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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

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Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

With the 4th, one Chanda Durnal followed the flight plans as given, piloting her VANDR unit closer to her target. Silently, she started warming up her MACD pad, a laser variant. The black haired pilot did her best to stay out of the 1st's way, gently adding a harassing laser shot or two from her unit's personal weapons. Come on guys, keep them off us for a little while longer. she thought to herself. She had yet to detatch the pod just yet, wanting to get closer to firing range before that. Though, the first is still doing pretty good...but here's hoping we don't lose any.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Akjit was angry. He was very, very angry; only he and his accursed NI knew why though. Akjit had already taken out some of his frustrations on the enemy, but he was far from done. The young Ivouri had never used his NEn Caps before, and seeing Malik in the background with them was encouraging. One passive NEn to his thrusters. Two passive NEn to the reactor. And one for an alpha strike. The VT Fangs pulled out and attempted to dig in once more, this time into the thickest portions of it's chest in hopes of leaving it relatively intact but immobile.

Akjit's unnamed frame activated it's Phantoma Shroud; it made for the enemy, leaving behind a corkscrewing zig-zag as he got closer and closer. At the same time, the EVII opened up with almost everything it had in the middle of it's death spin, both Akjit and his NI aiming the LEMBs and Shocksword with the twisted thought of turning the bleeding enemy frame into nothing more than a floating torso! Despite any movement the enemy made, any fire, any form of resistance or surrender, Akjit and his NI did their best to relentlessly chase the enemy frame down.

The bloodthirsty frame swung it's sword at the nearest limb it could reach.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

ON, VSV Astarte
High Orbit Over Mazerin
Bukor 11, 936
16:24, Commonwealth Standard Time

Despite the attempts at interception by the enemy battleship's cruiser escorts, the 1st and 4th had succeeded in pushing into weapons range, skirting along the edge of the cruiser's point-defense arrays and into the blind spot that lay directly beyond the convex surfaces of the flower-shaped vessel. As Zalus had noticed during the orbital elevator, these vessels had an immense number of 'Soono' type automatons stored on its concave underside, easily numbering in the hundreds if not thousands. However, something seemed to be holding the enemy back, preventing them from deploying their full complement. There were not many major differences between the battle data being taken in at that point and what had been obtained over Maekardan... save that the ship's long stamen-like antennal projection appeared to have been lopped in half.

Perhaps because of this, the number of Soono defending the ship was proportional to the remaining humanoid types around it.

"Alright, 1st Squadron... if you can keep their escort off me and my unit, we'll be able to take out that cruiser before it deploys more Soono. Focus on the humanoid types... since they're the only ones that can engage in vector translations." The commander of the 4th communicated to Mu'Tasim and the runners under his command, his disdain having only dissolved a little since the battle had begun. "We've two ships to take down and only so many lives to spend."

Mu'Tasim's frame kept close to it's Fourth Squadron allies as the First Squadron had pushed into more hostile space. As he advanced, Mu'Tasim kept his weapons primed for any advancing units, particularly humanoids.

"First Squadron, you have your priorities, keep up the defensive line." Mu'Tasim communicated to his fellow wingmates. Then, with the orders given, he opened a line of communication to the VSV Astarte. "Astarte, what is the status of Point-Defense Fire Mission Support?"

Zus Idly watched as Malik did some crazy berserker move, and would have shaken her head had she the current ability. Seeing that he was sufficiently covered, however, Zus moved on to the next foe, which ended up being a Humanoid frame and its accompanying Soono. The Eyr Ranr woman targeted the Humanoid frame specifically, first launching a swarm of PASD missiles in an attempt to confuse her enemy, then firing her SCPA's in quick succession. after a few moments, she MASC jumped to the opposite side of her enemies, firing her LEMB array and RCPA Cannons at it.

Rather surprised at her opponent's method of retaliation, it took Isha a few moments longer than it should have to reorient herself mentally. Rather than try to close the gap a second time, she launched her VT Fangs at the humanoid that'd just given her a toss, then spun to face her nearest challenger and lashed out with her sword. "We've been engaged, sir," was the field physician's response to Mu'Tasim's command. "But we're on our way."

After the Astarte had fired the crippling salvo at the enemy battleship, things seemed to have been going as well as could be as the 1st, and 4th squadrons moved into position. Scans from the wrecked enemy battleship had revealed fissile material signatures on board that had put the captain on edge. None of the enemy capital ships had returned fire, and the enemy hadn't deployed their massive compliments of automated Soono, or all of their humanoid-type frames it seemed. It was all just a bit too suspicious.

"Vaytulri Osei, any changes to the enemy battleship?"

"Not," Mridula answered, "that I can see. Might want to watch for all those Soonos, though." She continued to pore over the information she had been sent by the chief sensor operator, her brow furrowing deeply.

"Already being done. Fifth and Sixth squadrons are on standby status in case they try another raid on the Astarte." the captain said as he then turned his gaze to the Vayshirin piloting the ship. "Be prepared to give me full combat thrust on my order. Adjutant Weapons Operator, re-acquire the main target with the laser arrays, and the portside enemy cruiser with the missile batteries."

"Yes sir," Lamya said. "Preparing for full thrust on your mark." She ran through the systems, preparing the ship. "Prepared. Can thrust when ready."

"We're currently tracking all targets within your area and providing fire support as we can, 1st squadron so you can get your payload safely to the target." a female voice spoke over Mu'Tasim's comm.

Mu'Tasim immediately noticed a dozen signatures erupt onto his sensors, within immediate weapons range, and many more further out. These were mostly Soono-types, with perhaps four or five humanoid types in total. Many of the Soono moved to intercept him and Zus, as they were firmly at the head of the formation. Meanwhile, Malik, who was still further back from his two wingmates, noticed that they were being flanked overhead, with a pair of humanoid-types controlling a sizeable number of Soono.

Isha managed to impale her target with a half-dozen VT Fangs, breaking its defenses long enough for her to make a clean swipe. The unit attempted a counter-hit, barely parrying the attack and losing its forearm in the process. The blade continued on through, grazing its torso and causing the armor over it to split and shatter. The enemy was critically damaged by the assault, but had managed to lever its arm over to Isha's head in the confusion and seemed to be rather adamant about attacking if it was attacked.

She was at a standstill.

Malik grinned at where his luck had thrown him. By sheer coincidence, he had been in the best location to see and intercept the NVR flanking maneuver. Two humanoid frames, and atleast ten times that number in Soono? Why, it was as if the Saints themselves were throwing a chance for glory at the Runner. Reaching out and grabbing the dropped VT Sword, Zulfiqar began charging on of its NeN Caps so it would have the burst it would need in the near future, and activating the Phantoma Sink System, trying to sneak close enough to the flanking forces to spring a suprise attack.

As he did that, Malik sent Mu'Tasim a short message in Haidasari through the laser-com that, when translated back to Saalsari essentially said: "NVR Flanking force. Ignore it. Ambushing them alone." Sneak attacks had gotten him a lot of mileage over the Capital, and the runner didn't think it'd be a good thing to break through a solid shell of Soono, so attacking them from stealth, up close and personal had to be the best option.

Akjit's alpha strike tore the humanoid-type he had targeted to pieces, blasted apart by a combined bombardment of laser and particle blasts. The unit had tried to counterattack in the intermittent seconds before it was destroyed, but missed every shot because of the Phantoma Shroud concealing his maneuvers. As enemy reinforcements were en route, they would notice a large detonation between themselves and Akjit, and the remains of their compatriot scattered all around.

If he could, Akjit would have smiled, however, the sensations coming from his NI completely killed the mood; the Ivouri realized he had just fallen for the goads the nightmare of a core had flung at him. His 'eyes' looked about at the strewn mess that he created, recalling how he tried to pick off the limbs like a child pulling the legs off a bug in the backyard. If he could, he would have shuddered, and if he still could, he would have thrown up. 'You're not done yet you know.' It spoke, mocking him.

Several targets were highlighted by the NI, as well as Malik's EVII; the thing was giving him an option. Take on the reinforcements, or back up the other frame runner. Akjit was tired, on the verge of tears, and desperate to finish the battle. A single word echoed across his mind in the place of speech, easily heard by his NI. "Nightmare." It was all like a nightmare. His Erla VANDR II sped off towards the group Malik was engaging and launched a flurry of missiles at the group of enemies, his movements soon turning into a random series of zig-zags as he worked his way closer.

'I like this.' the NI replied. 'Nightmare....ha.' Akjit and Nightmare sped off towards the enemy group, firing the LEMBs and Shocksword to follow up the missiles and get their attention, the three passive NEn Capacitors feeding into his reactor and thrusters.

One of the 4th continued to speed towards her target. The moment she was in range, she released the MACD heavy laser pod, and send the single mental command to find it's target and fire. Charging to firing capacity, the unit released, sending a large blast into the side of the cruiser. 'Now I just gotta hold off long enough to get another shot or two off, or until recalled.' Chanda thought to herself, hoping that the 1st held the enemy's attention just a little longer.

As he advanced through the wreckage, Akjit was able to immediately knock a trio of Soono away with his initial volley of missiles, disabling them with his follow up laser and particle attack, but failed to get a shot off on the humanoid-types behind them.

Meanwhile, the joint laser bombardment by the 4th Squadron had a clear effect on the enemy vessel - it had managed to cut through the cruiser's shields and raked across the inner hull. Soono unit were destroyed by the dozens as the combined laser barrage cut through them in their loading docks, and the beams eventually penetrated through the hull and into the internal sections. Seconds after the initial volley ended, areas inside the ship began to fail and rupture, and a cascading series of detonations burst throughout its interior.

Mridula had gone thoroughly over the sensor data she had been forwarded, and she felt a distinct sinking feeling in her stomach. "Guys," she said to First Squadron. "I don't know if this is right, or what, or if I'm just being paranoid, but it looks like there are a bunch of cobalt bombs in that cruiser. If they go off, they'll seed anything they hit with lethal radiation." She turned her attention to the bridge and addressed the sensors crew. "Can you get me more readings on that cruiser? Specifically on the bombs, and any kind of launch mechanism they might use to... launch them."

"Uh... yeah. Let me try to get some higher resolution scans." The sensors operator replied, immediately going to work. As the scans went underway, the data being fed back to Mridula was increasingly worrisome. The exact design and signature of the warheads matched data stored on the Astarte's bridge... in the exact pattern of cobalt bombs that had been developed by the Saal in antiquity to destroy hostile biospheres. "Va-va-VAYTULRI! It's..."

"Assault on the humanoid units!" Mu'Tasim ordered, firing forward in his Erla II, Famasir picking up it's MCPA and firing on one of the humanoid units, his RCPA's focusing in on the target point where his NCPA shots would hit. He fired up beacon flares to tie up the firing systems of his opponent. "Tie up the supporting Soono by hiting their humanoid protectorate!"

Mridula gestured expansively in her immersion sim, and the connection to the runners opened again, the volume of her voice dialing up to make sure every last one of them heard her. "They're Saal bombs," she barked. "To carpet the planet and wipe everything out. They're headed for Mazerin! The Soonos are just a distraction!"

Isha's cannons lit up, poised to blast the humanoid at point-blank. In the midst of this was Mridula's news, quite simply stunning her into a silence after the attack. "Are... we sure?... Ma'am?" To bomb the planet was one thing, but cobalt bombs? That was just ridiculous.

The captain looked up from his readings, and dead at Mridula in that instant before looking to the weapons operator. "Target that enemy ship with every forward facing battery and missile array we have now!"
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Malik was shocked to his core by Mridula's revelation of the NVR's true goals. But, unlike Isha, he didn't freeze up. Knowing that if he failed here, that if they lost an entire planet would be cleansed of all life by nuclear fires, Malik's resolve gained in strength, the half Mazerinii fully embracing his killing intent as he disengaged the Phantoma Sink.

His Erla VANDR II, Zulfiqar was directly behind the first of the enemy humanoid frames as it deactivated the Phantoma Sink, and the enemy frame was vulnerable to the Runner's favored weapon, the Vector Sword that was thrust forward towards where Malik figured the frame's cockpit was. Malik didn't have any more intentions of saving lives or whatnot. Innocent lives were at stake here, and he had no intention of letting them down because he went easy on these NVR butchers.

As the VT Blade was driven forward, dagger-like, Malik launched all 12 of Zulfiqar's VT Fangs, directing the horde of miniature Vector Transmission blades to rip the other piloted frame to shreds, to kill the pilot, to end it as fast as possible.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

The captain shook his head a moment.

"Belay that last order." he said, looking to the weapons operator. "Target the enemy battleship with our main laser arrays only. Comm Ops." the captain called, turning back to the view screen in front of him.

"Scramble the fifth Raevr squadron. I'm authorizing additional MACD's to be used to resupply the fourth and then assist in the assault of the second enemy cruiser along with the first squad. The second is to escort them to the field before re-engaging on the front line. And, I don't care if you have to brow beat every graiv and ranr in command of Mazerin's surface to air defenses I want those arrays operational and on alert now! They should've had support ready by now but they seem to be slacking." he grumbled, looking slightly annoyed by the situation.

"Have the Vayu on standby to pick off any bombs that may get through. If we still can't get the surface to air defenses online, we're going to to have to handle it ourselves, and our frigates'll have their work cut out for them."
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

As Zus' array of laser and particle fire tore through her enemy frame, the unit exploded into a lkarge number of small bits of armor, mixed with large globs of Synovial fluid. It was as if the enemy wasn't even trying to fight them.

Turns out, they were just stalling for time. "Saints dammit! Nightmares to the NVR!" she called, as a wave of new enemies swept in. Taking a more defensive stance, the Eyr Ranr tried to avoid incoming fire and Launched a volley of PASD and APaLa missiles, while firing her RCPA's at the nearest enemy unit, tryin g to target the weak spots as well as she could so she didn't have to fight for as long on each enemy.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Gritting her teeth at the message of the bombs being on one of the ships, Chanda brought her MACD to bear again, ripping off a second, and soon third bursts of heavy laser fire. She knew this would be bad if either ship stayed standing long enough to get close enough to drop those bombs.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

The cannons did the trick, and the ensuing lull in action brought Field Physician Ragnar back to the situation at hand. A quick survey let her note that everyone else seemed to be doing just fine, so she made the cruiser her next target. However, she had a greater priority: the 4th squadron. The distance between her Erla II and the 4th was easily closed with a MASC jump, and she began charging a NeN Cap for the more than likely alpha strike she'd soon be unleashing on the second cruiser.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

With the assault pressed by the 1st, the battled seemed to be becoming increasingly favorable for the Astarte and her Bahram Wing. Enemy Soono were shot down by swarms of missiles fired by the approaching 5th, and the 4th Squadron had completely obliterated the first Soono carrier, leaving a burnt out shell of shattered allotrope armor and plasma in its wake. Enemy humanoid types that had survived the ship's destruction fled deeper into the wreckage, surrounded by their controlled Soono.

At the spearhead of the assault, Mu'Tasim was best poised to strike. He immediately shot one of the fleeing humanoid types in the lower back, temporarily disabling it, but found his RCPA volleys wasted on a number of Soono that closed in to defend their master. In a few seconds of firing, he'd destroyed no less than five Soono, but was no closer to hitting the still immobile humanoid type.

In the ensuing exchange of fire between herself and the enemy frame, Isha lost half of her frame's head to a free electron laser burst that scoured the plating from her organoid unit's face. For an instant, her vision blacked out on the left side and returned, and subtle pressure seemed to splash against the corresponding area. Secondary eyes allowed her to see again, and when she was able to see, the effects of her attack were obvious enough. The remains of the humanoid type were displayed well in front of her, having chopped the top half of the torso off and barely managed to avoid cracking the escape pod open like a raw egg.

It was easy to tell that Malik wanted to get an easy kill on his designated enemy. Easy enough that he found his attack parried, as it had the advantage of still being in motion when he sprang his attack and held in the humanoid-type's clawed left hand, which seemed to crack and split as it continued to hold onto his sword. But it would not wait for that to happen, and tossed Zulfiqar away before he had a chance to hit it with his VT Fangs or attempt to shoot. Quickly, it translated away dodging and weaving past the still pursuing homing blades, and managing to destroy one with its wrist cannon before they were forced to return to him.

Although many of her missiles were intercepted upon the husks of NVR Soono, most of the firepower had cut through, consuming a no less than trio of humanoid-types in the ensuing explosions. With that, the number of active Soono in their immediate area dropped drastically. But suddenly, and without warning, Zus noticed a massive energy discharge of energy bearing towards her. A first beam of superheated plasma blasted against her shields, reducing them to nearly nothing and only missing a fatal strike on her torso through the awkward angle at which it had crossed her.

"The enemy is using handheld fusion beam cannons. Recommend: Evasive maneuvers." Her frame immediately warned her.

With the destruction of the first cruiser, Chanda was signaled to start heading for the core of the battleship to quickly remove the enemy's capacity to render Mazerin inhabitable. But between her and that target was at least a hundred Soono backed by another dozen humanoid types, and her cohorts in the 1st and 5th were tied up in combat against the other forces being launched to intercept them. Luckily for her, as her first module was half depleted, she noticed a second MACD deploy next to her and link up to her OS. The 5th had dropped off their precious cargo to the invaluable members of the 4th.

As she prepared to attack the cruiser, Isha received another small warning from her VANDR's NI. "Priority: Defend 4th squadron. Cruiser defense complement may break formation to counterattack early if assault prematurely. Results: Poor."

At the rear of the formation, Akjit, Nenetl and Zalus were afforded a clearer view of the battle. At the very front, Mu'Tasim and Zus were pushing into enemy airspace and clearing out the units still attacking from the destroyed cruiser. Malik and Isha were holding up their flanks while the 4th were following behind the lead attackers and cutting through the cover of the debris to get a clear shot at the battleship core. Units around the battleship core were holding position outside of weapons range, while the number of frames defending the 1st and 4th's first target had dwindled to nearly nothing.

From behind, the Astarte and her Vayu escort was on slow approach, making a caution press to take out the battleship without leaving an open area for it to deploy its insidious cargo. Reinforcements had arrived and more were en-route, and it looked like battle might turn out to be a victory.

But the enemy still had their trump card.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Chanda grinned, gladly linking up to the second and pulling them both in so she'd be able to move better. She ducked and dove, avoiding the enemy as she flew through the enemy's charred hull. 'Attacking that is going to be hard. We have to worry about distance from us to the bombs, and to the planet.' she thought, her NI running the numbers for her as she took her time, taking the recommended route as the 1st worked on clearing a road.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Mridula's initial wave of panic at the fact that the battleship was apparently some kind of weapon of mass biological destruction faded after a few moments - they had caught the attack force before they got too close to Mazerin, and Bahram Wing was doing their jobs admirably. She watched the sensor readouts for a while, simply seeing how the battle went. After a while, as the ship turned 'round again, she decided to advise the bridge crew for once.

"Hey. Your big beam cannon's all well and good, but if you use a couple of PWAC-Vs the particle cloud should detonate the cobalt bombs, if it doesn't just destroy them outright. Just make sure our people aren't too close."
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Malik's mind was consumed by rage. Managing to completely fail at a surprise attack caused the hotheaded runner's anger and jealously to boil over. It was easy for Zus and Mu'Tasim to do good, to always do everything perfectly, have the perfect record, but not for Malik. Something always went wrong, or he got unlucky, and for that, everyone called him an idiot, unreliable! Always called the clumsy oaf he destroyed everything he touched. And now, he couldn't even manage to get a kill while attacking out of stealth! All that he had gotten for trying something besides rushing in was to get humiliated, like always! Well, Malik resolved in his mind, no more bottling up the rage and anger!

It was time to use it.

Surging with a newfound determination, Malik corrected Zulfiqar's trajectory, and routing all the power from the remaining NeN caps into the EVII's VT Drive, Malik and Zulfiqar charged after their target, ATA raised to protect the torso, the VT Blade raised in a feint, as Malik fully intended to use Zulfiqar's bare hands and legs to finish the NVR Frame off. As he charged, Malik let loose a scream of pure rage and bloodlust, Zulfiqar's outer coloring changing to fit its runner's emotions: The Erla VANDR II's normal, black and grey color scheme changed, becoming bright and fiery.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

As he tried to catch up, the two NEn Caps that were in passive use depleted, leaving him cruising at a more standard speed. Akjit had killed for the first time; he was horrified. In the movies and cartoons, after the first kill, the main characters would be horrified over the fact that they'd taken someone's life. In Akjit's case, he really didn't feel much over it. That. That was what horrified him; the fact that he took another person's life and didn't feel that huge wallop of guilt over it like in books or movies. His NI chuckled. 'If you don't keep it up, you're going to cost someone...'

He squelched his fears and readied a Vector Translation. "Shut it, we're going!"

'Oh, so you're finally ready?" It perked up. 'Alright then. At first glance, Zus and Mu'Tasim are the finer pilots I believe. Malik appears quite skilled as well, with Isha - ' When the NI deliberately started to prattle out what the young Ivouri already guessed, he cut it short, furious again at it's nerve.

"We're wrapping up the flanks and pushing them back into Zus and Mu'Tasim. End of discussion." Nightmare jumped to a spot in space just within weapons range. Akjit quickly picked out a single enemy humanoid frame, waited for it to come out of its own VT jump. He fired off his Shocksword and followed up with missiles; a little behind those missiles were his VT Fangs ready to ram into the left arm and leg. The Phantoma Shroud activated again as he accelerated towards the enemy in a series of erratic movements; missile and laser fire lanced out to the humanoid frame's right side as he moved in for the kill.

Thoughts of doubt were banished as he raced in to help Malik and Isha.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

As she passed through the mouth of the wrecked cruiser, Chanda was given a clear view of the damage her Squadron had managed to deal in half a minute. Laser scoring was apparent on the hull remains to her right, but the left had mostly been overtaken by internal detonations. Sensors picked up large levels of radiation and contamination from fissile materials loosed by the explosion.

From that, it might be easy to understand why it has been destroyed so easily. Her NI surmised that once they'd breached the hull, one or more of the units had hit one of the reactors or fuel rod storage, causing the entire ship to be split apart by a cascading series of explosions. It appeared, however, that some parts of the ship had even survived the explosion and were retaining pressure for at least a few more minutes.

As Zulfiqar rushed to attack again, Malik's NI blurted off a dozen different warnings, citing overheating and gas nodules building up in his limbs from the continuous release of radiation and heat coming off his NEn Caps. The VANDR could not take much more without beginning to break under the stresses. His enemy was for a moment outmatched, and lost focus at the sight of the display, paying for it with his unit's right limb. But even then, it was not cowed so easily, and rolled away instead of counterattacking, effectively dodging a flurry of blows that would have been fatal and placing a thirty meter distance between itself and Zulfiqar.

Malik heard a small voice clip over communications. "... damn. ...years... you've al... -eady obs- ...our Nahoda N... ...da. S- ...much for gu- ...acy." Garbled and cut up by strings of static, it was a young woman's voice, espousing either clear disappointment or utter despair. Some details were lost in transmission.

The enemy unit did not pause, however. Seconds after he'd cleaved its cannon arm off, it had scored eight shots on his back with its light fusion cannons, managing to wear down his shields by a large margin, but failing to hit his armor. This enemy was quite aware that Malik could finish them off quickly, and wasn't allowing him to score any strikes that it couldn't afford to take.

Akjit fared quite similarly against his own target, although the results were arguably more favorable. The humanoid-type did not have a Soono escort to protect it and took the Shocksword blast to the chest quite badly, as upper armor fragmented and the damage seemed to have slowed the target down. But even damaged, it managed to shoot down the approaching missiles with ease and evaded the Ivuori frame runner's VT Fangs by a wide enough margin to seem that it was trying to outrun them, than dodge through sheer skill.

Nightmare, as Akjit had taken to calling his frame, was receiving as much damage as taking, as the enemy returned fire with a mass spray of fusion cannon and free electron laser fire. Shields were holding out well, but he would immediately notice that his upper armor was beginning to be covered in small dings, while the enemy had taken little or no damage, although its recently activated shields were beginning to thin under the barrage.


Serhan turned to Mridula and nodded tensely, looking up at the tactical overlay on the bridge. They were making good progress so far, and casualties were at a minim, but they hadn't won the battle as long as the enemy still had the capacity to cleanse Mazerin of life. He scratched his chin, thinking about an old tactic he'd remembered from his earlier years in the academies. "Vaygraiv. I suggest using an early barrage of PWAC-V missiles as space mines deployed the Astarte for a preemptive-screen against any of the radiation weapons that pass behind us."

"At the cost of eight seconds before our first volley, it might save Mazerin thousands of years."
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Chanda grimaced, pushing forward. She gave a short mental command for her Raevr to prep for changing to fighter mode as soon as they cleared the wreckage for maximum speed towards the enemy. Checking her weaponry, she popped her stealth as she rushed for the nearest opening out and towards the battleship, hoping the rest of the 4th were behind her or on their way. 'NI, try to locate a weakpoint in the battleship's shields so we can take it down as fast as possible. she politely asked her Frame's system as she sped on.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

"Do it. Dorsal launchers in an even spread. Ventral launchers are to be put on standby for another behind the first salvo if necessary." The Vaygraiv rumbled, rubbing at the stubble on his chin a moment before continuing. "When the Vayu move into position have them intercept any enemy ordinance that might break through." he frowned, his one good eye aching slightly from staring at the screen.

"If we get surface to air support, alert them of the impending attack and to watch for any automated frames that may try to get planet-side. What is the status of our delivery to the fourth squadron?"
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Malik grunted, bursting the charged NeN cap to instantly recharge his shields, easing the power load off of the other caps to keep himself from blowing up as he charged at the female NVR Pilot. Zulfiqar zig-zagged, moving from side to side and up and down as the EVII streaked towards the Nahoda(?), Malik trying to open communications with the enemy pilot.

"Why? Why are you trying to destroy all life on Mazerin? Tell me now!" The Cohronl-Mazerinii yelled over communications, a slight degree of raw anger tinging his voice, charged particle shots from his shocksword lancing out towards the frame, Zulfiqar rapidly closing the distance between it and the other frame.

"I can understand you trying to gain your freedom, but why do you feel the need to kill innocent people?"
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Zus quickly activated an NEn Cap to recharge her shields, searching for the source of the blast, Her Raevr's sensors struggling with all the debris and particles floating around in front of her. She charged up her lasers and particle weapons, waiting for the right moment to strike, where she would flush it with her LEMB array, before cornering the unit using her Missiles, and attempting to finish it off with a tandem strike of SCPA and RCPA fire.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Akjit would have bitten his lip if he could. He knew that at this rate, they were going to beat each other down to a Synovial pulp. Akjit through sheer brute strength and the other via what skills it had. And he hated what he had in mind. As their even contest went on, the Ivouri sent a brusque order to his NI. "Nightmare. Project onto my HUD the most likely vectors the enemy pilot will used to escape the VT Fangs."

The NI core was silent for the slightest moment before it replied with glee. 'Oh, I know where this is going...going to rely on me much?'

"A little." he admitted.

The VT Fangs continued to chase down the enemy frame, but now in a wider and more difficult to avoid pattern. As they closed in for the impact, the enemy either had the option of dodging, shooting them down or taking the hit. Both the latter options unlikely as the constant fire it was giving Akjit was what kept them level. To stop an redirect fire would still be in the Ivouri's favor. As for letting them need to explain.

"There!" Nightmare called out. A meager handful of escape vectors projected onto Akjit's view. The VANDR II jumped and suddenly reappeared below the enemy; using the projected vectors, he aimed with precision, firing up at the crotch with his LEMBs and Shocksword as the enemy dodged the VT Fangs. The angry duo juked and jived with the Phantoma Shroud as the drones came around for another pass; another flurry of missiles was launched to either soak up fire or deny the enemy escape.

"Give me an opening damn it!"
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 3] Ghost on the Silent Line

Things were going somewhat well, but that did not leave Mu'Tasim with little to do, he had to come through with his assault and he would not slow down now. He set his sights on the Humanoid unit he had tried to destroy, but had been defended by the several Soono that surrounded it. The Temple Guard still needed to finish the unit off.

"Bahbi's blades..." Mu'Tasim whispered a prayer into the open channel, drawing out the blades on Famasir's hands.

"Fanir's speed..." He went on and made a MASC Jump behind the immobile humanoid. With that he shoved both blades into it's back.

"And Mu'Klamal's fury..." finished the Temple Guard as he crossed the blades and then ripped them outward in a horizontal fashion aiming to tear the Humanoid in half.

"Ruh, forgive us for our ignorance, for we do not know."
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