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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

I figure clothes are being provided for the crew but just what range of outfits are we looking at for the morning meal?
Honestly? Assume that Laj picked something for you that you'd find appropriate. Meaning, whatever you want.
I'm going to mention this in a tongue-in-cheek way, because this really does kind of amuse me:

I'm amazed.
In every thread Reika has participated in, everytime a new scene is set, @Khasidel has consistently written at least one big paragraph on how beautiful and stunning a feminine specimen Reika is.
So, I'm going to say this: I know. I'm convinced. You don't have to try so hard to persuade me anymore! Reika is the sexiest, most beautiful neko ever. I get it! xD

I remember awhile ago, I was working on Kotori's appearance for her wiki bio, and I wanted people to sound off on. Tom seemed to like it, but my writting was on the flowery side, and he told me that anyone reading it would likely think: "The author sounds like he's in love with his character."

You sound like you're in love with Reika, Khasidel. So, back off. She's Kotori's lover, not yours!
And I'm still going to shamelessly have NPCs hit on Reika. Beauty can be its own curse. =P
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I know I'm going somewhat overboard in the descriptions and its deliberate. I try to paint her as the stunning femme fatale, though it might simply be coming across more like she's sex-on-legs

Though really, the true reason I have a tendency to repeat my character's description at the start of a new thread is because of how much time generally occurs between them -- often several months -- so new readers who haven't bothered reading older threads
( or the characters article ) might not know any particular details about the characters appearance, while older readers might have forgotten things. So, I repeat the details for the same reason authors tend to repeat a description of past events and their characters at the start of a new novel in the series -- they don't always assume everyone knows everything or remembers everything. If I was GM'ing, I'd probably put in a small recap at the start of the thread as well -- but that's just me and I have a tendency to go overboard description-wise in anything I do
Admittedly for those participating in the thread, particularly those with good memories, this may seem excessive and annoying so I apologize.

After an initial description, I from that point on tend to refer to the character simply as Reika, the cerulean-haired neko, or the amethyst-eyed neko or by some other singular feature without going into superfluous detail unless I think it scene appropriate -- or I'm really, really bored and feel like writing a flowery description.

As for my 'attraction' to Reika; she's a figment of my imagination so Kotori has a problem there . I can have my way with her anytime I want :3
But honestly, her appearance is supposed to match what I perceive as the ideal that most men would generally be attracted too -- though I admit individual tastes differ and some might not find Reika fits for them. In fact, some aspects of her appearance I like, but some don't match my own ideal -- if I was creating a character for myself solely on the basis of what I personally find most attractive, she'd be red-haired, green eyed, taller than a neko could be -- close to my own 6'5" height -- and a lot of other features would have to be adjusted as well. Personality-wise she'd be different, too. :3

Of course, I couldn't say I wouldn't be happy if any woman looking like her deigned to give me the time of day in real-life
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Eh, don't worry about it. It amuses me more than anything else (though on occasion in a facepalm sort of way). It actually reminds me a bit about how Blas wrote Nyton in the Miharu post - Blas would get into these super-analytical tactical things in the middle of the action, thinking up plans of actions and contingencies, and counter-contingencies to the point where the text just kind of bogged itself down into being just very convoluted. Blas actually toned that down in Byakuren (and maybe went to the other extreme - posting little - but I flagged that under the Blas has a life clause) and it's still sometimes fun to have him go all analytical since he doesn't go overboard quite as much (meaning my poor brain can keep track =P ).
@Tom @Nyton @Doshii Jun
Haven't seen any sign of you in this plot since the 30th of September.

Right now, Moonman and I are posting on account that you've not been showing up, in order to move things along. If you want to roleplay your characters (even a "here's what my character is thinking" narration piece would be nice) do feel free to join in.
So can the rest of us add input or banter? It just seemed like one of those 'official' conversations and I didn't want to just barge in and ruin the moment with Kotori and Odette vying for Laj's attention.
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