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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

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Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

Mu'Tasim sunk his claws deep into the shoulder of the automaton he was latching to, and then pulled. The other lift thrusters based on the other limbs pushed, putting the VANDR into a quick spin. As he turned his other claw ripped into the other shoulders, and when the turn was complete, the Squadron Commander turned to toss the pawn into the direction of the incoming missile swarm.

Yet, the flourish wasn't complete, even in mid-throw he pressed towards the commander unit. Famasir was a clawed devil scratching through the infinite night and whatever remained in it's way sink down onto the enemy unit.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

With the second command unit fleeing, Isha was in a prime position to flank the first- which is exactly what she did. Missiles inbound, Isha. At this range, there's little we can do, but that won't be the case for much longer. The Field Physician acknowledged the NI mentally.

Her rifle was trained on the command unit. With no interference, she felt free to spend a little extra time making sure the next three shots were worth it. Then she turned to decide how best to handle the missiles.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

Szemis' NI responded to his request with a dull electronic coo and promptly ejected the legs of his unit, redistributing the pliable organic under-armor of his unit to seal the openings and protect the unit. He'd have found that his maneuverability had returned somewhat now that the dead weight of the damaged legs had been excised from the unit, at the cost of dumping two of the NEn Capacitors that had been mounted there.

He still had the more pressing issue of several missiles darting towards him. His NI, momentarily busied with running thousands of recalibrations to compensate for the damages, was unable to warn him.

The inexperienced Eyr Ranr frame runner only heard a screech as three dozen missiles ignited into a cloud of shimmering blue particles only a few hundred meters away from him. Somehow, Akjit had managed to intercept the initial volley with his panicked blast, allowing only a few of the projectiles to impact Szemis' shields. The runner in the damaged was left with sensors covered in static as his defensive screen became saturated with particles, but he was at least alive.

The automaton-type frame exploded only a second or two after Mu'Tasim hurled it away from himself, clattering against the hail of missiles and erupting into a orange-red haze of plasma and wreckage. With the large detonation masking its sensors, Isha was able to skirt around at full speed, and perforated the cockpit and reactor assembly with her beam cannon. It too was disabled, spewing out reactor plasma as a last sigh before it shut down.

The enemy's first wave had been defeated, leaving only the battlestation and the few guards that remained on board.


The enemy defense battlestation was now fully operational, massive weapons batteries trailing towards the runners of the wing. Kuzman, who was once again the least disrupted by weapons activations around him, was the first to get the warning they were being targeted. A dozen plasma cannons that wouldn't have been out of place as the main battery of a Vayu-class tilted towards them to fire, taking on a faint red glow as they collected the reactor plasma to fire.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

The Astarte's PWAC-V missile ports' armored sheathing suddenly retracted as Ishtar setup numerous false firing solutions with her ECM suite to confuse enemy point defenses even as the true firing solutions were plotted. It made a complex web of false positives disguising the true intent of a strike upon the defense installation as malware bogged down or outright corrupted their software from analyzing the signals.

All of the true solutions dotted points around the NVR's Defensive Battlestation. Bahram Wing would've then received warnings of the eminent launch of over twenty PWAC Missiles lept from their dorsal and ventral launching tubes. The PWAC-barrage left multiple pearlescent particle trails while streaking toward the target with enough devastation to knock out several capital ships all at once.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

The rollercoaster of terror and joyr never ceased for Akjit.

He'd broken through their lines. Swatted enemies aside without so much as a sweat, and even did so in a manner that spared the enemy pilot's life. The Ivuori somehow even saved Szemis against all odds! Right now, Akjit felt like Makuzhar of the Universe! Nothing could go wrong! Nothing! Seeing the other pilot was safe, he set course for the remaining frames Mu'Tasim was locked in combat with.

'You're head is starting to inflate you know,' a voice buzzed in his mind. Akjit grumbled a little as Nightmare's dour comment helped to dampen his mood. Was she trying to keep him down? Make him miserable? He merely ignored her words and gunned the throttle in response, taking a bead on the piloted frame Mu'Tasim was hounding. He could feel her irritation and annoyance building, but what she thought didn't matter - he finally had something to be proud of!

Taking aim at the remaining piloted enemy frame, Akjit fired.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

At this point, Kuzman was quite content being farther away from the battle than normal. He felt extremely glad when the missiles were released as a giant swarm. Even though Nuk'Dukam loved battle, Kuzman could tell the NI was secretly excited to be as far away from the missile swarm as possible.

Now, he wasn't going to abandon his comrades in arms on the battlefield, no sir. Equiping his SCPA Cannon, he tooks a few moments to aim at a cluster of missiles and fired.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

Missiles streaked past the group in an instant, impacting the station almost as quickly as Kuzman had noticed the battery tilting to fire on them, erupting into a bright cloud of blue as they struck. In the distance, the members of the First Squadron saw the station's main batteries destroyed, and the outer armor baked to an ominous dull red glow. The defenders had in turn been largely decimated, leaving the station ripe for the taking.


"Bahram Wing, First Squadron, d-do you read me?!" The glittering haze eventually cleared, giving the squadron's mission operator communications access. The Vaybalri Romdo spoke with clearly urgency, the relaxed and cheerful air of her voice undercut slightly.

"I need a status report on the battlestation the Astarte just attacked, but our sensors don't reach that far under these conditions."
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

Famasir floated in front the darkness surrounding the glowing station, the head of an automaton unit searing under his claws. He had seen displays of power before, but the swiftness of their assault on the battle station was unlike he'd ever seen. Their squad had tangled in with the defensive skirmishers while the Astarte gave one glorious flap of her missile-laden wings. The pin-point destruction, mixed with the avid effects of the armor's glow made for a beautifully tactical picture. Though, the most miraculous part of if it all, was the stations largely undamaged structure.

"Control, Vaytulri Farouk, station has been disabled, no status on what is carrying on inside, but for the most part our objective has been completed." reported Mu'Tasim rather quickly, before turning to the others, "It seems we're done here, everyone, status report."
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

"I'm alright, just my blood pressure's up a little" Zus responded, her sensors zooming in on her brother's horribly maimed frame, and if she had been able to, she would have been scowling. as it was, Paralovi switched to its humanoid form and took on a very disapproving pose, cocking its head to one side in annoyance.

Szemis, the cause for Zus' sudden spike in blood pressure, seemed extremely confident. "I'm ready to go! Let's keep 'em coming, I'll take them all day!" the young Eyr Ranr boasted, full of vigour and ready for action.

Paralovi shook its head, miming the actions its pilot wanted to perform. "Seriously Szemis, shut up and get back to the Astarte, you've barely got half your frame left!"
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

"Oh, Oh! Do I need to shoot it again?" Ishtar asked excitedly abruptly piggybacking Romdo's communication line.

"If I don't, any relevant visual information is required. So I can refine my targeting solutions and further analyze structural weaknesses! So take plenty of pictures from where you are and send them to me before beginning your next mission phase!"
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

"Chirimar reporting in; I could do just the same!" the Ivuori spoke after Zus cheerily while his Frame excitedly punched the space in front of him. Everything was going perfectly - he defeated the enemy combatants with ease, saved a fellow frame runner. And Ishtar was asking for photos of the base. Photos of the base?!

"Hey, what are you - ?!" Nightmare was suddenly cut off as Akjit seized the sensors of his frame and immediately started snapping the best pictures he could get. The boy was a bit of an artist, so he gave it his best efforts, making sure they were actually pleasing to the eye. Or, as much as pictures of destroyed weapon emplacements could be that is.

Akjit sent them off to Ishtar and the Astarte, with Nightmare doing the same with a huff of annoyance and more detailed scans afterwards.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

"Vayshirin Ragnar, well and able, sir," she answered curt as ever. Then she began to snap photos as requested- not just of the broiling station, but also of her team. She was looking to capture inspirational, insightful, or otherwise emotional- and thought-provoking scenes in the hopes of capturing it first in sight and later in song. Being a soldier had its perks for one with creative ambitions.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

"Kuzman Nadev, in top shape, sir. I'm ready to move out once we get this done." Nuk'dukam was highly excited by the whole battle that had just played out. Kuzman could feel the NI's glee as every missile exploded, regardless of who the target was. The NI also showed much enthusiasm for the missiles it had managed to hit.
Re: [Phase One: Mission 5] The First Line

"Oh, Oh! These will do nicely!" Ishtar gleefully stated as she received the pictures. "I'll begin an analysis of the structure then refining targeting solutions. Hopefully this means more effective missile spread for maximum damage potential! Bwe-he-he-he-he~"
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