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RP Belmont Resort on Gashmere: Belmont Lac de Cratère

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🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.7
RP Location
Belmont Lac de Cratère

A mass invite had been sent to all of those within the borders of Yamatai Star Empire. This was for the grand opening of the newest addition to the ever growing clan of the Belmonts. After the battle of Gashmere a new large crater had been formed on the planet surface. After many month and efforts by the Belmont Foundation for Better Tomorrow a small part of the area had been rejuvenated. The initial town for the workers had quickly turned into an attraction spot for people. As such it was decided to turn this landing zone into a new attraction. This would be a one stop shop resort for all walks of life. This would be the grand opening for Belmont Lac de Cratère, resort on the lake of Gashmere.

Alastair walked down the long catwalk out of the shuttle. The beaming light from the sun blinded him for but a moment. The sound of birds chirping filled the air. This was his first time back on solid ground after a long running mission. He was glad his first stop could be the newly opened resort. He walked through the large archway leading into the park. He paused for a moment and headed towards one wall of the archway. On it was a large bronze plaque. He ran his hand across the top of it, his glove was now covered with dirt. "I see the staff still have some work to do." He said with a grin as he continued on. Those who stopped to take a closer look would see the following. Dedicated to those who sacrificed it all in the name of Freedom, Captain Alastair Belmont.
Through the grand archway and flanked on both sides stood a large castle structure. It looked like something one might find in a fairytale story. There were places for entertainment, food around every corner and even a few places for the adults to get away. This all led towards the central keep where the one would find lodging. High into the sky reached a 50 story hotel and resort. Part way up one could see large pools extending from the body of the hotel. Everything was in view for the pools were completely made of glass. This caused the ground below to shimmer and shine from the sun rays passing through.

Alastair made his way towards the large iron doors that stood guard over the entrance to the hotel. He walked up on stage and looked out among the crowd. Far more than he had expected to show up were standing before him. This was a reminder that through the hardship, these were the moments worth fighting for. "Thank you all for coming." He spoke into the microphone. The crowd calmed and only silence filled the air. "Thank you all for being here for this grand opening. First, I lift my hand in salute to those who are not with us today but made this resort possible. Through the quick actions of Star Army, it was made possible for Lac de Cratère to become a reality." He paused for a moment, letting the peace and calm ring out throughout the area. "Now, let us enjoy all that we have worked so hard for. Please, join me in a day of fun, laughter and most importantly, life." Alastair then walked over to the iron doors, with a bottle in hand. With a powerful throw the bottle leapt from his hand and smashed into the door. The sounds of horns and music filled the air. Divers from the pools above jumped over the sides, colorful streamers followed behind. The doors flung open and Alastair walked through them, with a horde of guests behind him.
Belmont Lac de Cratère


The aqua blue-haired norian stepped out of the shuttle singing silent praises to the sunscreen Lo'ken had developed. Though her dark purple gown trimmed with black and gold design covered most of her form, anything exposed would have been vulnerable. She had come to the event in an off duty status, which is why she was in civilian clothing versus the Maejaes Vyrdi she usually wore to event that she was on duty for. As part of her job she had familiarized herself with the events that occurred, should the occasion where such knowledge would be useful. In addition to going over the history Lynira had taken the time to study the Kodian language, to put forth good representation of her people if she should need to hold conversation with any Kodians present.

Void-like orbs flicked up when she heard the sound of birds chirping, watching as they flew about in the sky. This was certainly a pleasant change of scenery after the bustling activity involved with moving from Saleloria to the palace in the City of Asarthotar. Softly her steps padded down the path leading to the park making her way towards the large archway. As she crossed underneath she stopped to read the plaque. After reading the dedication to those who sacrificed in the name of freedom she continued her journey towards the castle structure. Seeing as she was here in an off duty capacity she was free to partake in the festivities of remembrance as long as she did so in a dignified manner. Scents of the food offerings available wafted past her nose as she made her way towards the hotel with the awfully shiny pools. Perhaps later she would partake of the pools, though food would likely come first.

Once entering the hotel she quietly made her way towards the foremost rows of the crowd gathered by the stage. Her ears twitched with intense focus as Alastair spoke of thanks for those in attendance. As he moved towards the iron doors she followed suit with others, walking behind him. A soft gasp of surprise left her lips surely masked by the music that happened after the bottle smashed into the door. "Well that is certainly not a safety hazard." she thought. As the horde that gathered made their way out the doors she carefully stepped around any present remnants of the smashed bottle. Not wanting to cross the line of those gathered she stopped just to the left of Alastair, waiting for others to begin dispersing.
Belmont Lac de Cratère

"Wonderful sight to behold. Friends and family alike all gathered for a wonderful time." He said aloud as the Lynira approached and stood near him. He looked at the Norian with a curious look, thinking that he might had seen her before. None the less much time had passed so could not put a name to the face in the moment. "Welcome, glad to see more Norian could make the grand opening. Please, make yourself at home." He said with a smile as he bowed towards her. "As you may have heard, I am Alastair, pleasure. Who might you be?" He asked tipping his head to one side in a curious fashion.

As those two spoke to each other the crowd pushed into the castle proper and mostly vanished. Given this location could house at least 15,000 people made the rather large gathering seem small in comparison. All manner of folks had made it to the event. From the Kodians, to Nepleslian and even the Elysian had made the trip. Alastair was pleased so many came to see the work being done to help rebuild. With the new war coming into full swing, this might be the last time many have a moment of peace before being consumed by war once more.
Belmont Lac de Cratère


Indeed, it is a sight most magnificent." Lynira said with a polite nod in response to Alastair. "Though I cannot presume to know that everyone here has friends or family. Perhaps some are here of their own accord, to render honor to the occasion." she added, her gaze floating over the crowd when he looked at her. When he addressed her again she turned to face him, "Thank you for the invitation, it was very kind of you to extend such to the whole of Yamatai." she smiled just a bit at the mention of home. It was definetly hard for a Norian to make one self at home in the sunshine filled atmosphere, the sunscreen certainly helped. The contacts that helped protect her eyes from the glaring light certainly made things almost functional. It was remarkable the things that got done in the lab these days. "I am certain more Norians are mingled amongst the crowd, though not any I might know." she added in response to his earlier statement.

Her eyes widened at seeing him bow to her, it made her mind wander a bit. Lynira did likewise, bowing slightly towards Alastair. "The invitation gave it away I am afraid, I am Lynira." she said observing his curiosity in kind. She was nudged a bit closer by the passing crowds, as soon as they passed she took a step back her ears twitching just a touch. "My apologies, perhaps we should move from this particular spot, if you want that is?" she tilted her head curiously taking in the variety of those in attendance as she awaited his response.


Keiko emerged from the crowds to make her way over to the nearest place to sit in the shadows, out of sight of the entrance where the ceremony had occurred. It seems that a piece of the smashed bottle had made its home in her foot and the pain was agonizing. "This is what I get for leaving the lab," she chuckled to herself as she plucked the small shard from her foot with a sharp gasp. As the cheerful Norian looked around at all the manner of folk present she smiled. This minor wound was certainly worth the opportunity to mingle amongst Kodians, Nepleslian, Elysian and more. Perhaps she might even make a friend out of it, though she would certainly be a little more careful about where she was walking.
Belmont Lac de Cratère

"My pleasure to have you here. It is good meet new people and hopefully make some new friends." He said in reply to her. After a few moment of talking he could sense the outside sun might be a little much for the Norian. He could get the hint this location was a little too close for comfort and a little shade would do some good. "Please, let us find a more comfortable place to chat and get to know each other. At least enough to not be strangers." A big smile crossed his face as he motioned for them to head over towards a small outside cafe. It has a large sun shade overhead and would at least be out of the sun. The crowd also seemed to thin greatly in this area as many were being pulled towards the hotel proper. The cafe was a simple place, called Dip and Sip. "And I must say that Lynira is an elegant name. Very nice indeed." He commented as he ordered himself an iced coffee and donut. "So what is your line of work?" He asked before taking a sip of his coffee


He had returned from his grand adventure with Saint but a few weeks prior. He got word the Belmonts had setup another outpost and would be having an open house. He had not been formally invited but figured it would not hurt to drop in. He was playing the role of secret spy and sticking to the shadows while he made his way towards the castle. This was completely unneeded for he'd have permission but none the less wanted to have a little fun. As he leaned from around a tree he noticed a Norian off by herself. More to the point she seemed to be taking care of a wound she had. Miko then made some noise as to not startle the young lady. "Um, excuse me. You seem to be hurt, do you require aid?" He asked with a smile as he came around the tree. "I am no doctor but I have some first aid training." He claimed as he kneeled down in front of her. "Oh and excuse my manners. I am Mikodimus. Pleasure." He said with a nod. He then pulled out a handkerchief and offered it to her. "Bet you didn't think you'd come here and need a possible piggyback ride around huh." He chuckled knowing this was not that serious of a wound but wanted to break the ice.
Belmont Lac de Cratère


Lynira offered a genuine smile in response to Alastair's kind conversation. "It is always good to make new friends! I do enjoy getting to know the people here. Earlier this year I attended a fabulous Separa'Shan Expo. Everyone there was so welcoming and taught me so much about their culture." His offer of shade was welcome and she followed him to the cafe, relishing in the new found shade. It was pleasant to be away from the crowd that had nearly knocked her into him. "Thank you," she responded to her companion with a smile. It was now her turn to place an order for an iced tea and a simple glazed donut. On the journey over she had not realized how starving she was.

The donut was quite delicious, a slight twitch of her ears gave away her satisfaction. After swallowing she met his gaze with her void-like orbs curiously analyzing him as she processed what he asked. She took a short tip of her tasty iced tea, licking her lips innocently to remove a drip of the beverage. "The line of politics." she smiled a bit eyeing him more intrigued. "Is this the first question you ask all your new acquaintances?" she took another sip of her tea with a smirk. "Captain, if you are willing, I would love to learn more about the Belmont Foundation for Better Tomorrow?" she asked beckoning him to a nearby seating area so they were not just standing there awkwardly.


Keiko's ears twitched a touch drawing her attention to the noise.
"Oh hi!" she responded cheerfully. "I might, seems a piece of that bottle decided to get my foot a little nip." she kept pressure on the cut with one hand while beckoning him closer with the other. Her eyes lit up when he knelt in front of her. "Well better have a trained eye take a look at it, if its not too much trouble?" she inquired hopefully taking her hand off the booboo, accepting the handkerchief with the hand that had not been keeping pressure. "You are a gem Mikodimus, thank you. My name is Keiko" she said wiping the blood off to reveal a little cut and cleaning her hand. "Well that's embarassing now isn't it. Its so tiny." a soft chuckle emitted from her lips as she looked down at her injured foot then back to the man in front of her. "That would just place me even further in your debt, given that I have ruined your handkerchief." she stated displaying it in front of him carefully. "Though I am not about to turn such a tempting offer down. I gather this dress brushing on it could be irritating. Shall we find out?" she inquired lightly draping her dark summery dress back over her leg, holding one hand out to him. "Mind helping a grievously wounded damsel in distress to stand?" she asked barely holding back a chuckle.
Aliset appeared at Alastair's elbow, itching at the stuffy dress uniform she wore. "Sir. Permission to change? This uniform's a bit, ah. Formal for my taste."

Her silver skin was only mildly marred by some blackening spatter across her cheek, a run-in with medical iodine a few days prior, but still the far healthier form post ST. She cocked an eyebrow at the Captain before offering a soft bow to Lynria. "My apologies for the intrusion, ma'am. I find myself sharing your curiosity. I don't know much about my commander's family. I'm sure his next words will be enlightening for both of us.
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After: RP Concluded - [Open] Aether Fireplaces Still Burn, RP Concluded - [JP] Aether Fireplaces Still Burn II , and Unpleasant News for the Sol'Aestaesys

Belmont Lac de Cratère

A Change of Plans

katara_eitan_andrew_midjourney2023.pngA dispute arose following a security breach that impacted the communication protocols of the U.N.N Narsho. Tetsuya and Cheol held differing opinions on addressing the issue, creating tension between the United Norian Imperium and the Yamataian State of Tsenlan. Cheol's approach of personally resolving the matter gained slight favor over Tetsuya's more secretive strategy. A compromise was reached; they decided to bring in a Yamatai expert, albeit not an official one. As the U.N.N. Narsho descended through the atmosphere, its specialized shielding and advanced inertial systems, initially designed for Transuniversal travel, proved beneficial. Its graviton-based atmospheric engine took charge as the sunlight engines ceased operation, maneuvering smoothly over a crater and rounding a towering, castle-like hotel. The eerie silence aboard was noticeable as its shadow cast over the resort below, heading towards the landing zone. Cheol had reservations about arriving together, but both he and Aelya were already on board. Aelya wasn't informed of the change in plans until it became glaringly apparent.

As they landed, the port lateral Krysis recovery bay was open, with a blue field preserving the atmosphere while also filtering out dirt and dust as the cruiser touched down. Their compromise had manifested in a way none had anticipated. The rhythmic tapping of footsteps resonated behind the two Norian leaders standing side by side. Katara then emerged between them into the bay. The Tsenlanese 'Queen' had her own narrative, which surprisingly had garnered less controversy than expected. As she moved, her white shawl swept across the faces of the awaiting Aestaesys and Sol'Aestaesys. Once it passed, it revealed the mint-green haired Norian's attire—a bathing suit matching her hair color almost perfectly, complemented by translucent wraps adorned with golden embellishments hanging from her waist. Her sandals graced the floor gracefully, almost balletic, as she performed a slight spin before them. A smile unfurled on her lips as she halted, facing them again. With her right hand across her chest, she offered a firm Norian salute. The soft greens of her attire contrasted beautifully with the white shawl now loosely draped around her neck. She whispered,
"I aum ruaukw. Chaunju if phlauns, kuaur Aulwau, I woll lu shu inu si auccimphaunw wie si shos muusonj." ("I am ready. Change of plans, dear Aelya, I will be the one to accompany you to this meeting.")

The two Aestaesys remained quiet as Katara revealed their compromise. Cheol of course was not privy as to what her plans were after these events were over. A private note had been tucked away at the right time, and it would be delivered - handwritten and devoid of a paper trail. Like the brilliant sparkle that hung from her neck on a chain didn't say enough. Katara's only response to the earlier briefing had simply been 'Mr. Belmont appears to be a very persistent individual.' "Are we ready?" she asked. She too was testing the new sunscreen from the Lo'ken Institute, hers had this distinctive smell of tropical fruit.

Uaeso remained on the bridge, he felt more like a taxi driver now with Tetsuya on board. They still had mail to deliver to the Iron Company, and apparently, some other stops before they would head out, the Tsenlan representatives would need to be dropped at their home or back at Yamatai.
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Belmont Lac de Cratère


Aelya stood in the bay across from the two Norian leaders in a dark purple bikini with matching ethereal wraps. The only reason she had not worn something a little more than that is she was under the assumption that Cheol would be going with her. Though she knew he liked her, Aelya's line of thinking rather lined up with Tetsuya's on this matter though she was not aware of it at the time. She had resolved herself in the small comfort that settling this with Cheol meant the likelihood of her being able to control herself was higher. That very brutally flew right out the window as Katara emerged from between Tetsuya and Cheol. A stone-like composure washed over her countenance as she watched the pleasantries between Katara and the two leaders unfold. Of course they had to send one of her brother's women instead of one of either of them standing by her. Why did she even dare to think that for once in that either one of them would actually stand by her?

Surely there had to be some sort of political gain in this scenario that all parties involved thought she would buck against. It was not bad enough that Cheol had ordered her to be here. Well, at least her brother had accompanied her on the journey over. Aelya knew that Tetsuya loved her dearly, but she was utterly confused with Cheol's intentions right now. She had a thought that it was more for the people of Tsenlan than her, as it should be. It did not make things sting any less. "As wie wosh."//"As you wish." she said in a pleasant tone. The only note of her feelings on this change of plans was the utter lack of vesper communication with either Tetsuya or Cheol. "I filliw wier luauk."//I follow your lead." she responded warmly to Katara. Though her feelings were quite the opposite of warm on the matter. Before departing she offered a sharp salute to both leaders.
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Belmont Lac de Cratère


Alastair looked to Lynira with a smile as he took a seat. "No, I tend to ask name, rank and what business do you have in my quarters." He said with a chuckle. "The crew is always seeking me out for orders so find myself constant in their care. Though this is far better than what it could be." He then took another sip of his drink. "I got a very nice Separa'Shan on my ship. At least when she isn't trying to knife me in the back but I promise this is only out of respect." He took a moment to take in the sights before he continued talking with her. "The Belmont Foundation for Better Tomorrow was born out of a need to bring aid to areas torn by war. Which is no small feat when everyone seems to want to pick a fight with Yamatai. Even now the Mishhu are causing a mess of things once more." He slowly closed his hand into a fist. It was clear he was most upset about this news.

He then took notice of another near him and it was none other than Aliset. He looked her over and was impressed she was wearing a very formal outfit. He could tell this was very form fitting due to the extra gear packed under the outfit. "Yes, you are welcome to change your outfit." He said with a glowing smile. In that moment a large ship passed overhead. He looked up to see who was casting a long shadow over his party. Once the ship came about he could see U.N.N. Narsho on the side of it. "And it looks like we will need to talk and walk. Some guests are coming in for a landing." He said as he stood.

Alastair started to make his way over to the star port to greet his new guests. He was hoping that Aelya would be aboard this ship as he looked forward to seeing her again. "My family is just like many others, just trying to make it through the day. Honestly can feel boring. So events like this is a nice break away from the normal day to day grind." He said with the brightest of smile. It would not take them long to reach the port as it was located just outside the main gate which they had just entered.


Mikodimus got comfortable sitting in front of Keiko. He took her foot into his hand and gave it a once over. "Yep, its a foot." A small chuckle left his lips. He took a moment more to look it over once she had wiped away the blood. "Ah, tis but a scratch but never hurts to be careful." A big smile then crossed his face. "Well I have been told I am a diamond in the rough so you got me tagged quickly." He said getting back up on his feet. "Nice to meet you Keiko. And please, this is no bother at all and owe me nothing." He then reached his hand out to help her get back on her feet. He tilted his head to one side as he looked her over from head to toe. "Yeah, I get what you mean." He then paused, turned around and lowered himself towards the ground. "All aboard Miko express." He called out as he helped her up and onto his back. He wore a tight fitting shirt so it was no mystery that Miko looked strong. Being on his back she'd feel his firm form under his shirt. It took little effort to lift her up. "Lets go find some shade and a quick bite to eat." He said calling out to her. He wasted no time to get moving, her form lightly bounce under his firm hands as they moved along.
Aliset looked up as the sun shaded for a few moments, immediately recognizing the hull sillhouette as her brows furrowed. "More Norians. Wonder who's important enough to send a cruiser... Probably some silly noble trying to show off."

She gave a soft sigh, itching at her shoulder as she turned to follow. "With all possible due respect, do you really want to meet these guests in person? Interrupting your own conversation for some distraction no matter who may be seen as disrespectful to such as your partner. Especially by a member of the hosting family. And your 'nice Separa'Shan is Taii Sanssinia. Second Mishhu war hero, Order of the Blazing Sun, and my fiance."
Belmont Lac de Cratère


Lynira plopped next to Albeit a respectable distance away letting out a small chuckle. "Well I have no business in your quarters I'm afraid, though you are the utmost gentleman I am sure." Keeping her eyes on him she took another sip of her tea while she listened to him speak. "Do you not have a clerk assigned to you? I would think that kind of thing standard." she said moving to polish off her donut while he spoke again. "Ah I see, I had one formal encounter and another of the informal variety. Only one of which consisted of something that could be considered stabbing, I guess." she said with a bit of a smirk at the last sentence. While licking the remnants of glaze from her lips her ears twitched from intensely listening to his talk of this Belmont Foundation. Though she found the Mishhu adorable, despite their horrors, it seems people she encountered felt a very different way. Her head tilted a bit noting his emotional state on the matter, choosing to keep her opinion to herself.

When a Senti appeared at his arm asking for permission to conduct a basic right, she was even further confused and took a sip of the last bits of tea. Though before she could even respond to the woman's question the U.N.N. Narsho had landed. She did not know why it had come here to Gashmere of all places.
"Walk and talk it is, I am all for meeting new people!" she said to Alastair turning to Ali. "Is it normal for him to leave such details out?" She sent a vesper communication to Tetsuya, "This little surprise on Gashmere anything I need to know about? Alastair is headed over towards the Narsho with me in tow."


Keiko's smile shown as bright as the horrid sun that lit up the celebration when Mikodimus chuckled.
"Being careful is essential, especially in my line of work." she responded in kind watching as the smile spread across his face. "Goodness I thought you said something a lot less wholesome there for a second. Anywho never mind that, it is a pleasure to meet you to." she said reaching to take his hand whilst moving to stand. The surprise piggy back ride made her happy that she had worn such a long dress in the first place. When he lifted her she let out an unexpected squeal of shock, latching on for dear life. Though she did not at all fear of his capability in carrying her. "To the shade and some noms!" she said in a heightened whisper so as not to blast his ears off.

Landing Area​

Katara stepped off the ship's ramp onto Gashmere and took a look around. She was somewhat familiar with Gashmere, and she hoped that the Empire's relationship with the native inhabitants, known as 'the bears,' had improved over the years. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the refreshing cool breeze that brushed past her. It was a welcome change from the controlled climate on the ship, although she wished it were a few degrees cooler. Katara had reviewed the correspondence, including messages between Aelya and Alastair, as well as the Mindhive's discussions about the intrusion. It struck her as odd that while the Yamataians had granted rights to their ship-born sprites, they had yet to fully acknowledge that even conventional-looking Norian vessels like the Narsho possessed a sentient nature. She held the ends of her shawl in her hand and spun playfully as she turned to face Aelya.

Katara could tell Aelya wasn't thrilled about the absence of certain individuals. //"It's clear you're not pleased they won't be joining us,"// she conveyed, offering reassurance. //"But don't worry, I've got your back if anything goes wrong. I must admit, the behavior you described in this man is intriguing. Not quite the image I would have expected for someone serving under Kessaku Irim."// She fondly recalled Irim stepping in during the crisis on Pisces Station when Taiie survivors were mistreated. She had also served under her before she became a Taisho herself. //"Did you ever have feelings for him? Did you see the potential for him to become one of your lovers?"// she inquired. //"A Queen like you should have a line of suitors at your feet. We women must be the backbone of the Ysi,"// she added privately.

Katara turned back to walk alongside Aelya, keeping her eyes on Alastair and Lynira as they approached. //"I'm starting to notice a pattern. When someone shows 'stiff' interest in our kind,"// she commented through Vesper without filtering her thoughts, //"they tend to be a handsome young man, like Fallion. Brothers of another species, undoubtedly. I'm sure this 'birdy' sings quite melodiously. By the way, who's the girl with them?"// Her pink lips curled into an amused smile as she reached up to run her fingers through her hair, which fluttered in the wind. She knew that everything had been carefully selected, and her intuition seemed to be on point as events unfolded before her. She awaited the host's welcoming remarks.

//"It's quite astonishing how much we've kept to ourselves since our arrival...especially me,"// she mused to Aelya, her lips curving slightly in a friendly smile toward the approaching group. She observed the gathering with a glint of amusement in her eyes, recognizing that this little gathering had at least a small chance of going well.

On the Ship​

Tetsuya watched as the two women left and turned to Cheol, "Compromise always works out wonderfully, a Chacelle perhaps? Cool those burning worries in your mind?" he asked. He got the vesper from Lynira and laughed to himself, as he answered her, //"The boy toy compromised the communications protocols on my son's ship. Beyond that, just a relationship gone sour and conduct like you'd expect from something that should be tossed in Ellhamaio."// He forced a bit of a smile as he looked over at Cheol, then led the way back toward his quarters. //"You should pop in for a drink before we leave, always nice to catch up,"// he added.
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Landing Area


Aelya followed in Katara's footsteps off the ramp of the U.N.N. Narsho onto Gashmere, not looking around at much. The only things she had heard or seen about Gashmere came from limited private vespers with Nara since she had returned. Aelya's ruby orbs flicked over to Katara when she noticed a twirl. The playful manner of the action elicited a small smile.

The red-headed Tal'Cel held the smile while responding privately via vesper. "I will admit I do not enjoy being caught off guard, I had been under the impression that Cheol would have been the one making sure I behave given that I want to punt Alastair into the sun right now." she conveyed with a little playful nature, hoping to lighten things up. "I mean no disrespect and it means a lot that you are accompanying me for this affair. I trust that you will have my back. However, after the tales I have heard from Nara, it is little worse than what I expected. Though I was hoping things would not come to this." she sent privately with feelings of regret and self-disappointment at how things unfolded. "There was a point where I had feelings for the man. Never did I expect an officer in the Star Army of Yamatai would behave in such a manner. Any potential that had been faded rather quickly when it became glaringly obvious that to continue down such a path was not in the best interest of the Ysi or Tsenlan. I could not bare the thought of disgracing Tetsuya in such a manner." she responded. "While my desires are no secret, I would rather devote my energy to my brother, the Ysi and our people than to be swarmed with any more suitors. Perhaps exceptions will occur when the right ones come along." she nodded conveying great respect and admiration for the advice Katara had given her.

As she walked alongside Katara towards the approaching party bearing a pleasant countenance she intently focused on the peaceful resolution of the task at hand.
"Thank you." she vespered to both Tetsuya and Cheol expressing her gratitude for the compromise. "I have begun to notice the same unfortunately. It really is turning me off towards the thought of stepping too far away from our kind, for a plethora of reasons. If that makes sense." she commented through vesper to Katara. She held back a chuckle at the melodious commentary, responding to Katara's inquiry, "That he does, I would not be terribly surprised if he hit on you as well. The woman with him is Lynira, Tetsuya recruited her to work for him personally as a diplomat before things kicked off. I am sure her presence here now is no coincedence, its good to have eyes in various places." she added while brushing away a few stray hairs that had blown across her view.

"Indeed it is quite surprising, I do believe this is the first time I have seen you outside of brief passing since our arrival. Why have you been hiding, we don't bite hard you know?" she added a bit playfully in private. Aelya offered a friendly smile to the approaching group as well.


After Lynira had received a response from Tetsuya it took every fiber of her being to not burst out laughing. With a polite air expected of a politician she graciously parted from the group.
"It has truly been a pleasure, but I am afraid work is calling." she said to Alastair and Aliset before carefully breaking away. "You know there really are just some beings out there that make mibbits look good." Lynira responded in vesper to Tetsuya as she approached the area near Aelya and Katara. Stopping briefly she rendered a sharp salute in the manner of their kind, almost blinded by the miniature sun around Katara's neck. "Why in the world is one of them wearing a miniature sun around their neck? Thing almost blinded me." she said playfully in private to Tetsuya. "It is indeed good to catch up, a good drink sounds perfect. Thank you. I am on my way now. Where is it I am to meet you once onboard?" she responded while stepping off the ramp up into the U.N.N. Narsho, conveying her location.
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"Quite. It leads to the idea from his superiors that he is often wrong and rarely boring. Though our Chief Medical Officer, Taii Sanssinia, uses far less... formal language? And is the reason I no longer plot his courses without a work ticket including our move orders. Last time that happened, we were nearly out of the sector when the MPs tracked us down. Apparently we were supposed to be flying to Yamatai. I was mortified." Aliset offered the lady a soft smirk as she quoted what her own instructors had said about her so many years ago. "Taii Aliset of Koun. I'm his XO's right hand. He finds himself preoccupied often, so Taii Akino and I fill in the gaps. Chui Takeda Sayako, our chief science officer, has been a godsend in preparing paperwork, Koun runs like a well oiled machine, and crew morale is spectacular. He has his ship crewed well, and in good balance."

Aliset's tone was diplomatic, with an undertone of that sweet Senti sarcastic venom barely detectable as she kept in step, almost a shadow to Alastair.

But when Lynira broke away, Aliset offered a warm smile and a nod. "Ah. You break both of our hearts. We should meet again. Later. I shall tell you more of silliness he hides behind his vague bragging."

Then she shot her hand up to give a wave to Aelya, even if her unencrypted thought burst from her telepathic organ as a sharp and questioning Who's the blue one? "Aelya! How good to see you radiant as ever! Did you get the tea? I apologize for the surprise, I feel you will have more need of fine wares than I."

"Funny you'd bring up that past event Ali. My XO just informed me that Irim just reached out to resolve this issue. I checked and I was reinstated as Captain months ago but clearly the memo did not go up the chain of command." He said as he let out a laugh. "And this is why I do not have a clerk assigned to me Lynira. I have an entire crew who ensures that everything runs smoothly. As Ali pointed out, I can be wrong one hundred percent of the time yet the ship will operate flawlessly." He said in a strong assured voice. They continued to walk till were within viewing distance of the ship.

Prior to Lynira slipping away, Alastair pulled out a business card like he was performing a magic trick. "Ever need anything or looking for some work. Feel free to give me a call, always looking for more good works in my ranks." He then put his focus back towards destiny. "Let keep moving." Alastair called out and made way towards the pair standing off in the distance. As they neared Alastair was confused why Aelya had brought a guest with her. He thought for sure Cheol Eitan had been invited but maybe he was just busy. Before he could say a word Ali was already way ahead of him. "Aye, pleasure as always Aelya. It has been far too long and glad I am no longer buried inside a machine world. So who is this beside you, new possible friend?" He said with a smile as he opened his arms wide to accept a hug.


As they came into the castle proper Miko knew exactly where he wanted to go eat. He had been scoping this place out since he learned they would be opening. It was an open bar and grill that specialized in Norian classic foods. He was ready to try some new interesting food and was happy he found a real Norian he could bring along. "Alright, we are here. I hope you like a home cooked meal cause I am told this place has food of your people on the menu." He quickly made his way over to sit down. He started to bounce her in his hands a few times then he popped her high above him. He dipped his head and took a step back with his arms out stretch. A moment later she landed in his arms princess style. "And there we go, express Miko at your service my princess." He said with the biggest of grin. He slowly let her slip down into a chair. He then took a seat beside her. "Glad you wore a long dress else that would had been a sight for all the see." He let out a giggle as he picked up the menu.
Katara raised an eyebrow as she listened to Aelya's words through their vesper connection. As the others spoke she was reminded that the blending of trade language and Yamataigo felt emotionally sterile, lacking the rich context that typically accompanied Nira'las communication through vesper. Katara was familiar with these people; she had once been one of them, and she understood how the absence of certain nuances in their speech could make other words seem empty.

When Alastair asked Aelya who she was, Katara seized the moment to step forward and introduce herself. Her voice was firm yet friendly as she stated, "Katara Eitan," deliberately leaving out her rank and position in the Ysi for now. She then switched to Yamataigo and inquired, "Namae wa nan desu ka?" (which meant "What is your name?") She did this intentionally to acknowledge their shared language and to bridge the gap.

Continuing in the trade language, she added, "...It would seem you have interesting tastes, a Star Army officer surrounded by Norian women." Katara made an observation without accusing or casting any judgment, delivering her words in a gentle tone.

She further explained, "The Aestaesys apologizes for his absence; he sent me instead," all the while keeping a watchful eye on the man before her. Katara was uncertain about Alastair's intentions and awaited cues as to where their conversation would take place. It appeared to her that Alastair had prepared for some form of social interaction, and she was grateful for the effectiveness of her new sunscreen, which shielded her Norian skin from the sun's rays.

On the Ship​

Cheol and Tetsuya settled back into the VIP quarters at the desk where they had previously sat. The Sol'Aestaesys uncapped three casks of chacelle and set them on the desk in preparation for Lynira's arrival. //"VIP Quarters, Deck Two.// he responded to her through the vesper. He then sat down at the desk with Cheol and said to him calmly, "I hope Katara can solve this to both our satisfaction, regardless the compromise is good."
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As they reached their destination, Aelya offered Ali a short yet polite wave. In Yamataigo she responded, "No need to apologize for the surprise Aliset. In regards to the tea, to my knowledge it has yet to arrive ." Aelya turned her focus to Alastair with a very calm demeanor, "Today is not a pleasure I'm afraid. Due to recent events there will certainly not be hugs either. In light of such I would like to end things between us in a permanent, yet peaceful manner." she stated gently in Yamataigo before stopping when Katara stepped forward to introduce herself. She was in no way surprised that Katara left out her rank, thinking it was probably a good call.

When Katara questioned Alastair about the amount of Norian women surrounding him she bit her tongue. Though while paying careful attention to the unfolding introductions she kept an eye on her surroundings in a discreet manner.
"Unluss hu haus au rusphinsu si shonjs luonj suzuruk, shaus os aull I hauzu si sauw huru. I woll hiwuzur filliw on wier luauk fir shos onsuraucsoin, aus I sesphucs wie wuru suns si haunklu shu cimmenocausoins osseu.// Unless he has a response to things being severed, that is all I have to say here. I will however follow in your lead for this interaction, as I suspect you were sent to handle the communications issue." she vespered to Katara remaining where she was.


Lynira wandered through the ship making her way to the VIP Quarters on Deck Two. When she made her way in she saw Cheol and Tetsuya settled in, she rendered a sharp salute before sitting in one of the chairs next to them. In an effort to figure out the mood of the room she stated in Nira'las, with a playful tone,
"Paurkin mw lilknuss, les suuonj shu loronos in shu wauw on haus mu fuulonj wiufellw izur krussuk on shos jiwn.//Pardon my boldness, but seeing the bikinis on the way in has me feeling woefully over dressed in this gown." Though those three bottles of chacelle had her thinking something was up. She tilted her head looking between both men. "Thruu lisslus if chaucullu, shruu Niroauns. Pluausu sauw shos os nis au kronr si firjus scunauroi, fir I fuaur simuinu mojhs hauzu si caurrw mu himu aunk shaus wielk lu lauk maunnurs.// Three bottles of chacelle, three Norians. Please say this is not a drink to forget scenario, for I fear someone might have to carry me home and that would be bad manners." she continued in Nira'las sitting politely waiting for either of them to react.


Keiko noted that she had quite possible been there longer than she had intended give the purpose for her being there.
"A quick bite sounds fine, but then I must be getting back to work." she said cheerfully in Yamataigo. She sighed with relief that she had not been dropped into the chair and hoped that this didn't go too terribly long. "That would have been awful, I do like to keep some things private after all." She looked over the menu and ordered some claboras from the waiter, offering them a smile.
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"Huh," Aliset replied. So far she had been speaking exclusively in her richly accented Yamataigo, clearly influenced by her native Shuristan. Stlli, she made the switch to Trade with an easy twist of her tongue. "To my knowledge, Soren arrived at the borders of Tsenlan space three days ago. From what my grandmother told me, they were awaiting instructions, but I have not heard from them since. I do not know what became of that old bird."

The term old bird was significant, as Senti hulls averaged in the ages of thousands of years. And to call one old made parts of it truly ancient.

Then she noted what Aelya and Katara said to Alastair and opted to close her mouth, stepping to the side to observe both their faces and open her mind to attempt to scan for any kind of trace emotion. Sure it opened her to any number of psychic attacks, but she was among people who openly wanted to handle the situation peacefully. She had no reason to expect such a thing. Did not stop her from preparing a Lazarus trap for anyone who decided to try breaking in.
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