Star Army

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RP [Banzai!!] Ep. 1 - Better, Faster, Stronger


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RP Date
6月 YE42
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The 2 months since the Third Battle of Nataria had been one of recovery for all for the Star Army of Yamatai. Though the members of the Giretsu Century of the 75th Legion or the crew of the YSS Yukikaze wouldn't have noticed it. Being handed a platoon of hand-picked infantry from the 75th Legion to bring them to full strength, Harris-Shoi spent the majority of those 2 months time training up Charlie platoon to be at least familiar with Giretsu standard.

When the G/75 as a whole was not training, the centurion was encouraging them to also interact and integrate with the crew members of their new home, the YSS Yukikaze. While it was the goal of the commander of Task Force 501 to have crewmembers have experience or familiarity with the ways of the Rikugun, that could not always be fulfilled for crew positions.

Now the time for recovery is over. Now is the time to Strike Fast and Strike Hard at the Kuvexian war machine. Banzai!!

YSS Yukikaze Deck 5 Volumetics Room

Suited up for deployment, the soldiers of the G/75 clustered around a volumetric display of the interior of the asteroid field. Three green blips, representing the Yukikaze and her two Chiki escorts, could be seen hiding behind a large planetoid of an asteroid and towards the center of the display, a much smaller cluster of asteroids can be seen highlighted in red. Though one stood out as not suited in a Mindy, but instead in a Type 42 hardsuit, their Centurion Mikael Harris.

"Alright, let's get this started!" Mikael said, standing to the front of them with his signature arm cross. "It seems the Kuvexians have not been paying their mercenaries since their attack on Nataria a few months back." he continues with a grin on his face. But it quickly disappeared.

"But their now unemployed minions are causing problems of their own. SAINT has tracked down one such group to this cluster of asteroids here. It is suspected that either they are using one of these asteroids as a base of operations or hiding their command vessel here." he says as the highlighted area starts to blink.

"This will be a Direct Action mission with one simple goal, to extract information from their computers. This is the only reason Shosa Sakurai has not simply blown a hole into their home base. Alpha platoon will take point and breach, while Bravo and Charlie will stage at these two areas in case additional firepower is needed inside or outside." Mikael continues, pinging a number of asteroids near the target area."

"You will depart and travel under your own power, with escort provided by the Yukikaze's PA detachment and fighters. So leave the space fighting to them and focus on breaching. They are suspected to be a century sized element, but it is unclear if they make use of power armor. It should be suspected that they do indeed do. Operation commences in 1 hour. Are there any questions?"
Hiroki Shibuya stood at attention in his Mindy 4. He wondered why the mercenaries continued to dwell around Yamataian space despite no longer having the funding of their Kuvexian paymasters. His gazed at the display that showed their objective. A snatch and grab. Go in, steal data off of their computers, and get out possibly with a huge explosion behind them. Due to the nature of the mission, Hiroki decided not to utilize too many explosives this time.

The Minkan's weaponry consisted of his power armor's built-in forearm pulse cannons, a Mk. II Light Armor Service Rifle, and a few incendiary grenades as an edge against opponents utilizing power armor. Hiroki was well aware that this operation would be taking place in the vacuum of space, so he mentally told himself to exercise caution when he throws his grenades. The last thing anyone wanted was for the computers holding the mission-critical data to be destroyed in a poor throw. Once asked by the Centurion if there were any questions from those who would be participating in the assault, Hiroki remained silent. He had all of the information he needed.
YSS Yukikaze Deck 5 Volumetics Room

Hijiki felt a bit like he walked into the wrong room, though there he stood as the chef in the mech. He was given the option to stay behind, though those in charge seemed to strongly encourage him to participate as a soldier. He'd received the training for it, so it wasn't unreasonable. Standing alone in the quiet kitchen didn't seem like a great alternative anyway. He'd just have to be first to hop out of his Mindy and rush to get dinner started when they returned.

He kept his Mindy's loadout standard, reasoning that someone with much more experience had put more thought into it than he could have at this point. He did make sure to stow away some granola bars though in case they got stuck out there for a while.
YSS Yukikaze Deck 5 Volumetics Room

Mikael looked around at his assembled Century. He could see the aggression their training had cultivated within them. But he was about to open his mouth when the other standout raised her hand. "Century sized element doesn't tell us a whole lot. What is their composition? What have they been doing before. Things like that." A Mindy with an aether katana holstered on her shoulder said. "You SAINT boys sure are slipping." The figure continued, challenging Mikael in a direct manner.

Mikael just turned his head slowly towards the figure. "Iwasaki-shoi, need I remind you that I am Rikugun first and SAINT second." He said just look straight at her, deciding to opt to not call out the ex-samurai's lack of tact directly. He just looked straight at her for a moment prompting her to silently look back at him. "But I share your concerns, that is why I will take a more personal approach in oversight on this one as there are no intelligence operatives attached." Mikael continued, not having the time for a duel of honor from her. He was about to continue on when klaxons and red lights began to flash in the room.

"Condition One, I repeat Condition One. G/75, It appears the Kuvexians mercenaries are aware of our presence and appear to have friends. Escorts are intercepting to draw them off. Prep for immediate deployment."

"Roger ma'am." Mikael said before donning his helmet. "Platoon leaders, they are all yours."

Hikiji receives a typical Mikael chibi text message shortly after. "You will be attached to Fire Team 4 with our demolition expert. Bring glory to the Empress."

Asteroid Field

The blast doors of the Yukikaze hissed open to expose the power armor bay to the hard vacuum. One by one the soldiers of the G/75 and their uchuugun escorts poured out like angry hornets. Despite the briefing about a fighter escort, none materialized leaving just the PA detachment with their expertise. The reason became soon apparent as they rounded the large asteroid providing them cover. Their target came into view, a half golden half asteroid construct one could guess was a mobile station with local material being added to it to look like an asteroid.

In the distance, Kuvexian and Yamataian fighters can be seen doing their dance of death as the pair of Chiki Destroyers fought with a Kuvexian gunship. One could be tempted to watch all of this as they burned their way towards their destination. But the Kuvexians had other plans as missile warnings alerted the swarm of incoming missile fire.
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Hiroki shot Iwasaki an unimpressed look when she gave her snarky comment. If he was in Mikael's position he would have given her a sharper retort, but he held his tongue. He was surprised though when Mikael mentioned that there were no intelligence operatives with them. Hiroki dwelled on this for time until the klaxons screamed and he drew in a breath. According to the announcer, the mercenaries knew and were now deploying their forces to take them out. It was time to begin.

He followed his platoon leader to the bay where they were soon exposed to the vacuum of space. The show has just started and Hiroki knew that it was going to be an exciting one. His thrusters allowed him to stay with the leader as they zipped around the ginormous asteroid to see their target.

"These Kuvexians sure love their gold," Hiroki thought in regards to the enemy base before he observed the opposing fighter squadrons duke it out in the distance. He wanted to watch the battle when missile warnings brought his focus back to the station. The missiles were many, but Hiroki was more enthusiastic than terrified. He darted to the sides and dropped and ascended, evading the missiles as they came and went. Hiroki twisted his body to the left and a missile breezed past, missing him by mere inches. That same missile found a different victim however, and a Yamataian Giretsu that mistimed her dodge was struck square in the torso and sent spiraling below into the unforgiving vastness of space.

Another member of Hiroki's platoon was unfortunate enough to catch a missile directly in his head and his life was cut short. Hiroki and his surviving platoon members kept a tight formation, but were spaced out enough to perform evasive maneuvers. They were closing in on their objective, and Hiroki readied his firearm as the platoon prepared to breach. A grin formed on his face from the adrenaline rush he was receiving with the speed he was traveling at and the base's feeble attempt to stop the attacking force. The second they reached the station, the group breached into a corridor and an unfortunate mercenary was sucked out into space where his lifeless body now drifted. On either side of them a set of blast doors were sealed as a sign that the mercenaries had taken the initiative in preparation for a breach.

As far as Hiroki's platoon was aware, these poor fools were only delaying the inevitable.
YSS Yukikaze Deck 5 Volumetrics Room

Hijiki looked on at the small squabble of his superiors. Initially, he felt a bit concerned that they might be fighting before a life-or-death situation, but it dawned on him just how relaxed they were. They didn't seem like the slacking type, so the only explanation was that much confidence. He did note the aether katana on Iwasaki-shoi's shoulder and wondered if she'd accept a practice match in the future. It would certainly end with him being bruised up, but a loss taught a lot about one's flaws.

The klaxons made him jump a little as the party started a little too early. "Fire Team 4, copy," Hijiki responded to Mikael's message before adding on a quick 'glory to the Empress' as well. He couldn't remember if he was supposed to respond back with that as the sudden adrenaline made him a tad anxious.

Asteroid Field

A golden asteroid..." Hijiki said to himself, watching various lights bounce off the surface and create a beautiful sight. The alarm of incoming missiles dragged him back to focus. Alright, just relax and don't lose concentration, he told himself as he accelerated towards the station. With quick bursts of his thrusters, he tried to make short, clean movements to dodge the missiles with the least wasted effort. He did feel a slight thrill from dodging the explosives, but he didn't let it distract his focus.

Once they were too close for the missiles, Hijiki formed up on his squad's leader and awaited next steps.
Asteroid Field

"Evasive formation." Mikael said as his keiko detected the missiles inbound. The tight formation of the swarm loosen up a bit. But a number of soldiers seemed to forget their training as a few members of Alpha platoon were killed either by freezing up or trying to act like fighter jocks. Corrective training was in order once they were revived later on.

"Missile batteries and point defense turrets identified. Feeding targeting coordinates to tactical network. Wipe them out." Mikael said, linking his Keiko's sensors to the rest of the swarm. His voice pattern defaulting to his SAINT operative background.

"Cover Charlie, Bravo platoon." X-shoi said on their platoon net. With Alpha having its own issues with personnel, Charlie platoon with consisted of top but not SAIC trained filler troops from the 75th Legion were really struggling. "Remember your training!!" samurai screamed over the comm frequency for the century as Charlie broke off in random directions to dodge.

Deploying their nodal bits and shoulder mounted aether SMG, the swarm came alive with aether point-defense fire. Cyan and teal streaks met a large number of missiles, exploding harmlessly in front of and within the swarm. Though the occasional missiles that got through were able to be evaded.

With the immediate danger of the missiles mitigated, the Uchuugun detachment and members of the Century with aether coherent rifles commenced their counter attack on the station defenses, adding to the display of beautiful destruction.

As each missile battery and point defense turret was destroyed, the Giretsu soldiers begun to focus more on the task at hand instead of simply surviving. Perhaps this is what the Giretsu Century of Legion 2 felt like as they got massacred in the Battle over Hanako's World a few of them thought. As the last remaining defenses were nullified as they streaked closer to their target, Mikael took note of his losses. 15 soldiers in total, mostly from Charlie. He still had a lot to learn.

Two red highlighted areas with generic sabers next to them appeared on everyone's Heads Up Display. What was interesting about them were they were away from the obvious bay doors to the side and "bow" of the station.

"Entry points have been identified. Aether sabers, prepare to cut and breech. Time to see who is home." Mikael said, a grin showing on his face as he and many others within the swarm switched to their blades and ignited their invisible aether shrouds.

Mercenary Asteroid Base Docking Port

A pair of aliens patrolled the interior of the base. The appearance of the sexy cats were only a matter of time to them. "So how many of them do you think the Stabaron is going to add to his collection?" One of the helmeted aliens spoke in Kuvexian.

"I don't know, but hopefully one of them tall red eyes ones I have seen in the news videos." The other responded back, he was about to say something before the conversation was cut short.

"Bridge to Patrol 26, what is your current situation?"

"Patrol 26, docking port locked and secur..." the return message was cut short as he began to hear a sizzling sound coming from the port. Before he could even respond, the door blew out and sucked the fellow right out before the emergency atmospheric shielding could kick into place. Alpha Platoon flooded in and gunned down the remaining stunned alien before he could ever react to what was going on.

"G/75, Yuki detachment assuming sentry positions. Good luck and good hunting."

Mercenary Base Interior

With Bravo and Charlie breaching on the other side, Alpha Platoon made their way further into the interior. Kuvexian signage indicated there was a large cargo bay in the direction they were going, a perfect place for an ambush. One of the soldiers threw a smoke grenade as a precaution as the 4 squads mounted in preparation to move.
The breach was a success, and Hiroki was ready to continue the mission with Alpha Platoon. He moved with them through the corridors, his eyes and ears alert for any sign of the enemy. Signs revealed that they were approaching a cargo bay. Hiroki held one hand against the trigger of his MK. II LASR and another on one of his incendiary grenades in case he spotted a group of mercenaries that were bunched together like a horde of dim-witted Rixxikor. He doubted that any computers would be in the cargo bay, but never the less he remained cautious as he stared at the deployed smoke, waiting to move with his platoon.
Mercenary Base Interior

Hijiki felt a bit surprised that he wasn't in a thousand pieces by now, but here they were in the hallways of the Kuvexians. The enemy didn't seem like they wanted to fight in cramped corridors, which made a lot of sense, so their squad managed to push ahead until they approached the cargo hold. Hijiki kept his gun level, watching the path they just came from as he waited for what would emerge from the smoke cloud in the cargo room behind him.
Mercenary Base Interior

The massive Keiko was the odd man out as Alpha's fire teams assembling together. Standing to the side of the T-intersection, Mikael directed two of his nodal bits to gather intelligence beyond the smoke screen. They didn't last long as they were promptly shot down and the intersection became filled with bolts of purple energy.

"Heavy weapon emplacement to the front, counted at least 20 well equipped infantry in combat suits to the right at 1 o'clock. Sensors are detecting aether signatures that could be power armor. Odd Fire teams flank left, Even to the right." Mikael said as the weapon fire continued, preparing his aether coherent rifle. "On my mark, flash bang.....mark!"

One of the soldiers of Fire Team 4 leaned downward to avoid the weapon fire and rolled flash grenade beyond the smoke. As it went off, he stepped forward into the disrupted fire and discharged his weapon, using saved telemetry from his destroyed bits to destroy the emplacement.

"Breech and clear!"

Mercenary Base Cargo Bay 4

Alpha Platoon bolted into action, engaging their photonic arrays to give them an edge as well as protection. A large 2 deck sized cargo bay greets them, with multi-colored shipping containers stacked in various locations. Some of them were rounded with flat bottoms and tops with Kuvexian writing on them. But a sizable number of them were of local designs. Cargo cranes can be seen above them, leading to an elevator in the floor to the far left side.

To the far side of the bay, a burning wreck can be seen with a number of Kuvexians scrambling to get away and put out the fire. Above them a number of infantry begun to fire wildly in the direction of the smoke screen, while to the right about 7 human shaped and sized infantrymen were struggling to overcome the effects of the flash grenade.

OOC: At least 20 identified targets. List out kills and remaining at the bottom of the post please.
Like his allies, Hiroki activated his photonics array, giving him a defensive shield against enemy fire, though a few enemy rounds managed to find purchase and deflected off of his armor. His focus was on the enemies above them, and he activated the incendiary grenade in his hand. He did not throw it immediately, and instead allowed it to cook for a couple seconds. When Hiroki felt that it was ready, he hurled it toward the hostiles on the upper floor. A mercenary in the middle of three raised his right hand from his rifle, intending to bat the grenade back to the hostile forces, but mere inches from his hand the grenade detonated, coating him and his two comrades in a deadly molten substance that melted through their armor and their flesh. Their cries of agony reached above the sound of the gunfire that were gradually silenced as their lives ended in the most painful way imaginable.

Hiroki spotted two hostiles peering out from behind a cargo container opening fire on his comrades. He trained the sights of his MK. II LASR on them and fired. One of them dropped her firearm as she was struck in the right arm and reeled back into cover. The other mercenary scowled at Hiroki and aimed his weapon at him, but Hiroki was faster on the trigger and several rounds punched into the enemy's torso were enough to floor him. One more round bore into the skull of the surviving mercenary as she was stepping out from behind cover to fire her sidearm with her functional left arm and did a near backflip as she flopped onto the cargo bay floor.

(5 dead. 15 remaining.)
Mercenary Base Cargo Bay 4

Even squad, so flanking right, Hijiki noted, banking in that direction while turning on the photonics array for protection. With Hiroki taking care of the second floor, Hijiki focused on those floundering blindly in the smoke to the right. With several short bursts from his rifle, he managed to knock three of them onto the ground before the enemy concentrated fire in his direction, forcing him to retreat momentarily. He waited briefly behind cover for those enemies to focus on something else before coming out again.

(8 dead, 12 remaining)
Mercenary Base Cargo Hold 4

The cacophony of gunfire continued within the cargo hold. The non power armored mercenaries desperately attempted to turn the tide on Alpha Platoon after seeing their comrades fall in the initial moments of the fire fight.

Alien screeching could be heard being spewed in the direction of Fire Team 4 and the direction of the incendiary grenade. Not able to gain a good sight picture of their foes, a fire team of 5 Kuvexians, unidentified aliens, and a female human with her helmet knocked off; hope and sprayed the area as another fire team of 5 mercenaries emerges from a side door on the far side of the cargo hold, moving to the left. Mikael highlights the door as their designation.

Fire Team 2 guns down 4 of the masked humanoids as they moved past Hijiki, ignoring the three he had knocked down to the floor. For their part, the three seem to be smart enough to play dead as they don't move, though one sneakily tries to aim their weapon towards the sound of their movement.

"Continue to push through! We don't want to be stuck in here." Homma-shoi's voice could be heard over the comms. The tone of the voice seemed more of anger than anything else.

"Use your photonic array to its fullest, they are able to fully see you." Mikael said to Hijiki as he used his forearm weapons to drill into a couple of mercenaries remaining at the top he hadn't previously seen with missile launchers aiming in the direction of weapons fire from the odd numbered fire teams. The Centurion relying on his superior armor to draw some focus from his soldiers.

OOC: 12+2 unknowns dead, 8 original players + 5 more contenders alive.
The gunfight raged on in the cargo bay with enemy reinforcements arriving to try to provide aid in their losing battle. Hiroki's eyes narrowed as he spotted a few Kuvexians, the aliens responsible for the invasion of Nataria. He could feel the whites of his eyes turn red as his desire for vengeance grew. Hiroki lifted his rifle toward the group and fired. A few projectiles struck the armor of one of them, but a fatal round ripped right through the throat of it and caused it to crumple forward in a dead heap.

Another Kuvexian was peering around a cargo container on the main floor of the cargo bay and firing its weapon, and Hiroki fired off several more hateful rounds its way. A few of them struck the container and left brief sparks from the ricochet, but a lucky one struck it in its side and it turned its attention toward Hiroki with a furious yell. A smile formed behind Hiroki's helmet as he stared through his weapon's optic at the wounded Kuvexian and fired, every bullet this time finding purchase in the being's torso and sending it to the floor dead. Hiroki's attention then turned to a mercenary who had just taken cover on the upper floor. Only his head was visible though, and one shot from his MK. II LASR followed by a splatter of blood later meant that that was one less threat that his allies had to worry about. As the fighting continued, Hiroki moved with his team.

(17 dead. 10 remaining.)
Mercenary Base Cargo Hold 4

"A-ah yes, roger!" Hijiki stumbled as his teammates rushed past him. He realized that he started the photonics array earlier, but in the heat of his first real battle, he forgot to set it up properly. He quickly jumped up and followed his comrades, fumbling with the settings while trying to keep pace.

I'd rather be in the kitchen right now, he complained to himself while jogging and scanning for targets. Noticing one mercenary's attention being drawn to Hiroki's rampage, the chef took the chance to fill up their stomach with lead before checking his photonics system again. I think it's working now...

(18 dead, 9 remaining)
Mercenary Base Cargo Hold 4

Several of the junior enlisted of Alpha Platoon made side remarks regarding Hijiki inexperience. Initially there was silence from the leadership as they advanced, but Mikael stepped in. "I'd advise you to keep your comments to yourself and focus on the task at hand." he said with a chilly tone. Normally he would let infantry be infantry, but he respected the cook's choice to volunteer to make use of his infantry training. He'd have to acclimate him and the other supports to infantry life.

He then focused his attention back to a group of mercenaries firing on Fire Team 4's position. The surviving four Kuvexian mercenaries that came in from the rear quickly took cover behind a red colored shipping container of Yamataian origin with worn out warning markings.

Meanwhile the raging mercenaries came to their senses when one of them witnessed one of their comrade's head in the upper level turn to mush. "That waz mush too accurate to be normal forces. Alert the commanda and fall back! You too initiates!" One of them spoken in heavy accented trade as they heard heavy mechanical footsteps coming his way.

(18 dead, 9 remaining)
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In the midst of the carnage of the cargo bay, Hiroki spotted the four Kuvexian mercenaries huddled behind a shipping container. What he found odd was that the container itself appeared to be from Yamatai, leading him to suspect that the inhabitants of this base could be engaging in piracy on passing vessels. Hiroki primed another incendiary grenade and hurled it toward the group of Kuvexians. There was a brief reaction of panic from the group as they tried to avoid the incoming fireball, however only two managed to escape the fiery blast radius that ensnared and began to melt the other two who were not as fast. The two eluders of death raced to find another piece of cover.

Hiroki's concentration on them was broken when a round zipped by inches from his head. His head switched to the source and saw a trio of mercenaries with their weapons trained on him and his team. Utilizing deadly accuracy that one could only gain from being a trained Giretsu, Hiroki fired his rifle in short, controlled bursts, turning the three foolish attackers into a fresh pile of corpses for Death to add to its endless collection of bodies. He had not forgotten about the two Kuvexians who were now firing in his direction, and although most of them missed, one round did manage to find purchase on his left leg, but it did not penetrate thanks to his armor. Hiroki glanced between Hijiki and Mikael to see how his comrades were doing as he continued to stick with his team.

(23 dead, 4 remaining)
Mercenary Base Cargo Hold 4

Hijiki sighed and tried to ignore the heckling. I'm an extra set of hands here who hasn't been able to train at their level. As long as I don't put a burden on the team, I'll be happy. He was a bit surprised when Mikael reprimanded the soldiers, though he assumed it was mostly to keep the soldiers from relaxing too much on the front lines. He gave Mikael a simple nod in acknowledgment as a small thanks.

I'm learning about what I'm lacking in, this is good, he reminded himself as he leveled his rifle towards the duo shooting at Hiroki and held his breath. With a few short bursts to the chest, the two assailants fell to the ground. He slowly let the air out of his lungs and looked to see what enemies were still around. Just take it slow, I don't want to overextend...

(25 dead, 2 remaining)
Mercenary Base Cargo Hold 4

The remaining 2 mercenaries exploded from 20mm HEAP rounds from coming from the 20mm shoulder mounted cannon of Homma-shoi. Where was not enough time for them to properly scream, their remains just simply making a thump on the ground. "Cargo Bay clear sir!" she said once she took a head count and surveyed the cargo bay with her sensors.

"Bravo, Charlie. Status report." Mikael responded as he walked over what remained of the human mercenary and knelled down to get a better look. He just cocked his head to the side as he examined and logged what he was seeing.

"Centurion, Bravo. Encountered heavy resistance from mercs as we breached. Have successfully punched through and sweeping this side of the base. A lot of messages in Trade and Yamataian here. Ito-hei, Ise-heisho, and Thomson-hei are down but alive. Moving Abe-hei to reinforce command element. Uchuugun detachment are holding down breech point."

"Centurion, Charlie. Encountered and eliminated mercenaries in glorious personal combat attempting to ambush us. No casualties. Uchuugun holding the line."

Mikael, hidden within his thought armor, instinctively cringed when he heard the samurai speak. "Gunsotsu..." he thought to himself. He then stood up and looked towards a control center at the upper floor. "Very well, continue to breach and clear. Continue the mission." he then switched to Alpha's channel. "Fire Team 4, remain. They rest of you, continue to breach and clear. Report anything noteworthy."

"Aye aye sir." Homma-shoi said as she moved with the remaining fire teams past the cargo bay. Weapons fire could be heard ringing out, indicating contact. Mikael looked over towards Fire Team.

"Tell me, what do you think was odd about this encounter?" Mikael asked the heisho and junior enlisted.
Hiroki let out a deep breath when the fighting in the cargo bay ended. He gazed at the obliterated victims from Homma-shoi's cannon for a moment before his attention shifted back to the Yamataian container and then to Mikael. Hiroki took in his allies' professional handiwork, but he knew that there was more work to be done on the station. When inquired by Mikael about what was unusual about the fight, Hiroki could not hide his surprised expression that was obscured by his helmet. He was unsure if the Mindys came with technology that allowed higher-ranking units to read the thoughts of the comrades that they led into battle.

Nevertheless, Hiroki pointed at the container and said, "That container over there appears to have originated in Yamatai based on its shape and size. I have a strong suspicion that the hostile elements of this base are engaging in piracy against unsuspecting vessels and stealing their cargo."

The sounds of battle beyond the cargo bay made Hiroki wish that he was with them.