Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Bastardpiece Theater [Bastardpiece Theater] Bastard Operations: Ghosts in the Snow

Despite the biting cold and heavy clothing, they could see the gang member stare, dumbstruck.

That is, before starting to glow a vivid red under the scarf covering his face. "What. The. F*ck!" he yelled at them all. "Oh no," the gang member started to shake his head. "No! F*ck no! Don't you tell me you complete shitheads messed up and put him in the trunk instead of burying him like you were supposed to!" Furious, he slammed the door shut behind him and marched over to the car. Wanting to see what was inside the trunk, the angry gangster made to completely shove Fian out of his way, uncaring if he fell or not.
Fian kept up the act with an incredulous shrug as he got shoved out of the gangster's way and line of sight, he wondered briefly how bad, performance wise, that this gangster thought of the five that was sent to do the job. He couldn't be more wrong about THIS five though. As soon as the gangster popped the tunk with his back to the Vel Steyr, Fian sprang into action, snapped the gangster's neck, bent down, flipped the gangster's feet into the trunk and then closed it again even before it had fully flipped open.

Fian thought it would have been harder to make the transition from killing external Nepleslian threats to internal ones, but he had a hot special place in his shell blasted heart for these gangsters that filled his childhood, they were his very first definition of bad guys.

He got back into the car, no point staying out in the cold longer than necessary. He looked around to see if anyone wanted a comment, and then said, nonchalantly "I always wanted to do that." On a tangential note, he wondered what was the passenger capacity of the Origin car they were on.
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In that moment, Dick didn't have to work on looking disappointed; but the cat was out of the bag, no matter what, now. If any one had seen that, this whole mission would be about to get a whole lot harder. The chemist opened his ears more and tried to grab glances around without looking like he was.

"Brilliant," he muttered in response to Vel Steyr's statement.
"Chill, bruh."

Kurt's icy and professional demeanor that had become expected by the group suddenly melted as he slowly got out of the car, almost lazily. Taking the time to stretch out and pop his back, to show that he had just come back from burying someone. Reaching down to flip the trunk of the car open, Kurt looked over his shoulder to see a sudden blur of movement, as the car suddenly sunk lower to accommodate the lifeless corpse of the gang member that Fian had disposed of.

Staring at Fian with a blank expression the entire time he made his way into the car, Kurt took a cigarette out of his back pocket and lit it up, smoking it up to the filter in a moment of frustration. Now the plan to semi-quietly infiltrate the organization was thrown out. There would be an immediate questioning of why the five of them had entered without the gangster that just walked outside. Finished with it now, he poked his head into the car.

Staring at Fian, Kurt looked at the rest of them.

"Weapons free. Get in quick, and get out." He said, words dripping with a strange mixture of calmness and profound annoyance. At that, he was off.

Making his way to the main door of the safe house with his right hand holding onto the pistol concealed in his jacket pocket, Kurt turned the doorknob with his left and opened the door...only to find that the door guard that was supposed to be stationed there was now crumpled inside of the group's car. Now walking to the rear of the house in a semi-stride, Kurt could make out several heads inside of a living room filled with alcohol and drugs turn towards him in a rather slow manner; indicative that these particular gangsters had been indulging while on duty and would be rather slow to react to someone that they were expecting to arrive after dealing with a snitch.

Reaching one last door leading to a back room, Kurt was met by a bald, tattooed man lounging in a rather worn executive chair, flanked by a rather rough-looking woman with one half of her head shaved off and the other side braided in a long black pony tail. Pausing to close the door behind him and staring at what appeared to be the bald leader of the gang, Kurt leaned against a rather heavy bookshelf placed to the left of the door.

After a few seconds, the bald gang leader's disposition went from confused to more friendly, thinking Kurt to be the leader of the "disposal squad" that was to take care of the snitch. "Ramon!" the tattooed man nodded at him, standing up from his chair and putting a gun he was concealing under his office table onto the table. Walking up to Kurt, the gang leader embraced him, and whispered into his ear "You gave them their informant, right? Are those spooks going to get off our fucking backs?" The man stepped back, patting him on the shoulder and motioning towards a safe door built into the rear wall of the office. "We can't let those fuckers distract us while we're holding precious cargo!"

At that, Kurt placed a hand on the man's shoulder and smiled through his mask, then reached down to grab his belt line.

Pulling the gang leader towards him as if to embrace him, Kurt pulled out his pistol. and emptied four rounds from his Styrling Silver into the bald man's chest from close range, firing as quickly as possible. Holding onto him as a human shield, Kurt aimed his handgun over the man's shoulder started moving sideways in a circle to the non-dominant side of the gang leader's bodyguard, firing at her midsection while keeping her former boss and the body armor he was wearing under his clothes between himself and her retaliatory fire.
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As Kurt brought the pistol to bear on the third and last person, the man and his meatshield were both knocked clean off their feet as a shotgun boomed! As tatters of clothing and flesh flew, the last gangster in the room with them rapidly backpedaled out of the decrepit greeting room, racking the slide and firing off another shell. Poorly aimed on the move, he only managed to force the others down as he desperately tried to find cover and flee down the hallway to the right!

But behind him already, a pair of voices in the hallway and a room further down were already starting to shout in panic! Adding to that, was another sqawking in their ears, "Two hallways! One left, one right - several rooms each! The building's a U-Shape with a big meeting room in back!" the Delsaurian quickly chattered
Kira shook her head, covered by theb lack balaclava. Her face was rather warm, which was nice. She was not sure why the pretty man killed everyone, but hey at least it was a start. Opening the door and exiting the car, she followed Kurt inside the building. She moved the shotgun behind her back so it would not be seen from the front. As Kurt walked through the living room with the drugged and drunk gangsters, Kira stayed back. She leaned againt the wall next to the doorway. Her eyes scanning the the bunch of drunk man, giving them a nod.

Kurt left the room and closed the door behind himself and Kira waited. She hoped the men were too drunk to ask why she still had her face covered, but luckily Kurt did not give them much time to wonder. Kira could head four distinctive bangs, made by a .45 caliber pistol. At first she looked towards the door, faking a surpise, but her hand was already moving behind her back, while the other one was reaching for two of the shells in pocket of her jacket.

Kira drew her Nepleslian TV Remote, putting the safety off and cocking both barrles. She aimed it roughly at the group and fired. Double-bang of the shotgun was deafening, but Kira did not wait to check if she actually hit the guys or not as she already moved out of the door into cover, breaking the shotgun and reloading it.
Dex followed Kira through the door with his Styrling Silver drawn while he slipped past her as she emptied the two barrels of the shotgun through the doorway. The screech of new information in his ear was enough for his as he took the right. "Moving right!" called the man as he stopped at the corner before turning it with his pistol drawn ready to put a couple .45 caliber slugs into anyone that was curious enough to poke their heads out of the doorways in the hall.
Fian was lightly disappointed at himself that his attempt personal initiative was not warmly received. It seemed so natural at the time, it had already been decided on the outset to eliminate everyone inside and the Vel Steyr was taking the tactical opportunity presented to get rid of one but this has appeared to mess up the larger strategic picture.

He uttered a defeated sigh as the rest of the guys exited the vehicle. He waited a moment until shots were heard then he retrieved the incriminating body from the trunk, dumped it in the first room along with the rest, took out both Styrling Darts and backtracked closely behind Dex as the latter made his way down one of the hallways. “Got your back.”
Hearing the shots, Dick carefully made his way to the door after Vel Steyr went in, pulled his .45 and took the safety off. I suppose it eliminates the cleanup on exit part of the plan, he thought to himself with a sigh. The chemist then took a peek inside with his pistol taking a shot at the first gangster to show up in his sights.
In an instant, the gangster with the shotgun was riddled with holes as he tried to retreat.

They appeared everywhere, his body jerking with each impact as the doorway he was backpedaling through splintered from the stray shots - when Kira's own shotgun boomed, the wide spread finally put the ragged, tattered body down. It was then that Kira, Dex, Fian and Dick started moving up, passing through the doorway and into the right side hallway in that rough order that, the walls were simply torn apart! A machine gun sliced through the rooms, sweeping from left to right as the person - three rooms down the hall - tried to cut them all down at the narrow hallway like leafs of grass. A round smashed through Kira's shotgun as she ducked, entering her right bicep and exiting, just only nicking the bone while another one took a piece of her left ear. Though both Dex and Fian were sprayed with specks of the redhead's blood and flesh, one of the same rounds that hit Kira passed through Fian's right thigh, topping him back into Dick and bringing the both of them down to the ground.

"Someone back off and flank around - take the left hallway and loop around to hit him already! Don't bunch up like beans in a barrel!" Nacon shouted into their ears.

Fian simply dropped when the appendage supporting the whole right side of his weight decided to take emergency medical leave. Sure he had worse before during his career as a PA pilot, but a half-ton suit had two cool things called a vitals monitor and an automatic drug applicator. For a brief moment the fucking pain made him feel alive, and then all the moments after that was just fucking pain, he didnt even notice that Dick broke part of his fall, or that he had pieces of Kira on him.

Some survival instincts kicked in three seconds later, he resisted the urge to yell out more expletives that would have drawn more MG fire towards his direction. He stayed down whimpering and cradled his thigh while bullets flew overhead, this had to do for now while he was coming back to his senses.
Dick growled as he pulled himself out from under Fian, though worked to stay down below the sweeping metal spray. The second he used to gather his thoughts felt like an eternity; but he soon started looking around to see if there were any side ways to get behind Mr. Machinegun.
Dropping underneath the heavy fire from the MG while Fian's yell caused him to turn and see both Kira and Fian were hit. Instinct took over as he quickly assessed the situation, verifying the most critical. Even without the aid of his cybernetic eyes, he could see that the wound to Fian's thigh was the most serious due to the possibility of the femoral artery bleeding out. Glancing up at Dick, he pointed down the left hallway. "Flank the fucker! I've got these two." ordered Dex as his military training took over. He was running on auto pilot now. Turning his gaze to Kira he did a quick observation of the wound to her arm. "Can you still use a gun? Cover me."

Pulling his aid kit from his pocket, the marine medic dug one of the pressure bandages with the embedded coagulant while he wrapped it around Fian's leg. "Sorry, mate. No painkillers." spoke the man while he attempted to get the man's mind off the leg. "I would of bought you dinner first. But I've never been one for foreplay." added Dex with the attempt at humor.
"Fuck!" Kurt rolled the dead man off of him and stood up. Stumbling over to the table to grab the now deceased boss's pistol in his left hand, Kurt jammed the rear sight of the newly acquired pistol into the edge of the desk and pushed forward, racking the slide of his other pistol in his left hand. There were horrible shooting pains in his midsection where his armor and meatshield had managed to stop the shot from passing directly through him, causing him to slump over a little bit.

"Stay low! Keep an eye out for any flankers!" Kurt yelled into the mic. Momentarily putting his second pistol into his coat pocket, he opened the door to the left hallway, where the sound of the muzzle report was the strongest. Inching his way down the hallway while using the sound of the machine gun's report to zero in on the location, he stopped at a room where he could slightly feel the concussive blasts coming from a heavy weapon being discharged.

Grabbing his second pistol in his other hand, Kurt squared up against the door and kicked it near its door knob, putting his weight into it and aiming to kick 'through' the door in order to break the small bit of metal keeping the door closed. As it opened, Kurt raised both pistols and fired into the profile of a person, first aiming to empty the pistol in his dominant right hand, then immediately bringing up the pistol in his left hand to empty its magazine, intending to bring the maximum amount of firepower into the gunman's backside, trying to keep his entire body 'tight' to essentially stabilize himself and become a turret.
"Kurva!" Kira stated surprisingly calmly as her shotgun exploded in to shatters of metal and same bullet flew through her arm and fraction of later through Fian's leg. What a lucky shot. Lucky was also fact that the shotgun was not loaded yet, otherwise it could have been a lot uglier than it was now. Kira fell to ground and gritted her teeth with pain. Her right arm was rather limp, the hole in the biceps was bleeding, but that had to wait. Kira force herself to grab her belt with her right hand, to keep the arm stable.

Then she drew her Silver Special with her left. That was bad, she could not shoot with her left hand much at all. But still it was better then being unarmed. "I can shoot," Kira said to Dex. "Just not very well. And don't mind me, you can fix my arm later. We need to finish up here." She said while she covered the ex-marine busy with fixing Fian's leg.
They lucked out.

Arteries missed, the bleeding only looked and hurt worse than it actually was on the both of them. Dex's efforts cut that bleeding down for Fian, and though Dick couldn't get a clear line of sight at all - the enemy was shooting straight through the walls blind - the sheer pain that Fian and Kira felt had gotten their hearts pounding! Adrenalin was soon pumping through their veins, giving each a small second wind, and just in time. Fian's earlier scream of pain was just enough to attract the machine gunner's attention. The walls were cut apart, a door being shot open to their right to reveal a few knocked down walls, before a ragged slash of lead hail sawed downwards toward the bleeding Vel Steyer!

Simultaneously, Kurt had taken the left hallway, and ears perked from the tension, realized the gunfire was far louder through one of the doors. Bursting through, his aim flew to the first human being he saw and opened fire - into another woman who was in mid-stride towards him, making her way to the door herself! The look of shock and horror on her face passed as quickly as the pistol in his hand cycled, the gangster finishing her last step before simply falling face first onto the dirty floor in a puddle.

The gun stopped. Just short of Fian.

But only for a moment as a single "SHIT!" punctuated the air - books and screens atop the rows of office tables shredded and swept aside as the fire shifted towards Kurt, as the man, now visible to him, brought the gun around like a devilish paintbrush.
Dick nodded at Dex' direction and started to crawl down the left hall way with his elbows and lower legs in hopes to keep his gun up and ready to fill lead prescriptions that may surprise him. As he went he would stop at each door first, waiting for the right moment to open it and start firing.
With nothing but thin walls to provide cover, which the heavy weapon had proven itself capable of tearing through, Kurt decided to end the threat as quickly as possible, rather than retreat and let the rest of his squad come under the same fire. Squaring himself up to the threat to bring the full protective ability of his body armor to bear, Kurt brought his right pistol up in a normal stance, and brought his left pistol up sideways, just slightly above his right pistol to keep his fire in the same general direction.

Keeping on the sides of his feet so as to mitigate his steps throwing his aim off and tensing up his upper body to maintain a stable firing platform, Kurt moved sideways to the wall semi-dividing the room, accurately firing his right pistol straight into the midsection of the gangster while simultaneously firing his left pistol as quickly as possible, knowing that the recoil of his sideways gun would sweep the room horizontally.

Kurt would shout into his headpiece "FIRE THROUGH THE FUCKING WALLS"
"I'm a little busy!" yelled Dex into the headset while he quickly finished tying off the bandage around Fian's leg. "Don't move." ordered the medic while he watched the fire shift from those in the hallway to what he could assume was Kurt. "Stay down. Both of you." was all he said before picking one of the holes in the wall to zero in on the MG gunner and opened up with his Styrling Silver. Firing off an entire clip, he dropped the empty and reloaded quickly before firing a few more rounds. He dropped back to the ground before making his way to Kira. He only hoped some of the rounds hit the enemy or at least got him to drop his head so Kurt could finish him.

He did a quick up close check of the woman's arm before nodding quickly. "I'll get you patched up when things calm down. It's gonna need stitches." commented the former marine while he wrapped a coagulant bandage around the arm.
Dick thought better of yelling out that he was working on being helpful and tried to look around him at where the bullet holes were. Once he had enough worked out on both sides of the hallway he was in, the pharmacist tried to use them as reference points to work out the trajectories, hoping that would giving him a point to fire at. Should he manage to work out a decent point for a target, the academic would sit back, aim slightly above that direction, and start firing.
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