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RP Belmont Resort on Gashmere: Belmont Lac de Cratère

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Alastair's world crumbled before him when Aelya broke the news that she wanted to end things permanent, yet peaceful. Though he was starting to get use to this up and down rollercoaster which existed between them. He felt that something was off since she spoke in Yamataigo when they would normally talk in trade. Then it all started to make sense when another stepped forward.

Alastair let out a small sigh as Katara cut in line to introduce herself. Maybe she thought she was being cleaver to leave out details such as rank and her line of work but this was not Alastairs first rodeo. He had hoped this would be a normal get together, but it seemed that politics followed Aelya like nats to flame. The no notice change of plans told him that political forces were at play. He was upset but also understood the challenge of this dynamic. She had spoken in Yamataigo as well and he was once more caught off guard. Firstly, he spoke to them in trade so to be this formal already told him how this might play out. Though this also told him the power move she maybe was looking to play. There was little doubt in his mind she wanted to establish right from the start who was leading this talk. He slowly reached up and wiped the hair out of his face in a smooth motion. Though he knew better to jump to conclusions as this could also be a distraction and Katara was playing this role well.

"Pleasure," he said with a small bow. "I am Alastair Belmont, Captain of the YSS Koun, First Expedition force of YA, MA, TIA, Star Empire." He announced as he rubbed his thumb across his mouth with a smug smile. "Though I imagine you already knew these details." He then lifted one eye brow as she commented about his taste and being surrounded by Norian women. He then lifted one hand and gestured towards Ali who was clearly not Norian. "I consider myself fortunate that I find myself in the company of many capable people. Ali for example is one of the best navigators in Yam. It just happens with Norian being recent additions and given the hardships that followed them I happen to be in good company with them." He then gestured behind him towards the resort. "I do hope you make time to stay for awhile and enjoy. You may find walking among the different groups to be eye opening and insightful." He said with a full smile.

His focus then turned to Aelya once more. He thought it strange items had not arrived but was also not shocked either. Given the fact getting a simple invite for the resort to her had proved difficult. Though it did not help with the fact her name had changed at some point. "You will have to forgive me for not understanding which recent events you speak of, I have been inside a machine world for awhile. In the service of Yamatai Star Empire. Though I can understand the concern one might have regarding the Mishhu and the terror they bring. Let us go and have a quite place to talk. You never know what prying ears might be around on the open tarmac." While he did not show it, his heartbreak continued as he looked at her. It would seem that Aelya was always just out of his reach. He then turned to see Sacre make a grand entrance. Which was perfect timing to reinforce the fact people are all around them. "Thank you Sacre to ensure not a single braincell of ill intent has been detected." He said looking directly at Katara. "This is my medical officer Sacre, highly decorated member of Yamatai Star Empire, leader of the Black Wolf's." He said as he gestured to the team not far off in the distance standing guard. "I have setup a small tent in the tree overgrowth not far from here if you would be so kind to join me." He once more gestured off in the distance towards two flags waving high in the air, one for each faction.


He had ordered the same as her to see what her taste was going to be in food. His ears dropped a little when she said she had to go soon. "I am sorry to hear that you have work to do. I was thinking we'd get to hang out for awhile." He said with a small sigh. "I know what you mean about wanting to keep things private. Having served on a starship for many years know what it is like to never really have a moment to yourself." It did not take long for the food to arrive. The dish was placed in front of them both. "I notice you speaking in Yamataigo, took me a moment as I normally speak in trade." He said with a bright smile enjoying hearing a native language. "Though I understand. I too should go find my brother Alastair so he knows I am here. Do you happen to know Alastair Belmont?" He asked taking a bite of his food.
"I think we just did," Aliset responded to Sacre's presence with a sweet smile. "I think the Captain's getting dumped."

Though she did raise her hand for a moment. "Sorry if this new body can be mistaken for Norian beauty, I'm actually just an overweight Senti. And the Captain does not need to lie about me to flex."
"Isn't that old news? Captain this is your ex-girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend this is your ex-boyfriend. Now let's all act all catty and petty because that's what people do in situations like this." Sacre sighed wearily indicating what she thought of that idea. "If you two are going to fight: I want some real insults that cut to the heart of the matter with passion, fire, and snappiness. Go." Sacre said waiving her drink at the pair.
Star Army Base Tami

Now that a new war against the Mishhuvurthyar had been declared, the Yamatai Star Empire's soldiers acted with a purpose that seemed even more tireless than could be typically expected. More so for its officers, whose myriad duties — such as keeping everyone on-task, filling in wherever physical assistance was needed, and ironing out all the little troubles that popped up along the way — kept them in constant motion in the course of their work.

One such soldier was Ketsurui Aiko, a princess of the empire's ruling clan and first officer of the YSS Kaiyō II, who had only just finished helping a slightly frazzled and half-strength logistics team unload a shipment of fresh NSP magazines into her vessel's holds. Immediately thereafter, she had an appointment to participate in Task Force 282's joint forces staff meeting and was presently hustling toward that next destination. The princess used to greatly enjoy these assemblies when they were ceremonial functions during the interwar years, but the urgency of Mishhuvurthyar enemies had shifted the tone and made liaising with those Nepleslian and now Uesureyan allies in the task force but another bit of necessary military minutiae that was part of already busy days.

A mass invite had been sent to all of those within the borders of Yamatai Star Empire.

As Aiko marched through the white granite halls of Tami's Star Army facility that were hewn from the mountains themselves, upon which native vines and ancient tree roots were allowed to grow among the inlaid power conduit tubing and junction boxes installed by Star Army engineers, her old Type 36 communicator chimed in its leather holster fastened to her belt. Even though the Star Army had upgraded to glowing Type 42 combadges, she still preferred the older mini datapad provided by the Type 36's form factor and retained it (upgrading its internal hardware herself, of course, to maintain newer standards). When she pulled the golden communicator from her waist, seeing her old comrade Alastair's name on the message notification brought a brief smile to Aiko's lips.

What the princess believed would be a welcome distraction of some sort quickly chilled, and her lifted spirits didn't last long. First she saw that it was a mass message rather than a personalized letter of some sort. Spam. And as she read further, Aiko experienced some sensation akin to disbelief behind her steely visage. That initial incredulity soon formed into exasperation, and Ketsurui Aiko finally understood why her captain Hoshi was always so frustrated with their old Belmont friend.

Alastair had opened a hotel alongside the lake formed in a crater made as the result of ill-considered Star Army terror tactics while the Kodian Civil War remained unresolved.

"Teizoku," Aiko said aloud as she deleted the so-called invite and returned to her work.

On the Ship - UNN Narsho​


Cheol seemed distracted, as his exchange with Hanako had just received a reply. "I hate to cut short our little gathering," he said, "but something urgent has come up. I need to be somewhere else, and I don't want to burden the Imperium further with transporting me across the sector." As he stood up, he took a hearty sip directly from his designated cask. "It's good to see you in one piece again, Sol'Aestaesys. I trust you and Katara will manage the situation here effectively," he respectfully nodded, forgoing a salute to Tetsuya as he was not 'his' Sol'Aestaesys—something that now seemed more apparent than before.

Through Vesper, Cheol messaged Aelya as he exited the room, "//Aelya, if you're finished here, I'm arranging a PAINT back to Yamatai for some errands, then I'll head to a space station in the Jiyuu System. Let me know if you want to join, so you can return to Tsenlan sooner.//" The call from Hanako was far more pressing than anything happening here.

Tetsuya watched Cheol depart and bid him well, "Take care, Cheol," as he vanished through the door. He then turned to Lynira and remarked, "Katara tends to be quite expressive, and it seems the individual they're interacting with is drawn to attractive women, a reaction many of us males have experienced at one point or another." He poured her a glass from the cask, continuing, "It's just a matter of waiting now. Although I'm not out there backing her up, at least Aelya knows I'm here. Despite the current rough patch in my sister's romantic life, I find myself envying her ability to follow her heart. Most of my own pursuits have been heavily entangled in political or historical matters," he disclosed. It seemed he was alluding to something deeper, and then he elaborated, "My error was committing to monogamy with Sinith. I strayed from our nature and the grief I endured after her demise was partly self-inflicted, having no fallback. I won't repeat that error anytime soon, adopting unfamiliar values," he confessed.

Keiko enjoyed the food immensely, pausing momentarily when she noted Mikodimus' ears dropped. "I do apologize for not being able to stay for a while" she stated in Yamataigo with a slight frown. Though she enjoyed making a new friend it could not interfere with her work and she hoped that people she met would understand that it was nothing personal. "Oh!" she said effortlessly switching to trade. "If this is preferred I can speak in trade, I do mean to learn more languages. It means a lot to me to speak to someone in their native language. Is yours trade or another?" she ate the last of her dish while he spoke. "At least let me walk you part way there before I head back? I do not know anything of an Alastair Belmont I am afraid."


Lynira noted that Cheol seemed distracted, nonetheless she offered him a warm smile. "Pleasure seeing you again." she responded, her eyes following his actions until he walked out of the quarters, flicking back to Tetsuya. Gracefully accepting the glass of chacelle he poured for her she took a small sip while she listened. This seemed like a rare moment of her Sol'Aestaesys disclosing matters of a personal nature to her. Deeply focused on the intricacies of what he had to say her ears twitched occasionally in response. "That is certainly an enviable ability, to follow one's heart in the matter of romance." she responded thoughtfully taking another sip before setting her glass on the table. When he began alluding to deeper matters she gently folded her hands tapping the top of her hand with one finger, stopping once she had contemplated a response to the sensitive situation. "The loss of a loved one is that which none should have to endure alone." she paused momentarily. "I would extend an offer to serve as a gentle reminder or at the very least be a friend to fall back on in the future, though I fear it is not my place to do so." she took brief respite taking another sip of chacelle to steel her nerves.

Over time she had become rather fond of working for Tetsuya. Given the opportunity she would continue to perform the duties and responsibilities assigned. "Though with you leaving, what is it you wish for me to do?" she inquired in a gentle tone. If he was leaving soon, it was a matter that she dared to inquire as she had come to work under his employ, not Cheol's.


Aelya closed her eyes momentarily as his statement about the events nearly sent her over the edge into anger, though she betrayed no outward signs of emotion. Utterly confused as to how a person in a position such as his could not comprehend the severity of what happened. It was a personal accomplishment that she kept her cool, biting her tongue when he tried to take the conversation further. Through observation she noted that Aliset had stepped to the side and that Sacre emerged next to her. Sacre's commentary came as Cheol's vesper invitation reached her, she allowed herself a small smile as she declined to verbalize her feelings on the statement. "It would be my greatest honor to accompany you in this as I am dying to get out of here. Things have wrapped up on my end, I will stop to grab some things from the Narsho and take the PAINT back with you." she conveyed to Cheol through their vesper connection with great appreciation and a tad bit of sassy playfulness.

Knowing that Katara was a big girl, who was able to handle things herself she found it necessary to at least let her know she would be leaving. "I think it best that now things with the relationship are wrapped up that I remove my self as it might distract the other party. No one wishes this to be more stressful than it needs to be and I am forever grateful for you coming with me for this." she conveyed deep appreciation through their vesper in Nira'las. She turned to Alastair with an emotionless expression stating in trade, "I am sure you do not understand. Though understand this, I am asking of my own free will for you to refrain from contacting me in anyway. Henceforth I do not want anything to do with you in any way, shape, or form. If you attempt to reach out to me or contact me again you will find yourself unable to do so." Without waiting for a response she offered polite parting words in trade to the other members she departed the gathering for the Narsho.

Once she reached the Narsho she made her way to the quarters that she had occupied, taking the mysterious veil that Cheol had stashed there. In vesper to her brother Tetsuya she stated, "Brother I am forever greatful for you being here to support me in resolving this matter. My end of things have been resolved and all ties severed. I have bid my thanks and goodbyes to Katara. I will now make my way back to Tsenlan with Cheol. Thank you." she conveyed deep overwhelming thanks and a desire to see him again when the opportunity arose. After gathering her things she departed the Narsho and took the PAINT back with Cheol.


"It is good that the Norian hardships in are over, we will be trying to assist them as much as Yamatai will allow, but I will leave that diligent work to Tia Aestaesys," she said, her diction was something of an unfolding story within itself."I'm afraid this visit is not a long-lasting one, you must have a lot of time on your hands to be busy with a resort in times like these," she added. It appeared that timetables had changed, quiet whispers through vesper were almost continuous.

Katara took a single step forward and issued, "Belmont-Taisa...or is it that?" she began, regardless the man was the captain of a ship, "I am a dignified professional, highly trained and highly disciplined – I will act in a manner that reflects well on the Star Army. I will maintain my mind, body, and equipment in constant readiness. I will take pride in my starship or unit and work hard to make it the Star Army’s finest," she recited diligently the creed she knew very well, "I am loyal to the Empress. I will follow her orders and the orders of those appointed over me. I serve the people of Yamatai; I will never betray their trust in me and I will always do what's right." She looked him straight in the eyes, "It is a shame those appear to just be words to you, you selfishly utilized the resources of your command to chase your former girlfriend around the universe, hacking into the sovereign mindhives of another nation; disrespecting those sentient beings which have committed themselves in service and in sacrifice for others." It was probably as he left that Cheol was likely reading her letter, her release from duties within Tsenlan, and the rather extensive duties of her new role, of which this was truly her first duty, "You violated the protocols of a United Norian Navy vessel, as you've obsessed over a Tsenlanese Queen, that later part being Tsenlan's problem and the proceeding one, my problem," she stated in a very direct tone.

"I expect you to report your violation to your commanding officer and take responsibility for your actions, which would be the right thing to do in this situation," she maintained her unwavering eye contact with him. "If you choose not to report it, rest assured, we will. And I can assure you that my account of events will put you in a much more difficult situation," she emphasized.

Despite all the challenges she had faced and the pain she had endured in her journey, Katara had always held a deep respect for the Star Army and the career that had come before her fall from grace. She understood that she and the other version of herself did not see eye to eye, nor did she expect them to. "Personal responsibility is an integral part of wearing this uniform," she reminded him.

"Our mindhives have already resolved the method you used to breach them. It's worth noting that you are not the only nation with a formidable intelligence organization. However, unlike your actions, we would never violate our allies or friends, especially for personal matters," she concluded. "So, are we in agreement on the course of action you will take to rectify your violation?" she asked pointedly.

After a moment, she responded to Aelya's vesper, saying, "I wish you all the best, Aelya. Regardless of the borders that separate us, we are family. The UNI and Tsenlan share a bond that goes beyond universes, and it will endure. I understand that you're leaving now, and we'll be taking our leave soon as well. Frankly, I have no desire to dine with these less-than-stellar representatives of what is normally an honorable and respectful nation."

She took a moment to size up the Senti and responded to her joke with a light laugh, saying, "I certainly wouldn't complain about having a body like that." Then, she shifted her attention back to the man who was in a challenging situation.
"If I may, sir... I recommend listening to her." Aliset's lips pursed as her brows furrowed as she transmitted her thoughts directly to him. I thought you two were doing well. Going to have twins as she told me... but I couldn't feel anything from her. At all. Like she was blocking me out or I can't do that, anymore. I mean, Tari said I might not be able to feel people like that, anymore, but I can still feel the differences between Nekos... Even feel Spark or Saga.

"I'll begin my report, as well. This is a serious violation of Yamataian and international law, bordering on a violation of the Senti First Law. While I cannot act under Senti law, it should be known that if this gets out, the Captain and his crew may find themselves blacklisted from Senti resources entirely. And, under Yamataian law, you could lose your commission, your ship, or even be stripped of honors for such an infraction." She shook her head for a moment before looking at Sacre. "And this could harm my career, as well. I'd like it known that I was operating on the belief that Tal'Cel Aelya was still interested in him and desired a letter. So I reminded him repeatedly of that, and to be a father to her twins. I... would like to think I would go to similar lengths as he did for Sacre. Or if I had any indication one of my husbands lived. On a personal note, ma'am... thank you. The body's custom. Designed by Sacre, based on my original."

She thought for a few seconds before switching to Shuristan with a soft sigh. "Degeiuce, ze hamyegu syhęc deg tyn jeahy hiunuty į zį. Hahunėčeyi bnynycde dugeuc tnyikėc gyeb ze tėm gybeduhu hagusbadahlezuc." The rapid tonal shifts denoting distance and direction of where she lost track of her subject made it clear who she was talking about.

"I hope she doesn't see me as just another reference to him. I wouldn't want to lose a friend like her to the captain's incompetence."
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"... I was just going to say that sounds pretty final so I'll stab you in the heart if you contact her again. Unfortunately, I doubt I can do more damage to your heart than she's already done." Sacre added.
He reached up and rubbed his fingers across his chin. This was far more than expected with regards to all the excitement. He only gave a nod towards Aelya as she walked away. He was confused why all the effort when she could had simply given him a reply back she was not interested in talking anymore and to leave her be. She was an independent woman after all. Either way it was heart breaking to see one go but that was just how it needed to be. For one can only show unconditional love if they are willing to let them go.

His focus then turned to Katara who was reciting creed like she was reading from holy scripture. He was impressed and glad to see she knew this by heart much like he did. He then tipped his head to one side, confused by her statement regarding using Star Army resources to chase after his former girlfriend. "I believe you are mistaken. There was not a single course of action taken that was not fully reported to command as to our intent and objective. If these so happen to cross paths such that I could see someone, this was done so with regard to the well being of the ship and crew. Unless you are going to tell me after a long mission they do not deserve a break at this resort." He reached down and tugged at his outfit to smooth the lines. "These are some serious accusations you have listed off which I am completely impressed you believe myself and ship are able to do. One does not simply hack into another nation like someone walking through a front door."

Alastair then paused and thought back over the past few days to anything that would even remotely be mistaken for hacking. The furthest reach he could figure was when he used the directory search to send a letter to Aelya. Since she seemed to have changed her name he had the system do a search to find her. "How does an unsecure feed connect into a secure feed. This would be nothing more than noise on the line at best. As the encryption keys would not match and as such no security breech would have taken place. The feed would have been terminated as it clearly did."

He took a moment then let out a small sigh. "At your request I am more than happy to report to command what I have already reported. As there was no ill intent for this action I felt best to report another group, sounds like the hivemind, had reserve hacked an unsecure message in order to send me a message. I believed this to be in error since it would be silly for another nation to hack send an automated response instead of just dropping the communication. Or better yet, going through the normal chain of command and doing an official report of said actions." He then took a step back and pulled out a data pad. "If you'd like, we can call Irim right now and have this resolved. I personally need to speak with her anyways regarding a message my XO got. Would seem someone did not get her the memo regarding me being reinstated as captain after being listed as AWOL. So yeah, your nation was hacked by a captain who does not even exist using permissions he should not even have in the first place." He said to her as he flipped the data pad around showing a dial button for Irim.

He then looked to Ali and Sacre with a smile. "Always so on point and ready to take action. I am so happy to see if I am ever compromised you'd jump into action and ensure I was brought to justice." He said with a laugh and a nod. He thought back to when MPs chased them down and accused him of being AWOL due to a memo issue. Funny how things in life like to repeat.
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Katara listened to Alastair as he clumsily tried to justify his actions, unaware that the ship he had interrupted was as advanced as their own. Did he think they were inferior? In his delusion, he acted like a self-proclaimed king, exuding arrogance and self-righteous nonsense that enraged her. For fifteen years, she had maintained her composure, never uttering a disparaging word about what once was home, although she had every reason to. Alastair believed that by offering her a datapad, he could regain control over the situation. He supplied the fuel, and she ignited the flame. Her eyes reflected her intense disappointment, mistrust, and disdain for his tactics, reminiscent of the deceitful individuals from the outer colonies that had once shamed and embarrassed her. His feeble excuses reminded her of Motoyoshi Tio and his sister, whom she regretted not eliminating earlier. Occasionally, Katara reminisced about those times, a chapter far behind her. Alastair was merely attempting to clear his name, and she saw right through him. She exhaled deeply, a subtle smile graced her lips as she whispered instructions through Vesper to one of her attendants on board the Narsho.

Alastair was fully aware that he had intercepted a direct communication between Aelya and Nara; he knew both the extent and the method of his intrusion. While there were consequences to his actions, they still somehow worked to her advantage. She couldn’t help but laugh at the audacity before shaking her head dismissively. After a moment, she collected herself from the amusement, realizing the man in front of her was nothing more than a weasel. It seemed the quality of some 'products' had degraded over the years, though that wasn’t her concern.

Meanwhile, her attendant, Elamiatha, whom she had earlier communicated with, descended the ship's ramp and approached from the rear right side. "Tia Aester, My Empress, pardon my intrusion, you require something of me?" she inquired, addressing Katara. This revealed the omission Katara had made regarding her name and status upon introduction—a minor detail that added a touch of satisfaction to the situation, regardless of its resolution. This time, there was no rattling band of traitors in her way.

"You may inform Kryso Uaeso, that we are done here," Katara responded, continuing to dismiss Alastair’s attempt to shirk responsibility for his actions. The vulgar term 'Cli’cha' echoed in her thoughts as she cast a final disdainful glance at him. Without saying a word to Alastair, she watched her attendant turn and re-enter the ship. Alastair probably believed he had outwitted them with a fabricated excuse, yet the timing of Cheol's introduction to the Star Army with the Imperial Premier was too convenient. As Cheol and Aelya took their leave, it was clear to Katara they were already several steps ahead, and she reveled in that knowledge.

Katara gazed at Alastair with deep-seated disdain, even hatred. Yet, she wasn't silent. Her vesper resonated continuously, conveying her thoughts to the other Norians in the vicinity, all employed by the Belmonts at their hotel. Promptly, laundry bins were abandoned, dusters dropped, and desks vacated. Within minutes, a line of Norians formed to the right of the Narsho's ramp, ready to seize the offered ride back to Tsenlan, where the nearly finished city would accommodate them. "Mister Belmont," she finally spoke, articulating the steps he could take to amend his breach, and the repercussions if he chose not to. "One doesn’t stumble into encrypted communications between two points by accident. As much as I'd enjoy dissecting your bloated ego, and understanding how such a lackluster representative of your kind came to be, I find no need to indulge in your slippery dodges."

She gestured towards the queue of Norians assembling beside the Narsho, "Rest assured, they'll return to Tsenlan, where your actions will be handled through your nation's internal mechanisms. I've concluded you're no longer worth my attention," she declared without a trace of regret or hesitation. "I possess the resources to work tirelessly towards a resolution that satisfies me. I won't allow you to dictate the terms. I'll ensure that every time one of us looks at you, you receive the same disdainful gaze I'm offering now." He had gained an enemy in those minutes and it was now something far beyond his ability to fix. The line began to file into the cruiser behind her, each individual would be scanned and shown to a comfortable place where they could spend their short journey back to Akina.

On the UNN Narsho​

Tetsuya nodded, "Yes, with me leaving that puts you in a bit of a lurch. I believe people like Aelya and Cheol are best suited for the work they have to do here. Maintain Tsenlan, as a proud and soon hopefully prosperous state of the Yamatai Star Empire. If you wish you can remain on board. We have a few stops to make before we return to our home universe," he offered. In the meantime, he and Katara went back and forth through Vesper."Hm, Lynira it would appear that things didn't go too well out there. We will be taking several Norians back to Tsenlan."
"I'm not defending this... Sir, exploiting a vulnerability, even if accidental, is still considered hacking and is still a chargeable offense. I'm sorry, sir, but you already used the last time I save your ass from your political shitshows. Any more and I start to erode the reputation of the Shuristan College of diplomacy and policy where I had to study before becoming a postage captain."

Pressing her fingers against the bridge of her nose, she gave a deep, deep sigh. "You got us move orders, somehow, while being AWOL, your ship went on two missions, I got captured by the terrorists that plague this planet and her people to this day, and your family builds a resort in Fletcher's crater... do you have any idea how close you are to forcing me to relieve you of command and install Akino as Captain? I'll take the fucking mutiny charge! You may have reported it to command, but how much does your crew know, sir? Each person who accomplished a task that got you here? We as your crew have a legal and moral duty to refuse orders that break the law or even straight up don't feel right. I want to go to Yamatai. See my daughter. Have more ingredients than a Plumeria's worthless, barely qualifies hydroponics system can provide. And here we are starting a political vulgarity on fucking Gashmere! You remind me of the fucking Civil Service Command. And I'm tempted to go with the Norians!"
"The things that might be illegal have been and are being reported up to command. It's out of our hands at this point. They will make the determination. If Irim decides to take his head, I just hope we don't get caught in the blast zone. Far as I'm aware, Alastair hasn't ordered me or anyone else to do anything illegal that would justify removing him from command." Sacre said, disagreeing with Aliset sharply.

On her way out of the restaurant she received the vesper from Katara. This caused an immediate frown as she had hopes that this new person she had met, this Mikodimus, would not be like the sibling she had been informed of prior. However, after what the Aester passed she would not want to associate with either of the Belmonts. At the very least to be on the safe side. Who dared disrespect not only an entire culture in such a manner, but the sentient beings who devoted themselves in service to a people? Without a word she broke away from the company she kept and left towards the Narsho with the intent of heading back to Tsenlan.


Lynira listened carefully, greatful for the offer extended to her. "Tia Aestaesys, I do wish to remain in your service." she responded with a respectful affirmative nod. Somehow after her interactions with Alastair earlier she was not at all surprised. "Does anything ever go well with the Belmonts? I follow in your lead." she affirmed, willing to help in whatever way she could.
This turn of events had continued to surprise him at every turn. He had not a clue how this took place as he did not ask the AI of his partnering ship how it found Aelya. Though knowing the power of his new ship was a very interesting thing to learn. He'd have to make a point to keep this contained as to ensure more accidents would not take place. Still so he was very impressed that he had managed to pull the empress herself out for this meeting. It was odd such a person would come out but this also told him the role he played. He was powerful and required an equal power, cause and effect.

The fun just kept coming as the entire place became void of Norians. He was always curious the power Norians held and this was it on full display. He was not even sure Yam would have this level of technology to so quickly organize and assembly all these people. He smiled, for his role for them had come to an end. They were going home after being looked after. If this was meant to be a flex, it was sure an odd one. Amazing how his one deed of reaching out to a loved one would bring together so many. He was seen as the bad guy in this story but he knew sometimes you needed the bad guy in order for there to be the good guys.

"Well, excuuuuuse me empress. Would seem this misunderstanding has turned into a full thing between us." He said as he looked at her with sad eyes. "I kindly ask not bring others into our spat." He said in a huff. "You look down on me since I do not own up to your image you have of Star Army." He then turned and started to walk away. "We have all suffered, some more or less than others but this is the world we live in. Let them live in peace, why spread more unneeded strife." He continued to walk, moving past Ali and Sacre. "Worry not, for none of this shall fall on any of the crew. For this is mine and mine along to own." He then paused and looked up to the sky. "Some believe they are strong yet this is only because they have created a world of their own destruction. It brings hardship to many, so in turn they seek out their own comfort and protection. They do not take away freedoms, it is given freely for the promise of one more day of comfort." He then looked out over the lake. "However there are those who truly believe in a better tomorrow, one where we are equal and no longer judged." He then turned once more and gave her a strong salute. "And that is why, they will never win."

He stood there, like a tree planted next to the river of truth. For they could check the logs and would see no message was sent from the Koun. Considering his consort logs everything, the last thing he'd do is hack using his own ship. He'd have little doubt she'd punt him into yesterday. "Now if you will excuse me, now that many of the support staff have left the soup kitchen, I will be required to work the line. Safe travels to you and don't let the Mishhu bite." He said with a wink as he turned and started to walk away. "As far as Irim is concerned, Akino is already acting captain. So hence forth I am relieved of duty." He said towards Ali and Sacre. He once more turned and gave Katara a gentleman bow. "You are a lovely leader and wish our meeting had been on more favorable terms. As thank you I shall donate the service fees we normal charge per passenger since you are so gracefully taking the Norians home. No need to thank me, I shall be sure your name is in bold letters on the check."

He once more turned and walked away, his hand high in the air giving a wave good bye. Though this was not towards Katara for he knew this would be a till next time for them. This wave was to Aelya, whos flame burned so bright. Those red orbs that could set a persons soul on fire. This was goodbye, a closing of a chapter. "It looks like rain." He said as he walked past the line of Norians. The birds sang high above in the clear blue sky.


No longer than he sat down with his company that she had to go. As they finished he had planned to walk with her. However he could tell that the mood had changed partway through. This was also confirmed by the message he got from Alastair. The entire resort had been given instructions by Alastair to help Norians pack to leave. This was very odd but then again his brother seemed to attracted the most unexpected attention. He finished the dish and gave a wave goodbye to Keiko. He made his way over to the serving line to help cook some food.
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'I didn't expect Ketsurui Zaibatsu to produce such a flawed digital mind,' remarked Katara in her own thoughts. Without adding anything more, she knew there was nothing else to discuss, at least not with him. She ascended the ramp, effortlessly sidestepping the queue of boarding passengers, and vanished into the ship's interior. If he was seeking her sympathy, she offered none. Not a trace. She remained steadfast in her convictions and her duty—it was his burden to bear. Making her way directly to the VIP quarters, she swiftly dispatched a message to Uaeso. Once inside, she shed her scant green swimsuit, turned the faucet, and began filling the tub with cold water. As she sat on the tub's edge, a moment of contemplation enveloped her.

A few minutes she slipped into the chilled pool and let out a deep sigh as she felt the refreshing liquid against her skin. 'A shame he had elected evasion rather than personal responsibility,' she thought to herself, then took a breath and slid down in the tub beneath the surface of the water.

U.N.N Narsho​


Uaeso quickly reviewed the altered plans. "Notify Asarthortar Control on Akina that we'll be making an unscheduled return to Tsenlan with passengers who'll need accommodation in the Sanctuary City. Send a copy of this update to the Yamataian government to keep them informed, and let Iron Company Njord know we'll be slightly delayed with their deliveries," he instructed, settling into the command throne. As he did, a series of projected interfaces arranged themselves before him. "Let's get off this planet," he commanded. The detour wasn't a significant deviation; they had to return to Yamatai to pick up Rin anyway.

As the Narsho's gravity drive system activated, the cruiser gently lifted off from the landing zone. The wing-like structures on the ship's sides adjusted their angles for ascent. Kryso, unbothered by the events outside, had already informed U.N.N Command and Director Aurelia. Within moments, the cruiser was airborne, retracing its earlier path around the hotel facade before ascending into the atmosphere. It didn't take long before Narsho was back in space. With sunlight engines engaged, it navigated towards the outer system, entered hyperspace, and vanished in a flash.

VIP Quarters - Tetsuya and Lynira​

"I'll assist you with the necessary paperwork for your transfer. If there's anything you wish to retrieve from Akina, it's a good idea to call in advance so it can be prepared and ready for collection when we arrive," Tetsuya recommended, taking a sip of his chacelle. With a gentle smile, he continued, "We can discuss the specifics of your new position once we reach the Citadel in a few days. In the meantime, it would be wise to get some rest," he advised.

Last post from me in this one. Good RP all.
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