady had others over often enough to keep it. She wound her way around the workshop and wound up near the bear. "So what's up with the cybertronic Kodian?" She asked.
"Mmm. Hence the kitchen" She'd point it out. Small thing, tucked away in the back, clearly designed for one not very adventurous woman, but it had a few cupboards and a kettle. Then, looking over at the cyberbear, Egwene gave a smile and saddled up to it.

"Well, Anti-Tank weaponry is a big problem. It's heavy, cumbersome, and the ammo to pack it is a shit. Which is thrice as terrible for solo operatives like me and you. So I designed this thing to be sort of a combat mule. It carries ammo, rations, backpacks, a wounded soldier, and the heavy AT gun. So Solo operatives like us can not get trounced by any Armour and squads can move quicker" She'd nod, with a grin.
"So a partner, but dumber and less helpful." Sanssinia snarked as she moved around the bear-like robot, and noting exactly what it had with interest. "I don't need to eat right now, I'm just here out of morbid curiosity of what you'll whip up for me."
"But one that follows orders and actually carries the bags instead of whining about it. So it evens out really" Egwene retorted. The bear right now, had it's frame and nothing else. Clearly, she was still in the middle of working on it and she hadn't even gotten the armour installed, let alone any weaponry to go with it. "I got nothing adventurous here. I mostly pick up discarded MREs because my bio-organic processor unit doesn't really care if the food is rotten and I don't have a sense of taste if I don't want. But, I do have actual food for guests if you have a preference for anything"
"So no whole live hog?" Sanssinia asked with a touch of sarcasm. "I'm fine, I don't need to eat, but it seems like you want to feed me." Not completely sure they were talking only about food.
"There is thirty to fifty feral hogs in the back garden if you want something like that" Egwene told her, stopping at the cupboards and spinning on her heel to face the woman. "And I want to feed you because it's apparently what people do for other people coming to visit. If you don't want it I can always not do it"
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