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Gaming Black Desert

It's uh, underwhelming to be honest. Customization is a tad bit lacking in my opinion, especially for the males. But hey, it's free and we can use it, so I'll take it.
This is really neat, and I quite like what I'm seeing despite the creator being a little limited. Seeing a mockup of Veronica, Mao and potentially others too is a very nice option to have. I honestly like this latest version of Hanako quite a lot to be honest. Though Luca says she looks a bit older, I'd say she's in her mid-20's at best, and will never age any further than that - I prefer to call her more mature looking, where before she had more of a teen look to her, which has its upsides too. Also, I don't think the manhua direction is a bad thing Wes. The whole point of all this is to be unrealistic in all the right places, and the right amount. Saejin's second version of Hanako was very good, but also way too manhua in some areas too.

This degree is about just right - after all, Neko are supposed to be on the borderline of or even crossing into 'Impossibly Gorgeous', right?
For a game that's called Black Dessert, I've seen very little from it that actually ties in to snacks, pastries or chocolate.
All I've seen is some pretty elaborate character creator that has the Player Character cooks (this is a cooking MMORPG, right?) cosplay as medieval characters.

They'll make anything these days. Wierd.
From the web: Some celebrities people made (if you can recognize them, the creator must've done a good job, right?):





I was pretty surprised with this character creator. While very detailed, it also appears very restrictive at the same time, maybe due to it not being the full game.
I was surprised that:
A. There were reddish skin tones. (At least I think they are; darn colorblindness.)
B. You could change the length of the ears.
There were not any short-spiky hair styles for females that would fit my Neko Rin, so I just went with the closest I could find.
I could create characters on this all day. :cool:
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Alright. Fruits of my labour.

Was a bit annoyed that there's no average Joe brown eyes, but I made the most of it I reckon.


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Look out, I've got a thing to post.


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I have made my only kawaii character, piat

in some places BDO is very restrictive (class genders, body types within classes, etc) but in certain things it excels, like being able to manipulate the face. it's got potential.

I tried to give it a shot too. Here is Nero Vega